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reply to post by Rosha
But why is Jewish National Identity a delisuion? We have both come to the conclusion that Judaism has existed before any notion of 'Palestine'.
I understand your viewpoint on Talmud etc. But we were talking about the fact that, despite minute adaptions in religious law to the modernizing world, Judaism is representative of the same things it was back in ancient times.
Now you move onto why the State of Israel doesnt need to exist in its current form, this is back to square one!
You should go to Gaza and rally alongside Hamas. Im sure that they will protect you from the Zionist pig
You believe what you want, I already KNOW what i KNOW because i have lived there in those places you only hear about on the news.
No more typing to you today, i realize it is pointless!
So everything you think you understand about palestinians is propaganda started by the arab league.They created the displaced Palestinians if we only had to deal with just the ones created by the jews this conflict would have been over long ago. When dealing with about 10000 the Israelis would have given them some land and moved on. Since there are still palestinians in Israel that own land and are Israeli citizens.
reply to post by dragonridr
This land has never been called palestine untiul the british take possession of it after world war 1.
You need to brush up on your history a little bit. The first clear use of the term Palestine to refer to the entire area between Phoenicia and Egypt was in 5th century BC Ancient Greece. Herodotus wrote of a district of Syria, called Palaistine in The Histories, the first historical work clearly defining the region, which included the Judean mountains and the Jordan Rift Valley.
"Umipnay chatoenu golinu mayartsaynu" That is exactly what all Jews say in their prayers on every Jewish festival
says just about everything you need to know
Soldier: " “That land belongs to Jews and to Israel,” he said. He may have referred to the West Bank area as the Biblical Judea and Samaria.
Scholar: “It also belongs to the people who live there”
"Umipnay chatoenu golinu mayartsaynu" That is exactly what all Jews say in their prayers on every Jewish festival
says just about everything you need to know
A poignant quote!
For me the ' Jewish question' has always been , why is this group, seemingly deliberately, delaying the redemption?
Soldier: " “That land belongs to Jews and to Israel,” he said. He may have referred to the West Bank area as the Biblical Judea and Samaria.
Scholar: “It also belongs to the people who live there”
According to that logic.... Squatters can come into your house while you are away on holiday, and that's it, finito, done n dusted, the house now also belongs to said squatters and their children's children (as well as your self ofcourse) forever. You just gotta divide up the rooms.
2000+ years of living in the same location is not 'squatting'.
By your reasoning, all non Africans should exit their lands jobs and homes right now willingly and happily and give them back to the 'original inhabitants' - the African native population who first arrived and so, who have sole claim to them.
2000+ years of living in the same location is not 'squatting'.
By your reasoning, all non Africans should exit their lands jobs and homes right now willingly and happily and give them back to the 'original inhabitants' - the African native population who first arrived and so, who have sole claim to them.
OK.... and the british from india and hongkong, and the belgian from the congo and the palestinians from Israel etc etc....
Again.... a people know as the 'palestinians' did not exist 2000 years ago, so why do you say 2000 years is not squatting. It was more like 200 years.
I really have to go to work now Rosha but i have to tell you that you are way off regarding the palestinian history. The people and the geographical area, both reffered to as palestinian are not the same thing or from the same period in history and you (among other on ATS) mix these up way too often, it becomes disinformation.
So unless you get your facts straight regarding palestinians i really cant be as**d to reply anymore!
2000+ years of living in the same location is not 'squatting'.
By your reasoning, all non Africans should exit their lands jobs and homes right now willingly and happily and give them back to the 'original inhabitants' - the African native population who first arrived and so, who have sole claim to them.
OK.... and the british from india and hongkong, and the belgian from the congo and the palestinians from Israel etc etc....
Again.... a people know as the 'palestinians' did not exist 2000 years ago, so why do you say 2000 years is not squatting. It was more like 200 years.
I really have to go to work now Rosha but i have to tell you that you are way off regarding the palestinian history. The people and the geographical area, both reffered to as palestinian are not the same thing or from the same period in history and you (among other on ATS) mix these up way too often, it becomes disinformation.
So unless you get your facts straight regarding palestinians i really cant be as**d to reply anymore!
Hm maybe, though maybe you just cant be ass*d because somewhere deep way down in that over-weaned, uber entitled, Zionist infused and fueled mindset you know as well as I do, that there really is no justification for what has occurred to these people at the hands of Zionist Israel since the Balfour declaration no matter what anyone says.
I admit freely to many gaps in my knowledge base. I was not there thousands of years ago, so I do not know for 100% anything.
What I do know is what there is to know, when you look for truth and that truth begins to reveal itself when you comprehend that Jew Muslim Christian and non believers lived in relative community in Palestine long before the Zionists arrived. This is a matter of common historical record.
Genetic testing also proves the local populations pre-historic links to the area unequivocally. This is a matter of scientific record. Social community ties spanning centuries verifiable by agri-archeology, law and lore and immigration genetics also proves there has been and is, a common association of this people in and to this land over the past milena.
And if those facts don't do it for you, then the unedited footage itself, of bloodied children gunned down by tanks and helicopters, of homes in rubble, of farmers killed for planting trees and schoolgirls being shot 55 times for being in the wrong' place ought to. These events only began AFTER Zionist invasion. If these 'small facts' dont speak to you, nothing will.
What Zionist Israel has or has not entitled these people is irreverent to their Self Identification. They identify as Palestinian, yes moreso today than ever as today they have a desperate need to identify this way as it is a natural response to dehumanization efforts being done to them. Though in wider reality, they are the people of Palestine. They always have been. They LIVED there.
These are actual facts, provable via science verified in biblical and historical record alike, and so, they are not Zionist speak "good facts". So I do have my 'facts' straight. Do you?
The Israelis call what they do in the occupied territories " Purification". The rest of us call it what it is - Genocide. So I also retain my moral gyroscope well enough to know that these are facts, along with the countless numbers of children's bodies now entombed in rubble, that can't be ignored no matter how hard you try or wherever you run to.
Something important to read before you leave.... Auschwitz survivor speaks
"He said: “The Israelis tried to dehumanise the Palestinians, just like the Nazis tried to dehumanise me. Nobody should dehumanise any other and those who try to dehumanise another are not human."
Never again - for anyone.
signing off
Roedit on 11-1-2014 by Rosha because: (no reason given)
I honestly feel sorry for you, as a fellow human being, if you actually believe in your comparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany.
If only you knew!
reply to post by Rosha
Rosha... Are you trying to make a fool of yourself with those pics?
Look.... you can post still pictures of whatever you want. But I am the last person you wanna send pics like this to. I have lived in these warzones, with both palestinians and jews. I was there for many years. Dont you think that might be a little more worthy than a few outta context pictures?
Have you ever been to Gaza, WEst bank? have you lived there with the locals, have you seen with your own eyes and not through a camera lens??? Because I have.... and i sure as heck dont need someone like yourself, who has never stepped foot inside the place he seems to know so much about, to send me pics of the sitrep.
You are running way in over your head. I would suggest you stop.
reply to post by Rosha
Rosha... Are you trying to make a fool of yourself with those pics?
Look.... you can post still pictures of whatever you want. But I am the last person you wanna send pics like this to. I have lived in these warzones, with both palestinians and jews. I was there for many years. Dont you think that might be a little more worthy than a few outta context pictures?
Have you ever been to Gaza, WEst bank? have you lived there with the locals, have you seen with your own eyes and not through a camera lens??? Because I have.... and i sure as heck dont need someone like yourself, who has never stepped foot inside the place he seems to know so much about, to send me pics of the sitrep.
You are running way in over your head. I would suggest you stop.
Really CM?
This low?
If speaking and standing for the truth is being a fool then yes, I am a fool. Gladly so. Better that than collaborator or intellectually negligent.
Ramallah 86-89 and activist for the region for over 30 years, not to mention grandfather and brother both dead fighting to stop just this kind of ideological insanity - any questions? Oh, I also have a PHd in international relations and two masters, biblical archeology and history, a diploma in psychology and currently undertaking coursework in traumatology - am I "qualified" enough to have an informed opinion yet CM?
Whats more, I have been called every name under the sun by people far more educated than you, and with much better skills at manipulation, people who use tactics like the one you just employed above. So this poorly attempted intellectual intimidation does not scare me and is just more proof of the insidiousness of 'zionist speak' and its dynamics of denial.
Those pictures ARE in their rightful context. And even if I had none of the personal experiences or any credential that allowed me to place them there, I still dont need a flipping degree or even half a brain to see whats happening right in front of my eyes. Israel has killed or run off most if not all the intellectuals in Palestine, but they haven't got world domination on that front just yet.
Ultimately Zionists through their own actions have engineered their perfect enemy and between that enemy and Israel my focus remains on the human rights of the people and children of Palestine, most of whom want nothing to do with either.
The pictures stand and speak for themselves. If it waddles, quacks, flaps and sh*ts like a duck..its a duck and it remains that there is no context where the murder of innocent children is ever justified.
edit on 12-1-2014 by Rosha because: (no reason given)
reply to post by Rosha
Wow... the fact that you consider yourself (and considered by institutions) educated and knowledgable in the truth of the matter in this area is actually worrying!
I really hope you will someday know it as i do, the way it is.
P.s dont even get me started on those pics... this is beyond words.
Im out!