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JUST CONFIRMED a lot of conspiracy theories CIA not fully under control of Presidents

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posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 03:28 AM
Who owns Mockingbird?. That says it all,its the control of the media for the purposes of the Hidden government definitely not the people ,this is getting so obvious now. They control the government by their indiscretions, and if Trump actually arrested and jailed them, the CIA would have no power to rule. Now its a country that first has to regain its democratic principles, before anything can get done.

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: mikegrouchy
February 22nd, 2017

- Tucker Carlson
- Live on National TV
    "Boy. You've just confirmed
    a lot of conspiracy theories
    going back .. an awful long time that
    the C.I.A. is not fully under the control of the Presidents"

JFK said himself he couldn't get help from the CIA to help take down the Mafias.

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: mikegrouchy

It depends on the President.

The CIA can not be under the control of the President when the President is incapable of even controlling himself.

The POTUS is a temp job.

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Indigo5
a reply to: mikegrouchy

It depends on the President.

The CIA can not be under the control of the President when the President is incapable of even controlling himself.

The POTUS is a temp job.

Secret Courts are Un-American.

ATS: Secret Courts are Un-American

I hear what the quote above means. Members of the CIA have been run ragged by changing winds, and changing Presidents. To maintain some sense of stability, they keep the President at a distance. But the fact remains.

Secret Courts are Un-American.

edit on 24-2-2017 by mikegrouchy because: format

posted on Feb, 24 2017 @ 09:17 PM
To put a finer point on it . . .

Tucker: "Yes."

Brian: "And the second piece: I think some people are .. uh.. holding information back." /leans back begins to talk with his hand "And that's deeply troubling. I think, it should be for all of us" /gestures to himself "I ..."

Tucker: "That's Illegal, isn't it?"

Brian: "Well of course, we start to get into grounds of treason." /licks lips /inhales

TimeStop 0:54

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 05:24 AM
Is this,
is this what the deep state thinks is good for America?
    Date: January 6, 2017 12:55 p.m. (EST)
    Attack type: Mass shooting
    Weapons: Walther PPS 9mm semi-automatic pistol
    Deaths: 5
    Non-fatal injuries: ± 42 (6 gunshot victims, around 36 with other injuries)
    Suspected perpetrator: Esteban Santiago-Ruiz

Santiago's erratic behavior escalated in November when he walked into the FBI office in Anchorage complaining that "his mind was being controlled by a U.S. intelligence agency."

ATS: The Fort-Lauderdale Shooter was a Sleeper Agent for the CIA and He Found Out About It

In the Airport simultaneously were some Prisoners Released from Guantanamo Bay. But they were at a different area. Did the deep state miss?

Wouldn't it be interesting if Esteban Santiago, and Rizwan Farook worked for the Same Security company GS4 who also provide security for the NSA

    Date: December 2, 2015 10:58 a.m. – 3:14 p.m. (PST)
    Target: Bernardino County employees attending a holiday event
    Deaths: 16
    Non-fatal injuries: 24
    Perpetrators: Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik

I mean that would just be, down right Un-American.
Wouldn't it.

Prisoners without Trials.
Mind Control mass murderers, developed with tax-payer dollars (or worse drug money) and US Agents.
Control of the national dialog via instant bloody crisis, dominating the thoughts for the day.

Not quite the Open and Free society the secret agencies claim to be defending.
Good for the militarization of the police against citizens though.
Really good for that.
edit on 25-2-2017 by mikegrouchy because: perpetrators

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 05:39 AM

Now that we have a confession that the Deep State, does in fact exist.
Can we have our firearms, and our school based fire-arm classes, back now?

Because responsible citizens out numbered shooting maniacs in both those mass shootings.

In case the reader is not old enough to remember,
riflery used to be taught in High Schools across america.

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 12:56 PM

Great thread!

I have just always assumed that there is a certain unknown and undefined group within the Intelligence Community that is the "gate keeper" to the Secrets of Hell, so to speak.

Certainly our civilian leaders don't know everything and probably don't need to (plausible deniability). We've had numerous discussions here on ATS over the years as to which presidents have been "in the loop" and which have not. I have argued that Eisenhower and possibly JFK were the last...

After them, something seems to have changed for some reason.

Of course, all of this begs the question -- what are these secrets?

My guess is that if I'm correct about this "gate keeper" theory, there are a couple things being withheld that most of us truly wouldn't want to know.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 12:37 PM
We've always known this. CIA and FBI are autonomous agencies by design.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: babybunnies
We've always known this. CIA and FBI are autonomous agencies by design.

One would think that.

I have been a Conspiracy thinker since the 70's, back in the dark days when it was dangerous to even admit that, and there is one thing I can tell you that I have learned.

The more the public is focused on fixing their own government, instead of wielding their government, the worse it gets. Everything. From Education to Space. Instead of just stating what we want, voting for what we want, electing who we want, the media has trained us to nit-pick and criticize. The more we criticize our government the worse the system gets. The more fraud happens in the areas we are not looking at.

For those of you who have not been a conspiracy theorist since the 70's,
and didn't experience the 40 years of ridicule and abuse heaped on us
when ever we mentioned the Deep State, do a disservice to the truth
by saying things like "hidden in plain sight," or "We've always known this."

Sure, they are not hiding now... in the post internet era ... they can't.

But, allow me to share some of what their track record is.

... continued ...

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 12:58 PM
The Bilderberg group works with the CIA,
in their 1973 meeting they planned to increase oil prices by %400.


May 11-13, 1973 – Saltsjobaden, Sweden

I. The possibilities of the development of a European energy policy, and the consequences of European-North American


II. Conflicting expectations concerning the European Security Conference.

public inteligence . net / Bilderberg Participants list 1973

Here is what history tells us

    In 1973 gas was only 0.36 cents a gallon in the U.S.

    In 1975 gas reaches 0.57 cents

    In 1979 gas reaches 0.90 cents

And anyone alive in 1979 in the U.S. remembers what happened next.

Two hour gas lines across the country.

Imagine sitting in your car for two hours,
just to get a chance to put gas in your car.

It was all blamed on President Carter.

wikipedia / 1979 energy crisis

Mike Grouchy

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 01:02 PM
In those days if one said anything about the Bilderberg group (let alone mention their work with the CIA)
they were shamed for being "politically naïve". Because "everyone already knows it's Carters' fault." Forgive me for being extra suspicious when ever someone says "everyone knows".

Cause blaming the crisis on President Carter is funny.
Hilarious, really, because President Carter was busy meeting with Middle Eastern Countries to try and broker real peace. The first such effort in the history of the U.S.

I don't know how he would have had the time. To do all that, and engineer an energy crisis. No internet back then, and formal invitations were sent by mail, not phone.

At this point, in the 70's I would have been called a "Carter lover" and dismissed out of hand.

But Carter started to make real progress.

Until the Iranian Hostage crisis totally derailed him.

wikipedia / Iranian Hostage Crisis 1979

Started November 4th, 1979

In modern parlance, any further attempt to discuss the Bilderberg group was considered "off topic",
if not down right delusional, as obviously nobody was in control of the world. And people
would go back to talking about "those damn rag heads." While gas prices shot up. Just as planned.

One of Carters major Partners in brokering Middle East peace,
was assassinated at the end of Carters term in 1981.

wikipedia / Anwar Sadat

.. by members of his own military. Who had CIA training.

Mike Grouchy

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 01:04 PM
The painful thing back then was getting someone, anyone to admit that The Bilderberg Group even existed.

Now that people know that they do, the collective amnesia of the masses makes the CIA's previous machinations seem irrelevant.

This picture is the first time anyone had seen an Egyptian and an Israeli shake hands in the media. President Carter, hosting the event at Camp David, represents America. Optimistic, and genuinely interested in peace for all.

Almost forty years later... I ask you.

What do we have.

Do we have Peace in the Middle east OR do we only have expensive gas,
and did you really "already know that"?

Mike Grouchy
edit on 26-2-2017 by mikegrouchy because: format

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: Cygnis

Yes but its all compartmentalized--The Octopus has 8 legs but it also has many suction cups on each tentacle the ability to throw up smoke screens escape through tight spaces, a devastating beak, and smart as f#k.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 05:53 PM
The CIA and other democratic intelligence agencies are democracies answer to long standing dictatorships. You can't keep changing direction of a nation every 4-8 years and expect to keep control of global anything. Something had to keep the long game glued together or China and Russia would have dismantled the US already.

We all know democracy is an illusion. But we all ignore the how and why?

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
The CIA and other democratic intelligence agencies are democracies answer to long standing dictatorships. You can't keep changing direction of a nation every 4-8 years and expect to keep control of global anything. Something had to keep the long game glued together or China and Russia would have dismantled the US already.

Ghosts & Goblins. If the Deep State was really worried about China and Russia why did they attempt to disarm us?

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
We all know democracy is an illusion. But we all ignore the how and why?

Is that what we all know?
How about this.

We all know they took riflery out of the public schools...

... but we all ignore the how and why.

edit on 26-2-2017 by mikegrouchy because: pic

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 06:45 PM
Here is some how and why.

While the confiscation and publication of firearm destruction continued,
asset forfeiture reached new highs.

Why is the fourth amendment such a joke to the deep state?

It was supposed to protect our property and our privacy.

The deep state has more respect for the property of Russian, and the privacy of China, than that of the US citizens.

edit on 26-2-2017 by mikegrouchy because: grammer, format

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 07:00 PM
Even the Supreme Court, at least the liberal side of it, has sided with the deep state in the past.

ATS: Supreme Court rules on 'straw purchaser' law
Flags: 14
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posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 12:32 AM

edit on 26-2-2017 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 07:50 PM
We interrupt this program to bring a catchy little tune
that portrays guns as the problem,
instead of the lack of firearm education as the real problem.

posted on Feb, 26 2017 @ 07:52 PM
It may actually hamper a president’s ability to effectively do their job if they knew “everything”.

Let’s imagine that for 50 years it has been an established fact beyond all doubt that an extraterrestrial invasion force was headed to Earth and would arrive in the near future. For decades, a shadow agency had been analyzing and strategizing the issue and knew all there was to know about the potential outcomes.

Now imagine that one day the new president found out about that.

Don’t you think he or she would focus on that one issue to the exclusion of everything else IF it didn’t drive them insane?

I think it is very likely there actually are one or two secrets known only to a few that would cause utter pandemonium were they revealed.

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