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Heads up for a major natural event in a few days or weeks or months.

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posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 10:10 PM


Yet after you had your "special feeling" you didn't feel compelled to post here?.....on your very own prediction thread?

You just decided to mention it after it had happened.

You couldn't make this stuff up!.......well obviously you could

At first I didn't realize the the time zone discrepancies. But I actually had the "earthquake sensations" several hours before the Earthquake hit NZ. I have both the nature of the event (earthquake) and the location (NZ) accurate. It's a good thing no one was hurt when I decided not to post it.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by ahnggk

At first I didn't realize the the time zone discrepancies.

I am hereby predicting that US, Russian forces hunt jihadist widow feared inside Olympic zone.
Regardless of time zone, prove me wrong.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

At first I didn't realize the the time zone discrepancies. But I actually had the "earthquake sensations" several hours before the Earthquake hit NZ. I have both the nature of the event (earthquake) and the location (NZ) accurate.

Ah, come on! That’s blatant, in-your-face rubbish!

Retrospectively tying your wishful thinking (or trolling, take your pick) into real events, and expecting rational, sane people to believe you?

Holy crap.

Even if you had a spookily accurate hit-rate, which you don’t, you cannot retro-predict an event. That comes across as desperation in the extreme, and does absolutely nothing to further anyone even beginning to toy with the concept of believing you.

And then, to cap it all, you have the gallto state in an open forum:

It's a good thing no one was hurt when I decided not to post it.

What difference would it have made if you had posted it?

No one in NZ – citizen or official - would have paid any attention to a conspiracy forum's wannabe prophet of doom anyway, and even if they had, what possible good would it have done if even a handful had believed it?!

Do you honestly think in your wildest dreams that there would have been a mass exodus because someone named ahnggk on the internet said there was an earthquake coming? If you did, then you are deluding yourself.

You are not predicting the weather.
You are not saving lives.
You are something else entirely.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:19 AM
Thanks to whoever gave me that 8th flag!

P.S. I'm reading most your replies here. Things have gone for the worse.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:32 AM


P.S. I'm reading most your replies here. Things have gone for the worse.

And you didn't see it coming?

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:39 AM
So something is going to happen somewhere at some time?

Great prediction, no one else could have come up with something so specific.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 07:54 AM

P.S. I'm reading most your replies here. Things have gone for the worse.

Really? For all the prognosticating you've been doing about "some event, somewhere, sometime to come", it's the reactions of humans that you can't reasonably predict?

That's about the surest sign of any that the predictor, good intentions or not, is full of it. If they don't have the foresight to see how they'll be received both positively and negatively, well, there you go.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:04 AM
Someone here previously asked me to look up the meaning of predict or prediction in the dictionary. He sure fell flat on his face.

Because I fit the definition!

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:11 AM

Someone here previously asked me to look up the meaning of predict or prediction in the dictionary. He sure fell flat on his face.

As have you in every instance. You have given no specific prediction. Only vague claims of something happening in a general area within a few months time frame.

Tell you what....why don't you give us all something to shut us up. A REAL prediction with a date and event to happen on that date. Not multiple events, unless they are all going to happen at the same time. Tell us the specifics with as much detail as possible. If it comes true then good on you and we can all shut up.

Until then, you are simply going to be ridiculed for your broad sweeping claims and vague visions of disaster.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

Someone here previously asked me to look up the meaning of predict or prediction in the dictionary. He sure fell flat on his face.

Because I fit the definition!

No he didn't.

No you don't.

Actually, you do, inasmuch as you are "predicting" weather/geological events, but ones that that will occur naturally considering the world's weather is changing. The difficulty in believing you lies in you using a shotgun approach; merely firing out incredibly wide-ranging predictions with regard to event and location, and offering an equally wide-ranging time-frame for them to occur.

Anyone can do that. For example; I predict that within three months of today's date, a weather related event will hit somewhere within a thousand mile wide area centered in eastern Europe. It will cause severe disruption, and be the worse with living memory.

Now, is that vague enough? Let's see if it comes true.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:26 AM

Vasa Croe
As have you in every instance. You have given no specific prediction. Only vague claims of something happening in a general area within a few months time frame.

Tell you what....why don't you give us all something to shut us up. A REAL prediction with a date and event to happen on that date. Not multiple events, unless they are all going to happen at the same time. Tell us the specifics with as much detail as possible. If it comes true then good on you and we can all shut up.

Until then, you are simply going to be ridiculed for your broad sweeping claims and vague visions of disaster.

At best, I could only reduce the time frame to one week. And it will be within one week of the announcement of the prediction.

Better than nothing don't you think?

"Better to hold on to a tiny root than none at all if that tiny root is the only thing keeping you from falling off the face of a cliff"

- me

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 08:54 AM


Vasa Croe
As have you in every instance. You have given no specific prediction. Only vague claims of something happening in a general area within a few months time frame.

Tell you what....why don't you give us all something to shut us up. A REAL prediction with a date and event to happen on that date. Not multiple events, unless they are all going to happen at the same time. Tell us the specifics with as much detail as possible. If it comes true then good on you and we can all shut up.

Until then, you are simply going to be ridiculed for your broad sweeping claims and vague visions of disaster.

At best, I could only reduce the time frame to one week. And it will be within one week of the announcement of the prediction.

Better than nothing don't you think?

"Better to hold on to a tiny root than none at all if that tiny root is the only thing keeping you from falling off the face of a cliff"

- me

Sure....reduce it to a week, a specific event and a specific geographic region. As it stands, your predictions cover up to a few months, every possible natural disaster and around 1/10th of the land mass of earth....that could be predicted by ANYONE.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 09:22 AM
Maybe something like me saying hey...I think there is going to be a 9+ EQ in Tonga within 48 hours.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 10:56 AM

Vasa Croe
Maybe something like me saying hey...I think there is going to be a 9+ EQ in Tonga within 48 hours.

I can be accurate with EQ prediction but not weather, volcano, and other natural events..

EQs seem to give the strongest "pre event energy" and I think it's the same thing animals sense. It can cause me to suddenly lose consciousness or that sort of sensation. Unfortunately, I can't give more than 12 hrs of advanced warning for EQs according to past experiences.

And I could only reliably predict strong EQs occuring over Southeast Asia and New Zealand so far..
edit on 21-1-2014 by ahnggk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Beamish

Me thinks that poster was being facetious with his 'retro-prediction' as a way to show the ridiculous nature of this thread.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:16 AM

Someone here previously asked me to look up the meaning of predict or prediction in the dictionary. He sure fell flat on his face.

Because I fit the definition!

So say you,

How about explaining how it fits you so readers can see what you do because it certainly does not fit in my mind and I suspect many other readers minds as well.

Doesn't your face hurt or do you wear a football or motocross helmet when you post on ATS?

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

And I could only reliably predict strong EQs occuring over Southeast Asia and New Zealand so far.. edit on 21-1-2014 by ahnggk because: (no reason given)

After they happen isn't predicting them,

That is the evidence we have here, you say otherwise but fail to post your feelings when you have them in a thread you have open and decide to tell readers after the fact that "yeah I saw that one coming as well, but because of time differences you didn't realize what?

Please explain what you meant by that.

At first I didn't realize the the time zone discrepancies. But I actually had the "earthquake sensations" several hours before the Earthquake hit NZ. I have both the nature of the event (earthquake) and the location (NZ) accurate. It's a good thing no one was hurt when I decided not to post it.

Please do explain this,

You decided not to post or you didn't realize time discrepancies?


posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 10:38 PM


After they happen isn't predicting them,

That is the evidence we have here, you say otherwise but fail to post your feelings when you have them in a thread you have open and decide to tell readers after the fact that "yeah I saw that one coming as well, but because of time differences you didn't realize what?

Please explain what you meant by that.

I don't think you'll believe but I'll say it anyway

I dreamed of tsunamis just between 3 to 6 hours before the deadly 2004 boxing day tsunami struck

I nearly lost consciousness an hour before the 8.0 quakes off Sumatra in 2010 and 2012. I was very nervous few days before Feb 2011 Christchurch quake struck.

I don't think I'll classify these as prediction. More like earthquake precursors like animals going crazy. But I'll post it anyways even if it's just a few hours notice. It might help save someone.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

I don't think you'll believe but I'll say it anyway I dreamed of tsunamis just between 3 to 6 hours before the deadly 2004 boxing day tsunami struck

I do,

You have already told me about this dream of yours where you stuck in your University Building due to flooding from tsunamis.

I don't think I'll classify these as prediction. More like earthquake precursors like animals going crazy. But I'll post it anyways even if it's just a few hours notice. It might help save someone.

Because they weren't,

You need to fine tune if you want make such posts, Half the world in the next half year is fear mongering, you fear something bad will happen and need to pass it on. there is no need all of us have our fears of an ever changing world,

If you are willing to fine tune your gift if you have one and be a little more precise then you might help someone, if and only if they listen to you.

the OP is a fine example of why you need to fine tune, but you seem to want to right and believed in more than actually finding a way to maybe really save lives if you can foresee and can warn, but half the world wont listen, even if you make a very precise prediction, no one will listen as you have cried wolf before. If a precise prediction of your come to pass then you will have those that want to hear more of what you have to say.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by ahnggk

You know what really amazes me, is how specific you are in the past. Having feelings the day of or even hours of the event and yet in this thread you have it "narrowed" to the first 4 months of 2014. Did your ability become less potent over time?

I think what you are really missing here OP is that even if the world were to end tomorrow or a major event were to occur there is not a single one of us who would attribute or thank you for making a "prediction". It wouldn't even be considered a coincidence.

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