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Rendlesham Forest…, A Christmas Story from 1980 - Can We ‘Let it Be’?

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posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Sedonabird


Apparently you just joined up for this one thread only.

Nothing suspicious about that.


posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: Sedonabird
a reply to: Marylongstockings

I think that everybody on this site are ridiculous. None of you were there
The speculation and sarcasm are rampant . Time fir everyone yo get a job and a life and focus on their own issues

I think Elvis used to go by an alias similar to yours.

Unfortunately even the people who were there can't get their stories straight and try and work it out together can they?

So we are free to stay lifeless, unemployed and have fun on here.

edit on 26/6/16 by mirageman because: We know who you are Sedonabird

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: Marylongstockings

I don't mean they were logged in any book. I am meaning the first time binary was ever mentioned or written about as in the word "Binary", was in LMHs book .

Sorry that was bad phrasing by me and the site was running slow. I didn't have time to correct it as family matters had to be attended to.

I meant to say that during the hypnosis sessions there was no mention of the binary codes being recorded in Jim's notebook. I don't have LInda Moulton Howe's book and won't be buying a copy.

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: Sedonabird


Apparently you just joined up for this one thread only.

Nothing suspicious about that.


Easily sussed Kev

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
Unfortunately even the people who were there can't get their stories straight
That's one thing we do know for sure!

The people who were there can't possibly all be right because of the contradictions in their stories.

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: mirageman
Not a problem MM. I don't have the book either , but I do have
bits/parts of it.

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Preposterous isn't it!
Get a job indeed.
I didn't come here to be insulted....I visit my family for that.

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Indeed, even if the people who were there were actually here. They would be arguing and pointing out how ridiculous everyone was on this site and be unable to focus on their own issues because of rampant unemployment amongst ATS members across the globe!

edit on 26/6/16 by mirageman because: typos

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: Marylongstockings
a reply to: mirageman
Not a problem MM. I don't have the book either , but I do have
bits/parts of it.

Are you able to quote any relevant parts from whatever book it is?

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 04:46 PM

edit on 26-6-2016 by Marylongstockings because: incorrect

This would be the book.

A bit of it Gary sent to me but added his own comments in-between it. So I would have to take his
own comments out before I post it. I tried just now but made an error with it.
edit on 26-6-2016 by Marylongstockings because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Here is a little. Perhaps Gary can actually link the actual page numbers etc.

UFO Sightings At Bentwaters AFB, England

December 26-28, 1980

The use of drugs with hypnosis to learn information and alter memories also occurred after another military encounter with the UFO phenomenon, this time in England.

Christmas week in December 1980 was a tense and confusing time for several dozen men at the joint United States and English Royal Air Force Base at Bentwaters near the southwestern coast of the British Isles. In the early morning hours of December 26, odd lights were seen moving in the Rendlesham forest and various security and military personnel investigated.

Two of the security men, Staff Sergeant James Penniston and Airman First Class John Smith (alias), had a close encounter with one of the lights.

Penniston has had haunting memories and dreams of both the night in the forest and a follow-up debriefing session by intelligence agents who apparently used a drug and hypnosis combination to retrieve further information from Penniston and to possibly erase part of his memory, similar to the Cambodia’s officer’s story.

On September 10, 1994, Jim Penniston volunteered to undergo hypnosis with a hypnotherapist to remember more details of the Bentwaters AFB incidents and his own involvement in them. The following is a summary with verbatim excerpts from that hypnosis session which I transcribed from an audiocassette recording provided by researcher Benton Jamison.

Penniston remembered having Christmas day dinner (December 25, 1980) with his family and then went back to work that night at the base. The hypnosis session began with Penniston describing the appearance of blue and red lights moving in the forest at the East Gate of Bentwaters around 2 AM in the early morning of December 26 1980. Afterward, there were a series of meetings and debriefings with superior officers.

Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt, Deputy Base Commander at Bentwaters, told Penniston, “The reports will remain confidential and we should treat the incident as Top Secret and not discuss it with anybody.”

Penniston remembered being told there was radiation where the lights had been, a dosage equivalent to “five or ten x-rays.”

After his encounter with the lights, Penniston received a call to report on December 30, 1980 to the Orderly Room at the head of the 81st Security Police Squadron, Bentwaters. There Major Malcolm Zickler ordered Penniston to report to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) for a meeting to tell his story to AFOSI Special Agent “G.” Present also was Major “B.” AFOSI’s task is to investigate Air Force personnel crimes and other sensitive matters. Therefore, it is the only organization that can legally intrude into the command structure at any level without commanders having full knowledge.

Penniston knew he had purposefully left out the most significant part of his encounter: approaching a white light, seeing a large disc-shaped craft with raised symbols on its surface, reaching out to touch the symbols and receiving binary code information.

Penniston was asked to wait while the officers talked outside in the hall with unidentified men. Through the wall, Penniston overheard the name “D.S8 or A or D. C. 8 or A”

edit on 6-28-2016 by Springer because: added external content tags

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I agree, we'll see what's what as time goes by... ;-)

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 11:04 PM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur

originally posted by: mirageman
Unfortunately even the people who were there can't get their stories straight
That's one thing we do know for sure!

The people who were there can't possibly all be right because of the contradictions in their stories.

That's where you are totally wrong, it is the discrepancies that adds weight to something strange happening. All the real discrepancies involve those who were "up close and dirty" with the phenomenon and I would far far more suspicious and quite possibly, dismissive of the whole incident if all their stories tallied. If there is another intelligence visiting us, then having two people standing close to a "craft" feet from each other and experiencing/remembering totally different events, is one brilliant form of disguise.

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: FireMoon

There are two sources of discrepancies;

Human caused (disinfo, misperception, drugs, hypnosis, conversion disorder, etc.)


Phenomenon based discrepancies like you are mentioning (due to EM or other influences on the human mind).

Both need to be taken into account.

In the case of RFI, it would seem that several of the witnesses have had their brains scrambled...quite possibly by both types...

It might just be better to ignore the most unstable of the witnesses. Maybe they could just get on with their lives and stop thinking they are some sort of self-appointed messiah.


posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: FireMoon
The type of discrepancy one might expect in such a story would be for Penniston to say he walked around the craft for 20 minutes and for Burroughs to say it was only 10 minutes. Then you might presume that perhaps Penniston's estimate was a little high and Burroughs might be a little low so maybe he really walked around the craft for some time in-between, maybe 15 minutes or something like that.

But when Penniston says he walked around the craft for 45 minutes and Burroughs says that didn't happen, this can't be attributed to normal witness variability, it's an irreconcilable contradiction. Since Penniston was radioing progress reports to yet a third witness whose account is more consistent with Burrough's accounts and with Penniston's original written account (but not his later changed accounts), a pattern emerges. The pattern is that there is consistent testimony from at least 4 different witnesses, but at a later time Penniston's recollections of events such as his 45 minute walk-around diverged significantly from the relatively consistent account of events which had normal witness variability.

edit on 2016627 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: Marylongstockings

Even in 1996, a ‘download’ of binary codes was not an original idea.

In 1993, the X-files episode ‘Conduit’ aired.
In it, a young boy receives binary codes from an unknown intelligence.

At 0:12 in:

At least they are a bit more mysterious than plain ASCII codes …

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: Guest101

Hi 101,

I agree. I really am very much aware of just about
everything in relation to all of this binary. I could not help but look further because
of what I experienced when with Jim ,101. This has been a constant puzzle as to what
had been occurring with Jim as a touched space ship is one thing and is public
knowledge, but binary via dreaming (later years) much like Jim
having dreams re Gary's 23.5 is another matter too (my claims). Hence why I have said
several times, is there another explanation overlooked in all of this. The obvious thing
is this is all made up and created by Jim with or without the help of others. The prime
candidates for helpers can go back as far as those involved with the hypnosis , even LMH who
wrote about the binary to begin with or any number of person associated with Jim, the
list goes on and on. I certainly see your point. But does this mean Jim did it? I do suspect
with Johns recent talk on his face book page, there well might be something which may
explain a few things, I am not too sure?

edit on 27-6-2016 by Marylongstockings because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: Marylongstockings

Whatever happened to John's explosive Phenomenon radio show, for this month, which was bringing forward new research?

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: Marylongstockings

I said before that this alleged debriefing with drugs and hypnosis is my number one suspect for any of the oddness Jim has experienced subsequent to the original events.
In the hands of a skilled and unethical practitioner hypnosis can be dangerous.
Planting information to come out at timed intervals or for a prearranged stimuli to trigger a particular thought or action, should present no problem to a pro.

I've never heard a drunk in a bar tell me he's drinking to remember!!!
Those drugs, along with hypnosis, were probably something like rohypnol and we all know what a lovely reputation that has.

Add to that, the complexity of the whole set up as well as the time scale and I think whoever is responsible for this has an awful lot of resources at their disposal.

A lot more time and money than someone trying to write a book or to keep a UFO website alive.

edit on 27-6-2016 by Tulpa because: Something looked funny

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: ctj83

From what I saw on Johns page they were going to verify some new
data and it has been postponed I think till the month end. I am not
100 percent sure, but that seems to be the drift .

edit on 27-6-2016 by Marylongstockings because: (no reason given)

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