a reply to:
Hi Godric.
Watching some British Comedy Gold on TV.
I tend not to leave a sense of humour at home. I bring it to work too, much to the disappointment of others.
Where from the Green statement does it say which day John was exposed to this odd air form? He was out there 2 nights?
You also state the following..
''That it totally makes sense to me considering what was deployed at Rendlesham. The binary code is a parcel of the payload that was delivered by the
device that interacted with the morons that participated in "Rendle-Sham"
What proof do you have on this?
This is obviously a conclusion that you have come too regarding the deployment of the object.
From what evidence?
What I find 'Illogical'' is the process of statement without evidence.
I have made it clear on numerous occasions that I don't claim to have the answers, but I back up what I say with researchable content for others to
An ongoing process for myself.
I said ''The reason he got the disability was due to what he encountered, which caused the heart problem'' due to possible Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Remote Sensing being used, from above, trying to locate the drone which I will touch upon now due to another link I found with nMRI and MRI which is
used in remote sensing satellites/equipment.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Remote Sensing Survey
Technology Brief
The technology group utilizes satellite imagery and technology that can detect these
frequencies emanating from the surface of the Earth, then uses a proprietary system of
mathematical algorithms in the process of providing the final analysis and graphic presentation
of the location of the target element in the survey, which includes the spatial location of the
target element, as well as the depth of the element through additional survey data processing.
It falls in line with a process of Nondestructive testing / evaluation
With strong applied magnetic fields (∼10 T), resonances of unpaired electron spins in molecular complexes
can be shifted from the usual microwave regime into the THz range, drastically improving the resolution due to
enhanced spectral splittings. Source: Coherent Two-Dimensional Terahertz Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
of Collective Spin Waves PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS.
In MRI, pulses of radiofrequency energy are used to generate signals used in image formation. The radiofrequency pulses consist of oscillating
electromagnetic fields.
If I consider ''strong applied magnetic fields emanating from underground" during the first night.
If I consider the process of nMRI to locate the object and identify and 'bodies' near the object from above,
'' the strong applied magnetic fields may have shifted from the usual microwave regime into the THz range''? During the process of location
identification this may give a fair dose of THz in the area of the object?
What are the effects FROM this object at varying distances when also under the influence of nMRI?
One might also consider that ''very high excitation frequency ∼40 THz near the momentum zero point in the Brillouin zone'' is part of the process
of Photon-to-phonon teleportation scheme.
Quantum teleportation from light beams to vibrational states of a macroscopic diamond.
Now you see me now you don't?
edit on 6-4-2018 by AdamE because: tidy up