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Well----you are part of London, England now------if you live there you support England.
Thanks for admitting you support England! imho
?????? Can someone please translate this? It seems to be to be pure idiocy.
So, you present non-sense. But what would one expect of a Mason in their attempts to cover up their mutual crimes. imho
Well----you are part of London, England now------if you live there you support England.
Thanks for admitting you support England! imho
?????? Can someone please translate this? It seems to be to be pure idiocy.
You do pay Taxes and support England-----else you are an illegal.
You work in London, England, which supports England's interests.
Really simple. You live there, you work there, you are a Londoner. imho
network dude
Oh, and remember, LBJ couldn't have even gone to a meeting. He was only a 1st degree mason. (entered apprentice)
Essentially, he went to one meeting, (his initiation) and never went back.
But but but... EBIL MASONS ARE EVERYWHERE! (Hides behind sofa)
This message was brought to you by the Magnum Opus Society of Blaming Masons for Everything.
I just do the history, which you don't have a clue about.
History supports lots of corrupt Masons altering the record on the Warren Commission. Mason Hoover withholding evidence and not investigating essential things.
Mason Hoover getting pay offs from Mason Clint Murchison. LHO connected with Mason Guy Banister in New Orleans.
Not to mention the CIA emulators in Europe as PERMINDEX was founded upon Mason George Mandel, which then tried to kill de Gaulle with Banister sending them money, then Ferenc Nagy shows up in Banisters office in later years.
And the lists of Masons involved in Civil Rights is huge-----even connects with HL Hunt running a Mason for President.
And the list goes on and on.
And You the London, England supporter sees nothing-----thus you become the Embodiment of Ignorance for England and Masons. imho
edit on 28-2-2014 by MagnumOpus because: It is easy to spot corrupt English connected omissions of essential elements of evidence linking Masons. imho
Translation: "Masons ARE behind everything!!!!"
This message was brought to you by the Magnum Opus Society of Blaming Masons for Everything.
More of your usual misleading non-sense.
I show Masons involved in the JFK hit, Lincoln's Death, and the FDR issues.
Show everyone where I said Everything. You lied again. imho
Blue Shift
At this point, I don't think I can even come up with a wild enough "explanation" that could obviously be sarcastic, since there are already so many people out there with wild explanations they're completely serious about.
So I'm still sticking with time travelers. For some reason, the time travelers protected Hitler against 42 assassination attempts, yet for some other reason did in JFK. Whatever JFK did in the original timeline must have been worse than what Hitler did. I'm guessing nuclear war of some kind.
edit on 28-2-2014 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)
reply to post by MagnumOpus
Riiiight. So, once again I'm somehow English (even though I'm Cymraeg - sorry - Welsh) and now I'm an ebil sooper seekrit MASON INFILTRATOR!!! Yeah right. Bad me for daring to point out facts.
EDIT: A quick question, as I'm genuinely curious. What do you think the UK should have done in 1940 after the fall of France?edit on 28-2-2014 by AngryCymraeg because: Train of thought.
Much is said of the great quarrel that pitted Roosevelt against Charles de Gaulle, which was real and violent, but became less traumatic after de Gaulle discovered the United States for himself in 1944, and the disagreement was finally resolved in a legitimate alliance for the development of all peoples, when de Gaulle supported Kennedy, the disciple of Roosevelt. That "Gaullism" and "Rooseveltism," despite the legitimate opposition of interests due to the national peculiarities of France and the United States, could converge upon a design of mutual economic development of the people of the world, and a rejection of the Anglo-American model, was ironically understood by Monnet, who, despite his own disagreements with de Gaulle, supported his return to power in 1958, because he was the only man capable of solving the French colonial mess in Algeria. The confirmation of what I have just said, was given, as a proof given by vice to virtue, by the assassins of the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King, who were the same people who tried to murder de Gaulle, for the same oligarchical reasons.
Roosevelt's great postwar design was to put an end to the British, French, Dutch, and Portuguese colonial empires, to make of the victory over Nazism an instrument for general liberation, and to organize a world community of interest based on infrastructural, long-term development, through issuance of long-term, low-interest credits, a sort of "deferred payments" system, in which the completion of projects would in the future allow the deferred, step-by-step reimbursement of the amount of credit advanced.
Roosevelt's sudden death, on April 12, 1945, prevented this grand design from being carried out. Only the Marshall Plan was left, in the framework of the Bretton Woods system, but limited to Western Europe, whereas Roosevelt had wanted it for the benefit of the whole world. Worse, where Roosevelt intended to rally Russia to his postwar new, just order, through the advantages of common development, the Marshall Plan was soon embroiled in the logic of the Cold War. The European leaders of today, who criticize the naiveté of Roosevelt and admire the "realism" later shown by Churchill and Truman, understand nothing about what was at stake back then. Roosevelt's vision, as we have described it, led him to respect the national sovereignty of states, and to uphold social justice for all men, while Churchill's, imperial and financial, was nothing more than that of the Anglo-American cabal, based on looting and globalist one-world rule, which Roosevelt had fought and temporarily won out over within the United States.
Jackie however, wowed where her husband did not, and became a kind of “secret weapon” for her husband. Jackie quickly established a rapport with both de Gaulle and the celebrated French writer (and new cultural minister) Andre Malraux, with whom she would plant the seeds for her greatest cultural triumph as first lady. A year after the Kennedy’s trip to France, Malraux returned the favor, attending a state dinner in his honor. During a private tour of the National Gallery of Art, Jackie expressed her interest in bringing the Mona Lisa to America, allowing thousands of its citizens to see one of the crowning glories of France. Jackie again pressed her case at the formal dinner, and Malraux agreed to see what he could do. For several months, rumors swirled that the Mona Lisa and other classic works of art might soon be on their way to America. Finally, in September, France agreed to send just one work—the Mona Lisa.
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
Unfortunately, the accounts of FDR's own son are very accurate and represented in many books and history sites.
FDR's directions against Churchill and England are very accurately represented. And that JFK and Joe Kennedy were clones of FDR in ideals and policy per dealing with the English, and the English problem being worse than the NAZIs. Which has proven very true.
Also, the French connections to FDR are accurate via Monnet. imho
Which leaves your English based quip with no applause.
edit on 1-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: History is sometimes concealed, but when it comes out in full, it becomes factual accounts. imho