posted on May, 13 2014 @ 07:44 PM
Flying along in the skies while looking down at the newly transformed Shed, the group are all amazed and getting used to their new way of Travel!
"This is amazing!!" someone was heard to say.
"You're telling Us?!!!" Came a chorus of replies!
"TDawg, did ya grab any C4? It may come in handy!!!" Homer said as he caught up with the group......
Tsu hollers, "Hey ! Let's head off to The FlatLands. There was a group of Humans camped around a fire This morn! I think we should check em
"I'll head there soon Tsu. I need to gather some FireStone, in case I need it later. Later on if We need it, Anyone who asks me to transform back
to Dragon, I will." Syx responded.
The Group headed off towards the low lying plains looking for the Humans.
'I hope they can sense evil, if it resides among the humans. I would think they can, given all the magic between them.'
Syx thinks to himself.
'Hmmm, these new Wings and this Human-Like body respond well to airborn needs. I may like this after all!'
Banking off to the Cliffs, Syx gathers speed. 'I should not be slack as the others may find just what they are looking for and I want to be there to
"There. The Purple Glow of Firetone! Time enough to gather some and head back.'
A very short while later, Syx nears His Friends. "Guys! Hey!!!"
" Syx, Just in time. Look down there!!" Cody yells.
"Ok, I think someone should go down to see if they're harmless before we scare the Hell out of them?" Foss asks.
"That's a good idea." Jane replied. "I need a volunteer."
WoodsMom looked at everyone and turned to TDawg. "TDawg, How bout it?"
" You bet! I'll take Homer along too."
"C'mon Homer, let's go!" "Oh, no screamin this time. Unless we need to call the others. I'm sure they will hear that shrill sound from even way
up here......"
" Man, TDawg, how many times do I have to te...."
Just then, arrows flying past them fill the skies around the Warriors!!
"Looks like we got our answer already guys!!" Hollered Rodinus.
"Onward Warriors!!!" Jane Yells!!!
Woops of Might are the only thing heard as the Warriors, ready for Battle dive towards the enemy!!
Diving a little faster than the Rest, TDawg reaches into his Armor and retrieves something.
"C4!!!!!! I brought it to use even if We don't need it! Love Those BIG Booms!!!!"
The Gang cheered as TDawg swoops down to within a few feet of the Evil Horde. 15 or so of them crouch down readying themselves for the attack. The
other dozen or so merely stand watching, not knowing their end is near!
BOOOOMMMM!!! BBOOOMMMM BOOM!!!!!! Bodies fly in all directions!! Some others run for cover, some are just dumbstruck! But they are not staying
The Rest of the Warrior Clan dive closer to engage!!!