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Ron Paul Delegates prevented from vote in Texas straw poll

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posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by acmeartifacts

Well, he seems to have disappeared since i debunked his comments. Its funny how fast he went silent.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 05:26 PM
As has been mentioned earlier, we have seen RP delegates entering the CC carying an RP sign. So how can this be a plot against RP?

There was a link provided that said RP was not warmly received because of his outspoken remarks againt the war in Iraq.

This was not a RP rally; it was a straw poll involving all Republican candidates, which makes it more important to arrive early.

I don't see any organized effort to exclude RP delegates.

You can believe waht you want to as far as motivation, but there are two lessons to be learned here: dress appropriately, and show up early.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 05:31 PM
John Hammell of International Alliance for Health Freedom (IAHF) send me his online petition supporting Ron Paul with a link to some video of delegates being turned away from voting in Texas. There were over 23,000 signatures on it (they're shooting for 1 million) and if even a fraction of the signers viewed the video and each forwarded it on to all their friends then word will get out very quickly what sort of rigged elections we can all expect.

I'm glad that with all the viewers on ATS this video is available here as well. The internet may be the last bastion of freedom of the press we have left to us and if the globalists get their way, we won't even have that. Let's use it while we can.

Great thread. A star and a flag for you OP.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 05:36 PM
The problem is that these delegates were not allowed entry. PLAIN AND SIMPLE! They paid, they showed up BEFORE THE VOTING BEGAN which clearly fits the definition of early, and they were turned away anyway. THEY SHOWED UP WHEN THEY WERE TOLD TO!!

Unless you can provide me with a valid excuse as to why these pre-registered people had to be there before 10:00AM, and why the security guard refused to say who ordered the registration closed and the remaining tickets out, its clear that this was a plot to disenfranchise the Ron Paul voters that everybody knew were being bused in from out of town (from RP's own website and campaign activities) and hence were pre-registered online and not going to make it there before 10:00AM.

There is absolutely no reason why they should have been turned away!

They can't let Paul win the Straw Polls because it proves that his support is not just internet spam. And its funny, John McCain blatantly requested his supporters to spam online polls and he couldnt get them to move ONE INCH!! Somehow Ron Paul can? Its obviously wrong!

It's funny that there weren't any crowds of delegates for others being turned away.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 05:58 PM
I think what it all boils down to is does the GOP want Ron? I know they want the White House, so if we show Ron is who we will vote for, then they will have no other choice but to nominate him.
The GOP faces loosing the White House to Clinton, and that is something they can not deal with.

The fact of the matter is the GOP knows exactly what we know. Ron Paul can not be swayed, bought or black mailed into continuing the GOP current ideal.

The GOP knows the people of America are starting to open their eyes and soon they will have to allow a Ron Paul type in the White House or face extinction.

If anything the GOP should realize that the money they make from a Republican Win should be worth it to revert back to traditional Republican values. Furthermore, with the massive amount of undecideds and Dem's pulling for Ron, the GOP stands to gain 100,000,000 plus voters who will convert to Republican simply to vote for Ron Paul. This transition of parties will strengthen the GOP from a 51% margin to 75% plus, thus insuring future GOP wins.

What they are truly afraid of is the Ron Paul administration not ending after 1 or 2 terms, but the message being so powerful that it grows legs for many presidents after Ron Paul. But as stated before, that could prove to strengthen the GOP.

I think the GOP needs to make a choice pretty soon.

when In the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds.........................

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by sp00n1

Originally posted by sp00n1
The problem is that these delegates were not allowed entry. PLAIN AND SIMPLE! They paid, they showed up BEFORE THE VOTING BEGAN which clearly fits the definition of early, and they were turned away anyway.

Early to vote, but late to pick up their delegate passes, without which they could not vote, or even gain entry.

According to nhoward, the following was printed on the registration form:

“IMPORTANT: Credentials and tickets will be available for pickup at Will Call with a valid photo ID. Delegates must pick up their credentials by 10 a.m. on September 1st in order to vote. These will be held under the last name of the Delegate. These will not be mailed.”

The key word in the underlined phrase is BY. Not after, or around. BY.

Originally posted by sp00n1
Unless you can provide me with a valid excuse as to why these pre-registered people had to be there before 10:00AM,

As I said earlier, this was not a RP rally solely. This was a straw poll that affected all candidates. It's prudent to have a time buffer to lay down procedures before voting starts.

Originally posted by sp00n1
its clear that this was a plot to disenfranchise the Ron Paul voters that everybody knew were being bused in from out of town (from RP's own website and campaign activities) and hence were pre-registered online and not going to make it there before 10:00AM.

At the risk of sounding blunt, maybe they should have taken an earlier bus?

Originally posted by sp00n1
It's funny that there weren't any crowds of delegates for others being turned away.

Can you prove this? I remember seeing testimony to the contrary; that anybody without a delegate's badge was denied entrance.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by acmeartifacts
im the one who shot this video
216 Ron Paul delegates were able to vote, carry signs etc.

The point of this video is to show that the Delegates who registered online and showed up with out proper attire, or after 10am were denied.

This doesn't quite answer my question.

Ron Paul's own site says:

Must have been a Delegate or Alternate Delegate to at least one of the last 4 Republican State Conventions (2000, 2002, 2004 or 2006) or one of the last 2 Republican National Conventions (2000 or 2004) to vote in the straw poll.

Were those who were turned away:
1) current members of the Republican Party
2) former delegates or alternates to the Texas Republican State Convention
3) or former delegates to a Republican National Convention

No one else was allowed to vote in the straw poll. They could attend, could attend rallies, but would be denied the vote if they weren't "official delegates." (the cost for a delegate to attend is $50, not $25. $25 is rally/guest pass with no voting priveleges.)

Ron Paul's site clearly explains this, as does the Texas Republican Party site. This isn't something new... a check of the web page dates shows they've been up for awhile.

I notice that the image (of the printed page) in this thread very clearly says that they must present credentials (proof that they were former delegates... and by the way, delegates have to be voted on by the Republican Party). I didn't see anyone offering credentials... just waving printouts.

Did I miss someone being denied who showed credentials? (and I do know that they are strict about the time for the straw poll vote.)

[edit on 2-9-2007 by Byrd]

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555If a "Guest" is not a delegate, what is a Guest? Are they just observers who don't vote?

Yes, according to the GOP website and the Ron Paul website.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Pellevoisin
reply to post by acmeartifacts

Excluding Ron Paul is reminding me more and more of the premise for the video game "Shattered Union" where one of the reasons the USA devolves into Civil War is because legitimate candidates are excluded from running for President.

Here is a link to a YouTube video on Shattered Union

Paging John Titor ...

[edit on 1/9/07 by Pellevoisin]

Hasn't Arizona threatened to leave the Union if their law barring illegals was overturned? I would like to see some states separate, the Federal government should not be telling states what laws they can and cannot pass (Unless they are unconstitutional).

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by acmeartifacts
Sorry, but I had to put SHOTS on my ignore list. I just find his comments to be unfounded.
Back to the people who are based in reality

Those were not my comments. Had to checked you can clearly see I gave a link to my source while all we have is your unfounded word along with what appears to be a phony letter with hands covering up what it says.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Byrd

Sorry what was your question?

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

NO!!! That BULLS*** has been thoroughly debunked!!!

The REAL letter clearly states that the registration begins at ten!!!!

Quit hyping that debunked piece of # hoax statement from some anonymous poster on another forum already!!! ITS A LIE!!

The real letter from the video clearly states;

"Credentials and tickets will be available for pickup at Registration. These will not be mailed. Also, for a guest to receive credentials at registration, they must be accompanied by the delegate making the request."

Enough of this trash already!!


[edit on 9/2/2007 by sp00n1]

[edit on 9/2/2007 by sp00n1]

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by shots

Oh, so some random schmuck on another forum with nothing but unfounded word is obviously right even though he cant submit any proof.

But the real letter with PHOTO is a hoax because it disproves some random schmuck on another forum that doesnt have ANY evidence to backup his claims!?!?!?!

Way to exercise skepticism!

How the hell did these people showing up at the door have the foresight to fake some letter?

[edit on 9/2/2007 by sp00n1]

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:27 PM
Warning: Intentionally posting blatantly false information is against the terms and conditions of ATS!!!

[edit on 9/2/2007 by sp00n1]

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by sp00n1

The REAL letter clearly states that the registration begins at ten!!!!

Quit hyping that debunked piece of [edit Profanity] hoax statement from some anonymous poster on another forum already!!! ITS A LIE!!

How can you be so sure who is lying here we have yet to see the other persons letter?

Who is lying seems to be still up in the air however now that the OP is refuting my statement and source the shadow of doubt has turned even more towards him them then it did originally.

[edit on 9/2/2007 by shots]

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:34 PM
The fact that this other guy cant present any evidence that the letter says what he claims is proof enough!!

Look at the still from the video, you can clearly see that that is NOT what the letter says!!!!!

You're relying on some unfounded rumor from some anonymous poster on another forum as proof! If you watch the video, you can clearly see nhoward14 is LYING!!

Not a great way to deny ignorance..

[edit on 9/2/2007 by sp00n1]

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:35 PM
Hello there,

I must admit that reading the posts having to do with Ron Paul and his standing in the Texas Straw Poll
has been entreating and ENOURMOUSLY enjoying for me. For which a big "Thank You",.. TO YOU ALL.

Now let’s get to the beef ! I’d bet my last cent that the average age of those commenting on the said clip is below 30. Which gives you all a certain air which I enjoy to witness. You are all ( at least you seem to be)
enthusiastic, with sound moral values, and ( without a doubt )…….. you do want good for America.

Which makes you real patriots !
All good so far. Where the problems seem to start is when you start arguing over “fingers covering the lines” "peole dress in T-shirts", or “ was it until 10 am. or could you get in after, as well”. I say this because at the end
of the day ………..IT REALLY DOESN’T MATTER !!! What is happening has nothing to do with a certain “dress code” a certain “attitude” or anything else about Ron Paul’s supporters.

Simply because if my I am not completely “reality-disjointed” given his platform, given his views on America, and what he envisions a President to be ….RON PAUL CAN NOT WIN this election.

Not as long as his supporters will bicker over a video and the authenticity of what’s in it !

Now understand this ! Although I’m over 60 I LOVE YOUR SPIRIT and I LOVE RON PAUL’s AGENDA.

The problem is that I’m 99.9% sure he would never win with his platform. Reasons ?

1. He puts America first !
And in this day and age …this seems to be a no-no !
2. He wants to get rid of the…….. CIA ?!/?!! I’m not sure if you, guys, understand even 1% “who” the CIA is,
yet keep in mind that this is an organization which arranges assassinations of …. “heads of state’ and …yes !
”Presidents” as well.

3. He wants to get rid of the IRS and the Personal Income Tax !!??!!
Now imagine that happening !_javascript:icon('
While all this may seem real to you, for those who it does, search for ZEITGEIST.
Watch the movie A FEW TIMES. Then attempt to imagine what Ron Paul is against.
In my opinion the only one chance of that happening is….. Christ returning on earth and calling for the abolishing of
this measure ( the income tax). Because otherwise Ron Paul’s chances of accomplishing this are equal with he chances of an
ant making it to the summit of Mount Everest ….. BY ITSELF !

Ok ! I may be missing in my judgment that this is….. America ! America the strong, America the brave, America
the great. America, the country which 40-50 years ago had the world IN AWE, and had every inhabitant of the planet
secretly desiring to some day be able to live there.

America where (as the whole planet was saying) …… ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN !

America where even, a long shot candidate such as RON PAUL…… CAN BECOME PRESIDENT ! ( peacefully that is ! )

If that America still exists…. well maybe then I am an “old fart” who does not know “his head from his ass”.

And I would wish you guys to prove THAT I AM “an “old fart” who does not know his head from his ass” …..
more than anything in the world, at this moment !

Yet for that, arguing about trivial matters ought to stop and….. ANYTHING YOU THINK, SAY, IMAGINE, FEEL, AND
DO must respond affirmatively to one and only ONE QUESTION …..


Because otherwise read again the sentence about the “ant” and “mount Everest”. It’s the reality the majority of Americans live in.
It is also ….HOW THEY’LL VOTE !

(To be continued ; See next post)

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:37 PM
And a phenomenon such as RON PAUL or Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich will remain nothing but “stars” with little fuel to
shine for long. And it would be sad !

I’m sure you all realize Ron Paul is a spring flower which got his head out from under 5 feet of snow and is trying to tell the world
what the world should know.
He has no chance to do so without…… YOU ! Those who believe in him.
Yet, you got to get wise, and crafty, show inventiveness, become ingenious, tricky, shrewd, skilled in deception, artful, clever, foxy , . Because….. THAT’S HOW THOSE YOU ARE AGAINST ARE !!!
Please forget about you right now and think ….RON PAUL ! And also think ….THIS IS AMERICA !

Because after all……… The fate of the whole world depends on YOU !!!!

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:52 PM
Let's Try To Deny Ignorance, Please

I know this is an emotional subject for some members, but there is no legitimate need nor reason to launch into each other over this.

Denying Ignorance requires a rational examination of facts, not flying off on emotional riffs or posting false statements about other members, so let's not.

The $50 Question

Regarding the issue at hand, Byrd pointed out way back on page 4 and again right here a rather important question about delegate qualifications that has so far not been addressed, unless I somehow missed it in the fray.

As it happens, the answer to this question is essential to determining whether or not the Texas GOP has acted improperly.

So I'll join Byrd in asking the same question, but in my own words:

Did the people who were turned away meet all the eligibility requirements for delegates?

If not, the premise of this thread is superfluous.

Thus the courtesy of a straightforward response supported by credible evidence would be greatly appreciated.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:52 PM
Send it globally then!
I suppose here is a list a person can use:

As with anything else, perhaps there were just too many people there already, perhaps. I have not read about it, so actually the first part of this post is the only thing I was really including. Which candidate? I would have to hear more from each one, and wade through the rhetoric each candidate is probably bound to give, some of those candidates with seemingly no brain at all.

I wonder how some websites will play into all this reality also???

[edit on 9/2/2007 by AmoebaSized]

[edit on 9/2/2007 by AmoebaSized]

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