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Rumbling noise being heard around the here...

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:59 AM
This is a cross post that I'm putting in 2 threads.

I wanted to post another reply to thank everyone for keeping the Google Map updated. We've got a lot of data that people have inputted.

I'm keeping it in an open collaboration status for the time being. Feel free to add any additional data or observations.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:05 AM
I too must admit to hearing a "rumble" I could not readily identify yesterday. Therefore, since I could not readily identify it, I think I should panic and jump to the conclusion that something big-bad-and-terrible is about to happen. I feel, though, that my level of fear and panic is not high enough. Could anyone help me attain the appropriate level of terror?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:17 AM
I wouldn't say this was debunked at all. Even if this sound is ducting why is it being heard all over the world. Maybe in places that are near to or themselves have frequent storms and volatile weather this may explain it. But in the Uk where I heard it, i think in all my 21 years I have heard of 2 tornadoes and they were extremely small in size. The worst whether we get is a bit of strong wind and some rain every now and then. The sound I heard I have never heard before in my life, I can only say it sounded mechanical/industrial by likening it to similar things such as engines, turbines ect. But in all honesty if I were to describe it poetically, it sounded like there was a hole.

Anyway, will look more into this ducting.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

A month or 2 ago I heard the noise!
It really was disturbing as it went on for 15 to 20 mins it sounded like a low flying heavy plane flying past but 15 to 20 mins is so wrong as it didnt seem to pass in that time lol

anyway, as it was unusual to me I went to the front of my house and looked up to try and find out what the hell it is and it was just thick low cloud I also looked out of the back window but I knew it was pointless as the cloud was just so heavy I knew i wouldnt see was just annoying!

I live East Yorkshire, England!

BTW we had about 2 months of a heavy permanent cloud here and I could hear a lot of military air activity during this time!
I'm also about 15 miles from leconfield!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:15 AM

MSM picking it up....but this is from last year!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:05 PM
Hello. I'm from Lafayette, Louisiana. I heard sounds like this yesterday morning around 6 am. I went outside to go to my car to get something and when I stepped outside under the garage, I could hear this rumbling sound. The first thing I thought was that it was a jet. After a few seconds, I could also hear some kind of air suction like sound along with this rumbling. It sounded like it was coming from my roof. I walked out from under the garage and looked on the roof, and everywhere around and I couldn't see anything. It was kind of cloudy. This sound was really loud, but there was no rumbling of the ground. I started to freak out. My heart was racing and I was shaking. I wish I would have taken a video with my cell phone, but I was just freaking out about this sound I had never heard before. It lasted for a few minutes I guess, then all of a sudden, the sound changed to what sounded like rockets flying across the sky from different directions. Like a WHOOSH rocket kind of sound. There were about 4 of these sounds back to back then it all just stopped. First thing I thought was, who the hell is going to believe me?! But I got online to see if anyone else had reported anything like this, and come to find out, this is happening all over the place!!! Some people are trying to debunk these sounds by saying it was thunder or a jet engine. Well, there was no lightning. It was a little overcast, but no thunder, and there isn't anywhere near me within a good 5+ miles where there could be any jet engines going like that. I have planes fly over my house all of the time, and I'm very familiar with what it sounds like. This sound I hear was unlike anything I have ever heard before! Sorry for the long post, but I had to tell my story to someone who won't think I'm crazy. I'm really not!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

would it be such a far step to go ahead and say that it is because of HAARP?!
we have no idea the tech that the US holds and therefore cannot doubt anything.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:40 PM
Heard, Filmed this sound March 23 2011, around 4pm. I live in Central Kentucky. Due to the immense amount of people on ATS who had heard this sound within 48 hours period, I knew immediately what it was and I knew I had to tape it. This sound went on for more than 10 minutes. Taped this during a thunderstorm- so it could be what they term "ducting". I have never, ever, heard this sound - before in my life. Very intersting experience.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by oooothegovernment

I check HAARP everyday and it has been very quiet the last 2-3 days. So it is not HAARP!
HAARP can only make whatever is going to happen, worse.

This is the Earth doing this-the crystal has been sent ringing and it is giving off piezoelectric effects while it is expanding.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:47 PM
I live on the east coast of Northern Ireland and for the last couple of weeks ive been noticing this strange, low, rumbling noise that causes the neighbours dog to go nuts and i havnt been able to tell where its coming from, until tonight.

I was walking home from work when i heard it again and i looked out across the Irish Sea and i saw the lights of a huge cargo ship, no more than 5 miles off the coast, and the noise was clearly the engines rumbling through the sea.

As much as i would like this noise to be something unnatural and top-secret i wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt something more than noises from airfields and such being bounced off low cloud, you tend to hear sounds better on clear nights too

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:30 PM
I live in Kentucky right on the Ohio River where KY, WV, and OH all meet. Thanks to being in the oil/gas industry I have geophones and some other equipment that I am trying to use to record in detail this occurrence if it happens around here. I have video/sound rolling pretty much constantly (minus about 10 minute periods where I have to download the full memory), and recording from geo-phones 24/7. Anyone have any input on how to improve on this? This kind of thing is not my forte so anyone who can give some pointers so we can figure this out would be appreciated! Thanks!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:21 PM
This is being discussed right now on ATS LIVE!

Please call in with your stories!


posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 12:31 AM
If this were natural occurring phenomenon, wouldn't ATS have been filled with this topic long ago? I have no idea what it is but if this is something people are saying "happens all the time" then why is it just now a hot topic on ATS and YouTube ?

The other night I had to go fix my mothers PC. She refuses to ignore ads while playing POGO

So while I am fixing it we are watching a news channel and it happens to be on Japan. Well it got her thinking I guess about earthquakes and she asked me if I heard the rumbling noise few nights back.
I knew exactly what she was talking about but played dumb a minute.
I asked her what she meant and she explained the phenomenon to the "T" and that's when I told her that I have been reading about it. I explained to hear that this sound has been heard all over the world as of late and some of the theories.

She lives East of San Diego, what we usually just call the mountain area of San Diego.
She said it went on for about 15 minutes and then just stopped. She went outside with my step dad and they did not see any aircraft. A little cloudy but no thunder or lightning this night. I have never heard thunder roll for a solid 15 minutes anyway.

So that is the only experience I can list for San Diego. I myself did not hear it but I now live in the city and all I hear are planes, massive traffic from cars (yay for moving on a busy road) and sirens.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by SMR

As with most topics, people tend to jump on the bandwagon. Like i'm not saying your story is a hoax, i don't know, but chances are that more and more people aren't noticing this phenomena, but only the hype of it. So they will take from other people's experience and use it as their own to 'grow' the movement. As you know some people on ATS treat every thread as fact. I've read that this rumbling noise has even been reported in the 70's.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by Galaxy80
Hello. I'm from Lafayette, Louisiana. I heard sounds like this yesterday morning around 6 am. I went outside to go to my car to get something and when I stepped outside under the garage, I could hear this rumbling sound. The first thing I thought was that it was a jet. After a few seconds, I could also hear some kind of air suction like sound along with this rumbling. It sounded like it was coming from my roof. I walked out from under the garage and looked on the roof, and everywhere around and I couldn't see anything. It was kind of cloudy. This sound was really loud, but there was no rumbling of the ground. I started to freak out. My heart was racing and I was shaking. I wish I would have taken a video with my cell phone, but I was just freaking out about this sound I had never heard before. It lasted for a few minutes I guess, then all of a sudden, the sound changed to what sounded like rockets flying across the sky from different directions. Like a WHOOSH rocket kind of sound. There were about 4 of these sounds back to back then it all just stopped. First thing I thought was, who the hell is going to believe me?! But I got online to see if anyone else had reported anything like this, and come to find out, this is happening all over the place!!! Some people are trying to debunk these sounds by saying it was thunder or a jet engine. Well, there was no lightning. It was a little overcast, but no thunder, and there isn't anywhere near me within a good 5+ miles where there could be any jet engines going like that. I have planes fly over my house all of the time, and I'm very familiar with what it sounds like. This sound I hear was unlike anything I have ever heard before! Sorry for the long post, but I had to tell my story to someone who won't think I'm crazy. I'm really not!

You are right. This is NOT ducting. We are supposed to believe that, all of a sudden and all over the world, "ducting" is occurring. It doesn't explain this stuff in the least.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:55 AM
We got rumbling back in Montgomery County, MD. This time around I'm reasonably sure it is military aircraft. You could hear the sounds approaching and fading as normal. It started about 2:30 is a.m. as I was drifting off to sleep. There was a very deep bass rumble like a very large craft flying somewhat low over the house. It woke me up and I fumbled for my iPhone in the dark and got the tail end of it. the sound was really loud and immediately quiet with no gradual fade. Thereafter every few minutes for the next hour or so more rumbles followed, but from a different kind of plane judging from the higher pitch of the rumbling. And it sounded fainter and higher up.

The racket resumed and woke me up about 6:30 am and continued until about 10:45 or something. I'm not sure i would have to check the time stamp on the U2U I was sending to an ATS friend at the time, complaining how tired and grumpy I was and saying basically screw it, I wasn't going out in my green flannel jammies to get vids of it even if was a passing alien armada.

I'm mentioning it all here in "the Rumble" thread only as a heads up to others in my region that yeah rumbling is out here. It's probably just jets this time. The sky was overcast so I couldn't see anything and neither could my husband when he went to walk the dog. But this time around, the sound is not omnidirectional, and there is a distinct sense of the sound coming and going along a path. He thinks we are probably getting traffic from Andrews Air Force Base. I had no idea we would hear their mess in this part of MD but he thinks so, especially with the action we've got going in Libya.

So, we've got a rumble again, but not "the rumble".
edit on 27-3-2011 by SheeplFlavoredAgain because: Correction: traffic TO Andrews AFB, judging by the directions of the sounds. Andrews must be getting traffic TO it.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 02:07 PM
Wow I posted about noise like this also. Not as loud but sounded like an engine. Some mornings I have woke up from the room shaking and a very loud rumble like a huge aircraft passing over head but there is never any view of this craft. Also on some nights when I stand outside on my balcony i hear this sound. It remonds me of the noise of a constant engine. I am in scandinavia ...

Adding that I have heard these since about 2008/9. It does not happen every night but seems to be mostly heard on very clear nights. I always think it sounds like when you are inside a moving craft and hear the engines through the walls.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 02:23 PM
I can hear it in Central Florida right now. I know its not planes cause there are none and none lasting ten straight minutes. Its to windy or I would record it. It must be loud up north of me.

Never mind, it was those dam chemtrail planes way way up there. I just spotted one.
edit on 27-3-2011 by Sky watcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 02:25 PM
It was after midnight about 5 years ago here in S.E. Connecticut when we heard the loud sound of what sounded like a jet hovering just above the tree tops approximately 50' from my rear deck. We stood out there pointing our flashlights up to where the very loud sound was coming from but there was nothing there just clear midnight sky.

Now, just yesterday 03/27/2011 at about 3:53 am we heard what sounded like rolling thunder.

I could swear it was thunder I was hearing but it lasted for about 2 minutes so I knew it was something else very odd. I thought maybe an earthquake. Interested times we live in. We have a Nuclear plant no more then 7 miles away from us so with what is going on in Japan this is really getting my attention now.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 02:33 PM
I am a new member and joined because on my radio program I finally asked the question Am I the only one hearing the rumbling sounds? I had a few replies and one sent me this link.
The sound I have heard off and on for a long time but in the last 3 weeks I hear it night and day. It is driving me crazy. I think I hear a truck outside our rural home in Canada. No Truck then it sounds like thunder in the distance but goes on too long and is always there. I have been watching my animals and the birds have taken flight on 2 of the occasions. Once ducks at the pond and once about 20 starlings all flew up at the same time as the begining of the rumbling.
Lately I feel like there is a pulse to it and getting stronger and more often. I can not say I feel fear of it but it is something that is getting more energy. At first I thought it was the earth but now wonder if it is man made because of the pulsing feeling. Once it was strong enough to feel in my chest. I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one to hear this sound.
Thank you for being there and pulling together!

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