posted on May, 14 2014 @ 05:47 PM
It was dark when Tsu had finally gathered the pixies for the meeting. The moon had risen full and bright and illuminated the clearing in the
Tsu stood before the pixies, on the stump of a long fallen tree.
"I have news" said Tsu calmly through a smile. "We are going to war. Our safe haven has been infiltrated by a daemon."
"Yay!" cried the pixies in unison.
"No, not 'Yay' I don't mean pranks this time" said Tsu "This is a real war. Good vs Evil, Love vs Hate, Light vs Dark..."
"Eh?" asked a pixie quizzically. "I thought we were safe here?"
"We are safe, we really are," said Tsu smiling. "The daemon poses no danger to us. We have magic on our side, and we have each other."
"But daemons are dangerous!" wailed a scared looking pixie.
"They are," said Tsu grinning now as the clouds rolled in and a clap of thunder was heard off in the distance. "But us? Together? We are
indestructible, that plus the fact that we have the bigger balls..."
"Bigger balls? But we are only pixies, and female too!"
"My reasoning still stands." said Tsu without a hint of sarcasm.
"What do we do now then?" asked a pixie, eyes bright with the excitement of the looming victory.
"We put on our best armour" said Tsu "Chainmail, helmets, pointy metal tits...the lot...then we await our orders."
- Tsu Nami