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The Rainbow Conspiracy - what is this picture?

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posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 11:03 AM
Just a small thought here. Does anyone see two meanings to the way this is described as being buried in the west? Sometimes when a project is "buried", that means that it is no longer publicly acknowledged. We have no way of knowing that the dirt we see in the photo is in any way connected with digging a hole.

Also, the original photo from the book reminds me of other photos I've seen from the old USSR in the days of the cold war. As if this might have been something the Soviets were working on, and that the west wanted to explore itself. This would also give a greater chance for the writing not to be in English, as many of the workers would be likely to speak a Mideastern language.

Just speculation, as this is a small mystery we would all like to see cleared up some.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by wierdalienshiznit

Two come to mind, White Sands and Utah - Salt flats (I think )

[edit on 12-11-2007 by spikedmilk]

[edit on 12-11-2007 by spikedmilk]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Hi Z!
Have you heard of Project Winterhaven?
This from Thomas Townsend Brown,

Abstract: For the last several years, accumulating evidence along both theoretical and experimental lines has tended to confirm the suspicion that a fundamental interlocking relationship exists between the electrodynamic field and the gravitational field.

It is the purpose of Project Winterhaven to compile and study this evidence and to perform certain critical or definitive experiments which will serve to confirm or deny the relationship. If the results confirm the evidence, it is the further purpose of Project Winterhaven to examine the physical nature of the basic "electro-gravitic couple" and to forsee and develop possible long-range practical applications.

The proposed experiments are to be limited at first to force measurements and wave propogation. They are to be expanded, depending upon results, to include applications in propulsion or motive power, communications, and remote constrol, with emphasis on military applications of recognized priority.


Could be that this machine was from that project? Have you got this project on your files? The pdf is interesting to say the least!

[edit on 12-11-2007 by Havalon]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Havalon
Hi Z!
Have you heard of Project Winterhaven?

Why yes I guess you could say I have... after all it was John's father who was a main contractor in that...

But thank you for pointing to it again

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by zorgon

I suppose my next question is, does the OP's machine bare any resemblence to what Johns father was working on?
Are they two separate machines. (the gov't shiney one and OP's original ?)


posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 12:08 AM
Here is another view from my collection of these photos which I received in 1988. It doesn’t show anything more than the others, just a different view:

About a year later I found a picture of it on page
224 in "Space Time Infinity" by James S. Terfil published By the Smithsonian Institution in 1985.

The text under the picture reads:

“Tandem” mirror huge electric coils shaped in a yin-yang configuration, provides power for attempted at triggering thermonuclear fusion. Plasma particles are confined, then fiercely squeezed in a magnetic force field. Rings of bright solar spots, (lower picture) are associated with both thermonuclear fission and magnetic fields:

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by johnlear

Thank you John, One question still remains - is that machine, - the one from the original post - the one your father was working on with the Townsend Foundation?


ps: Did you mean J S Trefil as in:

Interesting fellow!

[edit on 13-11-2007 by Havalon]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 04:36 AM
Hi to all. My first post. And pls sorry for my english.

Despite all your comments I must ask myself, can't you all see the difference between the two machines. First - first machine is clearly smaller than second (which you can see by field of view, focal length of camera etc. - I hope you will understand me), second the top of that "head" of first machine seems closer to the center then it is at second machine...

They are not the same.

I thought that maybe this first machine is from long time ago and second one is just an imitation. But then i remembered that working with metal is not SO old technology and it would be maybe rusted or "eaten by the time". So that theory falls in the water.

I have not some great facts about this and don't know what to say more. Mystery for me. But I like calling the Tesla name here (Tesla is Serbo-Croatian just like me) cause he was the man well ahead of, not just his, but our time. His projects mainly stays in USA and some of them here in Serbia. So it may be some of his old project, which maybe US gov tries to copy, and maybe not succeed.

Too many maybes. I give up. And again pls sorry for my english. I bet you don't know that much Serbian

[edit on 13-11-2007 by robija]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by robija

Hi Robija and welcome.
Your English is great. I also think there is a difference between the two examples photographs. These (in my opinion) are not the same machines. I am in the process of researching further into this mystery!

Enjoy your time here.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:08 AM
Thank you very much and sorry for offtopic. Nevermore

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:19 AM
wow this thread has it all. can we first off conclude that the pictures are factual? I think that this thread has the capabilities of becoming something big
with the CNN thing happening etc etc, are we starting to see disclosure becoming apparent in mainstream media......

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by robija

I don't think you were off topic, this is what the original poster wanted, plenty of input from around the world, each contributing to the jigsaw puzzle to get the complete picture. Keep up the input! Tesla knew more than he was letting on!!

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:50 AM
Take two magnets. One is neg, on pos. If you place them on a table, just far enough apart to where they don't slam together, there is invisible magnetic lines between them. Same thing for gravity.

Imagine the complexity of the universe, where all of the things need to be balanced so the don't slam together.

When we plant a seed, we create billions of tiny little worlds. From one point, (the seed) the worlds expand. But there is always a path back to the seed.

We don't understand the responsibility that we have when we create something.

Thank God, that He does.

Something to chew on on many levels.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:07 AM
I drew a picture of what comes to mind.

Sorry, it's kinda crude.

Between the center point and the red ring, is the critical area.

The square dots represent the MFE magnets.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:51 AM
I understand you well. But I'm looking for answer to another question. I'm not even sure for what purpose was that machine (if not for Fusion). It may be some magnetic thing. You mean that maybe in that "head" was one magnet and in other part other magnet. They was close precisely how much it needs to happens the thing like with two magnets in our hands. Just in bigger scale

And then maybe fuse atoms with that power or ???

[edit on 13-11-2007 by robija]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:03 AM
The article says there are two pairs of them. Actually, do we ever know how many there really are, if they even actually exist, etc.

The truth is, what you can imagine, and believe, is truth.

Sorry, changed that. Typing too fast.

[edit on 13-11-2007 by stompk]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:12 AM
I understanded that number was 6? somebody mentioned David star. But I already said too many ?????.

[edit on 13-11-2007 by robija]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 08:38 AM
As an artist, what I instantly found most striking about this 'mysterious item' wasn't the actual 'artifact' itself but the 'incidental' details surrounding it, in particular the mound of 'sand' or 'cement' located immediately in front of it.

According to initial impressions of this image, this thing must've been outrageously huge, a critter on a scale beyond our technical capabilities at the time (the '90s), yet not only were the grains of the mound clearly visible, but they were also of a clearly standard uniform fineness, strongly suggesting not only the mound was much, much smaller than it was supposed to be, but it was made of a product of normal everyday industrial manufactury, such as the likes of cement or sand.

In fact the whole thing strongly resembles a 'cut and paste' job to me, elements of which may indeed've been extracted from images of the MFE Magnet.

But even allowing for the possibility of an earlier 'authentic' undoctored version, the whole credibility or otherwise of all versions of this image became seriously compromised the moment someone with malign or misguided 'good intentions' decided to improve things with the added-on 'cement' mound, either unwitting of the possibility, or simply in the hope that no one'd notice the pronounced discrepancy between the scale of the grains of the mound and the supposed size of the 'artifact'.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 10:13 AM
Any one notice the little alien type guy in the picture. If you look where the so called dumpster is and you see that white logo, look just to the right where the sand pile meets with those pylons shoring up the device. There you will see a shape that looks to be a biped of some sort looking in the direction of the camera.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 10:20 AM
Wow it really looks like. I didn't see it. Interesting. But I don't believe that this guy is real.

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