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Are all Vaccines dangerous? even Tetanus shots?

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posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by freedom7

+1 to AliceBleachWhite - one of the only people with an intelligent argument.

Vaccinations are not only for your protection, but for everyone else's. There was an outbreak of measles here in the UK not too long ago. And this was due to people not immunising their children, believing the MMR jab lead to autism - completely unfounded with no scientific evidence to support the claim.

I have had all sorts of vaccinations, shots and the like all through my life, starting from when I was a baby. I'm fine. No autism, not issues. I'm nearly 40.

I do not know of anyone who has developed autism from vaccinations. But them, I, and my peers, went to school and had an education. So, perhaps that's what separates us from those that have an irrational, unfounded fear of vaccinations equating to autism.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 05:43 AM

reply to post by freedom7

+1 to AliceBleachWhite - one of the only people with an intelligent argument.

Vaccinations are not only for your protection, but for everyone else's. There was an outbreak of measles here in the UK not too long ago. And this was due to people not immunising their children, believing the MMR jab lead to autism - completely unfounded with no scientific evidence to support the claim.

I have had all sorts of vaccinations, shots and the like all through my life, starting from when I was a baby. I'm fine. No autism, not issues. I'm nearly 40.

I do not know of anyone who has developed autism from vaccinations. But them, I, and my peers, went to school and had an education. So, perhaps that's what separates us from those that have an irrational, unfounded fear of vaccinations equating to autism.

Strangely no-one knows anyone who has developed autism from vaccines since there has not been one case at all.
Not one.

There are lots of stories though....
And lots of compensation....
And lots of law firms "helping" with your claims....

(post by wilsongrace1111 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 06:20 AM

Vaccinations are one of the most controversial issues in modern medicine. Although the vast majority of the conventional medical community believes they are an example of “preventive medicine,” there is a growing community that strongly disagrees.

Many of the vaccines that are now “required” for children are not even medically necessary. At the top of my list of vaccinations that are highly questionable are the:

Hepatitis B vaccine

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil

Chicken pox vaccine

Flu vaccine

Get the Facts Before Vaccinating

For some of you, this may be the first you’re hearing about vaccinations’ potential for harm, and their questionable effectiveness. But please don’t take my word for it.

You have at your fingertips a very powerful tool to find out the facts: the Internet. On this site alone there are thousands of articles about vaccines, their potential side effects, and their dangerous history.

And remember, you still have the legal right to refuse to vaccinate your children. While all 50 states have immunization requirements, 28 allow parents to opt out for medical or religious reasons. Another 20 states allow parents to opt out for personal or philosophical reasons as well.

My previous article, How To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of All Kinds, explains how you can go about practicing this right, and there is also an entire chapter in my book Take Control of Your Health devoted to this very topic.

Knowledge truly is power, and the more you know about vaccinations, the more empowered you’ll be to make the best decision for the health of you and your family.

Why have you set links to nutrition websites?
Are you on a pay-per-click or something?
I could understand if you'd linked one by mistake but there are two separate ones.

Be more careful when you copy & paste.
Especially when it's a subject you clearly know nothing about.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 07:14 AM

reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

In 1992 the US started outsourcing the inoculations to the UK and India, at that time Autism was 1- 500,000 now Autism is 1-7...

Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying that, at this time, one in seven children is autistic? That figure is wildly overblown, and your 1992 figure of one in 500,000 is wildly understated. Please source your statistics or admit to making up these numbers. Not even Natural News blows the numbers out of proportion so extremely.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 08:07 AM

I think anything injected is potentially dangerous, as it unnaturally bypasses your body's system to reject it.

At least if you take something orally, your body can throw it back up.
edit on 19/12/13 by NuclearPaul because: typo

They have stuff in medicines that dampen our ability to throw it up. I studied that a lot. Most have some form of immune system blocker to accomplish that. It treats the intended problem but opens up the pathways for another unrelated sickness to effect us. They do the same thing with foods so we don't puke or get a stomach ache if we are allergic or intolerant to them. this can cause slow acting problems to happen later on that negatively effect our health. Food and medicine additives are rarely tested for long term effects and proving the long term effects is caused by one chemical alone is nearly impossible.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 08:41 AM
Yes, vaccines are perfectly safe. The only controversy exists in the minds of people who... perhaps need to educate themselves a bit better.

They have saved millions of lives. And anybody who says they are dangerous is frankly endangering the lives of others, and they need to be challenged and silenced.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 10:08 AM

The real problem is the viral epidemic of vaccination fear mongering perpetuated by a growing fringe who've resulted in coming near bringing back things like smallpox in the wild.

Vaccines protect not only you, and your children, but other people, and their children, especially in cases where people or their children happen to suffer from compromised or weak immune response due any number of reasons.

Not vaccinating is more dangerous than vaccinating because it not only threatens the person who doesn't vaccinate, but, potentially everyone around them.

edit on 12/19/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

The real problem is believing everyone is the same, that reactions or immunities are the same and having a herd mentality. That there is cure-all for everyone and what is good for the whole is good for the individual is incorrect. Blindly vaccinating with blanket methods is haphazard in the 21st century but not cost conducive.

Lets face it one of the biggest problems is the wanted mistrust due to Greed of Corporate Pharmaceutical companies without care for anything other than the bottom line.
edit on 20-12-2013 by abeverage because: of mistrust

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 10:44 AM


While it's true that unvaccinated children can put immunocompromised people at risk, there is far more risk from being around RECENTLY VACCINATED people, they shed virii. And it's not like they go around with signs around their necks. Most of the recent outbreaks have been in vaccinated people, what's that tell you?

If I was immune compromised or my child was, I would limit their exposure to crowds as much as possible, it's really the only way because you can't force others to inject something into their body to protect you. A healthy diet will also obviously help. The 'you have to get it to protect me' is propaganda of the worse kind, especially in a free society. It's highly possible that all the 'immunocompromised people' are immunocompromised BECAUSE THEY'VE HAD SO MANY VACCINES AND IT'S DAMAGED THEIR SYSTEMS!

And Alice Bleach White, small pox was completely eradicated from the globe except a few carefully protected vials for 'research purposes'. If it ever gets out, yes, it will be a nightmare. But it hasn't recurred in the general population.

I don't trust the medical establishment anymore after working with them for 30 years; the doctors are not allowed to openly discuss, nor do most report side effects of vaccines; there is way too much denial and the research is done by people with an agenda, a very large monetary one. The vaccination schedule that is recommended now for children under six is a nightmare of multiple disease shots starting at birth. It's an obscenity:


vaccine info sheet

It's about damn time the medical profession started wondering where all the autistic and hyperactive and neurologically compromised kids who can't even read or hold still are coming from. The IQs in this country and Europe has been dropping since the 1960s even while the tests have become easier.

To answer the OP's question, you CAN DEMAND a straight tetanus shot without any other vectors in it and I wouldn't hesitate to have a booster after an injury like you had. Tetanus is a horrible way to die and it's a matter of risk benefit profiles. I refuse any other vaccinations, as I am also one of those 'immunocompromised persons', after a series of shots I had before nursing school, 1970. Go figure.

If there was a vaccine which could prevent ignorance and reduce inherent levels of stupidity would you take it?

Or would you not see its benefit?

edit on 20/12/13 by Pardon? because: Spelling d'oh!

My IQ's been tested and not found wanting. The posters here who want OTHER PEOPLE to be jabbed with something they know not what, which has reports of deleterious effects, and which effects are being not only ignored by the medical profession but which the manufacturers of the vaccines have been made legally UNACCOUNTABLE FOR, are wrong, completely.

If you don't want to be exposed to other people's germs, stay the hell out of crowds. Don't go meandering dumbly through the hallways of the local shopping mall. Don't eat restaurant food produced by teenagers. Homeschool your kids. If you live in cities populated with 8 million + people, there will be consequences of that. They're called 'pandemics'.

Guess who and what is the greatest vector for germs? Medical personnel. Your local hospital. That poor pediatrician and general practitioner that sees 30+ snotty nosed, coughing, sick people every day, most of whom are terrified they are dying but really just have a common cold or common flu (believe me, if you get a serious flu, you'll be too sick to go to the doctors; you'd much rather stay home and die peacefully).

Your right to demand other people think your way stops at my personal space. And your side is listening to propaganda, my side is wondering why all of a sudden there's so many neurologically damaged children. Why did we not hear about autism until a few years ago? Why does the medical profession pronounce some kid dead of 'SIDS' without bleepin' investigating fully what could cause that? Why all the head in the sand behavior towards new and exploding statistics regarding childhood illnesses?

And you think you have a right to demand my kids get your adulterated and unproven vaccines? Get your head out of bibles and read something else for a change. How can you believe ANYTHING the government says? Have they ever told you the truth? Ever?

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 10:55 AM
never had a vaccine in my 47 years i legged it when they came to my school with them and made a sentist take out teeth without one injection and i am fit as a fiddle .

i remember a thread a while back about this and there were a lot of sick people replying to it that had taken the shots and hardly a week goes by where you do not see of a kid having a reaction to a shot .

never gave any of my dogs a shot and they all lived to be old and healthy and the last time i cut myself bad with a bushman saw i let my dog lick it and used super glue on it

i think it is a case of horses for courses but for me NO

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:18 AM
For all the pro-vaccinaters who trust Big Pharma and their scientific research, assuring that vaccines are's that working for you and your teenage daughter?
The main thing Gardasil seemed to deliver was a degraded quality of life.
Vaccines are constantly being reformulated to 'perform' better, to be 'more' affective.
They're 'tested', so they're safe, right? Drug companies wouldn't just have to 'get the shot' to know what's in it!

edit on 5u1111America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: Correct spelling

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by nugget1

I'm not saying I, hand-on-heart, trust and believe everything I am told. I do, however, research things. And that doesn't mean Wikif**kingPedia either.

I am fortunate enough to have several friends who are PhDs in Microbiology, Radiology, Physics and Chemistry. When they explain to me how a vaccine works and what's in it, the side effects (which yes, there are and depending on your physiology and genetic make up may have more adverse reactions than others) are secondary to the long term potential.

I'm not saying a vaccine is 100% effective or guaranteed. But depending on the population size, interaction and conditions of living, vaccination can drastically reduce very common but serious life threatening illnesses.

Why some of you have been brainwashed by Fox News and the like, that vaccines = autism is.. well, autistic, to be honest.

And the stat of 1/500,000 cases of autism moving to 1/7 since "outsourcing" vaccination programs is mind boggling bullsh*t. Either someone in the statistics department cannot do math or they employed retards. That is just a silly bogus transition!

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 12:40 PM

For all the pro-vaccinaters who trust Big Pharma and their scientific research, assuring that vaccines are's that working for you and your teenage daughter?

I have 1 teenage daughter and one soon-to-be. Both have had vaccinations all their lives and both are very healthy and fine. Why are you on about?

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 12:57 PM
Multiple Infant Vaccines Linked To Dramatically Increased Mortality:

research link:

A new study published in the journal Vaccine has brought to light an extremely disturbing though still virtually unreported dark side to immunization campaigns within low-income countries, namely, the observation that infant mortality sometimes increases when the number of co-administered vaccines increases; a finding diametrically opposed to the widely held belief that vaccination is always a life-saving intervention, and that the more vaccines administered to infants the better.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 01:04 PM
HPV negative reaction blog:

HPV reaction blog

By the way, this information isn't from 'Fox News'; I don't watch it so I'm not sure what they're on about on a daily basis, but truth and substantive discussions isn't usually the case from what I have seen.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 01:06 PM


For all the pro-vaccinaters who trust Big Pharma and their scientific research, assuring that vaccines are's that working for you and your teenage daughter?

I have 1 teenage daughter and one soon-to-be. Both have had vaccinations all their lives and both are very healthy and fine. Why are you on about?

As well researched as you profess to be, you should know exactly what I'm talking about. If you truly don't, then please inform yourself before allowing your daughters to have any more vaccinations.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by nugget1

Nope. You're being one of the those types who professes to know things other don't and then acts cryptic with your alleged information rather than be helpful and provide details.

If you're talking about the cervical cancer vaccination (which I don't know why you wouldn't just say it and not act like a child) then yes, well informed and nothing on that we don't already know.

So, either provide a link, or sod off with your paranoid delusions.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 03:56 PM

reply to post by nugget1

Nope. You're being one of the those types who professes to know things other don't and then acts cryptic with your alleged information rather than be helpful and provide details.

If you're talking about the cervical cancer vaccination (which I don't know why you wouldn't just say it and not act like a child) then yes, well informed and nothing on that we don't already know.

So, either provide a link, or sod off with your paranoid delusions.

Thanks for your response; I think I'll just 'sod off' and let you finish your Kool-aid.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 05:05 PM
So the op is pro-vaccinations so why question the tetanus in the first place other than to try to get the anti-vaccination people out to argue. If you want inoculations then get it if not then don't. But I call BS on this thread as set up by shills. It is funny how they bait the issue then call everyone, that is against the government inoculation plans, ignorant. As in all arguments there are 2 sides of the coin and both have merit...but it still comes down to blind trust.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 05:11 PM
I thought the very same thing about tetanus shots myself, you never hear of anyone getting tetanus do ya ? no such thing as a tetanus outbreak or plague. I must of had 5 or 6 of them over my life and now I reuse them because I think they are not required and if I do get tetanus because of this choice then its my own fault and I will wear the consequence.

However you have to seriously ask why they are so willing to give the shot at even the sight of a scratch ? I suspect something like "Revenue" for the pharmaceutical companies myself but it begs the question though, does the shot accumulate in your system and could it be the source of cancer.

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