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Someone is playing God

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posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

The answer is Isaiah Chapter 45 verse 7 : I The Lord said ;

I form the light , and create darkness:I make peace and create EVIL: I the Lord do all these things .

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 10:09 PM


A. Because someone( I refuse to say who ) is practicing ( CIA would be my guess )
a whole new level of deception. Unprecedented in history as to our knowledge.
We are simply seeing the highest form of deceit via illusion by literally creating
our reality for us. They are going far beyond any recognizable propaganda

I'm guessing the nefarious scoundrels you refuse to mention would be the CIA? Lol

The reason people don't choose to see pictures of murdered children is obvious to the vast majority of Americans. It's sick, and unnecessary. You can go off on a conspiracy rant all you want, but those children are deceased. A deranged mentally ill sicko chose to prey on the weakest of our society. God willing, he is rotting in hell as I write. You may choose to not believe the hundreds of people at the scene, who observed the results of the massacre, but I do, and I'm perfectly happy with the photos being withheld from the public.

You don't release pictures of a massacre for the same reason you don't release pictures of a rape victim. Out of respect, for the victims and their families. There is no one playing God here, it's simply common decency.
edit on 20-1-2014 by BeliefInReality because: (no reason given)

already slinging mud. Good job buddy.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by nickendres

Reclaim your mind, for the spirit of God is the very fabric of consciousness subject to no man's rule unless allowed.

That was a really a good read. All the way down the line and capped it
off perfectly. I'm glad I know Christ.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by SimonPeter

I agree with you about their manipulation but, today with the interrelatedness of multinational banks, the safe places for the wealthy to stash their cash is still within the banks so I don't think their options are quite so secure as they once were before the banking web enveloped the world.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 07:50 AM



A. Because someone( I refuse to say who ) is practicing ( CIA would be my guess )
a whole new level of deception. Unprecedented in history as to our knowledge.
We are simply seeing the highest form of deceit via illusion by literally creating
our reality for us. They are going far beyond any recognizable propaganda

I'm guessing the nefarious scoundrels you refuse to mention would be the CIA? Lol

The reason people don't choose to see pictures of murdered children is obvious to the vast majority of Americans. It's sick, and unnecessary. You can go off on a conspiracy rant all you want, but those children are deceased. A deranged mentally ill sicko chose to prey on the weakest of our society. God willing, he is rotting in hell as I write. You may choose to not believe the hundreds of people at the scene, who observed the results of the massacre, but I do, and I'm perfectly happy with the photos being withheld from the public.

You don't release pictures of a massacre for the same reason you don't release pictures of a rape victim. Out of respect, for the victims and their families. There is no one playing God here, it's simply common decency.
edit on 20-1-2014 by BeliefInReality because: (no reason given)

already slinging mud. Good job buddy.

I am going to have to disagree with you totally on this one. On 11 Sep 01 a real event occurred and the videos were played repeatedly of unfortunate souls leaping to their deaths from the WTC and the aircraft impacts and collapses are still being broadcast today because it was an actual event with lasting implications and effects that are omnipresent to this day and beyond.

These other False Flags, for lack of a better word were quickly and poorly acted out, then shelved as quickly as possible to avoid the scrutiny that would and has revealed the forged nature of these attempts to further enslave Americans and rob them of their remaining freedoms. They show dead children from the Middle East laid out on floors every time it happens on CNN, we have all seen them. Will you really try to say that they are not dead American kids so it's ok, because dead children are dead children buddy. These kids received NO media respect if that is what you call it.

Fact is that these faked events have already faded in the short memory of most Americans simply because they did not happen as we were told and most people know it, even if they won't admit it. Have you seen and "We won't forget Sandy Hook" tee shirts or bumper stickers lately? No, I didn't thing so...

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by BennyHavensOh

These other False Flags, for lack of a better word were quickly and poorly acted out, then shelved as quickly as possible to avoid the scrutiny that would and has revealed the forged nature of these attempts to further enslave Americans and rob them of their remaining freedoms.

That's very true and what a good point, that up til now had
escaped me entirely. Pump out this fakery TV and get it on the shelf
qas quickly as possible, so it becomes a media referrence point.

Alright Benny, threads winding down now, so I used your reply button
to thank you first personally. For not only your brillient replys, but also
for helping myself and ell participants here in, maintain decorum.

Thankk you to the membership, for the intense interest in this topic,
whether you agree or not. And a big thank you, to every one our ATS
Mods, just a super bunch of people. cant say enough. You and the
staff on up to the owners who make this all possible and you are

Respectfully acknowledged and appreciated.
edit on 23-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:33 PM
I hope im not straying off topic... But i think its all a means too an end. But i dont think its simply wealth... Think about the people you are dealing with they already have all the wealth now what is the ultimate presuit... Too live forever.

Just bare with me please here..

This is where things in my mind start too get dynamic and im not sure i can assemble this well enough..
We are a slowly evolving planet because of a lower cosmic/planetary harmonic resonance..
So there is the race against time dynamic.

This planet seems too have a timetable for disaster... Another part of the race against time.

The ET dynamic. The UFO dynamic. And the various genetic experimentation.. I believe they are creating a hybrid race..
They want too live forever... This planet is simply undesirable. And they are changing their genetics and hand picking the people they want too start a new race on a new planet.. This reminds me a little bit of hitler right?
They started by taking 6 million jews as the template for experimentation for both the genetic hybrydization and second the mind controll element for the public too emass resources and make this vision possible.

The reason why they have somany levels of subversion... We are evolving. We are constantly growing... DNA acts as a collective conciousness kind of organism.... They are distorting us, dumbing us down. Keeping us in a maze type scinario.
The flouride.. all of these things that are destroying us i truely believe came from the Nazi groups and their supporters... Now its being imlpimented worldwide...
Now they are starts the depopulation dynamic... because it needs too happen too function with their economic design

The subversion dynamics are to compartmentalize us... Dumb us down. Divide and conqure. Extort resources. And too further study... minipulation of society... Because it seems like they are gearing up too start their own.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Shiloh7

You assume that their fortunes are in currencies . How about precious metals and gem stones for one . Then the prize possession would be land and mineral rights and would be recorded all legal like .
The Elite and Bilderberg members would have theirs protected from the failure . The Elite and some of their top people that they need know when and what to do .
The Protocols Of Zion explains the plan and it is not pretty for the Goy . Now there is a lot of claima of anti-Semitism but history says these people are not Jews but Khazars who were forced to convert to Judaism back in the 7th century by their king . These people are not of the lineage of Jacob as were the 12 tribes of Israel .
Do dare to read these prohibited Protocols that have been proclaimed to be a hoax over and over and see that they really are true and are being fulfilled as planned by the same people who are declaring them to be false .
The Real Jew website doesn't portray them as a hoax .

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Evergreens

This is where things in my mind start too get dynamic and im not sure i can assemble this well enough..

I'm not going to agree that we are evolving. If anything I believe the
record shows we are devolving. But your assembly and the rest of response,
tells me you are paying attention. And putting a lot of thought into
what you are observing. Don't change a thing. I hope you find your
way to the one true path.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by randyvs

If you had found the secret too longevity.. Why would you stay on earth man there are untouched PARADISES out there this is the universe we are talking about...
Planets with no natural disaster and what if there was a genetic/planetery sembiotic template for life that allowed you to live indefinately..

Honestly its not too far fetched. Especially for a person who does not believe in god.. This would be the ultimate persuit..
For a second think about this....
If you could live forever.. create your own race would you not..
Think about what these kinds of men have at their disposal. The bloodlines of these world leaders in most cases are direct decendants of pharoes and men like ceaser. and their secret societies have continued too exsist since then..
They have different kinds of dreams.. to understand why they are doing what they are doing you have too think like one of these men.
.. Ive always had a gift for psychology, These people are after more than just power they have a vision they think is greater... than the sum of all of our lives. Try and imagine what could mean more. why bring things tward an end if it wasnt for a new beginning... they already have more money than they can spend. what does your gut tell you.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Evergreens

You have to remember longevity doesn't make a man
invincible. And maybe it isn't far fetched, but just because a person
chooses not to believe in something. In no way, means that we won't
all experience the same truth in the end. I look to a far more intelligent
being, then the lying ass human, who hasn't even offered you, what
you hope for.

When they haven't even made you an offer?
I like your optimism, but it seems to me, you just want it all your way.
And that's tough even at Mickey D's these days. There will be one truth
for all in the end. I advise you to get that much straight, cause you're not
an ignorant person at all.

And my Gut says you are prolly exactly right.
But these people don't want to die for a reason
bigger than you are willing to accept.

Good luck Evergreen
edit on 23-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 07:45 PM
Sorry if i seemed too subjective ... Ive tried too understand this for somany years now... But even things i believed in then, i dont believe now. So whos too say im right?

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 10:23 PM

This goes way beyond CIA. They simply aren't sophisticated enough for the huge global view that the level of control requires.

CIA is also a known public entity. Whomever is doing this isn't even going to be on anyone's radar.

As much as CIA, NSA, Bilderburg group, Rothschild family, Masonic lodges, Skull and Bones etc are put forward as the bad guys, I bet whomever is in charge of the global manipulation of this sort is way deep in the shadows and don't even get discussed by Conspiracy Theory sites.

The real people in charge must get a real belly laugh from the Conspiracy Theorists trying to figure it all out. I'd imagine that if you look at the 1% of the 1%, and see who isn't real public in their attitudes, you may find the answer you're looking for.

I like "the 9",MJ12, or "the council of 7".

No one knows who they are.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by randyvs

Yes violence hurts. I hate hurt lol. One thing I know about crowd violence (having been through a riot or two), there is a weird primal power to mob violence, it's contagious and it will empower even the meekest of the bunch.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:28 AM

This post may answer some of your questions; I found it an excellent discussion of the 'non-conspiracy' point of view:

the psychology of being anti-conspiracy

Let’s meet face to face with your typical non-conspiracy theorist. We all know them, they often are the ones who hold the “conspiracy” verbal accusation as a valid logically defined argument in and of itself. The logic works like this:

Conspiracy theorist says: “You are claiming that fire alone can cause a building to self-implode, descend at freefall speed into its own footprint? That’s physically impossible, what about Newton’s Laws and laws of thermal dynamics and such? “

Non-conspiracy theorist says: “No, you are wrong because you are a conspiracy theorist.”

And with that, often the non-conspiracy theorist will walk away. What’s happening? They had nothing to elaborate on, so the non-conspiracy theorist - whose thinking is engineered and controlled by government, mainstream media and Hollywood entertainment - resorted to a socially engineered answer. For this reason it is fascinating to explore the mindset and psychology of the individuals who take this position in place of a logical stance.

Thank you for sharing that! A very concise wording of what I have been trying to express for a long time.


posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 12:56 PM

reply to post by Shiloh7

You assume that their fortunes are in currencies . How about precious metals and gem stones for one . Then the prize possession would be land and mineral rights and would be recorded all legal like .
The Elite and Bilderberg members would have theirs protected from the failure . The Elite and some of their top people that they need know when and what to do .
The Protocols Of Zion explains the plan and it is not pretty for the Goy . Now there is a lot of claima of anti-Semitism but history says these people are not Jews but Khazars who were forced to convert to Judaism back in the 7th century by their king . These people are not of the lineage of Jacob as were the 12 tribes of Israel .
Do dare to read these prohibited Protocols that have been proclaimed to be a hoax over and over and see that they really are true and are being fulfilled as planned by the same people who are declaring them to be false .
The Real Jew website doesn't portray them as a hoax .

Yes you are right, their wealth will be held in land ownership eg queenie UK, they will own the medical/drug corps, the food ditribution and growers corps, power corps, water rights, in short all the essentials of life these are their assets, but they cannot run with cash-flow. I know several people with a load of assets but when it comes to doing things with those assets, they have to have the cash. Also most of the services generate cash it has to be a large part of their wealth. Were they to loose their cash in the banks, they would be forced to see some of those assets for liquidity. I actually don't believe the Elite, Davos devas and Bilder burgerkings are or ever will be 100% secure from loosing their wealth I think civil disobedience could ruin their cosy little lives quite easily and that is why our rights have been eroded so much and you have the gun laws Obama is trying to force through. People are on to them and slowly coming to see the unfairness of life and trajedies olf life their cosy lives are costing the rest of us.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Evergreens

Sorry if i seemed too subjective ... Ive tried too understand this for somany years now... But even things i believed in then, i dont believe now. So whos too say im right?

I would never even say I'm right. we just believe differently.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Who do you look to, Other than the lying ass humans....
To be honest... ive always hated human beings and was always ashamed too be one. ALWAYS wished i was something else.

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Evergreens

I hope im not straying off topic... But i think its all a means too an end. But i dont think its simply wealth...

If Eustace Mullins was right, you are anything but off topic.

Before he died,he left us some very revealing clues about this mystery.

He said that there is only ONE single super-conspiracy that explains and ties together ALL other conspiracy theories...

"After forty years of patient study of the crises which faces humanity, I arrived at a very simple conclusion-all conspiracies are Satanic! " Eustace Mullins

"In fact, I point out that all the conspiracies in history - especially during the last 5000 years - are actually different aspects of the same conspiracy. Some people fixed on one aspect of the conspiracy, and say this is the problem, others say another thing, but the thing is all the conspirators work together. All the conspirators are part of the same operation. And this is what people find very reluctant." - Eustace Mullins

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 09:36 PM

reply to post by randyvs

Who do you look to, Other than the lying ass humans....
To be honest... ive always hated human beings and was always ashamed too be one. ALWAYS wished i was something else.

You ask a very interesting question, on so many different levels,
even for myself, being the one you ask. You should be able to see
that same, "Hate" is even stronger in myself. By the difference
in our beliefs.

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