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The Conspiracy Theory Is True: Agents Infiltrate Websites Intending To "Manipulate, Deceive, And De

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posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:01 AM


Well, we all sort of knew it was happening anyway. I would expect our government to be involved in this. I expect some big businesses also do this, the government is not the only entity that would have an interest in this kind of thing. S%F

Our government and other governments I would imagine, anyone that has an interest in spreading propaganda.

I am sure that the GMO companies do this as do the larger corporations getting money from large government defense programs. Some may just try to brag up the accomplishments the corporations do....heck they don't even have to pay some of these guys, the guys want to boast up the company they work for. Convincing others that the work you do is necessary is something we have been programmed to do. This system has been going on for a long time. How many people would say, the job I do is not even necessary? Instead they tend to lean towards saying all the good stuff about their line of work, neglecting the fact that the whole business they are in is a consumerism scam...maybe they are so caught up in it that they can't see it, maybe they don't want to see it.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by Cito

Thank you much for sharing as others have asked, more details please.

I'll add a bit of what I've observed in similar of paid work for joining sites and making identities, but do not support.

You'll also see these jobs listed on Crowd Sourcing sites where you are paid in cents to dollars+ * for the tasks such as surveys, writing technical articles on products, and the darker side of "joining a forum". Checking out a few of the sites because of title tasks asking for - "join a message board, be a member, post advocating the site and products" in curiosity, I found that they don't have much for members or attention but want to "buy" members to help advertise products and or obtain Adsense.

These observed in particular were often small forums such as "fitness forums" or other "ad site" forums. That's deceitful and not to say don't worry about it but know that it's advertising. Especially if it's too good to be true. There's more to have concern of when it comes to political, news, and conspiracy sites for example, as Cito mentions.

Other "tasks" in particular that ask you to make a fake identity, are illegal on terms of these crowd Sourcing sites or at least more honest ones that have made a name and respect for themselves. "Make a fake Facebook, name/picture, advertise products with it." Those are what we see on news article commentary that are ads in the replies.

(not fitting wages if worked on all day in developed countries but are said to benefit those less developed countries)

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

HA, one day there may be more paid posters than real ones.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:51 AM

reply to post by dreamingawake

I would expect an official handbook, even a top secret one, to be proofread ... "offsensive"?
edit on 24-2-2014 by InvisibleOwl because: (no reason given)

Most government materials are full of mistakes, including teaching materials for schools. Both mistakes in content and spelling/grammar errors.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:55 AM
I think the intrusion of government into our lives is so widespread and pervasive that we are basically "owned" by tptb!!

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 10:58 AM

This activity in the US is centered in the NSA' s Special Activities Division. Discussions of Sandy Hook have been one of their targets.

edit on 24-2-2014 by zazen because: (no reason given)

If a person pays attention they can spot when this is happening. If you check a naysayers former threads or posts you will sometimes see them switching personality and beliefs . Most of the time you will just see that they hang in a thread they have no interest in like a bulldog with a bone repeating how foolish and stupid the whole thought/idea or even person is.

They never discuss anything in forums but they begin to reach people and make them unsure by making the OP or individual persons look foolish.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:01 AM


Edward Snowden to thank for disclosing it

Lol Snowden strikes again...

Not like this was secret info anyway, it was obvious...

As you know, many people will not believe in the obvious unless someone shows solid proof. Sometimes such proof never comes available or a disinfo campaign makes it look fake in short time.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by oblvion

I couldnt agree more, this is a "honey pot" if ever I saw one.

Honeypot you say? So do you also believe Snowden is a fake and he's also given these documents to Greenwald as a big fake-out. I don't think so.

This entire government works in absolute secrecy on ALL fronts at ALL times. 99% of all data pertaining to the government and their activities is "classified" for the reason of keeping us all in the dark as to what they are actually doing. Any time "secret" information "sneaks" out into the light of day I question it.

No the entire government does not work in absolute secrecy on all fronts at all times and 99% of the information is not classified. Nice try though.

Thinking you know something when you dont, is far more dangerous than not knowing something at all.

That's one of those cliche's that sounds good isn't really accurate.

When one is in the business of manipulation, one doesn't make these kinds of mistakes. They allow out info in the right increment, at the right time, to have the maximum effect, to serve their purposes.

Governments make all kinds of mistakes. So do the military and the intelligence branches, you're generalizing here with a brush the size of Pittsburgh. Lot of people bought it I see.

edit on 754am2222am112014 by Bassago because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:03 AM

To accept this, one must accept the fact that they are inherently manipulable. I tend to believe that most people here are not that manipulable. Are YOU easily manipulated? Do you go with the herd or think for yourself?

Maybe they want you to believe this, so you will be suspicious of everyone, overly skeptical.

Everyone is a troll?

Seriously, I am sure they attempt to do things like this, but I doubt they have much success in achieving their objectives. You have to have a little faith in people.

So ATS, do the paid posters here control you or not?

Studies have shown every human is "inherently manipulable" no matter what we think we are. The persons who starred your post are living in the dark.
The fact that you used a term "Everyone is a troll?" that has nothing to do with the OP content says a lot.
edit on 25-2-2014 by Char-Lee because: sp

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:03 AM
one need look no further than any chemtrail post on ats to see Online Covert Operations being used against Truth, also ats motives in general are in question ever since sandyhook and the shunning that has happened to all discourse of it on this site..

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:08 AM
Software recap. This is from March 17, 2011

Revealed: US Spy Operation That Manipulates Social Media

The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media using fake online personas designed to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.

General David Petraeus has said US efforts to spy on social media are aimed at 'countering extremist ideology and propaganda'. (Cliff Owen/AP) A Californian corporation has been awarded a contract with the US Central Command (Centcom) to develop what is described as an "online persona management service" that will allow one serviceman or woman to control up to 10 separate identities at once.

One Source
Also, shared on ATS.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:08 AM

reply to post by dreamingawake

I would expect an official handbook, even a top secret one, to be proofread ... "offsensive"?
edit on 24-2-2014 by InvisibleOwl because: (no reason given)

Authors purposely place errors in their work to keep track and make sure someone doesn't copy it. Even map makers will place fake roads on a map. Tricky, tricky, tricky...

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by dreamingawake

Nice catch OP.

As I've always said, its not a matter of "if" they are on ATS, it is only a matter of who they are and how prevalent they are.

Once you are familiar with the signs they are easy to spot, but some are more subtle.

Don't forget along with their goals of influencing people, swaying opinion, distracting from the truth and many others, one of their main goals is to get people who speak the truth or have noble character banned from sites, and this is done by the classic technique of ego/emotional engagement attempts.

So if you feel someone may be a disinfo agent but is having a civilized discussion with you by all means reciprocate if you feel so inclined; but if it starts or veers into ego/emotional engagement just ignore them, that is the best defense.

edit on 25-2-2014 by PlanetXisHERE because: epiphany

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:21 AM


This activity in the US is centered in the NSA' s Special Activities Division. Discussions of Sandy Hook have been one of their targets.

edit on 24-2-2014 by zazen because: (no reason given)

If a person pays attention they can spot when this is happening. If you check a naysayers former threads or posts you will sometimes see them switching personality and beliefs . Most of the time you will just see that they hang in a thread they have no interest in like a bulldog with a bone repeating how foolish and stupid the whole thought/idea or even person is.

They never discuss anything in forums but they begin to reach people and make them unsure by making the OP or individual persons look foolish.

Yes, for me this a red flag, I could never fathom how posters could post literally thousands of posts on a topic they didn't believe in or found ludicrous, insane etc words coming from there very own mouths (or keyboards). Sure we all have strong feelings about certain topics and may want to occasionally chime in or make a point; for example I believe in a creator but I'm against organized religion - so I may write a few or a dozen or so posts along those lines in the religious forum; but it would be insane for me to go there every day, waste literally hundreds of hours per year and constantly fight people with whom I disagree - but that is exactly what we see in many forums and many topics -

the only two choices you are left with are A) the person is mentally unbalanced or B) the person is being paid for their time.

And these people draw out the same old tired argument, oh, you just label people who disagree with you as disinfo agents. No, I usually don't do that, I just do it when I see the insane waste of time and energy above, or the classic disinfo techniques of ego/emotional engagement attempts, etc.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:25 AM
Oh, I just thought of one more thing that is a red flag, disinfo agents themselves can often tell who is and who is not a disinfo agent by the writing styles, thus you will often see them starring posts that are completely unworthy for stars, the post in question usually having only one or two sarcastic lines, an easy way to build "apparent" credibility for each other.

edit on 25-2-2014 by PlanetXisHERE because: epiphany

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Cito

Are you perhaps behind the BACON... constant push to kill piggies? Marvelous, juicy, wonderful, in everything... BACON? Bet the meat industry hires a lot of people, to many people like every Family member and every friend of mine are vegetarian, the future of mankind.

edit on 27-2-2014 by _BoneZ_ because: removed quoted material

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:32 AM


Is this "NEW" news ?
I thought its well known....

Hardly. I remember reading a thread here on ATS which asked if paid shills could be infiltrating us. The general consensus was overwhelmingly negative, people ridiculed the idea, with many intimating that those who saw shills everywhere needed to get their heads checked.

That is true, the ridicule in even thinking that. Was mostly until ATS confirmed "activity". If I remember correctly, that was only last year however, after Snowden's info was first released.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Char-Lee

If what you say is true, then everyone here must be mindless sheep.

Sorry, I've seen enough here to have more faith in people's ability to think for themselves.

If you've accepted the fact that you are inherently manipulable, then you have already given up. It's an internet forum, not a good tool for attempting to control the thoughts of others, and if you are that easily manipulated you really should not be online.

Really people, do you believe they can have this kind of power over your minds?

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:37 AM

A question I don't hear anyone asking for all the ooos and ahhhs is:

Isn't it interesting that this information is SO conspicuously interesting?

Ah, but what is the nature of a honey-pot?
Of course, questions such as this are unpopular when folks are getting told what they want to hear.

It's advisable to question everything, especially the things you want and like to hear the most.

Part of the mythology of Gods, Ninjas, Magicians ..., and of course clandestine agencies is in creating a mythology that there's nothing that can't be seen, or discovered, and there's nowhere to hide because X sees and hears all.
In turn, this mythology produces a response in opposing agents and agencies such they're over encumbered with over-attention in attending to countermeasures to stave off ghosts.


edit on 2/25/2014 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

I thought about what you said and I could think of no logical reason for them to "tell us what we want to hear" in this maner. But than I thought of one possibility, it does serve to separate and cause suspicion between us. We will start to question legitimate arguments that we are in disagreement with as manipulated.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by dreamingawake

What I find interesting is that in most of the cases that would warrant the employment of these childishly simple deceptive tactics, the deceptive tactics would not work.

It is kind of self-fulfilling that these tactics will be employed by the ruling class and not in the interest of national security. Really goes to show that some of the wrong people have pull.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"A rich man's b1t(h just like my daddy!"

"Good boy, Johnny, now make sure to laugh at the poor people. They are poor because they are lazy and stupid."

"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Matt 19:24

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