posted on May, 19 2014 @ 05:09 PM
Hey Guys! Yes CC and I are still alive. Internet probs here, like I didn't pay cause I didn't have it, so they dumped us offline. go Figure. Damn
I'm at the library and will try to get here everynow and then. Van is running on fumes so may be a while yet before we can get back here, to go
online. Gonna be the longest couple o'weeks till I get paid again, and hopefully then I can clear up my back balance, and get home internet again.
Crossin my fingers, toes, hair and everythiing else for Good Luck! We Miss all of Ya's, and send our heartfelt greetings, and Group Hug! Yah, TDawg
you too!! LOL!!!
Don't have time today to back read all I missed lately. Only get an hour online here so...... I'l try to gat read up next time some, or maybe I can
have my daughter come get us so we can spend a decent amonut of time online there, to catch up, and contribute!
Someone Please send me a link to the NEW Thread? U2U me soon as ya can PLEASE??!!! Yhanx!
OH, I did see the chart for Pirate Names. CC is Lady Legs, and mine is Bucko O' Fish??!!! LMAO?!?!?!?!
Well I guess I should shower then huh? LOL!!
Then maybe my name can change to Bucko O'Fish No-More ??? LOL!!!
TDAWG, check yer InBox U2U here Bud......
K Guys and Gals. Hugs and High Syx's to Ya's!!! See ya hopefully soon. Syx.