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peace of Jerusalem

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posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 08:56 AM

Isn't your mission to just make me doubt? Do you think you are going to succeed? No doubt you do.

I'm pretty sure nobody sees that as their mission. I doubt anyone cares if you doubt or not.

Now if we can get back the the wall in question. I say it is an abomination that Orthodox Jews would be praying on a Roman wall. Secondly it is an abomination that they would be praying to a Muslim wall. It is not because everybody does it that makes it OK. Do you not find it to be an idol of sorts? Do you agree that all foreign diplomats should do so as well under the threat of causing a diplomatic incident? Jesus said don't you know that you are Gods. Why would God bow to a wall? Do you not find that tradition to be silly and what is sacred about it?

And your solution for that is to build more walls but, in the right spot, which would only help to carry on that same tradition.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 10:41 AM
They are going to build it whether it makes sense or not but the correct location is three hundred yards south of the wall . This is the ground consecrated to it. It cannot fit on fort Antonia without destroying the dome of the rock mosque which is a recipe for the Apocalipse.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 10:57 AM
Even though you think anything built by the hands of man is worthless.


posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by allthings2allmen

Which brings me right back to my previous question, what difference does it make?

You said praying to anything is wrong, it doesn't matter if it is built on point x, y or z.

Also, the apocolypse is supposed to happen. Why would god send someone to stop something that is meant to happen?

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 11:59 AM
It matters if we can avoid a war between the Jews and the Muslims. And where does it say the apocalypse is supposed to happen? The bible?? Why have an apocalypse if we can avoid an apocalypse? With that kind of thinking you fit right in with the warmongering zionists.
edit on 17-3-2014 by PhilWhaley71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 12:10 PM

It matters if we can avoid a war between the Jews and the Muslims. And where does it say the apocalypse is supposed to happen? The bible?? Why have an apocalypse if we can avoid an apocalypse?

That's one of the things with you two. Constant inconsistency yet a projection of being infallible, holy, and Elijah talks of being all major spiritual leaders rolled into one.

You say things like the bible is nothing but a "paper idol" and yet quote from it, call yourselves names from it.

Then like above you seem to blow off that the worthless new testament of the bible talked about the apocalypse, then talk about trying to stop it happening.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by PhilWhaley71

You don't even know if it would even be the start of the apocolypse but your buddy just said it would be.

The book of revelation is also known as the Apocolypse of John. If that is not what he was talking about then maybe he should hold back on the hyperbole.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by allthings2allmen

You didn't answer any of my questions.
That speaks volumes. Thank you. There's no point in asking any more, as it's unlikely you'll answer those either.

You're killing your own thread.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by MissBeck

I am sorry if I misunderstood your questions. I thought you were asking how come I got interested in this issue. Why would I wan to kill my own thread. It seems that that might have been your intention all along just using a sneaky question to accomplish this. Sort of like a modern day pharisee. You create conversations to trap and accuse, find inconsistencies , establish rules of what is an acceptable response and place the blame on someone else. The Pharisees in Jesus's day did the same thing. Ask him clever questions, accuse him of blasphemy, plot to kill him and then blame it on the Romans. Nothing is new under the sun. I do not follow the same rules of debate. I consider debate as evil. I just say what the spirit tells me to say and win the debate anyway. In jesus's day the pharisees just slinked away in embarrassment which is probably exactly what you are going to do. There was three jobs to do and one was a horrible one the other very painful and the third an absolute joy. So Moses, Elijah and Jesus met on the mount of transfiguration which might have been the temple mound. They drew lots like paper scissors and stone to see which one would do what Job. Moses drew the bringing of the law which was the horrible one. The law condemns to death since the wages of sin is death. Jesus drew bringing salvation which he did brilliantly and all men are saved and then Elijah ushers in the kingdom of God. Good bye slinky.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by allthings2allmen

So you're just here to preach?

Good to know.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by allthings2allmen

No, Sigmund. her questions were perfectly reasonable, politely asked, and went unheeded - entirely. They had nothing to do with how you developed an interest, they had ALL to do with what you have done to realize that interest - to make your goals a reality. Here, let me remind you of them, and see if you can muster a civilized response to them:

Sigmund, I have a question for you. You seem pretty intent that your findings are solid, and the research that you and Phil have done is the absolute truth, so have you actually done anything about it? Have you contacted anyone, or had meetings to show anyone your research? And if you have, who did you do this with? And what was the outcome?

Okay, that was more than one question, but I'd like you to answer them please.

Now, you can be as uncivil as you like with the likes of me - within the bounds of the T+C's of course. That's not my call there, It's not my website. Incivility is not anything I've not run into before. I'm tough, I can take it. However, there was no call to be uncivil with MissBeck, who seemed genuinely interested in your topic, and was nothing BUT polite with you. She has not made so much as an uncivil comment in your thread, and for that, she was torn a new one, unreasonably upbraided, and equated with "Pharisees". You are not Jesus, she is not a Pharisee, and this is not the ancient middle east - it's ATS. Please act accordingly.

You are unlikely to win converts to your thesis by seeing monsters in the closet and fighting shadows where there are none to fight.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Thank you nenothtu. My questions had no evil intent behind them whatsoever. I was just curious. I have followed this thread from the start, and I find it fascinating.

Now, Sigmund. What was that attack on me for?

reply to post by MissBeck

I just say what the spirit tells me to say and win the debate anyway. In jesus's day the pharisees just slinked away in embarrassment which is probably exactly what you are going to do.

There was no debate to win. I just asked a few questions. I'm not embarrassed at all. Just shocked by your response.

reply to post by MissBeck

Good bye slinky.

And that. That was just rude.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 03:18 AM
The answer to your question is I went to Jerusalem to see for myself and told everybody I have ever met about it. I said the source was a book called the temples that Jerusalem forgot. I am now telling this board about it. Does that answer your question? We have posted all the information necessary to make an informed decision. That you are not accepting my answers as valid makes my pointy about your intentions. Here is the part that you take in this, either you agree or disagree with the valid points made and the motivations. To finance my trip I had to sell everything I had. I invested everything in supporting this idea.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by allthings2allmen

Does that answer your question?

Not really, but thank you for trying.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by MissBeck

You are welcome.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 11:35 AM

Where did the Petra Project thread vanish to?

I leave for a trip, check in, & it cannot be found?

Is the peace of Jerusalem part of that project.

This is confusing to say the least...

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by BurningSpearess

It was trashed I think because it mentioned investment chances/requests.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 04:47 PM

reply to post by BurningSpearess

It was trashed I think because it mentioned investment chances/requests.

Thanks for filling in the gaps...I did a search & nothing came up...I was under the presumption that nothing was trashed on ATS...maybe those were older rules?....

After speaking with family based out of Aqaba, they have been trying to execute that project for decades, & none of them think anyone can ever accomplish the task...I just wanted to see if anything had actually evolved, & after scanning through the thread...

Well, it's entertaining &

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 08:35 PM
I can clear up the confusion. I was the one who started the Petra project. The inception date was two years ago. My partner Philip Whaley and I Sigmund Ivarsson. Decided that open disclosure was the best solution when an idea is to be spread. Good ideas have a way of never dying. I approached the Japanese construction ministry who is involved in a lot of hydro electric projects around the world. Many places in the world have no natural resources but have plenty of rivers. So since Japan is over built they export their construction skills to foreign countries who need energy. Hydro is clean energy but using rivers has serious ecological impact. I spoke to a senior retired construction ministry contact that was introduced to me by my English student who is also a retired Osaka water works senior executive. When I explained the Petra project to him he said they already had a project in place in Jordan called the Valley of peace project which called for the building of a canal between Aquaba on the red sea and the dead sea 170 km away. This was our first and last meeting. I said to him it is impossible. He asked me why and I answered because current lock technology allows only for a 10 m drop each time and that they would have to build more than forty locks and could not afford it. The man turned ash faced in front of me and I thought oh my God I just trashed this man's reputation. I said why don't you turn this fiasco into an energy project. The accord for the valley of peace project was signed in 2005 and the Japanese had already paid for the environmental impact studies and the geological surveys. I researched local companies in Jordan asking about the feasibility of building a pipe line from Aquaba to the dead sea. I gave up on that idea because the loss of head ( power available ) would make an energy project not feasible. Lo and behold about a year latter a friend of mine pointed to an article in the Honk Kong financial times reporting on the construction of a pipe line between Aquaba and the dead sea. It was labeled an environmental restoration project and had a plan to build a desalination plant on location which happens to be a salt industry based economy anyway. My original plan was to build a tunnel 70 km long between the Mediterranean sea and the dead sea.With a ten m. diameter 70 km long tunnel the working head would be 320m which is enough energy to make clean energy for a thousand years. I will ask Philip to post more information about it below but as for technical explanations I am ready to answer any questions. I do not want to profit in any way with this idea. I just want to give it to the Palestinians as reparations for war damages and occupation. As far as the Petra project Inc. It is an umbrella corporation registered in Connecticut to include all kinds of ideas including food production and health and education issues mostly located in Africa. Not bad for a kinder garden teacher wouldn't you say.
edit on 18-3-2014 by allthings2allmen because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 09:24 PM
This is the Petra project. There is more than a thousand feet of denivelation between sea level and the floor of the dead sea. Any difference is a potential energy source by digging a tunnel where it is called for and aqueducts where they are called for the sea of the Mediteranean can be used to bring life to the dead sea and bring a great amount of clean energy to both Israel and Jordan who are allies. Great is the peace of Jerusalem when it no longer needs to use America to wage it's proxy wars to secure energy. Energy yes but clean energy please .

edit on 18-3-2014 by PhilWhaley71 because: (no reason given)

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