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The JFK assassination---The Big Event made Simple---50 years is long enough!

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posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Eight weeks later while reading his mail, he had a sharp and severe pain in the back of his head. Within two minutes he collapsed and became unconscious due to a massive cerebral hemorrhage that would take his life two hours later. His blood pressure that morning was in excess of 300 mm Hg systolic and 190 mm Hg diastolic.2

The cause of FDR’s malignant hypertension remains unknown. Was it renovascular or due to other causes? An autopsy was never done. According to Dr. Bruenn he had no evidence of renal dysfunction and had only one episode of coronary insufficiency without a myocardial infarction.2

Funny, they don't mention him being poisoned. But it would seem his doctor was a quack and didn't bother to treat his blood pressure problems.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

(Facepalms) Maggers, old petunia, you really need to stop doing your research on sites like Rense. You're being mocked enough on this thread as it is. By the way I presume that by your gnomic utterance about the 'Balfour Gang' (what's the cause of this obsession with 'gangs' by the way?) you are referring to the Arthur Balfour, the author of the Balfour Declaration. Just one teeny problem there. He wasn't a mason. The Fourth Earl was, but not old Arthur. Sorry, do try and get your head around using Google. FDR by the way was sick before Yalta. Yalta was in 1945. He was diagnosed with high blood pressure and congestive heart failure in 1944. If you like I can lend you a calculator so that you can do the maths.
By the way your quote now shows that you have done a 180 as it claims that Stalin poisoned FDR. Try and get your facts in a straight line there Sparkey, you won't get laughed at quite so much.
And I'm still not seeing anything at all about this famous plan you mentioned that FDR created for the breakup of the UK. Here's your quote: "The division of England needs to continue, as Ireland, Scotland, Wales all separate from London. Then the FDR idea of breaking up England will be complete and the world will discover why Stalin believed the Churchill gang killed FDR. " Any proof? Anything at all? Hello? Maggers? We're all waiting...

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 02:35 PM
In order to show elements that existed in the JFK term in office it was needed to go look at the history and events in the FDR term in office that involved JFK's Dad and the affairs of state that existed in the FDR terms that easily lasted into the JFK and LBJ terms and worsened matters for the Freedom of We The People of America.

Unless one learns from History, everyone is doomed to repeat history and bad things again and again. And this is a major lesson in why FDR would have been targeted for death, as well as JFK. Both FDR and JFK were learning how the US was being taken over from within and soon enough FDR was going to clean out the State Dept. if he remained alive, and likewise JFK was going to do the same over the state Dept's interference on his Peace Efforts with Khruschev and Castro. So, to retain the infiltration of the US State Dept. by the British both these Presidents had to die.

What one notices from the FDR generation complaint was that the State Department was loaded with British, who consistently interfered with FDR's agenda as President. So, FDR went as direct as possible to Russia and China to arrange deals that the State Dept tried to screw over.

It is typical of ways to infiltrate Govt., by going to the long term folks in the state Department so that the Govt can be taken over from within for many generations of Presidents. Presidents come and go, but the lower echelons stay for generations.

Anyone that knows the JFK issues well knows that the US State Dept. was doing the same things to JFK when he attempted to deal with either Russia or Cuba. So, JFK did what FDR did and that was go around the US State Department that was infiltrated with English supporters and Masons.

JFK used back water channels to deal with Khrushchev and Castro and great progress was being made on Peace and JFK succeeded in doing what FDR was going to do to go around British control of the US State Dept. and other areas of US Govt controls.

It gets more interesting in that FDR had one VP for his third term that was not a Mason, Henry Wallace, and then for the 4th term FDR brought in a Mason named Harry Truman. That opened the door to essentially kill FDR and run with the new Mason that would follow orders from the Elites controlling the US Govt from the shadows.

Then came Mason Dulles running the CIA, then came Mason Lord Balfour's partition of Palestine, and more of the US Govt was taken over from within.

In 1963, JFK encountered a well entrenched Beast of corrupt people in the State Dept. allied with Masons in the South that wanted JFK dead.


Wallace served as Secretary of Agriculture until September 1940, when Roosevelt selected him as his running mate in the Vice Presidential slot on the 1940 presidential ticket. However, the conservative wing of the Democratic Party, many of them Southerners, mistrusted Wallace:
Wallace was an unreconstructed liberal reformer and New Dealer, qualities that recommended him to Roosevelt. But the old guard Democratic Party deeply distrusted Wallace as an apostate Republican and as a doe-eyed mystic who symbolized all that they found objectionable about [what they saw as] the hopelessly utopian, market-manipulating, bureaucracy-breeding New Deal.[24]


On May 8, 1942, Wallace delivered his most famous speech, which became known by the phrase "Century of the Common Man", to the Free World Association in New York City. This speech, grounded in Christian references, laid out a positive vision for the aftermath of the Second World War, beyond the defeat of the Nazis. He laid out a blueprint for a world of shared prosperity and in which colonialism and economic exploitation would be banned. The speech, and the book of the same name which appeared the following year, proved quite popular, but earned Wallace enemies among the Democratic leadership, business leaders, conservatives, and allied leaders like Winston Churchill.


After Wallace feuded publicly with Jesse H. Jones and other high officials, Roosevelt stripped him of his war agency responsibilities and began to entertain the idea of replacing him on the presidential ticket. Although a Gallup poll taken just before the Democratic Party's 1944 vice presidential nomination found 65% of those surveyed in favour of a renewed Vice Presidency for Wallace and only 2% favouring his eventual opponent, Harry S. Truman, it was Truman who went on to win the nomination.[27] Wallace was succeeded as Vice President on January 20, 1945, and on April 12, Vice President Truman succeeded to the Presidency when President Franklin D. Roosevelt died. Henry A. Wallace had missed being the 33rd President of the United States by just 82 days.


Roosevelt placated Wallace by appointing him Secretary of Commerce in March 1945. In a speech on April 12th 1946, Henry Wallace said that "aside from our common language and common literary tradition, we have no more in common with Imperialistic England than with Communist Russia". He was notoriously "soft" on Communism, but his distaste for American involvement with Britain and Europe was widely shared across the political spectrum.[28] In September 1946, he was fired by President Harry S. Truman because of disagreements about the policy towards the Soviet Union. He is the last former Vice President to serve in the President's cabinet.


Henry Wallace

Thus, one finds one more major reason the Masons and the British were behind the JFK hit in 1963. imho

One also finds that Wallace missed becoming US President by around 82 days, and he would not have dropped the Bomb on Japan. They powers behind the scenes of the Presidency wanted to drop the bomb to achieve greater power in the world, and as long as Britain basically controlled the US, the Empire still existed by Corporation controls and Royalist wealth. They could buy US Congressmen and US Presidents, and use the American People to fight their wars for power and control of the world, and soak the foreign soils with US people's blood the same way they have done for generations in Europe.

Thus, one finds the major Motive behind the hit on JFK, and how English and Masons were the prime elements involved in killing JFK and the cover up that extends into today. Southern Masons, the Houston Lamar 8F gang, Hoover, LBJ, Federal Reserve, et al were prime profiteers from that power and control over the US.

edit on 27-2-2014 by MagnumOpus because: The Motive and Opportunity to kill JFK is at hand via simple history of the US being taken from within. imho

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 02:49 PM

reply to post by MagnumOpus

Checking into the thread again after awhile, and now it's awash in presidential assassinations of obviously unhealthy presidents (or their dad's, in the case of Joseph Kennedy). You really take this conspiracy theory themed site to new levels of conspiracy, have to give you credit for that.

Well stay tuned-----for to ignore history is to repeat history.

This time history won't be controlled by the Criminals behind the JFK hit, and the American People will be given the real history for why JFK was murdered in Dallas.

Plus, that Khrushchev was totally correct on the US being taken over from within.

You can close your eyes to history, but the serious investigators into the motives and opportunity for the JFK hit will be able to follow the money soon and find the Criminals in their midst and regain the Freedom via knowing their suppressed history by a press that won't tell them the truth in simple and effective terms. imho

There are some that don't mind knowing the truth and telling others in easy to understand terms.

This, despite the Crooked Mason and English efforts to dodge the truth. imho

Even Oliver Stone likes the hidden history of the US:


Director Oliver Stone focused on Wallace's career in the second episode, entitled "Roosevelt, Truman, and Wallace", of his 2012 documentary series, Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States.



But a bunch of crooked masons literally hate reading the hidden history of the US, as it involves crimes with no statute of limitations and obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and more. imho

edit on 27-2-2014 by MagnumOpus because: Running over corruption and conspiracy is reality.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

I'm not sure I know where to start with this... cornucopia of nonsense, and I'm being polite there. Ok. First up? What Balfour partition of Palestine?? Arthur Balfour (who wasn't a mason by the way) had nothing to do with the 1947 Partition of Palestine. Mostly because he was extremely dead by that point. The Partition was in 1947. He died in 1930.
Then there's the rest of this drivel. Right, so the British (please stop calling the UK England, it shows a staggering amount of ignorance and rudeness) killed both FDR and JFK. Round objects. Your sources are all either ridiculous conspiracy theories or contradictory.
And I'm still waiting for you to explain your claim that FDR was going to dismember the UK. In case you think I'm going to drop it I have some very bad news for you. I'm not.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 06:54 PM
So, now most can attain 20/20 hindsight for what came along for non-Mason Eisenhower and JFK via the English invasion of the State Dept in FDR's time, then adding in the manipulative Public methods to cause the Red Scare to support European Royalist/Nobelist using the money and resources of the US.

Basically, the Revolution War never ended for the US, it just began working via various quiet insidious invasion techniques using power, money, control of press and buying politicians.

What FDR started is coming to fruition these days, as China now has Hong Kong. China is nearly superpower status and world class industrial force, and has changed from being held down by English Imperialism to having lots more sense and power. China now has more gold, with the intention of becoming the new currency standard.

Russia is just as powerful and again FDR's want for New Deal in the world is happening.

In the near JFK's time, the French colony in Indochina failed and Communism took over. Algeria fell to Communism. Cuba fell to Communism. Various South American states went to Communism.

And the panic of the Imperialists is seen in their efforts to dominate and control the US using staged politics on Communism via the John Birch Society, Young Americans for Freedom, the Red Scare of McCarthy, the Black South's Prince Hall Masons challenging the Southern apartheid was working. And the same Communist name they called FDR and Wallace came to be called of JFK.

FDR was forcing England into submission and ending their exploitation of others. FDR was demanding the end of the have and have not status to which the Kings and Queens of England held sacred.

Now comes time to finish the Federal Reserve, and shut that down. Then dump the City of London's domination of banking that appears to be killing lots of JP Morgan bankers and causing a run on gold from JP Morgan's holdings.

Just as FDR forecast, the US will have much more problems from the English than from any NAZI or Germany issues.


The records of the February 1945 Yalta meeting, now public, also show that Roosevelt put on the table his plans to place the British Empire under international supervision, as a step toward dismantling it. According to Elliot Roosevelt, Churchill responded with rage:

``I will never agree to the fumbling fingers of 40 or 50 nations prying into the existence of the British Empire.... While there is life in my body, no transfer of British sovereignty will be permitted.''


In Teheran, in one-on-one meetings with Stalin, Roosevelt told the Soviet leader of his plans to end all empires. Stalin, according to some reports, became scared at the implications. Didn't the President understand that this might mean war, with the British, and explosions in the former colonial sector? he asked. Roosevelt replied that risks were going to have to be taken to create a better world. The two leaders agreed that Indochina would be ``liberated,'' as well as other colonial areas.


``I was told,'' his son reports the President as stating, ``six years ago, to clean out that State Department. It's like the British Foreign Office....''

``I'll take care of these matters myself,'' was Roosevelt's now usual response on matters of crucial policy. ``I am the only person I can trust.''

The State Department prepared voluminous briefing books and policy papers for the November 1943 Cairo meetings with Chiang Kai-shek and Churchill and the Teheran meetings with Stalin and Churchill. Roosevelt not only left the books behind--he left all State Department officials behind, to stew in Washington!


Churchill could no longer contain himself. On Nov. 10, 1942 he rose in the British Parliament to acclaim the allied landings in North Africa. Instead, he launched into a defense of British war aims, stating that they had not entered the war for profit or the expansion of territory under the Union Jack. Then, he stated,

``Let me, however, make this clear, in case that there should be any mistake about it in any quarter. We mean to hold our own. I have not become the King's First Minister in order to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire.''

Roosevelt made no direct comments on Churchill's remarks. In a letter to an aide, he wrote:

``We are going to have worse trouble with Britain [after the war] than we do with Nazi Germany now.''


On the other side of the Atlantic, at 10 Downing Street, in Churchill's situation room, similar maps and deployments were on display. Churchill's main goal, however, was to preserve the British imperial system, in one form or another. In that regard, the United States and Franklin Roosevelt represented a greater strategic threat than either the Germans, whose Nazi government had been created by British bankers, or the Japanese, whose royal family was manipulated by British assets; a potential American postwar alliance with the Russians merely enhanced that threat.


Churchill insisted that this only applied to occupied nations. Roosevelt, however, demanded the inclusion of the term all, meaning that its applicability was universal--it included all colonial peoples, including the British Empire.
The British leadership now knew first hand, if they had only feared or suspected as much before, that Roosevelt, as a matter of absolute conviction, was at war with the British Empire. Elliot recounts the following outburst from Churchill:

``Mr. President, I believe you are trying to do away with the British Empire. Every idea you entertain about the structure of the postwar world demonstrates it.... But in spite of that, you constitute our only hope. You know it. We know it. You know that we know that without America, the British Empire won't stand.''


Orders that were being prepared for U.S. ships and marines to take Hong Kong and turn it over to the Chinese, were aborted. Other plans to prevent the French from retaking Indochina were cancelled, and American troops in the area were told to stand aside. The imperial flags went back up, as Churchill had been demanding, all over the world.

Later that same month, in San Francisco, the American delegation to the United Nations conference voted against proposals that were aimed at placing the British and French colonial possessions under international supervision and with a definite timetable for independence. America, said delegation leader Harold Stassen, had but one true ally, the British, and we must always stand by her side. The United Nations, taken over by a pack of British agents, including Julian Huxley, soon became a tool for British imperial interests.

In August, President Truman, manipulated by the British agent Henry Simpson, dropped atomic bombs that Roosevelt never planned to use on a nation already prepared to surrender, claiming to ``save'' American lives in an invasion of Japan--which FDR and his top military commanders knew was unnecessary.


Roosevelt had failed to develop a leadership cadre to carry on without him. This was, in part, because of his own leadership style, which tended to centralize important decision-making in himself and which often manipulated even his closest aides against each other. Ultimately, he found that aides, like Hurley, were unable to generate ideas or policy. He groomed no political successor, and within the patriotic faction which had, sometimes reluctantly, been forced to follow his leadership, there was no one who could hold a candle to FDR.

But, Roosevelt was also unable, because of his own limited comprehension of the history of the ideas that informed his thinking, to explain them in their most profound sense to others. He was a patriot, with great instincts, and human compassion, but he had an imperfect understanding of the history of the conflict that he found himself in the middle of: The battle between the American republican tradition and British oligarchism. Those closest to him, often themselves infected with the disease of anglophilia, failed to understand this fight; and without him present, they were easy pickings for skilled British operatives.


Review of the FDR times

Since FDR never managed to complete his mission, or equally train another as he didn't expect to die, the problems festered and became much worse for JFK and his similar to FDR's thinking.

However, Joe Kennedy and John Kennedy were the ones that took up the FDR ideals.

Just like most suspect that FDR was killed by the English, via various ways, when the Cuba deals failed to take out Castro, the same English guns turned on killing JFK, led by many Masons and one particular one close to Churchill named Hoover. Hoover and his English and Mason ilk had premeditated killing JFK, if things went bad for JFK's term in office similar to what happened with FDR. Thus, the intentionally put in Mason good ole boy LBJ to take over.

Dallas was an epicenter of JFK hate, led by Masons like Banister, Murchison, Hoover, Dulles, LBJ, and other Nobelist Oligarchy supporters.

Such is what happens when the History isn't told to everyone, so as to provide a complete understanding. But today, many of the FDR New Deal plans are completing, and 50 years of keeping the motives for killing JFK suppressed by the corruption in the US are also coming to a rapid end. imho

Now everyone can study what FDR intended and what similar directions that JFK was heading and pitch in to end to end the conspiracy of those intend on misleading Americans and using them to their oligarchic advantages.

It is time to complete the War of the Revolution in the US due to the suppression of information per the FDR's suspected murder issues and the JFK obvious murder issues sourced from the same point of origin of greed. imho

As Americans waken to what has taken place, expect huge corrections of the real history and many epic changes for the world to become more equal and well informed.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 07:17 PM
Once all the history of infamy against the US catches up with the English, the English will fall apart much more quickly. English Midlands are like a great lake and flooded and more disasters coming.

The place lost its moral compass and the respect of the world.

What goes around comes around, the world is sick of tired of the English Wars and sociopaths like Churchill. imho

The English have earned their place in infamy.

Dump the Queen and the Nobility-----let Putin run England.


Uk Is Falling Apart

Not long before that, British Cabinet Secretary Gus O'Donnell stated that in the next few years Britain could encounter enormous problems, for example, whether or not the kingdom will remain united. The opinion that the United Kingdom could fall apart over the next few years and cease to exist as a single state has been circulating very widely… There are many reasons which could together cause the fall of British statehood, and these reasons are quite varied.

Separatist tendencies in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, the Isle of Man, and the County of Cornwall, which has been demanding autonomy, are growing stronger.
Alarming demographic tendencies have taken shape. According to statistics, at the beginning of 2013 less than half of London residents were of English background. The British capital, once one of the few monolingual cities of Europe, as a result of immigration has become the most multilingual city on the planet, speaking over 300 languages.


London has long since become a center of international terrorism. According to the U.S. State Department, out of 30 officially recognized terrorist organizations, 10 have official headquarters in London, and another 15 “conduct major operations and fundraising in the British capital”. One sheikh of the Muslim Brotherhood, which long ago established a base in London, has stated that over 500 million dollars are spent each year on maintaining the British branches of the organization alone.
There are even more economic problems.
Great Britain has the second largest external debt in the world (over 9.8 trillion), which is over 435% of the country's GDP. There is a huge 42 billion dollar hole in the state budget. For that reason, in the second half of 2013 the number of those serving in the British army will be reduced by over 5,000, and by 2015 the number of British military personnel is to be reduced by another 20%. In the opinion of John Muxworthy, the head of the UK National Defence Association, if this tendency continues the British army will have ceased to exist by 2020.
The country is rapidly losing its status as a financial center.


As of early March 2013 about 1200 patients had died of hunger in hospitals of the British National Health System over the course of 4 years. The official reason was that the nurses are too busy to feed the patients. According to the Daily Mail, in 2011 alone 43 patients died of starvation, another 291 died in a state of severe malnutrition, and the number of patients discharged from hospitals in a state of malnutrition doubled to 5558. In addition, the hospitals of the National Health System have been accused of falsifying the figures to lower the number of patients who died from poor care. The situation is similar in homes for the elderly.
The British are more and more obviously taking to drink. Prime Minister David Cameron has likened the rise in alcoholism among the populace to a national disaster. All over the country, a network of drunk tanks are popping up like mushrooms.


England falling apart

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 07:18 PM
So, now many can see more clearly just what a traitor Hoover was, and just why Hoover allowed Louis Bloomfield, as a Zionist/English agent, to run the Defense Intelligence Security Command out of Montreal. DISC oversaw areas like NASA, TVA, et al, which didn't need a Zionist or English agent in charge for the best interests of the US.

Louis Bloomfield also took control of PERMINDEX, the European attempt at a CIA to oppose Communism and kill people. PERMINDEX sprang from the Nobelists of Hungary in the battle against the Russians take over. A Mason named George Mandel tried to set up the operations in Rome and gain the interests of the Vatican. As part of that effort to gain the Vatican, they invited Clay Shaw as a Catholic Knight of Malta to join them, but that didn't work either. That eventually turned into the P-2 invasion of the Vatican.

PERMINDEX slowly became operational in the US, as JFK shut down the CIA on Cuba. One of their principle agents lived in Dallas, Ferenc Nagy.

Hoover was an English Lap Dog, who premeditated the killing of JFK if he became too much like FDR or his Dad on the issues of England and Imperialism. Hoover protected Louis Bloomfield and PERMINDEX.

All the gang from Banister, Oschner, Dave Ferrie, and Shaw in New Orleans knew what was going in with the plot to kill JFK in Dallas. It was so well know that even Joe Milteer ran around bragging about their efforts to kill JFK from a triangulated shooting from buildings.

Even a big Mason party at Clint Murchison's house the day before to celebrate the Hoover Mason pals premeditation to kill JFK in office and replace him with LBJ. LBJ went for the VP slot because he bet on the odds that JFK would be hit by the Masons, which backed LBJ and hated JFK.

JFK was a chip off the old FDR block on the affairs of state of the US, and faced the same opposition to change that FDR faced from the corrupted US State Department and the English subterfuge being worse than the NAZIs. imho

edit on 27-2-2014 by MagnumOpus because: History will begin its correction and the English shall get their due. imho

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

I'm still seeing lots of references to 'England'. Showing that you have something of a bee in your bonnet about this and also displaying, again, staggering ignorance and rudeness. We here in the UK are British. Want me to spell it out for you just in case? And now yet more drivel. Plus you seem to hate Churchill. Can I point out that a) he was half-American and that b) if it hadn't been for Churchill Hitler would have won in 1940. Unless, of course, you seem to think that that would have been a good idea.
Oh and - where's the evidence for your claim that FDR was going to break up the UK? I'm starting to suspect that it doesn't exist...

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 05:30 AM

reply to post by MagnumOpus

I'm still seeing lots of references to 'England'. Showing that you have something of a bee in your bonnet about this and also displaying, again, staggering ignorance and rudeness. We here in the UK are British. Want me to spell it out for you just in case? And now yet more drivel. Plus you seem to hate Churchill. Can I point out that a) he was half-American and that b) if it hadn't been for Churchill Hitler would have won in 1940. Unless, of course, you seem to think that that would have been a good idea.
Oh and - where's the evidence for your claim that FDR was going to break up the UK? I'm starting to suspect that it doesn't exist...

Unfortunately, this isn't coming from your point of view, but from the USA's.

And I don't care about your English views. You can whine and cry like a little Roger Miller's rosy red cheek baby. I am not here to please you, or change to your point of view's Nonsense.

I know that you can't read, because you ask the same non-sense over and over, that has been covered over and over.

You attempt to mislead and tell us you are not there in England !!! When you say you really are in England

Your quote:

And I'm still not English

If you live in England and speak to England's interests----you are English. The address for London----is London, England.

Isn't this the name of your game?

Internet Troll Lessons

Obviously, you don't know US history and don't care to learn it. Plus, your England bias has your nickers in a wad, plus your bonnet ajar, every time anyone connects the JFK hit with England's interests of Nobles and Royalists of England. Or the manipulation of the US Civil Rights movements with the Southern Scottish Rite Masons and their trying to protect England's Slavery History from being too well known.

And again, it is proven that you are the Embodiment of Ignorance. An Ignorance set up by English Toll behaviors. imho

edit on 28-2-2014 by MagnumOpus because: England swings like an English Mason's Pendant do, and Bobbys fall off bicycles because of two left feet. imho

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

If you had bothered to look at my name on this site, you might have had a clue. Sadly you didn't so I am going to have to educate you. I suspect that you get this a lot. Right - Cymraeg. It means Welsh. As in I am Welsh. Got it? Need me to repeat myself? No? Good. Just because I am Welsh and living in England that doesn't make me English. Let me know if I need to repeat that bit. In case you disagree for some reason I refer you to the Duke of Wellington's famous rebuff to someone who called him Irish: "If a dog is born in a stable that doesn't make him a horse." I'm going with Nosey on this one, because he was a very great man indeed.
As for facts about the USA, then guess again Sparkey. My wife's American and I have a BA in history. This means that I can do stuff called 'research' which enables me to laugh hysterically at your sources.
And finally - still not seeing any evidence of FDR's great plan to break up the UK. Your continued failure to address this points to one inescapable conclusion: you made it up. Got you.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 07:19 AM

And this is a major lesson in why FDR would have been targeted for death, as well as JFK.

Yes, in his FOURTH term in office.

Just because you write words, doesn't mean they make sense.

Oh, and remember, LBJ couldn't have even gone to a meeting. He was only a 1st degree mason. (entered apprentice)
Essentially, he went to one meeting, (his initiation) and never went back.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 10:13 AM

network dude
Oh, and remember, LBJ couldn't have even gone to a meeting. He was only a 1st degree mason. (entered apprentice)
Essentially, he went to one meeting, (his initiation) and never went back.

But but but... EBIL MASONS ARE EVERYWHERE! (Hides behind sofa)

This message was brought to you by the Magnum Opus Society of Blaming Masons for Everything.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 10:40 AM

network dude

And this is a major lesson in why FDR would have been targeted for death, as well as JFK.

Yes, in his FOURTH term in office.

Just because you write words, doesn't mean they make sense.

Oh, and remember, LBJ couldn't have even gone to a meeting. He was only a 1st degree mason. (entered apprentice)
Essentially, he went to one meeting, (his initiation) and never went back.

It doesn't take going to a Mason Temple to be a Mason-----the knowledge lasts forever. And one doesn't have to attend meetings to be in league with Masons.

Prime example were that Hoover and LBJ lived next door to each other. Mason Hoover black-mailed JFK to get LBJ onto the 1960 ticket.

Other examples of Masons cooperation was the LBJ and Hoover attended a meeting at the Mason Murchison's House the day before the assassination, which was to celebrate Hoover's premeditation for the killing of JFK, which would occur the next day.

Other examples of Masons were 33rd Mason Guy Banister down in New Orleans setting up LHO with the Cuban issues, then sending LHO back to Dallas instead of giving him a nice job at NASA.

Masons don't stop being Masons outside their Temple and they spend a great deal of time on getting special rings, collar pins, and giving signs that tell others they are Masons outside their temple.

LBJ was considered a Mason-----as they voted to accept him and he started the process--------and continued extensive connections with Masons in the Lamar 8F Gang, the Hoover corruptions, and the pay off of Clint Murchison to buy Hoover with Oil Wells and nice trips to Del Mar Hotel and Race track.

So, you present non-sense. But what would one expect of a Mason in their attempts to cover up their mutual crimes. imho

Even Churchill admitted Special Relationship connections as Masons.

Which according to Mason terms, not backing Mason Churchill in his crime efforts was reason to kill Mason FDR.


While the majority of the American and British political elites at the time were only too well aware of a bitter dispute between the two leaders, a different history has been supplanted since: a mass of lies and half-truths about a so-called “special relationship” between Britain and the United States, based on common ideals, supposedly supported by both Churchill and Roosevelt, and intended to last into the next millennium. This rewriting of history began almost immediately with FDR’s unnatural death in April 1945, and has continued to this day.


At that time already emerging as a spokesman for the British supremacists and imperialists was one Winston Churchill, a conservative politician, the archetypical “Colonel Blimp”. Churchill, who had an American mother, nevertheless hated everything American and especially the American people.

Churchill had planted scores of agents in the American government who liaised with him through the British ambassador, Lord Halifax, who on more than one occasion openly called Roosevelt a “liar” and “no friend of the British”.


On April 12, 1945 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States, patriot, and enemy of the British Empire, died of poisoning at the hands of the British whilst the official cause of death was craftily put down to “a cerebral hemorrhage”. Almost immediately, British agents moved to obliterate Roosevelt’s anti-British anti-Imperialist policies and his postwar plans whilst shamelessly and cynically laying down the foundations for the myth of a “special relationship”.


Churchill's Special Admissions

edit on 28-2-2014 by MagnumOpus because: Masons are obligated to protect each others crimes, FDR didn't back Mason Churchill, and Mason rules kill other Masons.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 10:56 AM

reply to post by MagnumOpus

If you had bothered to look at my name on this site, you might have had a clue. Sadly you didn't so I am going to have to educate you. I suspect that you get this a lot. Right - Cymraeg. It means Welsh. As in I am Welsh. Got it? Need me to repeat myself? No? Good. Just because I am Welsh and living in England that doesn't make me English. Let me know if I need to repeat that bit. In case you disagree for some reason I refer you to the Duke of Wellington's famous rebuff to someone who called him Irish: "If a dog is born in a stable that doesn't make him a horse." I'm going with Nosey on this one, because he was a very great man indeed.
As for facts about the USA, then guess again Sparkey. My wife's American and I have a BA in history. This means that I can do stuff called 'research' which enables me to laugh hysterically at your sources.
And finally - still not seeing any evidence of FDR's great plan to break up the UK. Your continued failure to address this points to one inescapable conclusion: you made it up. Got you.

Well----you are part of London, England now------if you live there you support England.

Thanks for admitting you support England! imho

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 11:00 AM


network dude
Oh, and remember, LBJ couldn't have even gone to a meeting. He was only a 1st degree mason. (entered apprentice)
Essentially, he went to one meeting, (his initiation) and never went back.

But but but... EBIL MASONS ARE EVERYWHERE! (Hides behind sofa)

This message was brought to you by the Magnum Opus Society of Blaming Masons for Everything.

I just do the history, which you don't have a clue about.

History supports lots of corrupt Masons altering the record on the Warren Commission. Mason Hoover withholding evidence and not investigating essential things.

Mason Hoover getting pay offs from Mason Clint Murchison. LHO connected with Mason Guy Banister in New Orleans.

Not to mention the CIA emulators in Europe as PERMINDEX was founded upon Mason George Mandel, which then tried to kill de Gaulle with Banister sending them money, then Ferenc Nagy shows up in Banisters office in later years.

Reference from Garrison

And the lists of Masons involved in Civil Rights is huge-----even connects with HL Hunt running a Mason for President.

And the list goes on and on.

And You the London, England supporter sees nothing-----thus you become the Embodiment of Ignorance for England and Masons. imho

edit on 28-2-2014 by MagnumOpus because: It is easy to spot corrupt English connected omissions of essential elements of evidence linking Masons. imho

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Interesting. You keep citing the Yankophode website, which is a revolting mishmash of badly researched anti-British hysteria. Here's a great example. It's a vile piece that basically says that it's a pity that the Nazis didn't invade the UK during the Second World War. Words fail me. Why do you keep using that site?
Still nothing about FDR and the plan to dismember the UK? I claim victory! Yay, go me!

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 11:06 AM

Well----you are part of London, England now------if you live there you support England.

Thanks for admitting you support England! imho

?????? Can someone please translate this? It seems to be to be pure idiocy.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 11:08 AM



network dude
Oh, and remember, LBJ couldn't have even gone to a meeting. He was only a 1st degree mason. (entered apprentice)
Essentially, he went to one meeting, (his initiation) and never went back.

But but but... EBIL MASONS ARE EVERYWHERE! (Hides behind sofa)

This message was brought to you by the Magnum Opus Society of Blaming Masons for Everything.

I just do the history, which you don't have a clue about.

History supports lots of corrupt Masons altering the record on the Warren Commission. Mason Hoover withholding evidence and not investigating essential things.

Mason Hoover getting pay offs from Mason Clint Murchison. LHO connected with Mason Guy Banister in New Orleans.

Not to mention the CIA emulators in Europe as PERMINDEX was founded upon Mason George Mandel, which then tried to kill de Gaulle with Banister sending them money, then Ferenc Nagy shows up in Banisters office in later years.

And the lists of Masons involved in Civil Rights is huge-----even connects with HL Hunt running a Mason for President.

And the list goes on and on.

And You the London, England supporter sees nothing-----thus you become the Embodiment of Ignorance for England and Masons. imho

edit on 28-2-2014 by MagnumOpus because: It is easy to spot corrupt English connected omissions of essential elements of evidence linking Masons. imho

Translation: "Masons ARE behind everything!!!!"

This message was brought to you by the Magnum Opus Society of Blaming Masons for Everything.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 11:14 AM




network dude
Oh, and remember, LBJ couldn't have even gone to a meeting. He was only a 1st degree mason. (entered apprentice)
Essentially, he went to one meeting, (his initiation) and never went back.

But but but... EBIL MASONS ARE EVERYWHERE! (Hides behind sofa)

This message was brought to you by the Magnum Opus Society of Blaming Masons for Everything.

I just do the history, which you don't have a clue about.

History supports lots of corrupt Masons altering the record on the Warren Commission. Mason Hoover withholding evidence and not investigating essential things.

Mason Hoover getting pay offs from Mason Clint Murchison. LHO connected with Mason Guy Banister in New Orleans.

Not to mention the CIA emulators in Europe as PERMINDEX was founded upon Mason George Mandel, which then tried to kill de Gaulle with Banister sending them money, then Ferenc Nagy shows up in Banisters office in later years.

And the lists of Masons involved in Civil Rights is huge-----even connects with HL Hunt running a Mason for President.

And the list goes on and on.

And You the London, England supporter sees nothing-----thus you become the Embodiment of Ignorance for England and Masons. imho

edit on 28-2-2014 by MagnumOpus because: It is easy to spot corrupt English connected omissions of essential elements of evidence linking Masons. imho

Translation: "Masons ARE behind everything!!!!"

This message was brought to you by the Magnum Opus Society of Blaming Masons for Everything.

More of your usual misleading non-sense.

I show Masons involved in the JFK hit, Lincoln's Death, and the FDR issues.

Show everyone where I said Everything. You lied again. imho

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