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Airline Passenger Films UFO Flying Over Iran

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posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 11:31 AM
If it was a shock collar wouldn't the object be moving much faster?

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 01:20 AM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE
I think we should get the mods to check if the poster above has tampered with the images they posted, I blew up the same image and still got nothing resembling an airplane.

You're so desperate to believe, that you accuse me of adding lights to the photos? The first guy says I don't see what I claim, so I show the lights in the screen grabs and now you say I tampered with the pics. I guess that is what to be expected from a certain level of believers.

If you can't watch the video frame by frame on YouTube, go to CNET or a similar site and download the following:
YTD- YouTube Downloader
VLC Media Player (or another free video player)
Watch the section from 12 seconds on in slow motion and you'll see the screen grabs I used.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 04:06 AM
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

I'm not desperate to believe, I'm just looking at the evidence in front of me. Maybe some people are desperate to debunk, or are afraid of the truth.

You saw a flash, I saw a flash, but one flash is not consistent with the repeating flashes one sees from commercial/civil aviation.

I did not see any of the "wings" that somehow appeared in your pictures when I blew up a couple of frames myself.

Still can't see any wings......

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:03 AM
Yea looks to me like a 'dead pixel' from the camera's 'CCD' imaging sensor

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: ATSZOMBIE

It would continue to display then as they scroll. But it's cut off by the window if you watch so it is an object of some sort. What type, I'm not sure. I'd expect to see regular flashing if it was a plane though...and it is traveling in a decent that appears to be landing. Highly doubt they'd allow a passenger plane to fly that close and directly over an airport.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: Jenisiz

It was already said, but there appears to be a navigation light blinking (I see it at least 3 times between 2 and 15 seconds). I think the object is too out of focus as the camera is focused on the window frame and not the object. I would wager the person was videoing a plane they saw flying in the opposite direction below them and then saw how it came out on the video. You can tell they aren't looking at the viewer on their phone as they almost let the object go out of frame, and then catch it at the last second to watch it leave view.

There is also no reaction from the person filming, or other people on the flight, telling me that what the camera saw was not what their eyes saw.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:34 AM
Very interesting video. I too suspect that it was just another plane. Otherwise I believe the reactions of the other passengers aboard would be heard mentioning something or some kind of commotion happening. Plus the resolution on that camera for being able to truly determine what it is, just isn't going to happen. Nice little video to give us believers and non believers something to look at though

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

So now you admit to seeing a flash. Then let's go with that... what do you suspect the reasoning would be behind an unidentified flying craft having a quick flashing light if it wasn't another airplane? As others have pointed out, there are other flashes if you look. I chose the most obvious for me to focus on.

The photographs I've shown are 100% exactly as they were captured. I've done nothing to edit any one of them. Your closeup you keep pointing out is void of anything different than the first frame. If that were the case, you would see no flash where you admit there is one. My photos show where this flash originates rendering your own admission and photograph illogical.

I've already posted free software to download to check to see if I'm lying. If you don't posses the skill-set to figure it out, I'm not going to hold your hand through the rest of it. Accusing me of fabricating the photos and lying goes to show just how paranoid you've become.

edit on 13-11-2014 by Ectoplasm8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

I don't know why you're getting so argumentative, we're just discussing this video and pics, right? I know that trying to make yourself right and others wrong is just ego. Do either of us have a vested personal interest in whether this is or is not a UFO? I don't care either way, and I'm open to both possibilities. Are you?

Looking at it again and again, I don't see any flashes now, I thought I did, but I have just watched it about 10x on full screen high-res - no flashes. So if that is your reason that it might be human-made, it doesn't hold water. Neither does the obvious Frisbee shape. Maybe it is secret human hi-tech that has not been publicized, that I can concede, or it is ET. Occam's razor.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Do either of us have a vested personal interest in whether this is or is not a UFO?

I don't know. Call the mods!

Usually, when you accuse someone of doctoring photos after they spent some time on a thought out presentation, it will cause them to be a little "argumentative". And particularly if you try to "summon the mods". And particularly if you don't have anything to present to back up your accusations. And particularly if you waffle back and forth "I saw a flash but that was before it supported your argument and now I just realized it did so now no more flash for you!"

Best I can tell he is being nice to you. I would have had most of my posts removed by now.

Neither does the obvious Frisbee shape.

the only Frisbees I have seen shaped like that are the ones really out of focus. Actually, most things that are out of focus look like that.
edit on 14-11-2014 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: ZetaRediculian
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Do either of us have a vested personal interest in whether this is or is not a UFO?

I don't know. Call the mods!

Usually, when you accuse someone of doctoring photos after they spent some time on a thought out presentation, it will cause them to be a little "argumentative". And particularly if you try to "summon the mods". And particularly if you don't have anything to present to back up your accusations. And particularly if you waffle back and forth "I saw a flash but that was before it supported your argument and now I just realized it did so now no more flash for you!"

Best I can tell he is being nice to you. I would have had most of my posts removed by now.

I'm not sure if you're trying to bait me or what, but as I have mentioned to others ego diminishment tactics don't usually work with me.

As for the other poster being nice, if one allows strong emotions/reactions into a discussion on observations on such phenomenon, it only reflects upon one's maturity, and certainly does not aid any reasoning.

Let's just stick to the topic.

I had really thought I had seen a flash, but hey it was early in the morning, and I originally only watched it 2 or 3 times. Watching it over 10x now on high-res, I do not see a flash - and I make this statement without any bias or ego attachments as you would ascribe to me, they say you perceive others with your own reality.

So I would pose the same question - are you open to the possibility that this is either secret human tech or ET tech?

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 08:35 AM
Here is a video of a jet fighter being filmed from within a jetliner.

At first the contrail on its own is very odd looking, but almost immediately as soon as a shape materializes, it is identifiable as an aircraft. Why is it so difficult to identify the shape in the OP's video as a "normal" commercial, civil or military aircraft?

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

The only person being argumentative is you...

I see several flashes. I can see them when I watch it frame by frame even more clearly. For you to now claim you don't see the flashes is disingenuous and calls your ability to see details into question.

Again, the object is not a Frisbee, it is extremely out of focus. The phone camera is focused on the window frame and the glass in the window, not the plane moving below.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Because that video is using a legit video camera that can zoom and all...notice it doesn't focus until he zooms in. The original video in the OP never zooms in and retains its focus on the window .

Edit: Window window.
edit on 14-11-2014 by raymundoko because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 08:52 AM
In the zoomed in part of the video, at the 22 second mark from the original Huff post article, the object goes behind a cloud. Maybe we can use that to approximate the minimum size of the object.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Let's just stick to the topic.


I had really thought I had seen a flash, but hey it was early in the morning, and I originally only watched it 2 or 3 times. Watching it over 10x now on high-res, I do not see a flash - and I make this statement without any bias or ego attachments as you would ascribe to me,

nah, we all have bias and ego to some degree. First step in getting rid of most of it is by acknowledging you have it. I am completely full of myself and can't admit when I'm wrong. My first impression was that it was an out of focus plane. It moves like a plane. Mr. Plasm confirmed my bias. Upon further examination, it still looks like an out of focus plane.
As far as the flashes or lack of flashes, they are too subtle to be perceived. I didn't see them at first and I still don't see them. BUT the still frames show what look like flashes.

I think this would make a great experiment on subjective observations.

they say you perceive others with your own reality.

you are pretty damn smart!

"They" would be Freud and others. Psychological projection is pretty well documented. We are all subject to that too. Its funny how much psychology you can get out of a fuzzy picture.

So I would pose the same question - are you open to the possibility that this is either secret human tech or ET tech?

absolutely not.

I'm not sure why those are my only choices. Here is my breakdown.
1. regular old plane. I have seen other planes passing while on a plane and they look just like that except they are more in focus. 95%
2. Alien ship. Never seen an actual alien ship either in focus or out of focus. Don't know of any confirmed alien ships to compare. .000234% or less.
3. Secret tech. Sure, why not. But there is nothing unusual about it. 4%
4. Human with super powers. Nah. 0%
5. Pterodactyl. Possibly. Whatever the difference is.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

the object goes behind a cloud. Maybe we can use that to approximate the minimum size of the object.

first we have to establish the average cloud size and the average distance objects fly behind clouds.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 09:49 AM
When investigating claims, I wonder how many people ask themselves whether what they are doing is important.

For example, for the sake of argument, let's just take it as given that this is in fact a video of an extraterrestrial craft. What can we hope to learn from this video? Why is this grainy video of a streak across the sky important to continue study?

In zoology, for example, not every out of focus picture of animals is important, so why is every blurry picture of a supposed alien craft important?

I don't think this image is evidence of anything, even if it is a picture of an extraterrestrial craft.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: ZetaRediculian
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

the object goes behind a cloud. Maybe we can use that to approximate the minimum size of the object.

first we have to establish the average cloud size and the average distance objects fly behind clouds.

Yes, exactly! Tough to do though.

What do we know - the average speed of a jetliner. Given we know that, maybe we can use that to estimate the size of the cloud given how fast we appear to be going by it.

Based on my own experience in planes, I would guess that cloud is at least 1/2 to one mile away, which would make it 100-300 feet large - again guessing - which would make the UFO, if passing close behind it, about half the size of the cloud - 50 to 150ft diameter, much larger than most single engine propeller driven aircraft.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: AgentShillington

In zoology, for example, not every out of focus picture of animals is important

Unless its of bigfoot.

I don't think this image is evidence of anything, even if it is a picture of an extraterrestrial craft.

well, if you throw this in the pile of "evidence", it will somehow increase the odds of ET visitation. So its important for people that can't do math.

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