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Why does someone kill someone?

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posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:43 PM
Recent thread concerning the Maryland Mall shooting prompted me to write this.

Why does someone shoot/kill someone?

Of course this incident will spur another debate on guns. One poster showed stats about the high number of gang-related deaths due to firearms.

Stopping people from owning a gun may restrict HOW someone will kill another person.

But it doesn't answer the question as to WHY someone would want to kill another person.

I'm pro 2nd Amendment. All the way. But I want this discussion to be about the "WHY" and not the "HOW".

What has changed in our society that enables anyone to believe that conflict resolution can be solved with the use of a firearm?

I eagerly await your replies.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by beezzer

It could be any number of reasons whether it be money, religion, a disagreement, political affiliation, opinions, etc., etc.

We are more divided today than ever before and I blame that on the society that has been built up around us. It seems to encourage division and hate, that's how those in power keep us in fear, they play off of our hate and differences.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:50 PM
its the human nature of a small percentage of your kind.

Some psycho make a mass killing, all the psycho want to make one too.

More or less a fashion for them.

They moral system is not same as yours, you will never understand why they do it.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by beezzer

If you want to sum it up in one word:

Indifference. (polarization).

The US is so highly polarized now, whether it's "blue vs red", "illegals vs legals", "criminals vs police", "good vs bad". And it seeps into every part of peoples psyche.

If you look at all the atrocities carried out throughout history, whether by a cult, a small group of people, or a nation. The one bottom line that seems to transcend them all is indifference. Like how a dictator with stringent nationalist programming can convince mass murder is ok. Or how a band of kids can think it's ok to kill another without remorse. Or a singular person can think that another's life has no purpose.

They are highly polarized on some underlying belief system directed at another and they are indifferent towards their life. Apathetic to morality since violence against that person is somehow justified.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Most violent people were raised violently or were neglected and didn't develop the skills needed to handle emotions and interactions. Usually they will self-medicate with drugs like alcohol which just adds to that aggression.

Between their inability to interact and behave in a healthy manner they lash out in violent ways because that's how they know to deal with things.

Maybe a mall shooting. Maybe a man killing his wife. Maybe a mother beating her one year old.

It's all the same tree and cycle of violence that refuses to stop growing and repeating itself over again.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Control and power.

The highest example of having power over another is the ability to take their life from them. The final control measure.
Always has been always will be.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I can only think of one reason:

Unfortunately, that's what our society seems to encourage these days.

See ya buddy,

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by beezzer

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:57 PM
I guess if you boil it down.. its self centeredness. Particularly in these mass/school/mall shootings. Theyre upset over somethng, theyre of the instant gratification generation ( that includes yours and my generation Beezy!) and they have NO concept of the sanctitiy of life. They are little special snowflakes that want to be RECOGNIZED and petted to sooth their disillusionment... but nothing works. Since they arent getting what they are told they deserve, and society is ALWAYS blamed.. they justify killing "society". Innocence or life means nothing to them because they ONLY see themselves.. and how the world relates to THEM alone. Theyre devoid of actual compassion or deeper human feelings.. most times becuase its been drugged out of them by big pharma, so their internal stops have been broken down chemically.

Thats what I think anyway. I take no comfort in that at all... its a terrifying indictment on our modern society and way of life.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by beezzer


I've been studying Criminal Psychology for a few years now, (Just shy of my Masters actually) and this is of course one of the base topics of our study.

Many may argue the fact but violence is not particularly on any kind of significant rise; the reporting of such acts is however. Still the question as to "why" remains a topic of much dissension especially among professionals.

Why do people kill?

Did I mention, Money?
And more

The list is a long one when broken down to individual personality complexes. You have to examine several psychoses as well as temporary lapses in normal cognitive reasoning.

And their respective related subcategories

In short

The reasons are as many and as varied as the number of homicides themselves

I may get time to write more on this as it is one area I am truly so fascinated with as to attempt to get letters after my name to show I have been so fascinated..

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 12:59 PM
I tend to think that people who kill have lost their sense of control and believe that an outward, rather than inward, change needs to occur to restore that control.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 01:00 PM
If you can truly understand why someone would walk into a mall and kill some strangers than I would suggest seeking some help. Normal people are not supposed to understand.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 01:04 PM
There are any number of reasons. But the simple answer is disconnectedness. You will note a distinct lack of this type of behavior within tribal societies. While tribes may have often gone to war with one another, they rarely experience this type of behavior within their own tribal community.

Personally I believe this is because each member of the tribe is a REAL functioning part of that community. They help each other to survive, they help raise each others kids, they provide for one another. They are basically like one big extended family, so everyone in the tribe is distinctly human to each other. We don't have that in our society. We have lost that sense of togetherness and instead we are separated (even though we are right next to each other on the street or the bus). It's easier for someone who is unstable to go off the deepend and hurt people that they don't view as being valuable or even human. We dehumanize each other every day be it through the media or through class warfare or any other system that indoctrinates us into devaluing ourselves and our neighbors.

Thats the root of the problem, imo.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 01:06 PM

If you can truly understand why someone would walk into a mall and kill some strangers than I would suggest seeking some help. Normal people are not supposed to understand.

"Normal People" better try then rather than walk around with their heads up their asses blaming it on things that arent even rational factors if they wish to survive as a culture. "Normal people" were so busy looking for terrorists of a certain religion and color that they missed the fact that WE are our own terrorists. IN any other country.. these mass shootings would be seen as terrorist activities. Not in the US. Theyre USED for political reasons and talking points for journalists with an agenda.

So... Id not be so sure the "Normals" are your savior because the "normals" understand nothing and dont care to.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 01:09 PM
Because they're extremely pissed off.

Next question.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 01:09 PM
Beside the reasons already listed, there are numerous people who just really want to kill somebody or something, thinking that it makes them superior/more manly. Many of us get it out of our system with deer-hunting. I don't think mall/school shooters fall into this group, though.
edit on 10/06/2013 by Tusks because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 01:11 PM
Personally I don't believe anything has changed. Murder is as old as humanity itself. Tools have changed to bring death to another is really the only change.

Gun happens to be one of the easiest but there are more ways to kill another, even in mass, than can be counted. If it wasn't a gun it would be something else at the top of the list be it baseball bat or bare hands.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 01:14 PM


@Why does someone shoot/kill someone?

Because they either don't care or are ignorant to the Karma associated with doing such acts.

The fear and denial can cause a justifying type mentality that detaches some from accepting they are part of something larger in existence and so no remorse or responsibility is processed or taken and so the acts continue.

Its associated with Beliefs. For if many did believe they wouldn't demonstrate such nefarious acts upon another under the REAL EYES of the LORD unless providing some form of assistance or service of protection for others who may be in need...
Because many would know, its not approved.

The further association with Beliefs ties into afterlife and or netherworld perceptions. Some feel they have nothing to consider others KNOW there is and try to alert those who don't consider that maybe they should.

As asked in another thread would life be different for many if there was proof or info of an afterlife...

1 thinks yes


posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 01:16 PM
This guy gives a little speech and nails it on the head. We have a problem with our society.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 01:22 PM
"Love is insanity" and can make people go completly bat# crazy when they loose the "by own judgement" right to the one they love, it becomes a hate beyond believe.

A lot of killings are simply love gone bad.

Not saying this shooting is based on love.

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