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The Rainbow Conspiracy - what is this picture?

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posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 10:52 PM
Folks, this was never a secret government project - I remember hearing about it back in the 1980s, and more to the point, I remember a newspaper article about it when the project was shut down. I might even have a copy around the house somewhere.

It was NEVER buried 'somewhere out in the western US in the desert', it was simply appropriated by another program and parts of it (or all? I can't recall) was used.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Jadette

thats right,the scrap metal value alone would be a big enough incentive not to bury it.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by wierdalienshiznit
thats right,the scrap metal value alone would be a big enough incentive not to bury it.

Not if there was something wrong with the metal... after all they say it was used in nuclear fusion experiments

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Evasius
Who knows? But I'd say there's a bit more to the story than we've found so far.

Great post Evasius

To me the fact that they were working on this in 1976 is quite amazing... and that they needed two of these for it to function...

A project like this also did not just come from nowhere, certainly not something so big... so what was there leading up to this?

You bet there is a lot more here to discover...

Its funny how the 'trolls' always appear and make those wild posts about how crazy we are, yet offer no constructive data to the process... Maybe if these 'so called 'skeptics' would actually pull the papers like Internos did they might have a case... but that would be work

Damn good thing I fixed that 'iggy' button

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Jadette I might even have a copy around the house somewhere.

I would love a scan of that one... or at least the date and name of the paper

The secret high speed trains under the US were also in the LA Times in 1972... yet few people know about them today (or believe in them) despite a full report in the LA Times and papers filed by Rand Corporation with the Department of Defense, who stamped the project 'active'

I am just as interested in Fusion research as I am in other topics
... I love the way these skeptics call this ordinary

I particularly like the Levitated Diplole Fusion Confinement project from MIT that uses Helium 3....

That's right LEVITATED
And guess what happens when you stick it into a spaceship?

[edit on 12-11-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by zorgon

IMHO, ignoring ANYONE is instant credibility suicide. I've NEVER had ANYONE on my ignore list, not even Lear. Alright...these trains...supposedly DoD has stamped a paper "active"...well that probably means that they're RESEARCHING it, not DOING it. We have seen no actual evidence that they are digging or have dug these tunnels.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by mentalempire
IMHO, ignoring ANYONE is instant credibility suicide.

IMO anyone who adds nothing significant to a debate has no credibility to lose....

When spikedmilk posted this image did ONE skeptic step forward and post the real facts of this machine? It tokk me about 7 seconds to find pages of data on this project... I bet it took Internos less time

Yet here was a perfect opportunity for all you debunkers to fill pages with proof... but guess what? NOT ONE DID

Seems to me that skeptics should play by the same rules as those posting 'out of the box' ideas...

You want respect? You want to debate your side? Fine and dandy... show your evidence... but though I do not actually have anyone on the ignore list, explain to me why my credibility would suffer because I chose not to waste my time answering childish insults and constantly being called crazy for expressing an opinion or looking deeper into something?

We have seen no actual evidence that they are digging or have dug these tunnels.

Who is this "we" you speak of? And have you actually LOOKED for any evidence?

We on the other hand Do have evidence, including a report from a Naval officer who has ridden on the 'frequently"

But it's okay... I know I am crazy

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by zorgon

in that case they wouldnt have just buried it where it could be excavated so easily.

unless those responsible for disposing were being negligent,which wouldnt surprise anyone.

p.s,do you think there wasnt secret tunneling equipment?,theyve probable moved onto lasers or water jets by now though.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by wierdalienshiznit]

[edit on 12-11-2007 by wierdalienshiznit]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 12:37 AM
Looks like setting gear screws for altazimuth positioning. Also elevation pylons holding the whole assembly above base.

It could be pointing/aiming anything. Optics, energy weapon, or whatever.

Why can't we get good images for these things. I always feel like I am looking for the virgin Mary in my burnt toast.


posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by internos

Heh Heh, You Guys!! You are great. Internos you are incredible!

Mystery found, mystery solved! or maybe not!
Still more questions and theories, I love this place!

Now is it just me, or does the first machine seem ‘different’ to the gubberment machine?
The bright shiny DoD machine looks almost looks like a copy of the first pic, however no matter which way I screw my neck around or hold my tongue, I have trouble saying to myself, ‘these are both the same machine’.

Just speculatative, but what if the DoD were trying to copy or figure what this thing did and then got the ‘fright of their lives’.
Maybe they were too ‘cautious’ to strip it down and decided the best thing to do was to bury the darn thing and put their own in a shed!

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by mentalempire

Dude, if your so convinced it's a magnet, move on, nothing to see here.

Let the rest of us discuss the possibilities.

I think it's part of a wormhole drive, ie time machine.

I'm a master electrician, and I immediately thought magnet.

When the said they had six, I thought six points around a circumference.

These are obviously designed for an opposing magnetic force, since fusion is to push the atoms together.

There would have to be some sort of device in the center.

But six of these focused in the center, or focal point, could be something fantastic.

What makes me think time machine comes from John Titor (timetraveller_0)

He said when you reach your time destination, there is a pile of dirt. The pile of dirt in the original picture made me think that.

Just speculation of course.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by stompk]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 07:18 AM
Did anyone read my last post? A similiar project was also done at LANL and funded by the Defense Dept. That is factual, so why hasn't anyone used that to base a new theory on? I guess my posts might have too much info and it doesn't fit in with ideas that are based on nothing.

One person mentioned a rail gun application which makes total sense to me. Kudos to you for saying that since it fits the facts we know about.

I am also posting this to keep people on track. If any of you know anything about this type of research you will understand that these are magnets that control plasma, not some sort of machine you ride in or use for digging. Research this before derailing a thread with ideas that are based on nothing but your imagination.

I hate saying stuff like this but I don't want to see this thread thrown off course since it can bring many new factual items to the table.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 07:45 AM
My theory is if you create a sphere of positive ion energy, in a large circle, and put a negative attraction point in the center, all the positive ion energy would be channelled into a central location, amplified by capacitors enough to produce a gravity bubble.

The opposing magnets would rip the negative neutrons from the atom, leaving an atom with a positive charge. Since the atoms and the magnets both have a positive charge, the atoms look for the closest negative point, which would be in the center.

Now the center would be a circle, in order to create the bubble, sort of like the way we make soap bubbles.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by stompk]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 08:05 AM
May i ask why it is so normal in here, every time some one puts a foto about some type of "odd" thing, everybody scream "photoshoped", "CGI", but that never happens about fotos that came from "Official serious" sources!??

look better:

I am not a picture expert, but something looks weird to my eyes in that picture. The "huge brass coloured" thing looks like "pasted" there.
So for the "real" photo i scream "Photoshoped" or CGI!!
It's not so hard to get a sample of the "object" from the original foto, make a 3D object with it, rotate it and paste it like in that supoused "official" photo!

P.S.- I noticed that thing is been moved on what apears to be wood logs!??
Quite disturbing....we move ultra high tec on wood logs like the old civilizations?...weird.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by Umbra Sideralis]Correcting typos

[edit on 12-11-2007 by Umbra Sideralis] Adding "CGI" & the 3D model theory.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by Umbra Sideralis] adding P.S.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by Umbra Sideralis]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 08:39 AM
I think about time like a guitar string.

The tighter the string is stretched, the closer the harmonic wave, and the higher the sound frequency.

But as long as the line is stretched between two points, there is a point to point path. And the linear waves average out to an overall line from point to point.

Now think about electricity like this. Similar actions. Where this gets interesting is in the jump. Like the Tesla coil, electricity will jump from point to point. This is lightning.

Gravity has a linear product too. There is cumulative line of force between planets. I would say that earth has a negative charge, and the Sun is the Positive Center. Between the Sun and earth is a line of gravity. The harmonic wave frequency varies as the distance between the Sun and Earth vary.

This gravity line exists between galaxies too, and the frequency of the harmonic wave controls the speed of time.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by stompk]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 08:46 AM

"Apparently, it may have been buried to cover up a multi-billion dollar failure..."

Buried in the Western US. Perhaps with several other prototypes.

Yes, and the other failed "prototype" was left for everyone to see.

But what about those strange 'glyphs' reportedly scrawled on it? Graffiti of some sort? A prank? Time may tell...

It was a hoax , get over it. There were no "glyphs", that's obviously made up to make it sound 'mysterious'.

My thanks to Brad and Sherry for releasing their photo for posting.

Pffft, thanks? No need to waste money on their book now, I suppose.

ATS would have them banned I tell you!!!

[edit on 12-11-2007 by Xeros]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:09 AM
So all matter has the magnetic attraction.

Now if you have a ring of positive attraction, and a point of negative (ground)

and the power of attraction is sufficient enough to cause the positive atoms jump from positive to negative, you are basically stretching gravity.

The use of water in between the positive circle and the center ground point would possibly produce a circle of plasma, ripping certain atoms from the water molecule and leaving others. A spherical diamond could produce the bubble, by using mirrors to focus the light from the plasma towards the diamond or crystal.

As the light tries to escape the sphere of gravity, is is brought back in upon itself, creating an artifical black hole. Once in the black hole, time can be manipulated by the use of Cesium Clocks.

[edit on 12-11-2007 by stompk]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:33 AM
Just some food for thought.....What if the original picture is a device that was found, dug up, studied and partially understood as to its purpose, but we were unable to make it work.....So we build our own version, (or versions) of it and run experiments with them. This could explain the difference in the photo's.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Jadette I might even have a copy around the house somewhere.

I would love a scan of that one... or at least the date and name of the paper

It was the LA Times, and I suspect in 1986. I kept the article because at the time as an engineer it was pretty eye opening, just the picture alone was attention catching, let alone when they started flashing the word Fusion.

I'll look for it this afternoon and try and get it posted.

But for now, look at say, the public article in Energy and Technology Review, from November 1986.

An interview with Ken Fowler, LLNL`s Associate Director for Magnetic Fusion Energy, is presented.^Dr. Fowler describes the present state of fusion research at LLNL and comments on future directions for the program.^Also included are the following: (1) evolution of the tandem-mirror approach to magnetic fusion, (2) MFTF-B, (3) overview of plant and equipment tests, (4) PACE tests: the magnet system, (5) PACE tests: the cryogenic system, (6) PACE tests: the neutral beam heating system, (7) PACE tests: the ecr heating system, (8) PACE tests: the plasma diagnostics system, and (9) PACE tests: the integrated control system.^(MOW)

That at least, should verify that the MFTF-B project wasn't secret since it was being publicly written about.

Or this:

Science 9 October 1987:
Vol. 238. no. 4824, pp. 152 - 155
DOI: 10.1126/science.238.4824.152
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Fusion's $372-Million Mothball: Livermore wanted to be a contender in the race to design a commercial fusion reactor; but it lost without ever getting to turn on its big mirror machine

I can find lots of citations, so I doubt that it was on the hush-hush.

THIS might explain the history of US Fusion research to everyone. It's a report done in 1995 explaining...well the history of US Fusion.

There was some disbelief in this thread about our capablity to do something like this in the 1970s. However, we've been working on such projects since the 1950s, it was a spin off from hydrogen bomb research.

Here's some more about the project:

And finally, LLNL won an award for recycling the parts from the MFTF-B project: (long link, cut and paste) used&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=4&gl=us

During FY 02 Bill Maciel managed two projects that utilized the concept of Assets for Value subcontracting. The scope of the first project was to deactivate a cryogenic recapture facility (B433), and disassemble a 60-foot diameter by 80-foot tall steel tank. The cryogenic recapture facility was used in support of the 1980?s era Magnetic Fusion Energy Program?s, Mirror Fusion Test Facility (MFTF). The tank was constructed for the assembly of the National Ignition Facility?s, Target Chamber. The second project decommissioned and removed all of the power conversion and power supply equipment associated with the MFTF experiment. The cryogenic recapture facility (B433) was used to re-compress vaporized liquid nitrogen and liquid helium after it was used to cool the electromagnets associated with the MFTF. The facility housed large compressors, cryogenic liquid storage tanks, and high-pressure gas storage tanks. All of the excess equipment was removed and the empty 5000 square foot building was returned to the LLNL institution for reuse. All of the equipment associated with B433 was made available to the D&D subcontractor in exchange for D&D services. All of the equipment was recycled or resold by the subcontractor. For example, 60 - thirty foot long high pressure helium tanks were sold as high pressure pipe sections (after the end bells were removed), and 100 foot long nitrogen tanks were cut up and recycled. Additionally, large electric motors (up to 5000hp) were sold and reused by industry. The large steel tank was constructed to create a controlled environment for the assembly of the 35? diameter National Ignition Facility (NIF) Target Chamber. The tank was constructed of welded steel sheets and was secured to a 30? concrete foundation. The tank was dismantled by the subcontractor at all of the welded joints and trucked to a steel rolling facility where the sections were rolled to the original tank specifications. The sections were then made available to industry for re-assembly as a storage tank. The concrete foundation was crushed and recycled as road base. The power equipment associated with the Mirror Fusion Test Facility had been abandon for over 15 years. The equipment consisted of the following: 19 large oil-filled transformers, power distribution towers, 432 oil-filled high voltage capacitors, 192 concrete pads, 1000? of concrete cable trench, and 24 electrical control cabinets. The equipment was configured in an area that covered 63,000 square feet. All of the equipment and concrete were removed, recycled and or reused by industry. In total 4,040 tons of concrete, 25,000 gallons of oil, 1,167 tons of metal, and 250 tons of equipment were diverted from the LLNL waste stream by these two projects. Additionally, the Assets for Value Program made these projects feasible by offsetting some of the costs associated with the subcontracted D&D services. The two projects returned almost 100,000 square feet of real estate to the Laboratory to help address future building needs.

(My apologies for the large quote, I put the abstract here in whole, due to the link being from a Google Cache, in case it disappeared.)

[edit on 12-11-2007 by Jadette]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:30 AM
can anyone else notice the white colour of the earth mound in the colour photo?.

do any americans know where the earth is coloured so?.

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