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Are all Vaccines dangerous? even Tetanus shots?

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posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 06:07 PM

Spores of the bacteria C. tetani are found in the soil, in animal feces and animal teeth. In the spore form, C. tetani can remain inactive in the soil. But it can remain infectious for more than 40 years.

You can get tetanus infection when the spores enter your body through an injury or wound. The spores release bacteria that spread in the body and make a poison called tetanospasmin. This poison blocks nerve signals from your spinal cord to your muscles, causing severe muscle spasms. The spasms can be so powerful that they tear the muscles or cause fractures of the spine.

The time between infection and the first sign of symptoms is about 7 to 21 days. Most cases of tetanus in the United States occur in those who have not been properly vaccinated against the disease.

Tetanus often begins with mild spasms in the jaw muscles (lockjaw). The spasms can also affect your chest, neck, back, and abdominal muscles. Back muscle spasms often cause arching, called opisthotonos.

Sometimes the spasms affect muscles that help with breathing, which can lead to breathing problems.

Prolonged muscular action causes sudden, powerful, and painful contractions of muscle groups. This is called tetany. These episodes can cause fractures and muscle tears.

Other symptoms include:

Excessive sweating
Hand or foot spasms
Swallowing difficulty
Uncontrolled urination or defecation

Exams and Tests
Your doctor will perform a physical exam and ask about your medical history. No specific lab test is available to determine the diagnosis of tetanus.

Tests may be used to rule out meningitis, rabies, strychnine poisoning, and other diseases with similar symptoms.

Outlook (Prognosis)
Without treatment, one out of four infected people die. The death rate for newborns with untreated tetanus is even higher. With proper treatment, less than 10% of infected patients die.

Wounds on the head or face seem to be more dangerous than those on other parts of the body. If the person survives the acute illness, recovery is generally complete. Uncorrected episodes of hypoxia (lack of oxygen) caused by muscle spasms in the throat may lead to irreversible brain damage.

Inform yourself; weigh the evidence; make a personal choice.

edit on 5u66America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5u66America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: Correct spelling

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 06:48 PM
Vaccinate your damned kids, or your don't love them. Bottom line.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 06:57 PM

I thought the very same thing about tetanus shots myself, you never hear of anyone getting tetanus do ya ?

No, but I've never heard of anyone refusing a tetanus shot, either. I think there's a connection there, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 08:16 PM


I thought the very same thing about tetanus shots myself, you never hear of anyone getting tetanus do ya ?

No, but I've never heard of anyone refusing a tetanus shot, either. I think there's a connection there, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

You do realize sand and animal dung contain other bugs like Necrotizing fasciitis right ? so why no shots for that its even more lethal and using your insinuation of fingers ( sarcasm - you must be a Yank ) why only tetanus when you get a scratch ? I bet the answer lies closer to commission based dispensing.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

A tetanus toxoid shot protects no one but the one getting the shot.

a Td--Tetnus/ Diptheria--shot offers some protection for others from diptheria. But I work in busy ERs and have not seen diptheria in my whole career. There have only been 55 cases of confirmed diptheria in the US in the past 33 years.

The DPT shot for kids offers protection form pertussis also. Pertussis is fairly common and the shots that have the new "acellular" component (Tdap) have a lower risk for reaction.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 09:30 AM



I thought the very same thing about tetanus shots myself, you never hear of anyone getting tetanus do ya ?

No, but I've never heard of anyone refusing a tetanus shot, either. I think there's a connection there, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

You do realize sand and animal dung contain other bugs like Necrotizing fasciitis right ? so why no shots for that its even more lethal and using your insinuation of fingers ( sarcasm - you must be a Yank ) why only tetanus when you get a scratch ? I bet the answer lies closer to commission based dispensing.

If the incidence of necrotizing fasciitis were high enough, and a vaccine existed, and the side effects were minor enough that it presented an overall case for general use, you would get your necrotizing fasciitis shot. But the only non-surgical treatment is the administration of antibiotics, and the overuse of antibiotics is considered harmful, so I do not think you would receive prophylactic antibiotics unless there were a high risk of infection. Your post brings an obvious scenario to mind, if you would like to try an experiment for the sake of science.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 11:35 AM



While it's true that unvaccinated children can put immunocompromised people at risk, there is far more risk from being around RECENTLY VACCINATED people, they shed virii. And it's not like they go around with signs around their necks. Most of the recent outbreaks have been in vaccinated people, what's that tell you?

If I was immune compromised or my child was, I would limit their exposure to crowds as much as possible, it's really the only way because you can't force others to inject something into their body to protect you. A healthy diet will also obviously help. The 'you have to get it to protect me' is propaganda of the worse kind, especially in a free society. It's highly possible that all the 'immunocompromised people' are immunocompromised BECAUSE THEY'VE HAD SO MANY VACCINES AND IT'S DAMAGED THEIR SYSTEMS!

And Alice Bleach White, small pox was completely eradicated from the globe except a few carefully protected vials for 'research purposes'. If it ever gets out, yes, it will be a nightmare. But it hasn't recurred in the general population.

I don't trust the medical establishment anymore after working with them for 30 years; the doctors are not allowed to openly discuss, nor do most report side effects of vaccines; there is way too much denial and the research is done by people with an agenda, a very large monetary one. The vaccination schedule that is recommended now for children under six is a nightmare of multiple disease shots starting at birth. It's an obscenity:


vaccine info sheet

It's about damn time the medical profession started wondering where all the autistic and hyperactive and neurologically compromised kids who can't even read or hold still are coming from. The IQs in this country and Europe has been dropping since the 1960s even while the tests have become easier.

To answer the OP's question, you CAN DEMAND a straight tetanus shot without any other vectors in it and I wouldn't hesitate to have a booster after an injury like you had. Tetanus is a horrible way to die and it's a matter of risk benefit profiles. I refuse any other vaccinations, as I am also one of those 'immunocompromised persons', after a series of shots I had before nursing school, 1970. Go figure.

If there was a vaccine which could prevent ignorance and reduce inherent levels of stupidity would you take it?

Or would you not see its benefit?

edit on 20/12/13 by Pardon? because: Spelling d'oh!

My IQ's been tested and not found wanting. The posters here who want OTHER PEOPLE to be jabbed with something they know not what, which has reports of deleterious effects, and which effects are being not only ignored by the medical profession but which the manufacturers of the vaccines have been made legally UNACCOUNTABLE FOR, are wrong, completely.

If you don't want to be exposed to other people's germs, stay the hell out of crowds. Don't go meandering dumbly through the hallways of the local shopping mall. Don't eat restaurant food produced by teenagers. Homeschool your kids. If you live in cities populated with 8 million + people, there will be consequences of that. They're called 'pandemics'.

Guess who and what is the greatest vector for germs? Medical personnel. Your local hospital. That poor pediatrician and general practitioner that sees 30+ snotty nosed, coughing, sick people every day, most of whom are terrified they are dying but really just have a common cold or common flu (believe me, if you get a serious flu, you'll be too sick to go to the doctors; you'd much rather stay home and die peacefully).

Your right to demand other people think your way stops at my personal space. And your side is listening to propaganda, my side is wondering why all of a sudden there's so many neurologically damaged children. Why did we not hear about autism until a few years ago? Why does the medical profession pronounce some kid dead of 'SIDS' without bleepin' investigating fully what could cause that? Why all the head in the sand behavior towards new and exploding statistics regarding childhood illnesses?

And you think you have a right to demand my kids get your adulterated and unproven vaccines? Get your head out of bibles and read something else for a change. How can you believe ANYTHING the government says? Have they ever told you the truth? Ever?

Whilst you say your IQ has not been found wanting (although in respect to what I can only guess) the information you spout certainly is.
ALL of the statements you've made are based upon anti-vaccine nonsense which in turn is not based upon any scientific evidence.

And whilst you're banging on about rights (as this is what this is all about isn't it as it's clear you don't actually know anything about vaccines or immunology) it's MY right to protect my children from preventable and serious illnesses.

People with idiotic notions like you are putting them at risk.
Will you take full responsibility if they contract any of these diseases?
Will you?

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Pardon?

If I get my kids inoculated will you pay if they have a reaction? That was a stupid statement .....yes you call everyone idiot and the such I guess it takes one to know one...

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by hanyak69

If my immunocompromised child who cannot be vaccinated gets sick and dies because selfish people like you lower herd immunity to catastrophic levels, will you be willing to pay both financially and with jail time?

posted on Jan, 5 2014 @ 07:09 AM

reply to post by Pardon?

If I get my kids inoculated will you pay if they have a reaction? That was a stupid statement .....yes you call everyone idiot and the such I guess it takes one to know one...

There are vaccine courts for that.
So yes, I will in some form or another.

So once again, will you put your hand up if your unvaccinated spawn infect someone who cannot be vaccinated?
Will you?

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

Alice with all due respect you should have started off your reply with "In my opinion" and not pass it off as fact.

Let's not forget the companies that manufacture these vaccines are the same ones that are routinely fined for fraudulent practices. In 2012, Merck overstated the effectiveness of its MMR vaccine and defrauded the US government in the process.

They are fined Billions, but keep on trucking. Let's be real here. These are companies that care more about their shareholders and profits than the health of your children.

So given what lengths companies like Merck are willing to go for a buck, do you really trust putting their cocktails in your baby's veins?

To answer the OPs question. I haven't had a tetanus shot in over 25 years and have had my share of rusty nails and metals cut and stab me in construction and I'm still here.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:18 PM
I've gotten a tetanus shot lately. I am fine. No side effects. No different that the several times before it as I grew up. I'm 46. So if the tetanus shot has changed over 46 years, I have gotten every version of it. I am fine.

You should talk to your doctor about immunizing your children before actually doing it. Information is worth more than any psychobable on ATS or any forum talking for or against immunization.

Don't be scared. Be educated.

posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 07:56 PM
I had a tetanus shot as a kid (1959) when I ran a nail through my foot. No negative reaction.
I had a booster in 1969 when it happened again. No negative reaction.
When I got my first gig as an archaeologist (1986), part of the employment requirement was a tetanus booster so I trotted over to the clinic and asked for a tetanus booster. I was given an injection and within 2 hours my arm was the size of a watermelon and I was seriously wondering if I had a future. I called the physician at our university clinic, a man who had traveled the world doing volunteer work that including vaccinations in developing nations. As soon as I told him what was happening he asked if I was alone and if I was having trouble breathing. I told him that I was alone but breathing was only slightly labored. He asked where I was and when he found out I was less than 5 minutes away he told me he would see me shortly.
Long story shortened, I found out that I got some sort of mixture of vaccines which included tetanus, a standardized shot for folks going overseas. It took me about three weeks to fully recover and regain the use of my arm. I've never had another vaccine and doubt seriously that I ever will. The doc advised me to stay away from them after that reaction. He said he'd seen it hundreds of times with the "new" (at that time) mixtures of vaccines.
My children weren't vaccinated until after their second birthdays. The thinking among pediatricians in the '70s was that their natural immunity would protect them unless there was some sort of outbreak. They got the standard "required" vaccinations (DPT and polio, I think) before they entered school but our doc didn't recommend any others because our kids were never sick until they started school. Every one of them got strep throat in kindergarten and had to be treated with antibiotics for the first time.
So, would I take a tetanus shot? No, I wouldn't unless I was certain that I needed treatment for tetanus, proven by a bloodtest. Tetanus has a 90% cure rate with treatment. (And yes, part of the treatment is the tetanus globulin shot as well as antibiotics and muscle relaxants.) I refuse because of the adverse reaction I suffered and I refuse knowing the consequences of my decision.

posted on Jan, 7 2014 @ 07:00 AM

reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

Alice with all due respect you should have started off your reply with "In my opinion" and not pass it off as fact.

Let's not forget the companies that manufacture these vaccines are the same ones that are routinely fined for fraudulent practices. In 2012, Merck overstated the effectiveness of its MMR vaccine and defrauded the US government in the process.

They are fined Billions, but keep on trucking. Let's be real here. These are companies that care more about their shareholders and profits than the health of your children.

So given what lengths companies like Merck are willing to go for a buck, do you really trust putting their cocktails in your baby's veins?

To answer the OPs question. I haven't had a tetanus shot in over 25 years and have had my share of rusty nails and metals cut and stab me in construction and I'm still here.

So why haven't they been fined for producing "bad" vaccines then?
They've been fined before so it's not like they get away with everything is it?
And you'd think that after decades of making the vaccines something would have happened wouldn't you?

Oh, you don't get tetanus from a rusty nail, that's an old wive's tale.
You get it from infected dirt in a scratch or cut.
What other old wive's tales do you like to pass off as fact?

posted on Jan, 8 2014 @ 09:53 PM


reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

So why haven't they been fined for producing "bad" vaccines then?
They've been fined before so it's not like they get away with everything is it?
And you'd think that after decades of making the vaccines something would have happened wouldn't you?

Oh, you don't get tetanus from a rusty nail, that's an old wive's tale.
You get it from infected dirt in a scratch or cut.
What other old wive's tales do you like to pass off as fact?

Take a look at what the FDA sent to one vaccine manufacturer a couple of years ago after routine inspections of their factory.
Were they fined? I'm not really sure because I believe they are still arguing about it. But the company did suffer major loss of revenue when they had to make things right in the plant and throw out the contaminated stock.
Nobody knows how many vials of contaminated vaccine were shipped from those factories or the effect of the contaminated vaccine on the victims.

Now, I know the old adage about sausage making but having been trained in sterile technique, and knowing that lives depend on it, I shuddered numerous times in reading through this.
In addition, I don't have the time at present to find it but I recall a story early in the season about fake vaccines being peddled in the US and Canada. Some smart guy had bought all the "old" vaccines and slapped "new" labels on them.
Thanks, but I'll take my chances with the flu.

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