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For you "ctj," because you're interested.
One of the more “weird” and “unnerving” things to emerge from the coordinates given in the 16 pages of binary code was first discovered on
19th February 2012 – almost a year after Jim Penniston had first sent me the six additional coordinates extracted from the remaining notebook pages
of raw, binary code data on the 3rd February 2011.
This additional discovery, which I will now reveal here, and was just a sideline discovery, also came 16 days after the publication of the book 'The
Giza Prophecy,' which I had co-authored with Scott Creighton, published on the 3rd February 2012. This was exactly a year to the day when I received
the remaining six coordinates from Jim to analyse, which was two days after Scott and I had sent off the final draft of 'The Giza Prophecy' to the
publishers. The coordinates that target a point recognised as the location of Hy Brasil had already been made public, but the remaining six
coordinates were publicly unknown at this time.
Anyway, for some reason – and I really don’t know what compelled me to do it – I decided to take another approach to the coordinates. Let’s
just say it was based on a hunch.
I discovered that if you take the last 4 digits from each set of the Giza coordinates, and from them create another set of coordinates (also keeping
to the same N and E designations), they target a point at Svalbard – a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, located north of mainland Europe
– midway between mainland Norway and the North Pole . . . and very close to the Svalbard Seed Vault, often referred to as the "Doomsday" Svalbard
Seed Vault.
Now, you can make of that what you will.
But what is significant about this, is that in the book I co-authored with Scott Creighton, again, 'The Giza Prophecy' (which is obviously about
Giza), the subject of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault and how it might give us answers as to what the Giza pyramids real function were, is presented on
pages 47 and 48. It was perhaps the only book that presented a connection between the Giza pyramids and the Svalbard Seed Vault.
Now, what Scott and I presented in our book was something we had both kept silent about and wasn’t common knowledge at the time when I received the
six additional coordinates from Jim Penniston.
So, it was indeed odd that there should be a relationship between Giza and Svalbard in the Rendlesham coordinates. It was as if both had been
deliberately placed together in the same set of coordinates and for me personally to discover.
edit on 3-6-2016 by Gaos0 because: (no reason