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Why does someone kill someone?

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posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 01:56 PM

Thanks for all the replies!

I've actually taken pen to paper and have been taking notes. I expected a central theme, one or two answers that most would agree on.

I was wrong. I was hoping that we could isolate the cause, then try to find a solution to the element that is central to the theme.

But when I read the answers (and agreed with, by the way) each, on their own, is correct.

Why does a person kill another person?

Human Nature
Environment of Violence
Control/Sense of control
No new reason

Can there ever be a solution? How could we, as a society, reverse these reasons?

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 02:02 PM
What could we do as parents, husbands, wives, siblings to reverse the list above?

What could we change in our schools to reverse the list above?

What could we do in the workplace to reverse the list above?

What could we do as a society to reverse the list above?



posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 02:25 PM

What could we do as parents, husbands, wives, siblings to reverse the list above?

What could we change in our schools to reverse the list above?

What could we do in the workplace to reverse the list above?

What could we do as a society to reverse the list above?



Stop desensitization of the acts thru various human affecting sense programming mechanisms found in art and entertainment in cartoons, games, movies, music, stories. Because violence and sex sells, signifying part of the species ignorance so its encouraged. Which then programs the masses.

This will need the cooperation of the shared EA*RTH elite who have influence over tv radio internt and media, because it can affect their financial interest... and they control the social mechanisms and programming.

But as long as the kids are programmed from youth to accept such behaviors the cycle will contiue.

Not saying the in control should stop their professions cold turkey, but instead just consider that what they put out has influence on others especially the youth who are to be future adults of this realm in which their love ones may inhabit as well. Not easy and takes effort but possible.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by beezzer

if 'reincarnation' is true,
and if 'earth is school' is true,
could it be that it's part of learning programs for both the killers and the victims (and their relatives)?

i imagine if the two theories above are true, almost everyone who has live this far has experienced either being the killer or the victim, or both (maybe one of us here is hitler, mao, the 'persecuted jews' or maybe yahweh [whoever wrote the law])


edit on 25-1-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-1-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-1-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I doubt there is anything that we can do

Some of the perceived problem is simply statistics..

Any population will include a certain percentage of 1, those prone to violence, 2. those without empathy of any kind, 3. those unable to control their baser urges etc..

The higher the population the greater the number of those listed above and hence, more violence..


If 2 people in a city of a thousand will commit murder this year, it follows that 20 will in a pop of 10K, 200 in 100K and on and on,, (These numbers are only used for statistical comparison and are in no way meant to reflect real stats)

Strictly mathematically speaking I am not sure our current society is more or less violent than say the 1930s..

I would have to look it up and I am tired..

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I think things wont fix until the system collapse and population get lower again to the point you dont bump to people so often.

Current rules are clearly not inspiring respect/fear enough so a mad max society will have to happen so the next generations would be fearsome of the consequences of crazy people doing what they wanted.

Perhaps before was the same as now, but if you did something you would hang in front of everyone, a lill fear and example is not bad.

But again most mass killers dont care for their live (most dies in their attacks) so a public execution does nothing now, things will get worse not better.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 02:38 PM
First off, I think there are a couple of different factors at work here.

Someone talked about gang violence, and I think that has different roots to mass shootings. Kids who grow up to go into gangs are usually kids who have no fathers. They go into the gangs to get that father figure in their lives, and gang culture is a violent one that glorifies killing. I don't think these kids are necessarily the same as the ones like Adam Lanza.

There was an incident with elephants on a game preserve in Africa a while ago. This preserve had lost all of their elephants and wanted to bring them back, so they went to a place that had reared orphaned elephants in order to get a population. They reintroduced a population of entirely orphaned elephants and for a while things were fine.

Now, if you know anything about elephant social life, you know that elephant herds are primarily matriarchal with most individuals being related females and their young. When young males grow into sexual maturity, they leave and roam individually only coming back to the herds when they feel the need to mate. So, the female orphans were able to recreate their female social structures fairly well, and did fine. However, the park rangers started finding strange animal kills - hippos and rhinos. It took them a while to figure out what was doing it, and then they learned that the young bull elephants were ganging up and killing the rhinos and hippos. Nothing like that had ever been recorded.

Trying to solve the problem, the rangers and biologists started looking for the missing element in elephant society and found it - there were no big, mature bulls in the park to put the young bulls in their place, show them how to be mature male elephants essentially. Once they captured and introduced a couple of really big bulls, the problem was cleared up pretty quickly as the big bulls taught the hooligans how to behave.

No, my point is not to equate young gangers to animals, but to point out how removing just one element of society for a complex animal can have unanticipated and very negative consequences. In the case of our young gang men, they have no fathers to show them how to be young men, so they are teaching themselves, and what they've come up with is murderously violent and anti-social. Now, how you would go about changing the culture and putting fathers back into that population ... I'm not sure.

As to the other, I think we are becoming a terribly narcissistic society that teaches children that it's about them. They're special, and they tend to grow up self-centered where their own self-important little persons are all that matter. I think they've not been taught to value others and their lives at all. When you are the center of the universe and you don't view others as valid or important ... what does it matter if a few of them die to provide you with what you think you want?

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 02:39 PM

What could we do as parents, husbands, wives, siblings to reverse the list above?

What could we change in our schools to reverse the list above?

What could we do in the workplace to reverse the list above?

What could we do as a society to reverse the list above?



Sadly, i believe the latter is the real answer. i dont think that human nature can be altered that easily.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 02:39 PM


Thanks for all the replies!

I've actually taken pen to paper and have been taking notes. I expected a central theme, one or two answers that most would agree on.

I was wrong. I was hoping that we could isolate the cause, then try to find a solution to the element that is central to the theme.

But when I read the answers (and agreed with, by the way) each, on their own, is correct.

Why does a person kill another person?

Human Nature
Environment of Violence
Control/Sense of control
No new reason

Can there ever be a solution? How could we, as a society, reverse these reasons?

I hate to say this but; there has to be those who just think it is plain fun to hurt someone. Look at the knock out game and the pointing and laughing: I knew a guy who was 6'6" 275 pounds and built like "no fat all muscle" who used to go to the drive-in theater and pick fights just to show everyone he was the big dog on the block... I kinda met him one night when he walked up to me (a 13 year old 135 pounds) and accused me of talking to his woman was all I heard...I woke up in a pool of blood; my blood... He died at age 27 with a brain tumor... .
One killed and one stabbed in the following video... Blind sided and killed for no reason...No robbery just cut and stab

Knock out game

Kids killing mother and son

and finally a 9 year old kicking, punching toddlers

Can there ever be a solution ? Not the way some kids are raised IMO

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 02:39 PM
"Why does someone kill someone?"

It's a complex issue...a few days ago, less than 4 miles from my house, some teenager told his friend he wanted to kill someone...he wanted to kill someone (random person) so bad that he was going to do it and make it look like a robbery gone bad. Interestingly enough, the kid tried to commit murder days earlier, but failed to administer a kill shot to his victim. Some people are just F'ed in the head! Sad thing is that he told his friends, they said nothing, and the result was murder....see/hear something, then F'ing say just might save someone's life!

Source of my rant:

The easily available nature of his dad's gun played a direct role in the murder.

when will America start holding parents accountable for their children's actions?

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

I just want to add that the whole "spare the rod spoil the child" thing may have more truth than many want to admit. Unless someone has ever been hurt it is hard to know what others feel when you hurt them.

I don't see how some teachers survive in some of the schools.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 03:15 PM
regardless of what ever reason.
keeping someone silent
or what have you, i think we all could agree that in all cases each and every one that kills anyone except in saving ones life or another
that those that kill other than protecting life have a loose screw or two.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 03:21 PM
It's usually over Natural resources like oil and or greed, occasionally it something simpler.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

I'm asking you, but addressing everyone.

You cite population where 1 or 2 within a group will just be bad and extrapolated.

Has that percentage always been the case?

Are we seeing any rise or decrease in violence? The media certainly plays a part.

If there is a decrease, then the media would be partially to blame for hyping this issue.
If there is an increase, what may have spurred it? (Issues already being discussed)
If there has been no change, is this just part of the human condition we'll have to tolerate?

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by beezzer

There is definitely an increase. As pointed out in my post on page 1, tribal societies do not suffer from the lone crazy that kills multiple people within their communities. Murder happens in all cultures, but the advent of mass murderers is a relatively new cultural development (outside of warfare, of course).

I still contend that this is a result of communities that are no longer tightly knit. We don't value each other and that is the root of the problem. All you need to do is look at what the Nazi's did to the jews in the 2nd world war. They viewed the jews as less than human. They didn't value them as even being of the same species, so it enabled the nazi's to rationalize their brutal and inhuman behavior towards the jews. The same principle applies in our own society.

Mental illness just makes these problems worse. People who suffer from untreated mental illness experience a disconnect from those around them, and no longer view them as being the same as themselves (for a variety of reasons). Hence they sometimes rationalize shooting up a school or a mall or a movie theater. We can see the same type of behavior in serial killers, who often target certain demographics of the population that they deem to be inferior (such as prostitutes). These people don't view their victims as being valuable.

Mental illness itself is stigmatized, and as a society we don't view the mentally ill as being valuable, so they often don't receive the help they need or they are ostracized (making their condition worse). It's a catch 22. If we learn to value each other more and quit degrading each other, violence levels could be reduced. You will never see it eliminated completely, but at the very least we can work to reduce the levels of violence in our communities.

There are always going to be the lone sickos that are just born twisted and torture animals at the age of 4 that grow into monsters in their adult lives (despite good upbringings). But that doesn't mean we have to steep ourselves in a culture of violence and degradation and make the problem even worse than it already is.

Edit to Add:

Look at our culture. The popular music of the day promotes violence (gangsta rap), promiscuity (devaluation of the opposite sex or even oneself), and moral degradation. There is a very obvious difference between the popular music of today, and even twenty or thirty years ago. The culture of violence and the devaluing of ourselves and others is everywhere. It's in our music, our movies, our tv shows, our video games, our books, our schools, etc.

edit on 25-1-2014 by DeadSeraph because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 05:25 PM

What could we do as parents, husbands, wives, siblings to reverse the list above?

I'll just go with what data can back up.

A. Don't spank your kids and teach them how to handle situations properly that doesn't involve violence in some way.

B. Make sure that the child has two parents. For the majority of the people out there that consist of mom and dad. For the queers like me, just make sure you're partnered up. Both structures have been comparable as far as development goes. The benefits to long-term emotional development of children over one parent households is staggering. Keep in mind that correlation doesn't definitely mean causation but there is a very strong correlation here.

C. This might be one of the reasons for number B. but make sure your kid spends the majority of the first five years of their life forming an emotional bond with at least one trustworthy caretaker. Those five years are crucial to childhood development.

What could we change in our schools to reverse the list above?

Don't put kids in daycare. Don't put them in public school.

What could we do in the workplace to reverse the list above?

You can't reverse psychological problems stemming from childhood development issues. The only one who can initiate and work on getting better is the person who has aggression and mental issues.

With that being said, if you have kids make sure to plan for at least someone to stay home within first five years at the very least. Avoid daycare. Don't hit your babies.

That is all.

What could we do as a society to reverse the list above?

You can't. We only have power over future generations.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by OrphanApology

I am truly humbled by your post.

I hope to look for solutions. God knows, I don't know everything.

But sometimes, I do know the questions to ask.

Your answers spoke brilliantly of solutions, of positive reinforcement.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

Look at our culture. The popular music of the day promotes violence (gangsta rap), promiscuity (devaluation of the opposite sex or even oneself), and moral degradation. There is a very obvious difference between the popular music of today, and even twenty or thirty years ago. The culture of violence and the devaluing of ourselves and others is everywhere. It's in our music, our movies, our tv shows, our video games, our books, our schools, etc.

People have been murdering each other by the MILLIONS ever since we learned how to walk on two feet. People from every corner of the World, every religion, every class, and from every society and generation. But let's pass the blame onto our young children, 'gangsta' rap, tv, and video games.

Devaluing ourselves and others? I remember a time when 'civilized', ''peaceful' people treated women like property with no right to vote, and minorities like dogs. The good ol' days eh?
edit on 25-1-2014 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

What I'm hoping for is a consensus, among us.

You say it is increasing, I can only agree at this point.

What I encourage others to do, as I will do, is look to WHEN it started increasing.

To look for a cause.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 06:09 PM

reply to post by DeadSeraph

Look at our culture. The popular music of the day promotes violence (gangsta rap), promiscuity (devaluation of the opposite sex or even oneself), and moral degradation. There is a very obvious difference between the popular music of today, and even twenty or thirty years ago. The culture of violence and the devaluing of ourselves and others is everywhere. It's in our music, our movies, our tv shows, our video games, our books, our schools, etc.

People have been murdering each other by the MILLIONS ever since we learned how to walk on two feet. People from every corner of the World, every religion, every class, and from every society. But let's pass the blame onto our young children, 'gangsta' rap, tv, and video games.

So you are of the thought that it hasn't changed? That the same level of violence has continued with no increase or decrease?

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