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Dead sea creatures cover 98 percent of ocean floor off California coast as result of Fukushima nucle

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posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Well here is how you fix the problem...don't tell.

But within Japan, a new State Secrets Act makes such talk punishable by up to ten years in prison.

Taro Yamamoto, a Japanese legislator, says the law “represents a coup d’etat” leading to “the recreation of a fascist state.” The powerful Asahi Shimbun newspaper compares it to “conspiracy” laws passed by totalitarian Japan in the lead-up to Pearl Harbor, and warns it could end independent reporting on Fukushima.

We have the same problem right here at home.

Arkansas Nuclear Plant Explosion Goes Largely Unreported By National Media

ou may not have heard – in fact, you almost certainly didn’t – unless you live in Pope County, Arkansas, but just before 8 a.m. this morning, December 9, an explosion rocked the Arkansas Nuclear One power plant. Only later in the day did a few news wires pick up the story, relaying virtually nothing about it, only giving the official word that the fire was “contained.”

Here is how you handle it

Local Arkansas stayed far away from actual images of the site, using stock images as well to project the image that the fire was minor.

One resident said otherwise. They reportedly heard a “loud, ground shaking explosion and then saw

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 04:39 PM

reply to post by chiefsmom

The Pacific is very deep. It's almost impossible for them to determine what is on the sea bed let alone what percentage of anything is on the sea bed. . Do you know how deep the Pacific ocean is? It's home of the deepest depths the world over. More than 36,000 feet deep. The deepest on the planet. So deep that Mt Everest the world's tallest mountain would still be
7000 feet below the surface. The radiation spilling out of fukishima is an isotope that is stored in muscle and breaks down pretty quickly once fish swim out of the affected area so by the time fish get to the US their radiation levels will be back to normal. The radiation will be diluted to less than .00000000014% of the total volumn of water in the entire Pacific.

Now you really are sounding like a disinfo agent. No one here is so stupid to believe what you are spewing. Obviously they are not talking about the areas that are so deep they can't get to genius. It does not drop off to 7000 feet right off the coast and stay that way everywhere in the Pacific.

Why are you defending dumping literally thousands of gallons, so much they really don't know exactly, of radioactive water directly into the ocean. It does not matter how good the filter is, this stuff simply doesn't go away.

I grew up spending allot of time at the Gulf of Mexico, it is a great place to see man's tragic effects on our oceans. We have finally understood that we are killing not just the oceans but ourselves. Because we get most of our air from our oceans. We are not just killing our greatest food source, seafood feeds more people than any other source, but our oxygen.

We are idiots if we think the ocean will just filter out radioactive material that for all intensive purposes last forever. Even before fukushima people around the globe in different countries have been warned not to eat certain fish or crustaceans or limit their consumption. This due to high levels of mercury and other heavy metals and carcinogens.

The world should have demanded they except help, they should have built barriers and some way to capture this deadly material. Something could have been done, something other than just dumping it into the ocean.

There is only one other thing I know could kill life this quickly, dead zones created by lack of oxygen. We get these in the Gulf, usually from pollution, pesticides etc coming down the rivers and run off. It kills everything, it is the craziest thing you will ever see. Anything swims or drifts in dies if it does not get out. For those land locked folks that have never gotten to experience the ocean it is amazing.

You can see more life in one small area than anywhere else on earth, from plankton so small you can't see it up to giant sea turtles and fish etc. But to see an area devoid of life is incredibly sad and equally alarming. Because as the oceans go we go. They die we die.......

The Bot

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 04:46 PM



So somebody counted every square inch of the Pacific Ocean floor? What a daunting task!

I am not sure you read the OP. This does not say 98% or the Pacific but the area OFF THE CA COAST.The CA coastal area is well studied and monitored for many reasons already even before Fukushima.

Dead sea creatures cover 98 percent of ocean floor off California coast as result of Fukushima nuclear fallout

Do you still realize how large of an area that is? I don't believe it one bit!

Well I agree with you there.
Again to the report...they are clearly using this sample area for the study which may indicate a larger problem all up and down the coast.

At an ocean research station known as Station M, located 145 miles out to sea between the Californian cities of Santa Barbara and Monterey, Huffard and her colleague Ken Smith observed a sharp uptick in the amount of dead sea life drifting to the ocean floor. The masses of dead sea plankton, jellyfish, feces and other oceanic matter that typically only cover about 1 percent of the ocean floor were found to now be covering about 98 percent of it — and multiple other stations located throughout the Pacific have since reported similar figures.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Cobaltic1978

Hey the ocean's dying!

Well at least it's not from Fukushima!

some people just really miss the point and will argue with you just to argue

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 07:58 PM
The marine life on the sea floor around Japan is doing just fine and people are eating it and not getting sick. I wonder how many metric tons of toxic waste leaks out of California into the Pacific ocean every year? There is a xenophobic component to this whole Fukashima crisis in America. The same thing is going on in Japan where they won't import wheat or rice from the U.S. out of fear of GMO contamination. That actually seems like a more realistic fear.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by AutumnWitch657

"The amount of radiation from fukishima into the Pacific is the same as an eye dropper full into a five gallon bucket. The ocean can assimilate this amount easily and there won't be any long term effects. Alarmist editorials be damned."

So fill an eye dropper with Thermo Nuclear Waste and put it in a five gallon bucket... See what lives in that bucket.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 10:19 PM

reply to post by nighthawk1954

I wonder if the Japanese government that is in bed with Tepco truly understands how pissed off people will be when they finally figure this out.

The Japanese are so filled with pride it blinds them. Instead of pride they should start looking at legacy. What will people be saying 20 years from now about how the Japanese handled this.

Tepco officials and anyone in the government who helped them should be tried for crimes against humanity. This will leave a stain against the Japanese culture no amount of pride will wash away.

It's not as easy as all that - what about the US companies that designed and built the reactors? What about the US government that 'sold' the reactors as the international marketing wing of big business?

There is enough blame to go around. All the parties need to step up if anything useful is to be done - but none will. They'll stall, in and out of courts, while blame is assigned to a single entity and nothing will be done. Shift the blame - big business at it's finest.

As to whether or not fukishima is the cause of the die-off. I think it is one of many factors, we have been abusing our oceans for a hundred years, using it as an infinite garbage dump, toxic waste repository, sewage plant. It may have been the proverbial 'straw'... but it isn't the only cause. Effects in complex systems/dynamic systmes are not linear they are acculations of many factors.

If the oceans go - toxic waste, salinity change all life will go. The entire biosphere rests on the circulating oceans.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 10:20 PM

The marine life on the sea floor around Japan is doing just fine and people are eating it and not getting sick. I wonder how many metric tons of toxic waste leaks out of California into the Pacific ocean every year? There is a xenophobic component to this whole Fukashima crisis in America. The same thing is going on in Japan where they won't import wheat or rice from the U.S. out of fear of GMO contamination. That actually seems like a more realistic fear.

Low level radiation poisoning does not manifest for decades.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by nighthawk1954

Just put a class action law suite against japan.

Start now, otherwise you might be dead.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 10:35 PM

reply to post by Krazysh0t

Basically to sum it up, it says "no one else has said that Fukushima is the cause of all this, but we are saying it anyways." Not to say that Fukushima isn't the cause, it's just kind of interesting that the article is jumping to conclusions ahead of the scientists investigating this phenomenon.

If it isn't Fukishima that's causing it, then what else could it be I wonder?

My money would be on Fukishima, but the Governments of the world cannot admit this, otherwise it would be exposing the cover up that has been going on from the outset.

Ocean acidification. It has been going on for awhile, and has been ramping up significantly for the past several years. The oceans act as the largest carbon sink on the planet, measuring the increase in acidification shows how much more carbon and other types of pollution were dumping into it. Radiation from Fukushima is a concern but it's not nearly enough to be causing this. The ocean is a very big place, dumping a few olympic sized pools worth of radioactive water into the ocean is not enough to cause even minor damage once you go out a ways from the source and it becomes diluted.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 10:36 PM

reply to post by Krazysh0t

Basically to sum it up, it says "no one else has said that Fukushima is the cause of all this, but we are saying it anyways." Not to say that Fukushima isn't the cause, it's just kind of interesting that the article is jumping to conclusions ahead of the scientists investigating this phenomenon.

If it isn't Fukishima that's causing it, then what else could it be I wonder?

Isn't this the big important question?

If it isn't Fukushima, then we have an even bigger problem. Why? Because if it isn't Fukushima, then we don't know what it is!! Isn't that even scarier?

For all those who say "Oh it probably isn't" as a way of calming things down, don't you realise that your denials are even more frightening than the possible truth?

I would rather know that is is something very scary, than be in the dark about the cause. Wouldn't you?

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:00 PM
Does anyone if this being addressed main stream news.

I don't get MSN.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

That's a great point that I have never taken into account.

That there may have been some kind of chemical storage, or other amounts of toxic stuff that was washed out into the Pacific. One thing is for sure though...that we will probably NEVER know the REAL cause of it all.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by Aazadan

The ocean is a very big place, dumping a few olympic sized pools worth of radioactive water into the ocean is not enough to cause even minor damage once you go out a ways from the source and it becomes diluted.

A few olympic sized pools... that's a good one... TEPCO does not know how much radioactive water is flowing out DAILY...they just quietly admitted another core may have melted down...

This simulation shows the radiation dropping only four orders of magnitude by the time it reaches the west coast...pretty scary... the WHOLE ocean will soon be a radioactive wasteland...

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:34 PM

The ocean is a very big place, dumping a few olympic sized pools worth of radioactive water into the ocean is not enough to cause even minor damage once you go out a ways from the source and it becomes diluted.

So what you say is that I should end my moratorium on tuna sandwiches?
I don't know what to think anymore.
You've got this one group saying it's very bad, the other group saying it's just fine.
(Nothing to see folks, move along)

I suppose if I want to know the truth I will need two things:
1) A tuna sandwich
2) A geiger counter

I just don't know what to know about anything I really need to know about, that's what I know.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:46 PM
The people of South Korea's, are taking Geiger counters to the fish market's.

From what, hear they have doing for quiet sometime .

I have been looking to do the same thing for years, but it wasn't the fish I wanted to check back then I wanted to check all the thing's coming from stores, like metal lawn chair's. Lately I have been looking at the fish.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:51 PM


The ocean is a very big place, dumping a few olympic sized pools worth of radioactive water into the ocean is not enough to cause even minor damage once you go out a ways from the source and it becomes diluted.

So what you say is that I should end my moratorium on tuna sandwiches?
I don't know what to think anymore.
You've got this one group saying it's very bad, the other group saying it's just fine.
(Nothing to see folks, move along)

I suppose if I want to know the truth I will need two things:
1) A tuna sandwich
2) A geiger counter

I just don't know what to know about anything I really need to know about, that's what I know.

LOL - I actually have a friend who is researching geiger counters for just such a purpose - LOL. I just don't eat much fish anymore - heavy metals of all types bioaccumulate up the food chain - eat as low on the chain as you can stand.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 02:11 AM

A few olympic sized pools... that's a good one... TEPCO does not know how much radioactive water is flowing out DAILY...they just quietly admitted another core may have melted down...

Using the 70,000 gallons/day number, if they leak that much for 10 years straight the amount of water leaked comes to something like 0.00000000014% of the ocean. Since decimals of that size are pretty hard to think about for most people I'll put this another way. That's 1/714,285,714 or 1 part per 714 million. At that level of dilution if you eat 1 fish a day from the Pacific Ocean you'll absorb less radiation than if you eat 1 banana per week.

So what you say is that I should end my moratorium on tuna sandwiches?

Yes. You don't want fish that come directly from the coast of Japan (depending on distance some of these are even safe... but why take risks?) or from China (for a different reason) but anything else is safe. If you're still confused there's always one surefire way to know for sure. Radiation test your food, from a quick ebay search it seems to me that geiger counters can be obtained for $50.
It seems to me like you've got your answer then. Radiation test your food.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 02:40 AM
Out of interest, how many hundreds of nuclear bombs do you think it would take to put as much radiation into the Pacific Ocean as Fukushima?

And how many hundreds of nuclear bombs have been denotated in the Pacific in the past 50 years?

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by coastlinekid

That's a cartoon. It's a simulation. It has no basis in the real world . It is pure conjecture.
And not only that but it reflects the mind of the creator and what their beliefs are. I can make a cartoon showing just the opposite but that wouldn't reflect reality any more than this does. It shows a belief of the person who made it.

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