Okie-Dokie Okies .................
I'm sure I've done this before, but probably due for an update
You can also get this information from the
OGS with basic maps and lists, but not
the whole 96 years and 10,698 earthquakes at once or on one graph, this is where the Leonard Geophysical Observatory comes in handy, Catalog is
(click image for larger version, opens in
new tab/window)
How much does improved technology in recording earthquakes play in the data? looks to me is probably a bit behind everywhere else in the World, here
there is no uptick after 1945, it takes until the 1960's to see the smaller quakes showing up. This isn't to say they were not happening, just they
weren't recorded.
Biggest quake remains the 5.6Mw of 06/11/2011 in Lincoln County, closely followed by the 5.5Mw of 11/04/1952 in Canadian County.
End of 1975 seen the start of a steady rate of quakes (2-3 a month, but scattered locations) through 1979 (up to 31 in one day on 18/03/1979, in
Canadian County), not sure if this is the advent of "fracking" or not, seems a bit early, perhaps others can elaborate on this?
1979 to end 1999 steady at 1-2 a day with the odd day with 7 (eg Grady County on 16/04/1999)
relatively quiet 1999 through to 2009 (2-11 per month, scattered locations), *(interesting that all data for 2009 is USGS, not OGS (was this the
Period of Denial?))
then it really took off in 2010, to the frenzy it is today (17-22 per day in the last 3 days)
I've split that graph back to those periods mentioned above, below;
If anyone want's to see closer/other timelines or split into Counties, just ask and I'll do the graph and or map.
(click image for larger version, opens in
new tab/window)
(click image for larger version, opens in
new tab/window)
(click image for larger version, opens in
new tab/window)
(click image for larger version, opens in
new tab/window)
I'll do an interactive map, but, 10,698 is a LOT of icons, will probably have to limit the text inside the popups to get it to work.
correction, 10,605, I took out the lines that had 0 magnitude.
File was 7.5MB while loading to Google Earth, saved the file off GE and it was only 389KB
A lot of the early ones are on top of each other, (only 1 decimal point in the lat/long)
(click image for interactive map, opens in new tab/window)
edit on 0600000016916914 by muzzy because: add interactive map