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Rendlesham Forest…, A Christmas Story from 1980 - Can We ‘Let it Be’?

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posted on Jun, 22 2016 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: Tulpa

.....Back to the tapes again.
Halt copied one to go up the chain of command.
Couple of days later he made another tape putting down the details that he had fresh in his mind but after the excitement died down.
Later he says there's other recordings covering about " four or five hours that will never be released."
...and some in safe places for his own purposes (insurance).

There's too much confusion for me because I don't know which tape is being talked about.
Someone might've heard a different version from Halt than the one that was released.
Also, he has referred to a sanitized version so maybe the one mentioned above is that one?

Halt did indeed copy a tape which has part of his daughter playing piano for a brief moment. But then he has consistently been vague about other tapes. He claimed he made other tapes (or copies) in either 1981 or 1982 in case he lost his memory.

There are also supposedly 'reel to reel' tapes of the radio communications on the night in question. Whether Halt has copies of these or not is unknown.

It seems they may have been whisked away by General Gabriel (USAFE Commander in Chief and in charge of the Allied NATO Air Forces) in the days following the incident. The paper trail confirms some kind of tape recorders were removed from the base.

I would suggest these were not Halt's tapes as they were personal property and it was in fact the command net communications that were removed.

edit on 22/6/16 by mirageman because: typo

posted on Jun, 22 2016 @ 04:14 PM
Good lord, this is the most convoluted mess I've ever seen.

posted on Jun, 22 2016 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: vlawde

Yes it's more confusing and contradictory than discussing new age metaphysics while drunk.


posted on Jun, 22 2016 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

And you thought the binary codes were bad. LOL

The rabbit hole is deep, very deep and terribly messy!

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 04:45 AM
To add some info to the rabbit hole:

Jenny Randles, in her online article “Getting It Right at East Gate”:

forestry workers told me that they had heard about a “plane crash” from staff on the base and local man Ron Gladwell had told us about finding a crater in the forest indicating that something had fallen from the sky and hit the ground with a thump.
I submit that – right or wrong – this idea about a nuclear accident was a wholly legitimate speculation to make in 1983 based on these incidents (plus the various signs of mild radiation being present in the forest). It is not a theory that I adhere to today, having now had the chance to hear the detailed stories of witnesses like John Burroughs and Jim Penniston. They got within a few feet of the UFO on the first night and it was no discarded bomb. But it was wholly appropriate to bring this idea into the debate at the time to show the problems with the evidence fed out to the UFO community.

Brenda Butler, in her online article “Rendleham Forest, the Truth as we Know it”

Why did Steve Roberts come and tell me in January 1981 that an incident happened in Tangham Woods - Rendlesham just outside of Woodbridge air base.
He said a craft of some kind had come down in the woods on December 27th 1980. Repair had to be made as the craft was slightly damaged, there were little men trying to repair the craft, this was the original story right through till August 1987. When Steve Roberts suddenly turned up on my doorstep, he had come over from Germany to tell me he had been told along with others to tell UFO investigators about the incident of December 1980.
He said "It was not a Space Craft and that there were no aliens" and that he was told to go out and start the UFO rumours.
Now how did Steve Roberts know of all this and why come and tell me? Seven years after the incident.
I asked him why he had told me about the incident in the first place. He said "Because he was ordered to". I asked why he had now changed his mind and told me it was not a space craft? He said "Because we are friends and you are wasting your time chasing shadows", "one day I will tell you what really happened, but it was of no interest to anyone really". So where does this leave us?

Georgina Bruni, in YCTTP, found and interviewed Steve Roberts:

Roberts was now claiming he had not witnessed a landing, but had seen the object at close range in the sky. He refused to discuss his 1987 statement to Brenda concerning the alleged hoax; instead, he suggested I pay special attention to Colonel Halt’s record of events because it was ‘pretty accurate’.

Excerpts from statements made by Roberts to Georgina in YCCT:

There were only five or six witnesses out there with Halt. I was not one of the five. I don’t remember who else was there. Bruce Englund was out there. Bobby Ball was blinded about it, he was really caught up in it. Bobby Ball’s account [in a TV documentary – unclear which one] was pretty accurate, he was there with Halt. There were no aliens, I did not see a landed craft.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: Guest101

Little men, who aren't aliens, piloting a broken craft in the woods. Benny Hill anyone?

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: ctj83


I'm not completely joking.

If I were the RFI folks, I'd NEVER admit to seeing the wee folk. Do you think that the big tough military would admit that faeries were pranking their nuclear munitions?

Saying you saw a UFO is more socially acceptable.

Then later debunk even that.


posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: mirageman

I've been researching "this" in one form or another, nearly full time for at least 42 years.

A fellow gets tuckered eventually.

I'd rather have rabies than to fight over politics, when in fact there is only one major political party in the U.S.

But I'm not completely down and out yet, just a bit tuckered.


I'm resigned this incident may never be resolved with absolute certainty in public. I site cases like Charlie Red Star in Canada and the widely observed Gulf Breeze lights in the US. Both of these occurred not far from USAF bases for what it may be worth.

None the less this case intrigues me. Indeed sometimes the journey can be more educational than the destination.
edit on 23-6-2016 by DaveBowman because: clairity

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Will O'the Whisp in the wilds of Woodbridge?

That's your original swamp gas for you.
Smugglers beware!
edit on 23-6-2016 by Tulpa because: Spilling

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: DaveBowman

I'm resigned this incident may never be resolved with absolute certainty in public. I site cases like Charlie Red Star in Canada and the widely observed Gulf Breeze lights in the US. Both of these occurred not far from USAF bases for what it may be worth.

From personal point of view I found Gulf Breeze suspicious (well at least as far as Ed Walters involvement was concerned).
See : Gulf Breeze UFO Flap (Part I): Ed Walters, Photos of Unusual Clarity and Hoaxes..,or not...? for an extremely interesting write up by our mate from down under Cuckooold.

However the side story about the Gulf Breeze six deserting the US Army in Germany and making it all the way back to the US on a mission to kill the anti-christ is very bizarre see :The Gulf Breeze Saga (Part II) : UFOs, the Gulf Breeze 6, and the End of the World . You never know who will pop up in discussion like this either!

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: DaveBowman

Originally I came to ATS to further research a global conspiracy in "spirituality" which I consider goes back more than 5000 years.

Along the way I learned more about the psychological operation named religion AND
how "UFOs" were 95% letter agency disinfo and the other 5% is the "spiritual conspiracy".

I've discovered that there are no "UFOs" involved in UFOLOGY.

95% is one kind of Deception.
5% is another kind of Deception.

And more maddingly, both kinds of deception are joined at the hip.

I never signed up for this much deception when I was little and started this Qwest.


posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: mirageman

The Nine or fallout from Puharic is probably in there somewhere...

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: Tulpa

Believing that "faeries do it" is literally 1000 times more reasonable than the ETH. Tease all you want.

I'm not saying I LIKE that theory...But I cannot dispute the potential evidence.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Guest101

It's all very interesting about something falling out of the sky.

Maybe it really is linked to the Cash Landrum Incident in the US on the 29th Dec 1980? Perhaps something was being tested in Europe? Maybe it started to go wrong over Suffolk.

A bit of a far fetched theory to be honest and like others doesn't quite fit in with the whole story.

But what is the whole story?

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Jack Brewer has said

The reasonable and intelligent person is not convinced by anecdotes, repetition and volume, but by facts and verifiable evidence

Somehow though a whole bunch of people chose to believe the unproven assertions and are convinced 'the government' are covering it all up.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: DaveBowman

I'm resigned this incident may never be resolved with absolute certainty in public. I site cases like Charlie Red Star in Canada and the widely observed Gulf Breeze lights in the US. Both of these occurred not far from USAF bases for what it may be worth.

From personal point of view I found Gulf Breeze suspicious (well at least as far as Ed Walters involvement was concerned).
See : Gulf Breeze UFO Flap (Part I): Ed Walters, Photos of Unusual Clarity and Hoaxes..,or not...? for an extremely interesting write up by our mate from down under Cuckooold.

However the side story about the Gulf Breeze six deserting the US Army in Germany and making it all the way back to the US on a mission to kill the anti-christ is very bizarre see :The Gulf Breeze Saga (Part II) : UFOs, the Gulf Breeze 6, and the End of the World . You never know who will pop up in discussion like this either!

I agree about Mr Waters. He over shadowed the widely witnessed orbs and light show that interest me regards RFI.

As to Gulf Breeze 6 and killing the anti-christ I never did hear if they got him.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: DaveBowman

As to Gulf Breeze 6 and killing the anti-christ I never did hear if they got him.

They didn't. He's still in the running to become US President.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

It wasn't a tease!
Swamp gas, although having some scientific basis, is the least likely explanation.
The smugglers comment was because the Will O'the Whisp was a favourite along the Cornish coast (where there are very few swamps) or ghost lights were rumoured in the inn and taverns to frighten the locals into not investigating clandestine shenanigans at night.
Believe it or not this country once had very high levels of taxation and foreign booze was very cheap...oh, yeah, but anyway, smuggling helped get the old Jack O'Lantern idea into our consciousness way before UFOs.

There's no way they could use that as an excuse to deter further investigation nowadays.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: Tulpa

We have therefore, if all accounts are to be believed:

- Car being accelerated twice in a specific area to high speed
- Vince's car lights being turned on in spite of locked car; strange humming noise
- Malfunctioning of light-alls (gasoline engines) on third night

Each of these would seem somewhat rare occurrences and IMHO rather inexplicable, but could be indicative of something, or some form of energy, interacting with physical matter.

If I can make a leap too, and ignore the whys and what-fors: it's almost like the same kind of 'inexplicable' energy that just might have disabled some AFB Malmstrom nukes--energy that managed to bypass electrical redundancy, safeguards and controls; that is, if one is willing to invest in that having happened, and Robert Salas's testimony.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: Defragmentor

Does that energy need the presence of a UFO to function?
Malmstrom only had those effects after the flyover but Rendlesham seems like it could have a natural cause.
Unless there is something underground.
Also, after a bit of head scratching, its a long shot but an old car used on bumpy country lanes might have loose connections that don't react too well to a foggy or misty atmosphere. Electrical short, anybody?

I don't know but can't discount anything really.

Another thing I've pondered is the possible exclamation from the tape, if that parts true.
A more common exclamation, I think, beginning with M would be "its a miracle!"

That seems a possible candidate to me.
Doesn't help explain what he was looking at but might fit the mood of the evening.

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