I'm trying to imagine a progressive paradise.
Obama is awesome. He stays president forever (because he is so dreamy and so awesome!)
Global warming exists and we need to do something about it! Carbon credits, higher taxes, higher energy bills.
Taxes are patriotic! They help the economy! Taxestaxestaxes! Higher taxes for everyone! (Except the poor)
Guns are bad. Guns kill people. Guns cause brain damage and make yew talk with a southern accent. Get rid of all the guns!
So we have a forever president, higher utility costs, higher taxes, and no guns.
What does America look like?
Progressivism (political) is a general political philosophy based on the Idea of Progress that
asserts that advances in science, technology, economic development, and social organization, can improve the human condition.
I don't see how any of that relates to a 'progressive paradise'.
How does an individual like Obama, who does many things in the bane of the definition, make anyone with true progressive ideology consider him dreamy
or awesome?
How do taxes, higher energy costs, and credits (more taxes) count towards anything that has to do with being progressive?
What do taxes (again) or patriotism have to do with being progressive?
What does the legal status of guns have to do with progressivism?
Oh; you mean the news' red vs blue, slap a word on it to cheer/rant and further divide way of slanting/confusing/doublespeaking the populace who are
weak enough to watch it ... definition of progressive (and just as perverted definitions of conservatism).
Obama is just a man. He either intentionally or not, makes mistakes or choices. He is either doing it on his own, or his actions are decided for
him. That is not to be argued, because the point of the matter is; show me the list of actions that support your idea that he is truly a
representative of being a progressive leader, and not just some label you get from MSM and people who rally/argue with ignorance. Show me where he
has advanced us in science, technology, economic development, and social organization; or any improvements he has made to the human condition. Do any
possible examples far outweigh examples of anti-progressivism he has a record of?
Show me, how the methods of taxation and increased costs do anything to solve an issue, instead of band-aid it. Again, show the path of these extra
costs in how they actually support a solution, through science, technology, economic develpment, and social organization to improve the situations it
was created against for the betterment of the human condition. If they are just taxes and increased costs, they don't directly affect anything; then
they are not a representation of progressivism.
Patriotism, though I believe you actually are speaking of nationalism, for a patriot questions in the actions of and demands high standards and
servitude from, his/her government. This one, has at least a semblance of one of the qualities; social organization ... but does it really? Do you
consider people putting stickers of flags on their car social organization? How does it improve science or tech? Economy? Well, maybe a few might
attempt to buy more 'american'; but do they really? Is that flag made in China 'american'? Is that Ford F150 assembled in Mexico and parts
sourced overseas 'american'? Or is that Honda assembled in the states and has most of its parts sourced in the states 'american'? A patriot
would buy the Honda, right? A blind nationalist would buy the Ford, no? How does this often misguided 'feeling' better the human condition on
Guns. Do you really believe that you can blanket statement -real- people who want to focus on science, tech, economic development, and social
organization ... to generally want to do away with guns altogether? Do you not think there are people, and possibly the majority of them (not the
media spun and focused on fanatics) don't see merit in personal protection or possibly hunt occasionally as a survival skill? Are all hunters in
your view, conservative? Do only conservatives value protecting their family? What do guns have to do with progressivism again?
NO. I won't let you spread the contamination of this fallacy, even in jest. There is no reason to jokingly reinforce the labeling and division in
such a negative manner. Sarcasm or cynicism does nothing to support one another ... U.S.American, human, conservative, progressive, independent,
none of the above, all of the above.
Obama should be impeached. Undue taxes should be removed. Utility costs, such as water and electricity which are mandatory to live (heating/cooling
required not to die in many places), should cost minimally.
Here is how I see progressivism. Investment in science and technology, not locked off from the public; like NASA but truly an organization of and for
the citizens. Freedom from excessive taxes; while taxing some more destructive things highly such as alcohol and other recreational drugs (nicotine,
thc, etc). FREE education, healthcare, and heavily subsidized utilities and food for the people and families