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The Rainbow Conspiracy - what is this picture?

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posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by knows_but_doesnt
I guess I'd be good if I knew why you would need multiple units. Unless they are each generating energy and can be focused,

I was thinking the same... the 'focused' part and the term used to describe these magnets "Mirror"

I know a magnetic field can be used to redirect energy in the way a mirror reflects light, but I have never heard mirror use in relation to magnets before. Lots more here to discover

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by welivefortheson
you can see that the guys head is coloured the same as the dirty-golden squares of the "magnet".

You are forgetting that it's not a color photo... that is a colorized version of the black and white version...

Originally posted by spikedmilkI may need someone to me back up on that one.

LOL sorry didn't see your post... consider yourself backed up

[edit on 15-11-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by spikedmilk[/i

It looks kinda like a giant model of Darth Vader's helmet, doesn't it?

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 02:57 PM
I'm wondering why a pic taking in the 1990's looks like it was actually taken 100 years earlier... I dont know whether its just the composition, but I would have thought a pic taken only 17 years ago would appear more modern than this does... just my 2c.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 03:21 PM
Very cool thread! I have one question that I don't really recall being addressed yet - why the sand/dirt pile under the device in the original picture? (One poster alluded to time travel, but no one has since expanded upon it.)

@Zorgon.... nice research as always. It does give some credence to the possibility of anti-gravity devices, etc.

Carry on....

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 07:08 PM
I think they are referring to a magnetic mirror perhaps.

The picture is bad quality can be due to several factors, like poor printing quality in the book (it's a scan). Also it could have been taken rather covertly. Hence only one picture.

The pile of sand is probably due to the fact it was buried in sand and they have yet to clear it all away.I say this because above the dumpster you can see a bit of what looks like a square cockpit of a bulldozer or a backhoe. That's of course assuming the burial story is true. I question this because I swear in the colorized version you can see what appear to be chimney stacks at the very bottom right corner, as was pointed out by another member.

Has anyone noticed that there is a 'hole' in the thing that protrudes from the center section right above the sand pile. Now it looks like perhaps something was leaking out of it. It looks like liquid marks or something. Also the rib like ridges are reminiscent of cooling fins. And plasma for fusion must get extremely hot.

I do think it's a couple of prototypes for the MFTF like the original explanation stated.

However I do think there is more to this, otherwise they wouldn't have been just buried. I think maybe they could either be hazardous or maybe part of an experiment gone horribly wrong.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by zorgon

I want to give you all something to check out, Zorgon please take a pic of yourself when you read what some of these links deal with and who they deal with. I want to see the look on your face...

If you want a teaser since I know most of you won't read through some of these links i'll say a few words and you decide if you want to pass up this info:

NASA, USAF, NASA/JPL, tandem mirror He3 fusion reactor, yes I sais He3 fusion pick your chin off the ground... lol
Propulsion Research on the Variable Tandem Mirror Plasma Rocket
This is your first link. This is a pdf file that you should read.

I don't know if you have heard of SOAR before, but here is a small bit of into.

The plasma physics approach extrapolates from the present plasma physics and fusion technology knowledge base using concepts which can be tested on existing or near-term devices. The symbiosis of burst mode requirements, D-3He tandem mirror fusion reactor characteristics, and the space environment leads to a very high performance design concept.

If you want to see what these type of design would look like, check out this page:

I hope this gives you the idea of what the research that this thread mentions turned into once it was figured out. I also will say that they have made this reactor very small and very efficient. They mention a trip to Mars, that includes plenty of time on the surface, and a craft using one of these reactors in one of these links.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by NJ Mooch
I want to give you all something to check out, Zorgon please take a pic of yourself when you read what some of these links deal with and who they deal with. I want to see the look on your face...

Hey I will be off work now till Jan 1... so give me a ring anytime... Just make sure you 'talk to the machine' LOL so I have time to pick up...

Now Jack has been following along the same path you have so I think a lot of jaws may be dragging the floor here soon...

And lots of thanks and kudos to spikedmilk for 'dredging up' this old piece of junque

Before we start... here is a 'rant' from Jack Arneson.... I feel he is right on the money with this and its something we should all seriously look at.....

Research And No Development

What bothers me to no end is this:
Billions in taxpayer dollars is spent on R & D projects every year granted to universities, corporate industries, the military, and many more entities with no results.

This is just one example: Cheaper and more efficient energy.
With the discovery of nuclear power, there have been numerous evolutionary variations with the discovery of new technologies in nuclear power.
As of 2007, there are 31 states that have nuclear power plants (NPP).

July 12, 1957
The first power from a civilian nuclear unit was generated by the Sodium Reactor Experiment at Santa Susana, California. The unit provided power until 1966.

Since then, grants were applied for and received to improve the technology. Fission reactors are inherently dangerous, so after numerous attempts to develop NPP’s less risky, it was apparent this couldn’t be done. Over the years, billions were spent to find this out. Then in 1979, with the Three Mile Island incident, the public finally knew.

Although fission plants are the only type in operation today, R & D was started in the early 70’s on fusion reactors. More grants were and are, awarded to get this developed.

Well, as it turns out, after more than 35 years, nothing! It seems that once a type of fusion reactor is studied, built, experimented with and tested, it gets mothballed. Or it didn’t work. Or the most common excuse is, newer developments in technology have made this system obsolete. Or at least this is what we’re told.

One of the first fusion-type reactors was the Rotating Target Neutron Source and in full operation 1978. But it wasn’t for power plants. It was developed for nuclear physics experiments.

And then we paid for Levitron, Baseball I and II, TMX (Tandem Mirror Experiment), 2XIIB, and MFTF (Mirror Fusion Test Facility), culminating in the MFTF-B, initiated in 1981. And these are from just one lab, Lawrence Livermore. All of which have been scrapped or mothballed. Now we’re into trillions of dollars.

So what do they do? Revert back to more studies and R & D on older technologies in the spheromak systems!

We’ve come full circle and starting over with nothing better for the public than what we have already.
Only one entity is benefiting from all this, the military. These technologies are or have been, applied to propulsion for space craft.

Grants, awards, black budgets, taxes, wars, oil prices and the like are bleeding us dry and what do we get?
Too pay for it. Don’t get me started on solar development.

Jack Arneson

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 08:49 PM

And lots of thanks and kudos to spikedmilk for 'dredging up' this old piece of junque

hey, nooooo problem Zorgon. It just so happens that a) this is one of those things that I been wondering about for some time and b) you'll find I like to ask questions that others dont. Even silly ones.
Thank YOU for being here for us!


[edit on 16-11-2007 by spikedmilk]

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by NJ Mooch
I want to give you all something to check out, Zorgon please take a pic of yourself when you read what some of these links deal with and who they deal with. I want to see the look on your face...

Okay now you are scaring me....

The first one A couple of key points here....


T. F. Yang
F. R. Chang-Diaz*

This project has been greatly benefited from the visiting scientists.
two of them from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science in Beiging. one from the Southwestern Institute of Physics in Sichuan, China. They have helped in the construction of the facility, developed the laser fluorescence system, many probes, and the development of space bound solid state RF transmitter systems.

okay so the Chinese are working with MIT to build TANDEM MIRROR PLASMA ROCKET

And before you say... those big things would never work..... blahblahblah...

Seems they have shrunk them just a tad...

A key advantage of this propulsion system is its high energy density that can be contained in the plasma. A flight system design and analysis has shown that the present experimental device can handle a power level in excess of 10 MW, resulting in specific weights as low as 0.04
kg/kW. The overall specific weight of a space vehicle for a piloted Mars mission, including nuclear power and power conditioning equipment, is only 8 kg/kW. This is a conservative value which can be further reduced to 6 kg/kW.

A\ 150 day trip to Mars ( 180 day round trip including 90 days stay over ) can be achieved with only 10 MW\ of power.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by NJ Mooch
reply to post by zorgon

If you want a teaser since I know most of you won't read through some of these links i'll say a few words and you decide if you want to pass up this info:

NASA, USAF, NASA/JPL, tandem mirror He3 fusion reactor, yes I sais He3 fusion pick your chin off the ground... lol
Propulsion Research on the Variable Tandem Mirror Plasma Rocket
This is your first link. This is a pdf file that you should read.

I don't know if you have heard of SOAR before, but here is a small bit of into.

The plasma physics approach extrapolates from the present plasma physics and fusion technology knowledge base using concepts which can be tested on existing or near-term devices. The symbiosis of burst mode requirements, D-3He tandem mirror fusion reactor characteristics, and the space environment leads to a very high performance design concept.

If you want to see what these type of design would look like, check out this page:

I hope this gives you the idea of what the research that this thread mentions turned into once it was figured out. I also will say that they have made this reactor very small and very efficient. They mention a trip to Mars, that includes plenty of time on the surface, and a craft using one of these reactors in one of these links.

From nj mooch link there is a MARS (Mirror Advance Research Study) diagram showing how the ying yangs were implemented. Here is the Link

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 11:39 PM
In the other threads we have been talking a lot about Helium 3 production and transportation from the Moon and I said before I had difficulty in tracking it past LEO and where it goes from there...

Now I know about the Levitated Dipole Fusion Confinement work at MIT that uses HE3... but that wasn't enough...

Well we have a little more data on this now...

SOAR: Space Orbiting Advanced Fusion Power Reactor. Final report, October 1986-January 1987

Creator/Author Kulcinski, F.L. ; Santarius, J.F.
Publication Date 1987 Sep 01
OSTI Identifier OSTI ID: 5226365
Report Number(s) AD-A-189234/8/XAB
Resource Type Technical Report
Research Org Wisconsin Univ., Madison (USA)


Description/Abstract The preconceptual design of a Space Orbiting Advanced Fusion Power Reactor (SOAR), which delivers up to 1000 MWe for at least 600 s from an orbited mass of about 500 tonnes, was accomplished.^The power is produced by a magnetically confined D-3He plasma.^Approximately 96% of the fusion energy is in charged particles, and a direct converter has been designed which converts much of this energy into electricity at high net efficiency (about 80%).^An advanced shield design allows SOAR to deliver approximately 2 kilowatts of electricity for every kilogram of material orbited.^The shield is designed to absorb all rejected heat during operation, and no active radiator is required.^The SOAR reactor concept is designed to allow rapid startup and shutdown procedures.^The lack of radioactivity on launch and the low radioactive inventory after operation make the SOAR concept attractive from maintenance, safety and environmental perspectives.^The plasma physics approach extrapolates from the present plasma physics and fusion technology knowledge base using concepts which can be tested on existing or near-term devices.^The symbiosis of burst mode requirements, D-3He tandem mirror fusion reactor characteristics, and the space environment leads to a very high performance design concept.
Country of Publication United States
Language English
Format Pages: 57
Availability NTIS, PC A04/MF A01.

LOL You have just earned your paycheck NJ... This is ONE BIG PIECE of the puzzle... maybe even the missing link.

I wonder if the Aquila has been outfitted with one of these?

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by zorgon

I can do as much as I can before I get in trouble for saying too much. This is all open source info that is available to anyone if they know where to look or what to look up. You asked me to look up a few things and I gave you a few ideas. I am happy seeing that you got some info that made things come together.

I will check out some of the other items you asked me about, so i'll stay away from making posts like my previous one since it made you post a funny pic. I want to make sure that the info is presented to the people who are interested. Luckily ATS has many of those people, so maybe this will give them an idea of what is out there.

I still have no clue as to what the latest tech is, but this stuff is really cool if you ask me. I am glad you posted the Mars info since that was one of the items that caught my eye.

Worldshadow, that is a great link to show what this would look like in real life. Thank you for posting that.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by NJ Mooch
since it made you post a funny pic.

You asked me for a picture of my reaction... that one was labeled "shock" I don't have a webcam

And don't you dare stop now just when we are getting somewhere...

Here is something that should help us track down the newer stuff... A timeline with project names...

SOAR is about halfway up the list... this is going to take a while...

[edit on 17-11-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 01:21 AM
Okay Jack has been busy following the same trail....

Same source as above....

Here is why they need 6 (or more) and also shows you scale. The guy with the hard hat is about right...

Full document PDF file 447 page report

Here is a front view 'looking down the barrel'

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 03:24 AM
I cant contribute in this investigation... Far to complicated

But let me say this:

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 07:50 AM
First... many thanks for a great thread. Interesting to say the least!

Talk of "Mirrors" reminded me of the alledged conversation between Armstrong/Aldrin and Mission Control during the Appollo 11 Mission. The term mirrors has always struck me as weird... anyhow... here is the quote...

Armstrong & Aldrin: I say that there were other spaceships. They're lined up in the other side of the crater!
Houston: Repeat, repeat!
Armstrong & Aldrin: Let us sound this orbita ... in 625 to 5 ... Automatic relay connected ... My hands are shaking so badly I can't do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything - what then?
Houston: Have you picked up anything?
Armstrong & Aldrin: I didn't have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film
Houston: Control, control here. Are you on your way? What is the uproar with the UFOs over?
Armstrong & Aldrin: They've landed here. There they are and they're watching us.
Houston: The mirrors, the mirrors - have you set them up?
Armstrong & Aldrin: Yes, they're in the right place. But whoever made those spaceships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out.


OK... Just wanted to add my 2 cents!

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by simon_alex0327

When I read this mirror stuff, it reminds me of the quantum mirror on one of the stargate sg1 episodes. This is very interesting indeed. Getting back to zorgon, I was wondering the scale of the MARS diagram and presto, you post one. Thanks.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 12:45 PM
so,forgive me if im wrong,but the photos,if true are evidence that fusion technology has been advanced to a further level than is known to the public domain?.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by welivefortheson
so,forgive me if im wrong,but the photos,if true are evidence that fusion technology has been advanced to a further level than is known to the public domain?.

Yes much so and from a very early time... though I would say 'public knowledge' not 'public domain'

The difference is what is AVAILABLE to the public if you know what to look for, the right questions to ask, and WHERE to look for it... Most people use the internet for youtube blogs and chat rooms... few visit .mil, .gov or university research labs

And the daily news could care less...

So you have heard in these documents that a TOKAMAK is a fusion device... well have a look at this...

A tokamak is a machine producing a toroidal (doughnut-shaped) magnetic field for confining a plasma. It is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices and the leading candidate[citation needed] for producing fusion energy.

The term Tokamak is a transliteration of the Russian word Токамак which itself is an acronym made from the Russian words: "тороидальная камера в магнитных катушках" (toroidal'naya kamera v magnitnykh katushkakh) — toroidal chamber in magnetic coils (Tochamac)). It was invented in the 1950s by Soviet physicists Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm and Andrei Sakharov (who were in turn inspired by an original idea of Oleg Lavrentyev).

1950 by the RUSSIANS...

Originally posted by WorldShadow
When I read this mirror stuff, it reminds me of the quantum mirror on one of the stargate sg1 episodes.

Well I am also tracking the stargate stuff... and it led me to Los Alamos and the "Looking Glass' technology... I am still putting all that together and don't want to change track... but its beginning to look like there is some relation between the two aside from the fact that its "Mirror" and "Looking Glass"

[edit on 17-11-2007 by zorgon]

[edit on 17-11-2007 by zorgon]

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