posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 01:14 PM
@Why does someone shoot/kill someone?
Because they either don't care or are ignorant to the Karma associated with doing such acts.
The fear and denial can cause a justifying type mentality that detaches some from accepting they are part of something larger in existence and so no
remorse or responsibility is processed or taken and so the acts continue.
Its associated with Beliefs. For if many did believe they wouldn't demonstrate such nefarious acts upon another under the REAL EYES of the LORD
unless providing some form of assistance or service of protection for others who may be in need...
Because many would know, its not approved.
The further association with Beliefs ties into afterlife and or netherworld perceptions. Some feel they have nothing to consider others KNOW there
is and try to alert those who don't consider that maybe they should.
As asked in another thread would life be different for many if there was proof or info of an afterlife...
1 thinks yes