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? Lost for words ! Aliens could share more tech with us if...

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posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 02:25 AM


Absolutely nothing of value in what he said.

Agreed...the interview was poor to say the least. He rambled and tried to throw in a ton of stuff. Happens when someone is excited to get a major international lengthy interview after years of being ignored.

I'm sure believers will eat this up solely from his title. They hold on to the belief he has some secret underground knowledge.

The reality is Hellyer ran the entire Canadian military for years. He had the highest clearance in the country, including full Norad clearances. They were also the years where the UFO coverup wasn't in high gear and allies of the US were being read in on some of the projects.

His bonafides are without question. He doesn't say much in that interview but he is the highest ranking military person in a G8 country to come out and state UFO's are for real. You might want to consider hearing him out if your serious about the UFO subject.

I heard him out for 26 minutes. He was given plenty of time to wow the world with his insider knowledge. It was filled with the typical and all too familiar: " He said, she said, they said, I read, I heard..." etc. If he had something extraordinary to share, why hasn't he shared it? Link me to this extraordinary evidence of any story he has told.

Being serious about the subject is searching for truth and hard evidence. It's not hearing stories that people tell and accepting that as good-enough. It's evidence of a story, but that's it. This isn't a claim of something simple and commonplace, it's a claim of alien beings visiting Earth. We should settle for good enough or less-than evidence in a case like this? I don't think so.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

I'm gonna have to disagree with you here.. I believe in Aliens, because to me, for the human race to be the only sentient and technologically advanced species in the entire universe is a pretty absurd thought. Than again, so is believing in a magical, invisible, omnipotent, supernatural, all knowing, all seeing being. With how large the universe is, and ever expanding, It's just illogical to say we're alone. And it's honestly rude to think we would be superior than them. My 2 cents.

Not trying to bash religious people or anything, that's just how I personally see it. Everyone has the right to believe what they want to. And who knows? Maybe when I die, I'll be proven wrong.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by GEORGETHEGREEK

I am sorry but an out of office politician, who is used to being "relevant" goes on TV and makes a claim...that doesn't seem like much proof nor anything to be floored by. Do not allow yourself to be subjected to the fallacy that is presented here; arguing from authority. His position doesn't provide ample evidence that he is speaking truth or logic.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 02:55 AM

If he had something extraordinary to share, why hasn't he shared it?

It's called an Oath of Secrecy and when your cleared for classified information you take the Oath and sign a document acknowledging that Oath. The penalties for breaking that Oath are typically up to and including Life in Prison. When you get cleared for some of the even higher levels of secrecy you are given a very direct and clear understanding of the repercussions breaking that Oath would have on your life and anyone else's life you put in jeopardy by giving them a secret. At that point you don't have to sign another Oath document because the penalties aren't decided or carried out by a judge.

I don't know what level Hellyer had, but I would be surprised if he had less than Cosmic Top Secret in NATO. Other sources have come out with some interesting information from that level of clearance. In Norad as commander of half the team he'd have to have nearly unlimited clearance to every facility. He would have been briefed about unknown flying objects penetrating N. American air space daily as part of his job.

Back in those days the UFO secrecy wasn't so compartmentalized and tucked away like it is now. The US - Canada relationship was extremely close even national security matters.

You're very glib after watching 20 some minutes and writing off someone as worthless. If you haven't handled classified info or really worked with people that handle classified info then you have literally no idea how important it is. Try to keep an open mind if you can.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 03:13 AM
Interesting Russian program. RT...Russia Today?

Anyway, I thought this gentleman had been discredited before?

He was a government minister for a year or so, but only heard "Things" second and third hand...he never actually saw any documents etc....only what people told him....

He saw a UFO in his cabin by the lake...."It looked just like a star", " came back the second night in exactly the same position"................Ahem....

Im sorry dude....But it IS a Star. Probably Sirius.

Many Many people are mistaking bright scintillating stars as UFOs now....they are stars!.

What is he...80 yo..85 yo? his eyes have seen better days.

Yes...If you concentrate your eyes on Stars they Do seem to move...left and right, up and down. etc.
If clouds go by, you would swear the Star is travelling across the sky......It is NOT.

It a phenomenon caused by yours eyes trying to adjust to the weak light, and yours eyes tend to move around in doing so, which you are not always conscious of. So it appears the stars move.

Unfortunately, it seems this gets worse with age, and declining vision.

IT was quite a comical interview sadly.....and just plain sad for Mr. Heller....tho I admire his belief and determination.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 03:14 AM

Considering RT's long time association with Alex Jones this is probably something best ignored.

Sure...I ignore anything written on pink paper too. Are you seriously going to argue because it's on RT that it isn't worth considering? Given how the main stream media is so tightly controlled now and the UFO topic isn't even Not to mention the disinformation governments pump out via main stream media.

If you're gonna look for information on UFO's you are required to dig through every oddball, tacky and plain weird media source you can get your hands on.

And by the way, Alex Jones is on RT because of his aggressive anti US government positions and not because of any UFO work he does. RT is 100% Russian state owned (for those that might not know) and promoting anti US government news is a little payback.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 03:20 AM

He was a government minister for a year or so, but only heard "Things" second and third hand...he never actually saw any documents etc....only what people told him....
.....and just plain sad for Mr. Heller....

Ah, his name is Hellyer and he ran the entire Canadian military for 5 years. You don't even know who he is.

Let me file the rest of your comment under 'G' for...ah...Great I guess.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 03:29 AM
HellYeah...So I Missed one letter.....Bite Me....

Yes I have read ALL about him, seen the many videos of UFO conferences he has spoken at, absorbed it all.

In his talks, he specifically says, he has NOT seen any UFO documents or proof of UFOs, but only what people have told him, and he read Lt Col Corso's book about Roswell, so it is true.

It is thru ATS that I first read about him, there are Many threads about Mr. Hellyer (that right?)..

I see he is 90 years old...looks well for his age.

Unfortunately he brings Nothing credible to the table, only his speculations and heresay.

Not good enough.....people want photos of him by the pool on the White House Lawn, sitting next to an Alien with a Flying Saucer in the Background...Or it didnt happen.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 04:04 AM
My biggest issue with his knowledge is that he seems to wrap up every alien story ever made into his version of truth. A man with connections but fails to acknowledge that anything Reticuli related was a story told by Richard Doty to throw Paul Bennewitz off his snooping of secret military black ops projects.

Why would someone who claims to know the truth mention something that has been well researched and proved to be a lie? This man clearly doesn't know any more than you or I, or is a disinformation agent. I'm not saying aliens don't exist, I'm just saying I don't think this man knows #.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 04:36 AM
This was an interesting interview.. It was a rollercoaster of different feelings that went back and forth the whole time...

One of the first things I noticed that was a distraction right away was the interviewer herself.. She's very cute IMO and at first it's a pleasant surprise. It's really hard not to take notice of that.. As the interview goes on however, it becomes very clear that she has absolutely no interest in this topic whatsoever and appeared bored and even annoyed at several points in the interview. She actually reminded me of a young teenage girl with ADD who would just rather text on her cell then deal with this nonsense.. To her credit, the old guy tends to ramble...and does it for a little too long, but IMO it doesn't take away from what he's saying.

It really looked to me like the interviewer (was it Sophie??) was already convinced this guy was an old kook from the get go, even though hes an ex Canadian defense minister. Her questions were bland at best, (sometimes comical) and clearly she showed her bias and non-interest in the subject. Personally, by the end of the interview, I found that chick no longer attractive at all, hah. I'm not sure why RT would run this story but she was clearly forced to cover it.

It was interesting though, and I think there is something to all of these testimonies from people who have held highly respected positions privy to info us average people will never know about. It's too bad too many people would rather text on their cellphones than give 2 damns about things like this. That's just my analysis of the interview...
edit on 6-1-2014 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by ownbestenemy


I am not sure why you assume i am under certain conclusions. I have brought this forward for discussion and i find it an interesting subject even under the assumption (yours maybe?) that there is no proof behind that all.

In my perception he has raised a lot of subjects that should be under great consideration anyhow, except for the case you consider humanity and the plannet in perfect condition and reason.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by Joneselius

So why all of a sudden do the demons need a vehicle ? In Jesus's day they didn't need a ride here. They just materialized. I love how folks just jump on the meme bandwagon. Who started this demon interdimensional story in the first place ? What happened to demons coming from hell? Last time I checked dimensions were height width and depth. Do they come from heightly, widthly or depthly? Do they speak heightese, widthese, depthonese?
edit on AM000000310000000110200312014-01-06T07:00:35-06:00 by AutumnWitch657 because: (no reason given)

edit on AMu31u0110201312014-01-06T07:01:38-06:00 by AutumnWitch657 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by JayinAR

Political clout? That will get you access to certain club houses but does not make a person an expert in anything. What does political clout have to do with the scientific method, research or knowledge? Ummmm nothing. A politician is a speaker. Perhaps a lawyer or at least a student of law. Not a scientist. I personally know a few politicians and a some of them wouldn't know the difference between a lab rat and a Chihuahua.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by noeltrotsky

Some people are so impressed with titles they forget that these people put their pants on one leg at a time. A title doesn'tt make a person God or make everything they say gospel. You know what I think when I hear military anything? Mindless soldiers conditioned to obey. Hive mentality.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by AutumnWitch657

What happened to demons being in hell? They were never there to begin with, they're disembodied spirits of the Nephilim.

Angels use vehicles in the Bible. So why not fallen ones too? The chariots of fire. Please read textural history before you try and 'debunk' it. God himself sits on a throne escorted by Cherubim. Another vehicle maybe?

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by noeltrotsky

He doesn't say much in that interview but he is the highest ranking military person in a G8 country to come out and state UFO's are for real. You might want to consider hearing him out if your serious about the UFO subject.

Were the G8 conferences around back then were they?

He is saying Alien species are interacting with humanity, not Unidentified things are real.

Have you heard him out?

Has he shared anything other hearsay stories in the recent years after he has retired?

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by noeltrotsky

I don't know what level Hellyer had, but I would be surprised if he had less than Cosmic Top Secret in NATO. Other sources have come out with some interesting information from that level of clearance.

Does such a clearance exist in NATO or is that a clearance title created for specific means like use on conspiracy theory sites for instance?

You're very glib after watching 20 some minutes and writing off someone as worthless. If you haven't handled classified info or really worked with people that handle classified info then you have literally no idea how important it is. Try to keep an open mind if you can.

But its the same story telling sessions with Hellyer every time, what is different in this interview?

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 11:25 AM
Well one thing is for certain:

Mr. Hellyer , Dr Edgar Mitchel , and other Military officials talking about Aliens existence have proven that without evidence, verbal confirmation is not enough.

Lets move on to the next step and lets get some factual credible evidence to back up the claims.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 01:44 PM
It's very simple why aliens can't interfere physically. It's about being accomplices to crimes against life, there is a lot of it on our planet, in our world. An alien would see it and have to take action immediately or return and explain to their kind why they didn't do anything while they should. More or less like witnessing an accident and driving on instead of calling for help. So some race must have put up a do not disturb sign around our space. The only chance for contact would be if we could contact them first, that way they can always say they didn't ask for it or chose to communicate with criminals.

For some species it might be something which they would have to live with for centuries, even their children and because of that they would feel the universe is less perfect or has more suffering in it than it could have.

If they are perfect and it's likely that happens when a species has 'left the nest' and have enough room and resources to make everyone happy since space is infinite, they wouldn't be perfect anymore once they knew about us and our situation and couldn't deny this. If you were the alien, how would you explain to your child you have all the technology and means to help others but don't help those on Earth? That would create doubts about their own ideology since it might not be enough to convince us to change.

In case of immaterial contact such as longdistance telepathy is different since those aliens might be so far away there are simply no means to travel to our planet and I do believe they have no problems sharing anything. Many things can be made into weapons and anything can be used for good or bad.
edit on 6-1-2014 by spiritspeak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 04:58 PM

Well one thing is for certain:
Mr. Hellyer , Dr Edgar Mitchel , and other Military officials talking about Aliens existence have proven that without evidence, verbal confirmation is not enough.
Lets move on to the next step and lets get some factual credible evidence to back up the claims.

Well that complete invalidates the Disclosure Projects National Press Club event, one of the most interesting efforts to force out the truth that I've ever seen. Witness after witness stated what they saw for hours and hours....but all that is worthless according to you.

Personally I'm going to consider all evidence presented and value it accordingly. You, however, can dismiss verbal reports as much as you like.

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