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Quake Watch 2014

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posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 08:17 PM
M 6.9 - 68km SW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea

2014-04-18 20:04:08 UTC-05:00
6.800°S 155.100°E

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 08:23 PM
The big ones keep on rolling in today. The Earth seems to be reacting to something .

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 08:36 PM
M6.9 - 62km SW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea

Event Time

2014-04-19 01:04:06 UTC
2014-04-19 11:04:06 UTC+10:00 at epicenter
2014-04-18 21:04:06 UTC-04:00 system time

6.701°S 155.069°E depth=45.5km (28.2mi)

Nearby Cities

62km (39mi) SW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea
74km (46mi) SW of Arawa, Papua New Guinea
405km (252mi) SE of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
559km (347mi) ESE of Kimbe, Papua New Guinea
616km (383mi) WNW of Honiara, Solomon Islands

edit on 18-4-2014 by Trillium because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 08:41 PM
A very interesting little line of quakes at the Mexi-Cali border...

It wouldn't be such a big deal if it were not for the biggie in Mexico a little earlier!!

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: Rodrigoson6

Magnitude 6.5
Date time 2014-04-19 01:04:03.7 UTC
Location 6.80 S ; 155.00 E
Depth 10 km

The quake occured in this seismic zone:

Your regions are wrong, that quake is within F_E Region 193 here is a map of F_E193

Bougainville Island is ecologically and geographically part of the Solomon Islands, it has nothing to do with PNG, except a political line on a map
edit on 0400000010710714 by muzzy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: GoShredAK
a reply to: Darkblade71

The Kenai peninsula.

And I know we get a lot of quakes all of the time, but still the recent activity on the ring of fire has me wondering if a big one is on the way for Alaska, specifically the Anchorage area.

It'd be crazy if it happened today that's for sure.

Well, I can see why you pay attention.
That area gets 7's every so often and the 1964 8.5.
That is as bad as living in California.

The earth is rocking and rolling!

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: Darkblade71

Thank you for justifying my paranoia!

From what I have seen there have been six more small quakes in Noatak, and most recently a 4.1 in Detana AK which is a little south and closer to me. Also there were a couple of threes on the aleutians today as well.

That's the way I see it. We get a whole lot of little ones all the time. Yet lately, even those have slowed down a bit.

It kind of looks like they're just marching all around the ring of fuego and eventually we're going to get slammed. Along with someone else.

edit on 18-4-2014 by GoShredAK because: Grammar

edit on 18-4-2014 by GoShredAK because: Editing

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 11:07 PM
There has been a lot of moderate-large activity over the last few weeks. Something's got to give pretty soon.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 07:27 AM
There's some AK activity in an area I don't recall seeing anything from very often:

4.6 22km NE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-19 11:31:43 UTC 35.8 km
4.6 37km NE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-19 11:31:06 UTC 7.7 km
4.7 31km NE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-19 08:49:01 UTC 17.5 km
2.8 19km ENE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-18 23:32:00 UTC 13.2 km
3.0 28km NE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-18 22:52:17 UTC 9.9 km
3.4 28km ENE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-18 22:30:32 UTC 2.9 km
2.7 7km ENE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-18 21:46:54 UTC 5.9 km
4.1 34km NE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-18 21:38:50 UTC 15.9 km
3.7 27km ENE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-18 20:34:52 UTC 3.6 km
3.7 25km NE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-18 20:28:24 UTC 13.7 km
2.7 15km ENE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-18 19:38:11 UTC 8.7 km
3.0 25km NE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-18 19:05:51 UTC 7.0 km
5.3 33km NE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-18 18:56:46 UTC 33.0 km
3.7 34km NE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-18 18:53:04 UTC 16.5 km
3.8 20km NE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-18 18:52:12 UTC 20.2 km
5.6 23km ENE of Noatak, Alaska 2014-04-18 18:44:18 UTC 23.4 km

And not to go a day without being heard from, one 4+ in California:

4.3 13km S of Bodfish, California 2014-04-19 12:15:13 UTC 5.6 km


Edit: Oh, and a 4 in Oklahoma, too:

4.0 3km SE of Perry, Oklahoma 2014-04-19 10:43:10 UTC 4.1 km

edit on 4/19/2014 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by: muzzy

You know that old coinkydink thang. Talking about spacing stuff out I had just done these graphs and had come on to add them when I saw your post.

The first is the daily amount of energy for 2013 compared to 2014 so far.

Click the image to enlarge

Obviously the mag 8 events swamp things so I converted each day to equivalent magnitudes and did one of my long bar graphs.

Click the image to enlarge

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 08:17 AM
I told you all to watch Mexico. Just before the 7+M., I was watching the Momotombo seismos. At that point I was thinking to myself that the earthquakes in Nicaragua were ebbing away. Except in the couple hours just before the Mexico quake, it increased and there was a 4.4 ish along with many smaller ones. Then Mexico. Then it quieted back down a bit. Coincidence? I think not. Yes, we saw a large earthquake in Mexico, but the really action will become volcano. I want to keep noting activity but I think it's more appropriate for Volcano Watch so I guess I need to change gears. In brief, Ubinas is constant and they are raising the alert. Nicaragua is on full alert as the government warns about earthquakes. But, there is also worry about the volcano. It appears the lake is regressing. LInks on Volcano Watch.

Did I forget Oklahoma?
I almost thought it was quiet. Nope> 4M this morn'.
edit on 19-4-2014 by ericblair4891 because: (no reason given)

Had to add. We are still having largish earthquakes. After a long quiet. This is again more support for earthquakes coming in clusters and there must be a wider linking cause than just tectonics.

edit on 19-4-2014 by ericblair4891 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 08:36 AM
M 7.4 - BOUGAINVILLE REGION, P.N.G. - 2014-04-19 13:27:59 UTC

Magnitude M 7.4
Date time 2014-04-19 13:27:59.4 UTC
Location 6.79 S ; 154.86 E
Depth 10 km
Distances 633 km NW of Honiara, Solomon Islands / pop: 56,298 / local time: 00:27:59.4 2014-04-20
394 km SE of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea / pop: 26,273 / local time: 23:27:59.4 2014-04-19
87 km SW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea / pop: 2,916 / local time: 23:27:59.4 2014-04-19

Nearly the most active month since modern records began.

Magnitude 7.8 - Solomon Islands (193) [T]

Location in Google Maps
  • Date-Time: Saturday, April 19, 2014 @ 13:28:00 UTC
  • Earthquake location: 6.700°S, 155.000°E,
  • Earthquake depth: 10.0 km
  • Distances:
    68km (42mi) SW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea
    80km (49mi) SW of Arawa, Papua New Guinea
    399km (247mi) SE of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
    552km (342mi) ESE of Kimbe, Papua New Guinea
    623km (387mi) WNW of Honiara, Solomon Islands
  • Event ID: at00n4a5er

Derived from Event Data Source: USGS
Powered by QVSData
edit on 19/4/2014 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 08:49 AM
Comment on post by: Moi

Message to Gaia

Dear Mother Earth,

Just because earlier in the year I said it was very quiet I really don't see why you feel the need to beat up the Solomon Islands, unless you think they have been particularly wicked.

Just to see if it calms you down a little by doing the opposite of what I am saying I note that now it is extremely very humugously earthquakey with mahousive amounts of energy being released.

Your faithful Servant

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: PuterMan

Looking at the Honiara station in GEE, the strong shaking lasted at least 90 seconds; maybe even a full two minutes.
The nerves of the locals must be shot.

Here is the same station from IRIS (vertical component) HNR.IU.00.BHZ

a reply to: PuterMan
Thank you! I hope she receives your message, lol.
edit on 4/19/2014 by Olivine because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: Olivine

Now a magnitude 6.6

However that may be an error as EMSC only have 5.6 - ETA: Now 5.8 mb which is about 6.05Mw - still way out from GFZ.

edit on 19/4/2014 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: PuterMan
Depending on its location in relation to the mainshock, I think it was probably closer to mag 5.9- 6.0. It was over 600 microns/sec in GEE, the mainshock was 10 millimeters/sec.

As usual, still waiting on USGS to deliver their verdict, which will no doubt be revised +/-.4 in magnitude.

edit on 4/19/2014 by Olivine because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: Olivine

I just added to my post as you were posting. EMSC now ~6.05Mw (5.8mb)

Summat screwy going on at CFZ. They just upped it to 6.9

edit on 19/4/2014 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 09:15 AM
When Puterman starts talking to Mother Earth, we know things are pretty active!

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: PuterMan
FWIW I see that USGS have now downgraded their figure to 7.5 (I assume Mw).

Link to USGS data page.

But as we know, that could change again.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: PuterMan
Ugh, USGS has an initial offering of Mag 5.6 Mb, on the south side of the fault line for that aftershock?

That's a far cry from GFZ's mag 6.9...something screwy indeed!

ETA: Now GFZ have upgraded the aftershock to mag 7.0, but it still shows as an automatic listing. Their software is having difficulties, me thinks.

edit on 4/19/2014 by Olivine because: changing data by providers.

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