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I met a fully Enlightened "Buddha". Here's what he said:

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posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by ipsedixit

Did the OP name the teacher? I must have missed that. He doesn't sound like a Buddhist to me. Discussing the technical details of yogic practice is not usually done with the general public or a person who hasn't been involved for a considerable period of time with the teacher. The "teacher" sounds like a Daoist to me. A Buddhist teacher would never reduce the Buddha's teaching to matters of the "physiology" or "mechanics" of yoga. This stuff is not mentioned in the Tripitaka, to my knowledge. Not even mentioned! In the context of Buddhism, this stuff is just scenery.

i did not name the teacher. Do you need his name? It was something like "I have no name" in Vedic interestingly enough.

Its funny how you are dividing everything into a kind of dogmatic do not mix purist fashion. He was really big on non-conformity and rebellion, saying the times he spent at buddhist monastery was very stagnated. Whereas on his own and in the company of a number of teachers, he flew like an eagle. However he is claiming the same as Buddha's enlightenment, saying the portal to reach it is in the lower DT. Quite simple

reply to post by dominicus

i have one question
in belly sometimes i feel 'a hole' opening up during exhale
is that the crack?


edit on 22-2-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

could be. go explore, enter into, and come back with an investigative report

reply to post by dominicus

Let me get this straight.

You were in the presence of a (supposedly) fully enlightened buddha, and you didnt take a picture?

Ha!!!! Yeah, good one. It was the most mysterious thing ever. I was in such a hurry to get there, left my US/India converter at one of the resorts I was staying when the cab came early, and deep in the mountains, good luck finding a converter. Ran out of juice and was screwed. I knew this would come up and I failed on this part. However, everything the guy said, you can within and find out for yourself if it is true. I don't think you can imagine the anger that arose that I couldn't take pics.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by dominicus

Did you record what he said or did you interpret what he said when writing notes? Was it a one to one session where he may have been able to correct any misinterpretation which can occur?

edit on 23-2-2014 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 02:55 AM

reply to post by ipsedixit

Did the OP name the teacher? I must have missed that. He doesn't sound like a Buddhist to me. Discussing the technical details of yogic practice is not usually done with the general public or a person who hasn't been involved for a considerable period of time with the teacher. The "teacher" sounds like a Daoist to me. A Buddhist teacher would never reduce the Buddha's teaching to matters of the "physiology" or "mechanics" of yoga. This stuff is not mentioned in the Tripitaka, to my knowledge. Not even mentioned! In the context of Buddhism, this stuff is just scenery.

i did not name the teacher. Do you need his name? It was something like "I have no name" in Vedic interestingly enough.

Its funny how you are dividing everything into a kind of dogmatic do not mix purist fashion. He was really big on non-conformity and rebellion, saying the times he spent at buddhist monastery was very stagnated. Whereas on his own and in the company of a number of teachers, he flew like an eagle. However he is claiming the same as Buddha's enlightenment, saying the portal to reach it is in the lower DT. Quite simple

People have to make their own choices about these things. I am most familiar with "Tibetan Buddhism". My own teacher told me to be careful about "lineage" when taking teachings from anyone, but having said that, one must always, in the end, rely on one's own personal judgement and experience. Somebody once said words to the effect of, "Man has only one right, the right to do anything he damn well pleases . . . and only one responsibility, to take the consequences."

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 03:26 AM

reply to post by dominicus

Did you record what he said or did you interpret what he said when writing notes? Was it a one to one session where he may have been able to correct any misinterpretation which can occur?

edit on 23-2-2014 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

it was 1 session. hours long. maybe 4-5. I have approximately 10-15 pages of notes that I took down and some illustrations he gave me. Can post those in a bit. My friend who is there on a pilgrimage has better access, though he's returning home soon will be going back there so I can send any misinterpretations to him to get straightened out.

People have to make their own choices about these things. I am most familiar with "Tibetan Buddhism". My own teacher told me to be careful about "lineage" when taking teachings from anyone, but having said that, one must always, in the end, rely on one's own personal judgement and experience. Somebody once said words to the effect of, "Man has only one right, the right to do anything he damn well pleases . . . and only one responsibility, to take the consequences."

I hear you. The guy is well guarded, filtered, obscured and I think so far only about 20+ have accessed him, which he likes due to some remaining reluctance and fate matters.

I wanted to mention, he said quite of the few others he's seen were 20-35 year vipassana, mahayana, and various other branch practitioners who were so absolutely stagnated on the path, that it was sad for him to see so much time wasted. He was really big in honoring time, as it is like gold, whatever you have here you have to make the most of it. So he was saying how they wasted decades and if anything got to a somewhat intermediate level of concentration or observer detached from mind, but that's about it.

The dogma, attachment to unquestioned purity, watering down and not being able to argue, debate, question has created like this watered down death as he called it. And the whole "I have been in X Path for 40 years with these X transmissions" meant completely nothing to him. I answered with my own awakenings and how many years of practice and he would always just ask, "...and what is your current permanent state now?"

edit on 23-2-2014 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by dominicus

Thank you. That was so useful. And well written! Feels like I can access elements of the transmission by way of the words. Neat finger pointing at moon hiehiehie

Would you be so kind as to give more detail on: "That surrender with minute level of will was the absolute master key key"?

I think I get it, and we know about the progeny of lady assumption.....

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 07:30 AM
there are more "buddhas " than you think. You dont have to drive to india or anywhere else.

In every country there are enlightened beings.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by dominicus

The problem I have with these belief systems is that there is no empirical evidence.

You have to take their word for it.

It's faith or else...

Everyone says there are "manifestations" when you reach a certain level.

But supposed siddhis have been outdone by this performer:

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 07:46 AM

there are more "buddhas " than you think. You dont have to drive to india or anywhere else.

In every country there are enlightened beings.

Unfortunately, the frauds outnumber the Boddhisatvas in this part of the Triple World.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 07:47 AM
there are even videos on youtube where you can see people while they awake...

There was a satsang hype 10 years ago all over the world and now it is starting again.

You can not hide the truth from yourself anylonger. Even if you are screaming for "evidence" this is just a last try to hide from it. Because when you search you will find it everywhere.

Here is a nice scene of a person who awakes to his true nature.. (the cosmic joke.. )

at 8 minutes

edit on 23-2-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by DJW001

use your discernment and get over it...

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 08:26 AM

it took a good three weeks of me being there in the most crappiest conditions ever to make it work. It was sort of like a test. My rooms had no heat, thin blankets, food was scarce and sometimes there was no dinner to be had, roaches,
The have Travel Lodge in India?

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 09:16 AM
Thanks for sharing its always wonderful hearing of peoples personal experiences.

If it was just down to a few energetic shifts within the energy circuits there would be a lot more buddhas around.

A favourite quote from Dhammavadaka . . .

Remember always that you are just a visitor here, a traveler passing through. your stay is but short and the moment of your departure unknown. None can live without toil and a craft that provides your needs is a blessing indeed. But if you toil without rest, fatigue and wearness will overtake you, and you will denied the joy that comes from labour's end. Speak quietly and kindly and be not forward with either opinions or advice. If you talk much, this will make you deaf to what others say, and you should know that there are few so wise that they cannot learn from others. Be near when help is needed, but far when praise and thanks are being offered.
Take small account of might, wealth and fame, for they soon pass and are forgotten. Instead, nurture love within you and and strive to be a friend to all. Truly, compassion is a balm for many wounds.

Treasure silence when you find it, and while being mindful of your duties, set time aside, to be alone with yourself. Cast off pretense and self-deception and see yourself as you really are. Despite all appearances, no one is really evil. They are led astray by ignorance. If you ponder this truth always you will offer more light, rather then blame and condemnation.

You, no less than all beings have Buddha Nature within. Your essential Mind is pure. Therefore, when defilements cause you to stumble and fall, let not remose nor dark foreboding cast you down. Be of good cheer and with this understanding, summon strength and walk on. Faith is like a lamp and wisdom makes the flame burn bright. Carry this lamp always and in good time the darkness will yield and you will abide in the Light.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 10:55 AM
Even Buddah himself did not claim to be fully enlightened. In fact he believed it was not achievable. This fella you met is full of himself (which on it's own negates his claim) and also full of something else.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 11:46 AM

Even Buddah himself did not claim to be fully enlightened. In fact he believed it was not achievable. This fella you met is full of himself (which on it's own negates his claim) and also full of something else.

define "fully enlightened"..????

Don´t make something extra ordinary out of enlightenment.. Thats a trap.

How can an information about something exist which never was fully "achieved"..

there is no "half enlightenment"....Its one simple recognition which is so simple yet so "big" that it changes the whole perspective without altering anything...

You can not become "fully" who you are more than right now...and you can NEVER FULLY understand what you are because you are not an object of perception.
You can only give up false identifications. Enlightenment is never ending...

So there is no FULL enlightenment in that sense that you can never fully grasp what you are because for "understanding" you need to separate..and separation can not separate infinity.... And you are infinite...

Who are you? What I am is absence. Absence of what? Absence of myself. So that absence, that kind of absence, is what you are? No. What I am is total absence. What do you mean by total absence? Absence of the notion or cognition of absence-of-myself. Why so? Because cognition of my absence would imply presence of the cognition of my non-absence - which is not what-I-am. So that you are then still present? So that there would still remain 'myself' to be present or to be absent. What, then, is your total absence? Absence of the presence of absence-of-myself. And who is there to cognise that? There being nothing to be cognised, there cannot be a cogniser. And yet there is that cognition so expressed. There was a cognising, but no cogniser and no cognition cognised. Can you cognise that? I can, but who, then, am I to do it? Y o u are not at all, either. It is on account of total absence of absence that cognising can appear to occur. If there were any presence, even of absence, there could not be any cognising, or any phenomenon soever, for only out of absence as such can presence seem to be.

wei wu wei

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 11:46 AM

reply to post by AfterInfinity

I live in a meditation center and have done so for about 35 years.

Several of those years were spent as the virtual slave of a very great Tibetan tulku.

I have received a lineage transmission from H.H. Karmapa XVI, lungs and initiations from the greatest Tibetan meditation master of the 20th century, Dingo Chentse Rinpoche, as well as initiations from Shamar Rinpoche, Situ Rinpoche, H.H. Sakya Trinzen Rinpoche, a lung from Ling Rinpoche and attended a presentation of teaching and blessing from H.H. the Dalai Lama.

I meditate usually about three hours a day.

I'm very experienced but I'm no "holy guy". I still smoke. I watch porn.

Despite my shortcomings, and they are numerous, I do know what I'm talking about.

edit on 22-2-2014 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)


posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 11:49 AM
Good story.

Sounds like this guy got a copy of "Cultivating the energy of life" (translated by Eva Wong) and ran with it.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by ipsedixit

Tibet only thought about meditation.

That's what I thought.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by ipsedixit

Thinking and meditation are different things, at least in Buddhism.

practicing meditation eventual brings you to no need for meditation or the concerted effort to practice, because you are in that state constantly and naturally, life.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 11:59 AM

reply to post by mash3d

That is figuratively speaking. In other words don't get caught up in what shows you your own inner divinity. Do not stop at a cheap imitation, be authentic. Even a fake Master can help the true seeker to find enlightenment and in the same sense even a true Master cannot help a fool. They all throw you back into yourself, and yet in the presence of a Buddha, in the Buddha field it is so indescribable and can easily be mistaken as ones own, when in fact it is just field energy resonance, a reflection in the water.
edit on am228amSun, 23 Feb 2014 00:51:15 -0600 by antar because: in

And sometimes it is hard to distinguish the fool from the master

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

A return to innocence.

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