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Nuclear False Flag Alert!! It's ON In 3 Days!

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posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by ipsedixit

That is a very astute observation Ipsedixit. It was obviously Cheney who was pulling the strings on 9.11, but offhand I can't think of anyone who could exercise that much leverage over Obama. Maybe that just means anything that goes off will be at his behest. Who is this past-obfuscating, self- absorbed , weird -behaving guy anyway?

Then again, a false flag warning in The Simpsons ??!!

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by n1h!lu5
I was really intrigued by this video and there was something which kept bugging me late into the night.
Analysing it a bit more:

1. Some Arnold like dude starts saying 54, no time to count down
2. An Alarm with time set to 5:55 lands beside Bart and he happily goes out for dinner

So, taking the reference from the word dinner and linking it with the rest, I had this code/number 54:17:55

Looking it up a bit, 54:17 in the Bible is : No weapon forged to be used against you will succeed; you will refute everyone who tries to accuse you. 1 This is what the Lord will do for his servants – I will vindicate them,” 2 says the Lord.

But then what does 55 stand for ?

This Really freaked me out.
Any takes on this issue from this angle ?

Not quite off-topic here,along the lines you're talking about...

"The Beginning of the End of America"

Only 11 minutes long. Left me speechless. (It's about 9/11,in case you're wondering! Some might say "coincidence",but I don't think so.)

edit on 4-11-2010 by On the Edge because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:33 AM
Now that the cat is out of the bag, seeing the gazillions of ppl who've seen the vid on ATS, the PTB would now hopefully abort the False Flag op!!

So don't worry, be happy!

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:39 AM
hmmm, false flag event or complete collapse of the economy? Choose your own adventure.

Something I thought was interesting is the clock itself. Maybe their playing on the idea of a stock market crash.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:40 AM
wait a second................

The educated guess here in observance is 11/6/10 .However if you look at the clock , it shows 5 minutes "to" 6 which equals 11. So it could mean 11/11/10 as well , especially being that 11/11/10 is the same date as the one of the webbots ANNNNNDDD I JUST FOUND OUT THAT ON 11/11/10 THE ELITE , the new agers, and millions of devil worshippers are going to do a GLOBAL DEVILWORSHIPPING on 11/11/10 .My source for that information is at "newrealitytransmisson" dot com

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Signals

Originally posted by prevenge
reply to post by Signals

thought I'd bring in a little bit of Kaballistic Numerology used by the Illuminati into this....

link -

From and including: Saturday, November 6, 2010 To and including: Friday, December 21, 2012 It is 777 days from the start date to the end date, end date included


Okay my paranoia pants are going crazy right now, that is insane.

Speechless, really, I mean, what are the chances??!?!?!?


link -

From and including: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 To and including: Saturday, November 6, 2010 It is 3344 days from the start date to the end date, end date included


posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:40 AM
OK just watched the whole thing...

first off the whole plot is predicated on the fact that the nuclear plant had no more space to store spent rods. THis is a direct reference to the fact that Obama cancelled the Yucca Mountain project here in Nevada as one of his first official acts. Harry Reid basically cut a deal with Obama guaranteeing him our 5 electoral votes in exchange that Yucca would be canceled. If you dont know about Yucca it was the proposed site to dump all the nuclear waste from around the country, 100 miles away from Vegas. Nevada was dead set against it because we don't even have a nuclear plant in our state. The big expression was : NOT IN MY BACK YARD -- which is exactly what Marge says when she finds Homer partying with the town in the yard. The other thing about Yucca is that the federal govt literally owest BILLIONS of dollars on the contracts -- they are on the hook for it so cancelling the project was a huge financial waste but the project was literally at a standstill here they couldn't push it thru. A lot of criticism posted was saying now all the nuclear plants in the country will have to keep on storing their own waste and it increases the liklihood of contamination or worse a dirty bomb. As a Las Vegas resident this really stuck out to me and Reid just got re-elected yesterday which surprised a lot of pundits but he still has some popularity here because of his refusal to allow the Yucca Mtn project to go forward. NOT IN MY BACK YARD!

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:42 AM
Before granting this video any credibility, we must ask ourselves:

Do the Simpsons Episodes air events in Code?

If movies or even cartoons (remember the old cartoon showing planes hitting the Twin Towers?) give a message, then there may well be a message here: who ever heard of a clock flying off into a suburban garden?

Video at the origin of this thread

Due to Homer jumping up from his Hammock and rising immediately into a Football stance, some are thinking it might have to do with the college football game that will be televised by FSN broadcast at dinner time that day between Texas A&M and Oklahoma University here in a town with the ever so symbolic name of College Stadium, Texas:

Sure hope nothing happens there.

The 82,000 seat Kyle Field football stadium on campus just happens to be located right on George Bush Drive West - a "signature address" if there ever was one, bringing to mind the George Bush Center for Intelligence also known as CIA Headquarters.

The end of George Bush Drive West passes in front of the neighboring George Bush Presidential Library located near Barbara Bush Drive. A mile or so further, next to the airport with its runways disposed as an Illuminati Pyramid equilateral triangle, George Bush Drive West intersects NUCLEAR SCIENCE ROAD - not a happy coincidence!

Such a location would touch Smallville USA and innocent college kids. The entire planet would be shocked and support the war against whoever they've chosen to pin the false flag attack on, possibly Iran.

It would shore up the crumbling dollar, today based upon artificially inflated securities cranked out by a crumbling edifice of kleptocratic banksters but soon to be replaced by the Military Might of the USA and its bomb producing War Economy. It would also show the fabricated Bad Guys to have victimized the Bush Clan by striking the Presidential Library right next to the stadium.

Gaining by such an attack required international legitimacy for all out War, this would not only open the floodgates to a profitable WWIII for the Military-Industrial Complex but would also make Jeb Bush a shoe-in as the next President of the United States.

WWIII is also the perfect scenario to bring forth the Illuminati plan to CULL the Human Population drastically reducing its numbers and ending in the violent death of billions of people. This part of the game plan should not be forgotten.


edit on 4-11-2010 by Getsmart because: of the need to warn the population of an impending false flag attack

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:47 AM
Look at this comparison....during 9/11 Bush was atteding an event at a school...tptb knew it would not threaten his immediate area (New York)...but here we have Obama OUT OF THE COUNTRY....i think maybe dirty bomb or some type of limited nuke strike....

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by MurrayTORONTO
How many ATS prediction threads have come true in our past........................?

edit on 3-11-2010 by MurrayTORONTO because: (no reason given)

haven't you heard the saying "Failure is a stepping stone for success?"...

better to be safe than sorry my friend

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:00 AM
The Galactics have said again and again that detonation of nuclear bombs will not be allowed anymore in our planet. Let us see if what they said is for real. This is just 2 days from now.
edit on 4-11-2010 by wavemaker because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:04 AM
Let's just predict that every day is going to be the bringer of disaster, that way not only will we be right at some point by default but we can sit there shivering in fear biting our nails constantly too - we won't let those pesky Illuminati scare US! We're one step ahead!

Who do you really think is better off? The 'enlightened few' who 'know' the 'big secret' and stare around wildly worried about what the future brings, or the 'dumb sheep' that happily carry on with their (mostly) uneventful lives?
In the 8 years or so I've been on this board there is constantly at least one date everyone is scared of at any given time and nothing ever happens. I feel sorry for people that get drawn into this rubbish and spend years paranoid about one thing or another.
Yes, one day something will happen, but you're going to die one day too! You going to sit there worrying about that all the time? May as well just enjoy life rather than waste it worrying about the inevitable.
Of course, I doubt anyone will waste time preparing for this as everything is already in places isn't it? You know, from the big alien invasion a few weeks back - oh wait... never happened.
Oh OK, from Blackjack earlier this year - oh... never happened.
Blackjack last year... Never happened...

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:19 AM
There are a lot of coincidences surrounding this date, just from reading the thread, the date is the reverse of 9/11/01 and some Russian who died in 96 said that WW3 would start November 10th. let's hope not, pray and hope synchronicity is on humanity's side. Obama booking the Taj Mahal hotel with the US navy out in the ocean with the nuke switch in his car.

or since we know the government watches ATS they probably are already aware that a large amount of people know and it might be called off. i guess the best thing we can do is keep discussing it so it gets the governments eye.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:35 AM
The video blew me away! The relevance of topic of each and every recent disaster since 9/11 was quite obvious, as a possible insight of event's to come.
Our country is on our ass right now with the big gov. and over spending, from what I can tell thus far, through the history of our country, we have been despised and targeted for our accomplishments and ways of life.
"I for one see the OP's translation method and it's eerie symbolism."
As for the confusion between 6/11/10 and the OP's 11/6/10 is totally a legitimate assumption. The clock falling is the coming of the possible event, the 11 is the first number one fixes their eyes on and also being in a numerator position, the 6 follows as a denominator sequence or the second number viewed. the time of 5:55 and Homer saying "It's almost time for dinner" was a crucial part of it as well, could be a definite time window, but the 10 being such a dominant yet elusive depiction using the clock as well was rather mind blowing! It being the largest of all the numbers allows me to believe that it would have to represent the year as well.
Don't know what to say about this scenario as of right now, but it has caught my attention for sure. We will have to wait and see what happens if anything at all. Just really strange to have all these media tie In's as a resort of future prediction's or possible warning's of such events. Kind of reminds me of "Wag the Dog", you know, so secret, it could kill ya....

edit on 033030p://3974 by Allred5923 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:37 AM
Who else will be outside the U.S. on these dates? How about the entire FEDERAL RESERVE BANK?

It was a system that was designed by the bankers and for the bankers. Now, the bureaucrats running the system are returning to Jekyll Island to congratulate themselves. Those attending the conference on November 5th and 6th include Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, Goldman Sachs managing director E. Gerald Corrigan and the heads of the various regional Federal Reserve banks. You can view the entire agenda of the conference right here. It looks like that there will be plenty of hors d'oeuvres to go around, but should the Federal Reserve really be celebrating their accomplishments at a time when the U.S. economy is literally falling to pieces?

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by abradley123

Oops, Jekyll Island is in Georgia. So they won't be outside the US, but it gets them out of DC and away from the east coast. Probably won't happen down south unless of course the plan is to get rid of the bankers, heh heh.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by Signals

reply to post by Signals

Just a thought but maybe another piece of the Illuminati puzzle. I do believe TPTB think that if they tell us ahead of time (even though it is ciphered to us, obvious to them), they have then done their part in \"warning us\" of what is ahead, thereby removing themselves from any karmic implications.

The clock depicting the time (5:55pm, \"it\'s dinner time!\") makes me think of the Illuminati card \"Combined Disasters\" which shows the destroyed Big Ben Tower clock at 2:55am. (it is dark outside when chaos ensues, so it is not \"daylight\" but still \"night\" or very early morning).

Again, just a possible clue here. Most of the US will be going off Daylight Savings Time this week. Does this not make sense if we think this way, that California might be the target? The reason behind my thinking is this; California would be 9 hours behind English time, it would be the early hours of the morning there, and \"dinner time\" in California - exactly as the clocks both show. The Simpson\'s show is filmed in Southern California.

The \"Combined Disasters\" card states, \"You may combine two Disasters on the same place...\" \"Pick one Disaster to be the main one...\" \"Add the Power (but none of the other effects) of the other Disaster\".

The two clocks being exactly 9 hours apart, exactly (one early a.m., the other dinner time, i.e., p.m.) denotes to me a possible twin happening, Southern California and Britain.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:44 AM
I hope the nuclear attack does not happen. It would be so sad. The great job to the author for putting this video together. MY BEST FALSE FLAG MEMORIES FROM TV GOES BACK 17YRS AGO--- OLIVER STONE, OF COURSE.!!!!! Back in 1993 Oliver Stones mini series "Wild Palms" is pre-dates all discussions here.
Oliver makes a multi-national corporation try to take over America. The government false flags a nuclear explosion in florida and we get a police state. Mini series had James Belushi and Robert Loggia in it. Very cult following.
You can Wikipedia wild palms. You can you tube wild palms. you tube it is real fun. When you youtube it
there are multiple wild palms video clips there. Scroll down to video entitled "wild palms (oliver stone)" This video is 7:04 minutes long. At the 3:54 minute point of the clip goes into the nuclear explosion and government plot
( from 3:54 to 4:24 minute )> OLIVER STONE IS THE BEST. I'VE 17yrs this false flag because I believe NWO dont care about our health & oliver stone is the best medicine around.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by abradley123

Who else will be outside the U.S. on these dates? How about the entire FEDERAL RESERVE BANK?

How about Congress?

There all out on break.

Interesting to see who leaves the Pentagon for base inspections and exercises.
edit on 4-11-2010 by In nothing we trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by Signals

My compliments to the author of the video, this is what we need, to think! Here is a thought and maybe another connecting piece of the Illuminati puzzle. I do believe TPTB think that if they tell us ahead of time (even though it is ciphered to us, obvious to them), they have then done their part in \"warning us\" of what is ahead, thereby removing themselves from any karmic implications.

The clock depicting the time (5:55pm, \"it\'s dinner time!\") makes me think of the Illuminati card \"Combined Disasters\" which shows the destroyed Big Ben Tower clock at 2:55am. (it is dark outside when chaos ensues, so it is not \"daylight\" but still \"night\" or very early morning).

Again, just a possible clue here. Most of the US will be going off Daylight Savings Time this week. Does this make sense if we think this way, that California might be the target? The reason behind the thinking is this; California would be 9 hours behind English time, it would be the early hours of the morning there, and \"dinner time\" in California - exactly as the clocks both show. *The Simpson\'s show is filmed in Southern California.

The \"Combined Disasters\" card states, \"You may combine two Disasters on the same place...\" \"Pick one Disaster to be the main one...\" \"Add the Power (but none of the other effects) of the other Disaster\".

The two clocks being shown are exactly 9 hours apart, exactly- shows one early a.m., the other dinner time, i.e., p.m., denotes to me a possible twin happening, Southern California and Britain at the same time, different time zones.

I love that most everyone is actually thinking and adding something constructive to this thread.

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