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Heads up for a major natural event in a few days or weeks or months.

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posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 05:00 PM
Eventually, anyone who makes random, broad predictions like these is going to be right, and will start making claims to be some sort of Edgar Cayce.

These threads are ridiculous and really shouldn't have a place on ATS.

"I predict a school shooting in the USA, sometime soon", doesn't make me a prophet.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 09:22 PM

If you are willing to fine tune your gift if you have one and be a little more precise then you might help someone, if and only if they listen to you.

the OP is a fine example of why you need to fine tune, but you seem to want to right and believed in more than actually finding a way to maybe really save lives if you can foresee and can warn, but half the world wont listen, even if you make a very precise prediction, no one will listen as you have cried wolf before. If a precise prediction of your come to pass then you will have those that want to hear more of what you have to say.

I've been like this since 2004 with no improvement. I've been sharing my predictions all the time, I only did it on ATS last year.

I have little opportunity to find tune it. I don't live in a rest house in the mountains singing kumbaya. My life is really really hard at the moment and for a long time now.

I think I'll just quit. It's going to get worse anyways. Just have a survival and first aid kit always ready, wherever you are.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

I have little opportunity to find tune it. I don't live in a rest house in the mountains singing kumbaya. My life is really really hard at the moment and for a long time now.

You think you need to live in rest home singing Kumbaya to fine tune your talents or have you done this in the past, taken refuge in the mountains and it has fine tuned any abilities you might possess?

Your life is really really hard for a while?

You should be ashamed of yourself, you say you want to save lives by getting your warnings out yet say you have a hard life and have internet access, I assume you have roof over your head? Clothes to wear and food to eat that have kept you going for the last few years being able to post on ATS?

You have a hard life as does every other human, do you want to compare how hard your life is to a child starving or orphaned?

What about those that suffer in disasters that you want to warn us about but haven't the opportunity because its too hard to improve yourself because your not in rest home on a mountain?

Has that worked or are you just spitting any and every excuse to not better yourself if you can and do have something that you say you do?


I think I'll just quit. It's going to get worse anyways. Just have a survival and first aid kit always ready, wherever you are.

you quit before you really started as you never had the intentions to follow through if you did or do believe in yourself.

Quitting is easy when the road to success is steep and hard to climb.

It might get worse for you with your negative attitude, its spiraling out of control. you attract that which put out and its quite negative like much of what surrounds us on here, in the media. Its up to you to find a way to transform the negative into positive when you feel it all around you.

Have a little optimism in your life, it might be your only light and guide when all others go out.
edit on 23-1-2014 by InhaleExhale because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 11:08 AM

Your life is really really hard for a while?

You should be ashamed of yourself, you say you want to save lives by getting your warnings out yet say you have a hard life and have internet access, I assume you have roof over your head? Clothes to wear and food to eat that have kept you going for the last few years being able to post on ATS?

I am living on someone's mercy, I lost my career, lost all my life's savings, just taking odd jobs.

I've lost the chance to have a family of my own.

I can't function properly like this.

Say whatever insult you wish, I don't care, you are the least of my problems. I don't think this is a world worth saving when most people are living in misery. Better this world ended sooner to end the suffering of most people eh?

Anyhoo, I still think I did a great job!

edit on 23-1-2014 by ahnggk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by ahnggk

Maybe the reason you lost your career was because you thought you were
"doing a good job" when you weren't, almost exactly like this thread.

Even being at the mercy of someone's kindness, you're still better off than most people. I work in an area where there are hundreds of homeless, people who weren't given any mercy or kindness and ended up on the street.

You haven't slept outside in winter? Then you are still damn lucky.

You need to stop. It has become quite apparent to everyone reading this thread that you are doing this all to gain attention and adulation. Even the people who were here supporting you in the beginning have stopped posting on your behalf and in your support.

Just, stop.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 08:29 PM

Even being at the mercy of someone's kindness, you're still better off than most people. I work in an area where there are hundreds of homeless, people who weren't given any mercy or kindness and ended up on the street.

You haven't slept outside in winter? Then you are still damn lucky.

I would be homeless otherwise. If I don't work these odd jobs, I starve to death. They weren't the nicest odd jobs either.

I lost my career due to circumstances. Bad decisions I made when I was young and ignorant and external factors, not due to my performance at work. I actually went beyond the call of duty at my last dignified job. I virtually automated administrative tasks at the office when no one asked me. They loved it. It saved them a lot of time to perform their duties that they didn't have to hire few more workers. Thus, it also saved them a lot of money.

The company couldn't keep me because the immigration couldn't renew my work visa. Bad choice of university degree comes back to haunt me. Being a "jack of all trades, master of none" is a terrible terrible plan to have a good career.

Some of you would mock me why couldn't I have foreseen that. I could only foresee and not always big events that can affect thousands of people or more.

Freezing to death sleeping out in the streets during winter ain't a problem to me. Do you know how terrible it feels knowing you've wasted your education, lost all your life savings, nearly hopeless to get what you lost, and now the subject of pity of your peers? Dying would be the least of my problems. Since I have no family of my own, it could even be a blessing.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

I am living on someone's mercy, I lost my career, lost all my life's savings, just taking odd jobs.

Yes you are, your own.

You are living on your own mercy, You lost your Job, You lost all your life savings, you are taking odd jobs.

Say whatever insult you wish, I don't care, you are the least of my problems.

What have I said to you for you to say I wish to insult?

I think you do care that is why you are in pain.

If you see me as a problem of yours why do keep insisting at keeping your problems around and interacting with them.

Are you confused that some your problems are also your solution?

I don't think this is a world worth saving when most people are living in misery.

I would agree if this was true, unfortunately misery is not something that is never ending and is an experience all go through.

Better this world ended sooner to end the suffering of most people eh?

since you are asking me a question, my answer is NO.

How about better you start seek solutions to make your world better, get of the sites like ATS as that seems to big wall holding you back. To much negativity being eaten by your mind, If you need to use the internet look for healthy stuff to feed your mind with to balance out the negative we all are fed with, start looking for solution as all you have done is highlighted problems and then wanting to predict others that have yet to happen for what reason, to help people you say, no you are helping yourself and feeding your fears.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:48 AM


To much negativity being eaten by your mind, If you need to use the internet look for healthy stuff to feed your mind with to balance out the negative we all are fed with, start looking for solution as all you have done is highlighted problems and then wanting to predict others that have yet to happen for what reason, to help people you say, no you are helping yourself and feeding your fears.

The only way I can do this is to turn a blind eye to all the bad things happening around the world.

What humanity has done is torture the weak majority for thousands of years. God through nature has a solution. Our problems can no longer be solved with greedy men in power and our worship of money and power keeping them in power. It must be ended completely and I will try to help God in that through nature's might.
edit on 27-1-2014 by ahnggk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:54 AM



To much negativity being eaten by your mind, If you need to use the internet look for healthy stuff to feed your mind with to balance out the negative we all are fed with, start looking for solution as all you have done is highlighted problems and then wanting to predict others that have yet to happen for what reason, to help people you say, no you are helping yourself and feeding your fears.

The only way I can do this is to turn a blind eye to all the bad things happening around the world.

What humanity has done is torture the weak majority for thousands of years. God through nature has a solution. Our problems can no longer be solved with greedy men in power and our worship of money and power keeping them in power. It must be ended completely and I will try to help God in that through nature's might.
edit on 27-1-2014 by ahnggk because: (no reason given)

Umm...that sounds very close to being insane. So you want to warn people you say, yet you also want to help God end humanity through nature's might? How exactly do you plan on helping God? And just for peace of mind, are you saying you are speaking to God on some level now?

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

The only way I can do this is to turn a blind eye to all the bad things happening around the world.

So you have a solution to make you life better yet you choose to see the world burn and help out if you can?

And you want to warn and save people?

Stop playing your games if you are, if you are not playing a game with what you say you need help that no GOD you believe in can give as your GOD is about destruction and that is all you seem to see.

Do you know in 1 minute of 1 day how many children are born?

Do you know what that birth means to the parents or members of the family?

Why do you choose to focus on the negative aspect of everything?

Can you not see that is what those that control society or shape society want you to focus your energy on instead of the positive as it feeds that which you focus on.

Stop feeding the angry Wolf who wants to strike fear in the hearts of man, start feeding the Wolf that will guide you out of the dark forest and into the sunny fields where the light shines on those that seek it.

You are stuck in a forest, you keep feeding the wrong guide and you keep getting darker and darker to the point you cannot see where you are going so you think your path will end soon, it wont the suffering will continue, you can choose whether you want help it or combat it and come to the sunny field where you can see who and what is around is you.

What humanity has done is torture the weak majority for thousands of years.

NO humanity has not done this, but you can choose to see it as such only it is you who is suffering and being tortured when you perceive the world and humanity as such.

Our problems can no longer be solved with greedy men in power and our worship of money and power keeping them in power. It must be ended completely and I will try to help God in that through nature's might.

Do you worship money and power?

You seem to worship a destructive power, that is obvious to any reader reading your words of hopelessness, but what about money, I would say you don't worship it but are envious of those that have it.

I hope you do not know anybody who is bringing a child into this world as your ideology is a cancer on this earth worse than the rich and powerful you seem to envy yet blame all the problems of the world on.

You will help GOD end humanity completely?


Because you cannot see past your own fear and delusion to think you know how all other humans feel.

There is much pain and suffering, war and killing yet why if you speak of a God can you not have faith in a brighter future?

Is God all about pain and suffering and total destruction to you? What God do you worship? Shiva?

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 04:19 PM

Eventually, anyone who makes random, broad predictions like these is going to be right, and will start making claims to be some sort of Edgar Cayce.

These threads are ridiculous and really shouldn't have a place on ATS.

"I predict a school shooting in the USA, sometime soon", doesn't make me a prophet.

Oh look, you ARE a prophet!!

A student who was shot outside a dormitory at South Carolina State University died on Friday as authorities searched for four suspects believed to be involved in the shooting, officials said.

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