Pine Gap from all the reports and stories that you hear is an underground self sustainable city of multi levels. Supposedly upto tens of thousands
work/live there, alien craft have been seen in the area being unloaded off transport aircraft with USAF logos on the side of them, reports of laser
type weapons shooting high up into the night sky have been reported from there.
many years back, a group of hunters nearby swear they saw the side of a small mountain just drop and slide to the side and a couple of high speed
craft dart out of the ground, then the ground closed up again like nothing had ever happened there.
These are just some of the reports over the year, other include, like DogHead said, nuclear reactors, others report some sort of antenna's that
utilize Tesla technology and transport electricity into the atmosphere to power up submarines far off in the Pacific and the like enabling them to
stay powered up and under water for many many months.
It would be for this base and almost nothing else that the US would be willing to nuke anyone that threatens Australia for Pine Gap is very important
to the US militaries survival around the world.
It is a major part of the militirzation of space that the US has been constantly undertaking for the last few decades to get to a point that their
sattellites and craft can cover and see any point on the planet and launched surprised attacks from space, without having to put so many of their
personell in harms way.
Doghead, you may or may not be able to refute or confirm any of these claims, Im just quickly off the top of my head collating a list here for those
interested of the stories Ive read about the place in my time.
How much is true of the co-operation between high levels of security and intelligence agencies in the US and Pine Gap and alien entities is
speculative but you can be sure that Pine Gap would have something to do with it.
Its geographical location and low population density of Australia make it ideal for such an installation. Our climate might be harsh and anybody
trying to get there or getting lost around there would be in some degree of difficulty.
all in all, if it helps keep Australia safe by proxy, then it is some sort of cold comfort, but I beleive sinister long term motives are more likely
at play.
just my 2 cents worth.
P.S heres an article which is relevant and details the history behind CIA involvement within Australia and ASustralian politics. very very interesting
and important read for any True Blue Aussie -
Fortress Australia
[edit on 20/1/08 by Melbourne_Militia]