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My son (16) came home frightened!! Black eyed non-human?

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+41 more 
posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:14 PM
My 16 year old son just came home from Walmart frightened and almost in tears. He is very honest and not about drama at all.

I never believed per say in "black eyed people" because I have never seen one myself and have always thought it could be people with black contacts or something. I don't know.. just never thought much about it.

Until tonight.

My son and his friends were leaving Walmart, standing in line to check out and he felt someone staring at him from behind and immediately his friend asked him to turn around. He turned and looked at this "being".

This "being" was as still as stone and looked intimidatingly at my son, like it was his enemy. My son stared at her/ him/ it for a few more seconds, trying to process what he was seeing. He says there was zero light reflecting it's eyes and that it looked like a black hole. Like.. no eyes just sockets that were deep and black. He says he felt like it was trying to get inside his head so he tried to think no thoughts. As he looked away the "being" grinned, but not a "Hi, how ya doing" but a melancholy smile.. fake and disgusting. He tells me he feels like it was a non-human. His intuition doesn't tell him if it was demonic or a type of alien, just non-human. So after looking at this being a few more seconds, his instinct kicked in as if he needed to flee. He couldn't run like he wanted to as he still needed to pay. When he was asked for the payment he said he could tell the cashier was as dumbfounded and confused as he and his friends were. He states everything was going in slow motion, like he was watching a movie in slow motion. He said it didn't feel real at all.

He made eye contact with his friends who were with him and they all took off running and on the way home they were silent.

My son was so scared that he had actually seen this "being" that he became teary eyed when he was telling me and he was visibly shaken up.

My daughter and her friends laughed and didn't take him seriously. He and I were in the garage talking about it and one of them came out and knocked on the door and he ran so fast up the stairs crying!!! He is freaked the hell out and this is soooo unlike my boy.

Tonight.... I am a believer in dark eyed non-humans and I am seriously concerned!

Has ANYONE here ever seen anything like what he describes?

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:19 PM
link seeing it before...and we're wayyy out where the buses don't run for topics I'm comfy on, I'll say that for how little I say here.

Did your son see him and what was being presented alone or did his friends see it as well?

+7 more 
posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

A prayer of protection for you, your son and family

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

Well that's creepy.

No I've never seen this and actually never heard of it before your post.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Please tell me what you think or know on this subject. All of his friends saw it and "felt" it.

He says at the moment of eye contact, he was not scared of it, more disgusted. He was confused at what he was seeing and feeling.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

Has ANYONE here ever seen anything like what he describes?

Yes I have, once and it scared the hell out of me. I believe you and your son.

When I looked into that persons eyes my blood ran cold, they were dead black and the feeling that hit me was this was a total psychopath. I won't say who it was but if I named names you would know who I was talking about. PM me if you have to know.

Interesting thing is this persons eyes aren't always like this.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by OrphanApology

It is very creepy and as his mother I am feeling concerned. He keeps saying it felt like it wanted to get in his head.

The figure had long black hair, tan skin, long cloth ( not a dress) that was the same color of the skin.. tan.

I had heard of black eyed people from ATS, a couple of years back but never put much stock into it and frankly don't remember being a part of the thread/threads. I'm definitely going to search for them now.

+15 more 
posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:29 PM
I will keep you guys in my prayers. I have heard of these kind of encounters before. Whether they are individuals possessed by demons, non human entities themselves manifesting into human flesh, or other phenomena isn't fully understand. But make no mistake about it, he encountered a "malevolent , soulless entity" that was evil.
Stand strong, and know God has conquered all those evil realms and will protect your son from harm. These entities seek out any vulnerable target and parasitically try and leach something out of them to overcompensate for their own lack of "soul" .
What they want the most is "life", they hate human beings because they are a constant reminder to them that God's love exists in our species, and we have free will and the ability to connect with that light and power and overcome them. It's envy taken to extreme levels and merging into pure hatred for humanity. These are all staples of the devil.

I pray that Jesus will let no harm overcome you or your family, and I pray this boldly knowing he has dominion and power to protect you guys !

Please keep us informed on what transpires from this, some of us here really care about you!

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:33 PM
I wish that happened to me, I'd invite them in just to see what it was all about scared or not. I have heard and read things about BEK's don't know where I stand on it yet but from what I gather they always want something, I'd hook them up just to see what happens. just my opinion, from what I read though I hear it is a terrifying experience.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

Be sure to post a link when you come across the threads.

I found this:

I've honestly never had anything out of the ordinary in anyway ever happen to me but I have some family members that will swear up and down various events happened.

I had a family member who would always talk about how he would meet certain people and their face would contort and their eyes looked strange. I always chalked it up to his drinking days but who knows, maybe there was beef to the story. He thought it was because they were possessed by demons and because he believed in god they didn't like the sight of him.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by freedom7

Thank you for the heads up. I am firm in my belief of a creator and have a lot of love for Jesus so I can appreciate your prayers of protection. I have no fear but I do worry about my kids. He was shaken by this experience.

After we have talked about it, he isn't so much scared as he is confused. He didn't get the feeling he was going to be followed, he says he felt like they were occupying the same space when they shouldn't have.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

Okay, I wasn't expecting that more than one person saw what he was presenting. That is surprising...

I have no doubt in my mind they are people, not supernatural. Not in any sense we'd think of that, anyway. I'm trying to articulate something that's almost impossible to do without an evenings worth of context to make sense...

The easiest way I can put it is that what he saw wasn't real. At least not physically real. If the cashier had looked up at that moment, there wouldn't have been a blood curdling scream and panic to insue... She wouldn't have seen anything but an intensely staring jerk eyeballing a kid in line for some reason. He saw what was being presented to see for his perception ...which is where multiple people seeing it throws me a bit. That's one helluva accomplishment.

Bottom line tho...I'd say he never forget the experience and most importantly, exactly what this felt like. That feeling will be unique in subtle ways to the person that it came from....and he may feel it again if around that person again. That's why remembering it matters. It's about 0.1% chance they ever cross paths again though. That's my opinion. If so?

I'd cross a busy street to be on the other side of it.

I hope that helps and makes some sense... without a whole lot of talking about general things, it's about the best I can do, in how I perceive what you're describing.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by OrphanApology

I haven't found any yet that were of experiences. Here is a link to a story that he is relating with.. this mans story is from 20 years back in Louisville, Kentucky.

I live in Louisville, Kentucky. I had the encounter in the fall. My nieces and I were out shopping for some new shirts when I could feel someone looking at me from behind. I turned around to see someone with coal-black eyes looking at me.

My reaction was immediate terror and I felt like I had to get away. I think that he knew it, too. I felt like I had to look away and I did. A few moments later, something made me want to turn around and look at him to see if he was still staring at me -- he was, and he was still as stone.

Just like in the other stories, there was nothing unusual about this tall, thin man except his eyes -- coal-black, no white at all. I got my nieces and we left the store but while we were leaving, I felt like I couldn't let on that there was anything wrong -- even though we had not been in the store for more than ten minutes.

I wanted to run to the car, but I kept it to a fast walk, hurrying my nieces (who were small children at the time) and were wondering what was going on and why we were leaving so soon. I felt like I had to protect them from this black-eyed man.

I felt so relieved when we pulled out of the parking lot. This scared me so badly that I have never returned to this store. Thank you for reading my story. I stumbled across black-eyed people stories on the internet and felt compelled to write to you.

Previous story | Next story

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I'm confused.. you say

I have no doubt in my mind they are people, not supernatural

And then.. you said that it wasn't real.

Help me understand.

+9 more 
posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:50 PM
There is also the possibility that this person had tattooed eyeballs.

Yep, they do that now. Inject ink directly into the eye. Black hair, dark skin, most likely has darkly colored eyes to begin with. Inject the whites of the eyes with black ink and you just got hella creepy.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

In my opinion, from my life experience in this area of things, your son saw a mental projection he was intended to see and it probably was an accurate representation of that man's eyes, if you consider them windows to the Soul. It was not something everyone sees though, obviously, or there'd be film of it as a common thing. Even in this setting, cameras in stores are ubiquitous. They'd capture this, at least once, somewhere, if it was a physical change visible to anyone as that. Make sense for the logic on why/how?

As for why he'd do this at that moment for that group of kids? I have no idea. Hubris? Cruelty? Evil? Lots of ideas on that but no idea beyond guesses...

Just to clarify, all this is purely my opinion and, in part, related to my Faith with experience there. Maybe it's right or maybe not...It's accurate to the best I know to share.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

He said there was zero light in the eyes.... no reflection.. no glare.. not to mention there was a "feeling" before he even turned around and also when he turned and saw it. He will never forget this.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

That's a possibility and I'd first seen that on an MSNBC prison reality show for the Iowa max prison... I guess a couple inmates figured out how to do it and one went red while the other went midnight blue/black... They did say it was insanely painful and extremely risky for eye sight tho... I guess there may be safer ways too.. Contacts work..but wouldn't be mistaken this way I'd think?

The sensation before during and after all dovetail to reports common for this though, unless he's into these topics and would know that too ..which would be a fair thing to ask, now that it comes to mind?

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 11:57 PM

reply to post by JayinAR

He said there was zero light in the eyes.... no reflection.. no glare.. not to mention there was a "feeling" before he even turned around and also when he turned and saw it. He will never forget this.

I doubt I would forget it either.
As for the rest, the mind can play some powerful tricks. Black becomes a glareless void.
Just saying its a possibility one must consider. I was freaked smooth out when I saw someone on TV who had tattooed their eyeballs red. Crazy stuff.

Anyways, what Wrabbit is suggesting can also be paralleled over into the UFO side of things where, at times, sightings, even multiple witness sightings, seem to have aspects of what we would consider a tulpa.

Is it possible that the person wasn't even there???

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

People who are "into" paranormal research and stories seem more likely to experience paranormal events, that's for sure. These can even be legitimate experiences viewed by others around them. The mind is very powerful.

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