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Someone is playing God

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posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Someone is definitely playing God, it is the Abrahamic god... ehhh demon.

You had me when you were say'in religion. But then your idea just
became to much for your head or somethin happened. I guess n
everything popped out all over the place, like a can o snakes.

I'll just agree that religion might be a good path to follow.
OK light ?
edit on 21-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:18 PM

reply to post by BennyHavensOh

Benny you should know I absolutely agree with what you know as truth.
While I'm not going to rail against you for professing it.
Do what you like. But for others who aren't ready to go so deep ?
I would like you to consider that I do want them in the loop here. K?

edit on 21-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

I got you covered bro, thank you.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by BennyHavensOh

You are not being ran off at all my good man.
Jump in when you like. But don't let yourself
get dragged into anything theological. That's all
I'm get'n at brother.

edit on 21-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Sure, but waiting on someone to fix things for us hasn't exactly been very productive so far has it? The Abrahamic god has been the single most influential entity in recent history (4 thousand or so years), it's no coincidence that it teaches submissiveness and pacificity and that it has been such a huge influence on such a messed up and corrupt world.

Those who cannot or will not make the connection between the state of the world today and Abraham's god are only part of the problem in my opinion. That's not to say they're bad people, only that they worship the problem believing it is the solution. I say it's high time we woke up.

By the way, I threw a S&F your way. Good thread.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Sure, but waiting on someone to fix things for us hasn't exactly been very productive so far has it?

No it hasn't. But I don't understand who you are say'in is doing that.
I know I'm not. That's not any part of my hope at all.
The only one who could possibly help us, with the mess we've made,
has stepped back as per our own choice.
We are the ones who chose to go it alone.

Oh and thank you Light
edit on 21-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by randyvs

No one in particular, just throwing some ideas around. But... the belief that Immanuel or Jesus or Isa will destroy all evil for us hasn't helped much and has been a huge part in pacifying the populace for thousands of years and has helped those in power tremendously in my opinion. I know you don't do nothing but billions have throughout history believing it would happen in their lifetimes.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

K I can see your point. But I think it's validity at best
hit n miss. I can certainly understand how someone
can easily gain such a perspective. But the way I understand
all this goings on, leaves little hope for this life. And every day
I just see more reasons why.

No one has promised to save us from our selves collectively.
But some one has promised to save us from our selves.
It's the best chance i can see in all the world.

Couldn't remember how to spell valid.
edit on 21-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Alright particulars, I wonder first of all, if you noticed my
reply to Char Lee, on the previous page at the bottom.
I think there's something in that reply you'll find interesting.

The link in the OP for me was spot on, when one of the gents
said, The explaination that SHE was faked, is also the easiest
edit on 22-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by randyvs

Gabby Giffords, The Dark Knight Theater Shootings, Sandy Hook Hoax, The Santa Monica Shootings, LAX TSA Shootings.

Between 1/8/11 and 9/16/13 there were 6 highly publicized mass shootings in the USA. In each and every case, the shooting was conducted by a lone gunman with no motive.

Between the Gabriel Giffords assassination attempt and the LAX TSA shootings there were a total of 174 victims.

Of the 65 killed, not a single victim was shown to the public, and there is no evidence, other than what has been reported by the media and the Police, in partnership with one or more of the Alphabetical Soup Law Enforcement Agencies.

Of the 109 injured persons, we saw evidence of 1 injury (the gentleman seen ambling out of the Century 16 theater in Aurora, Colorado). That's a total of 0 killed and 1 injured (no wound) plus 1 dummy. That's right, the police actually gave a CPR dummy and armed escort to an awaiting ambulance in the TSA shooter event. News repts stated he (the dummy) suffered from "unknown" injuries.

In the 6 cases, 4 shooters are deceased and two are insane, that leaves 0 the number of trials that will be held in these cases. Which is a good thing for prosecutors, since not a shred of credible evidence has been provided or seen in any of these fake events.

Only lies and fairy tales blathered out by the corrupt law enforcement officials and a complicit media.

The whole thing appears to be a massive social experiment, testing public reaction, taking note of desertion, practicing for when a real emergency comes down and , of course, control.

I am of the opinion that the only way to put an end to this mass manipulation and brainwashing is to start by arresting the players, from the Police officials who take the podium to the crisis actors playing the victims. Starting with low level players for momentum, working our way up the ladder to the top and beyond. Don't stop arresting these people until we reach the top of the capstone, and permanently blind the all seeing eye, once and for all.

How can we do this? Can we start by making citizens arrests? Or do we need to form Militia's or other Organized Vigilante groups?
What happens if we do nothing and let it continue unabated?

I know it's a long shot, but I for one am speaking up and voicing my resistance, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by Stackpot

I forgot to add the Navel Shipyard Slayings, which like all the rest, was conducted by a lone shooter with no motive and no trial will be held. We never saw any dead or injured and the whole thing was just a massive exercise or drill gone live.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:33 AM

reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

I'm not ignoring you Lady. But off the top of my head I
got noth'in at the moment. However your post of course like
always, shows you are well aware.

edit on 21-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

Well, it's a lot of information! Not always easy to define and explain, either. Of course, I am sure that's part of the plan.

I do wonder if anyone reading the thread has the time to research who actually is behind the big media sources. There isn't a lot people could do about that, but being aware might help pin things down.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:44 AM

reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Alright particulars, I wonder first of all, if you noticed my
reply to Char Lee, on the previous page at the bottom.
I think there's something in that reply you'll find interesting.

The link in the OP for me was spot on, when one of the gents
said, The explaination that SHE was faked, is also the easiest
edit on 22-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

There are SO many discrepancies in that case, I can't understand why people won't question it! That a 911 call recording, which at least was in the past available online (might be now) had a report of a second person going right past a window while the one was already inside. That no one can see ANY data about that whole thing is very odd as well. The smiling parents, within a day or so, in pictures with the WH resident, are enough to make a person suspicious as well. I am a parent, and there is NO WAY I could smile like that after such a thing. NO WAY.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Stackpot

I know it's a long shot, but I for one am speaking up and voicing my resistance, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

Right now? I'm tending this post waiting for some people to
present some solid ideas like yours. Sampling the oygen in the air
to see if anyone even realises it is us, who will have to do something.

But also to know that once such an option like that is taken? You have to
be prepared spiritually. Because you will have to be ready to relent
everything. Including your pulse. But one person alone would be equal
to nothing. But two is completely different. Two would make a lot of noise.
in peoples heads. Then the chances of bringing it all down? Putting a sharp
stick the eye, you might say? They would only look exponentially better at
3 and then 4 etc.

But to be letting all this go on, with out hook'n up with someone giving it any
kind of a a go? I think it might be a start. But it's better then feeling
like I live in a time that's filled with a bunch a G-D lollipops I tell you that much.

And I love your work on the stats.

edit on 22-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by randyvs

But a whole bunch of Bozos, need to open their minds
and let their brain fall out. Because the damn thing isn't
doing them any good any which way.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by Char-Lee

What if there's really no crime happening at all?
Any where in the USA? What if it's all being faked to instill
fear and keep us thinking, we need their asses. That we're
all so much safer with them around? What if the opposite
were the truth? The consensus of this thread alone says
that SH was faked and that incriminates a whole police
force. I really doubt Semper is going to do any moderating.

I kid but from the radio show and his, "Ask a cop" thread. I really like Semper.
I just wish he would chime in more, at least on certain threads. Like this one.
Where we could use some interjection from a police officers point of view on
all this. I mean i 'm sure he'd have much of great value to offer. IDK
That even adds to the weirdness.
edit on 22-1-2014 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by randyvs

I'm much more inclined to do things peaceably and I abhor violence (except on the grid iron or the cage), but I don't know anymore. The feeling I get is that tptb are suiting and booting and all we're doing is crying in our soup. I just saw in ATS where Mexicans are forming organized vigilante defence groups in opposition to the lawless cartels and the corrupt federals, to the extent where they had 20,000 feet on the ground for a recent march, and that it only took a year to reach that level. Granted, they have been under more than just psychological pressure, but it is good to see that it can be done. And if you look at all the protesters in Brazil and Egypt etc. Americans can wake up, and when we do, we can be real mf'er's to anyone willing to stand in our way.

My personal plan would be to take out the money in politics. Qualified candidates get x amount of free air time. Add a regular debate and speaking schedule for the candidates and add another party or two. If you eliminated the influence and corruption of money, maybe the issues can be addressed. Defund the Secret gov't, the DHS, CIA et al. We can and will defend ourselves very well without them.

We have to figure a way to keep the good guys alive in govt and politics, the way to do that is to purge the black hats, one at a time till the rascals are reduced to what they in fact are, corrupt old men and their freeloading henchmen. Defang em.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by Stackpot

I'm much more inclined to do things peaceably and I abhor violence (except on the grid iron or the cage), but I don't know anymore. The feeling I get is that tptb are suiting and booting and all we're doing is crying in our soup

NP you mentioned citizens arrest and I thought anything
would be better than sittin on ass. The only violence I mentioned would
be on us. So you don't just abhor violence. You also abhor violence
on yourself.

That's a good thing too.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by randyvs

Consider the possibilities, always a strong point to consider indeed.

According to the model of electromagnetism (light), it exists both as single, particulate type of energy, as well as an infinite amount of waveform possibilities. This yields some of the ideas of multi-dimensionality.

So, if there was a person like this, wouldn't you simply get help from an even more powerful being to fix the problem, or in the very least put you in a dimension, just like the other, but with that person (the controller) simply gone?

Even more curious, what if that person (the controller) was absolutely vital to this existence?

Then again, what really is existence?

ps: If there was a clear and present threat to the well being of people, im sure the Universe would eventually bring things back to equilibrium. That's just the way she goes!
edit on 22-1-2014 by 1Providence1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by randyvs

Hey Randy ,

in my experience , ciartain individuals
plan nefarious activities up to ten years into the future .
It seems to be a nazi thing , that ultimately
has Christianity being crushed ;
and extreme muslim fanatics ,
with a communist lean , taking over .

Wisdom has it that satan is the false God and deceiver
of this world . His identity is known only to a few ,
and I beleive he is Molech and can transform
himself into an owl......

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by 1Providence1

I have been reading through the posts and see the links with the freemasons, the Pope and links back to the bible and I would like to add a completely different aspect to the discussion.

Firstly I think that Christianity is actually a created religion by Constantine to save the Roman Empire. With its power fading the velvet glove approach to controlling people was simply the best/beast way for him to achieve his goal. Emporers and Kings have had control since Constantines time through various institutions, the church the strongest and the pope in Rome could not have pleased Constantine and his followers better.

We know there is no proof of Jesus ever living except through the interpolations of Christian writers b ut we do know that Constantine hated the religious following of Appolonius of Tyana. His religion was based after Appolonius had travelled throughout the Roman Empire and been to India, Tibet, Egypt etc and his ideas were being taken up by the people eagerly. Constantine therefore adapted his beliefs, tried to destroy all records of Appolonius the Nazarene, and we now have Jesus and the adaptions Constantine saw fit to help maintain the status quo. Christianity of 'turn the other cheek, pay your taxes to Rome and simply accept your lot because God governs through the Pope, Emperor and Kings etc should be a clue to what has been manipulated. The King James bible is not the original one and the original one, we know is a book that borrows myths from cultures outside the original Hebrew people's world, and we know it was written by Priests eager to maintain their control over the people - and there you have the path followed down through the last 1700 years.

I don't really link the ordinary true Jew with the elite group who are ruinning the world and one only has to look at where the money is and look into the background of those who govern and run our institutions top see who is in charge - its not a conspiracy who they are, the conspiracy is how they have achieved what they have and are just facing up to the fact that they are no longer so invisible and are clearly getting uncomfortable about it.

This group of so-called 'gods' are really, IMHO sociopaths. People of the same ilk can pick each other out in any group of strangers and they naturally gravitate together because they understand each other and have the same goals. Anyone who has contrived to bring such suffering into the world as can be seen by the roles of the money men, pope etc, etc is not a normal human being, but a sociopath simply because an ordinary humanb being could not cope with any form of conscience knowing the result of their actions.

Recently on the tv I caught the tale end of a story about Prince William joking with a group of people and saying he was supposed to be a 'reptile' which obviously is cocking a snoot at people who are getting close to who runs what here. Now pretty William and Kate are being trotted out to appease the British public because when the old Queen dies, royalty, without her could well be in jeopardy and Rothschild, who controls our royals wealth, would be most likely opposed to loosing his grip on our institutions and the position of Britain in the world. It should also be remembered that now William is married, obviously to someone he loves dearly and also has a beautiful little son, he is actually now vulnerable because if he doesn't tow the line required he already knows the price his Mother paid when she got in the way of the arms dealers and was due to visit Gaza for the charity Save the Children.

I do think that people have been squeezed too hard by the 'gods' and many, having lost their assets now have nothing to loose and the time to think clearly about who and what institutions have ruined their lives, often through no fault of their own.

I do suggest people look up Appolonius and read about his history and look at the only picture we have of him, because its truly striking and the epitomy of Jesus as many of us think of his image. Also its worth remembering that there is so much about Jesus and his life that simply doesn't make sense. Constantine also removed a lot of the beliefs that were linked to the Oriental relligions such as reincarnation that Appolonius's religious teachings embodied. I appreciate this is probably a step way too far out of most people's comfort zone but Appolonius existed and at least has a record that can be checked.

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