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Are all Vaccines dangerous? even Tetanus shots?

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posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:46 PM
Hey guys, I'm really weary about vaccines, I would never get the flu shot ( not unless you had a gun to my head). But I had a work injury, I sliced my foot open on a big chunk of sharp glass and was bleeding all over a dirty floor. When I went to the hospital they cleaned up the wound and sowed it together. But they told me I needed a tetanus shot ( I hadn't had one in over 10 years) I reluctantly accepted, but now I'm having second doubts. Some people tell me in this circumstance it was safer to get the shot to prevent any bad infection/ bacteria that I could have been exposed to with an open wound and a dirty floor. While other will say the tetanus shot will cause symptoms in your body and weaken your immune system.
Some who may seem very extreme, go much further and genuinely believe even something as basic as tetanus, flu and Hep B shots.. are deliberately setting the stage for ourselves and future generations to be sick, and thus dependant upon the PTB's costly medicine?

your thoughts and feedback would be greatly welcomed and appreciated..
Stay strong guys!!

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:55 PM
Tetnus is pretty much the only vaccine I'll get. Why? I have no idea.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by freedom7

I havent had one of those since i was in my teen's, my body dose not like something in it.
my arm was the size of a grape fruit where they gave me the shot.
Since then i have had numerous incidents where i needed stitches, and all types of
booboo's , no tetnis given and no problems.
I think they are a bit over pushy on those , seems like you go in for anything now days and
they are trying to stick you with a needle.
I just tell them i'm allergic to them and they are ok with it.
Not sure if they do help, or if they hurt, but i know my body did not agree with them at all.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:01 PM
The real problem is the viral epidemic of vaccination fear mongering perpetuated by a growing fringe who've resulted in coming near bringing back things like smallpox in the wild.

Vaccines protect not only you, and your children, but other people, and their children, especially in cases where people or their children happen to suffer from compromised or weak immune response due any number of reasons.

Not vaccinating is more dangerous than vaccinating because it not only threatens the person who doesn't vaccinate, but, potentially everyone around them.

edit on 12/19/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by freedom7

I've had multiple tetanus shots and I've never once had any kind of reaction to them. Not even in the slightest.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:11 PM
I will never let them stick me again.

The last flu shot that I had left me with a condition known as brachial neuropathy... a denervation of my shoulder that was horribly painful, left me with severe muscle atrophy, took two years of extensive rehabilitation... and still required invasive surgery to stabilize the shoulder girdle.

No thank you...

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:32 PM
When my son broke his arm, I asked the E.D. for a tetanus shot for him (due to where he was when he broke his arm) and AFTER the nurse gave the injection she told me that tetanus shots now contain a pertussis portion in them. She said that so many people are refusing the pertussis vaccine when they vaccinate their children that it's now being put into tetanus vaccines because no one questions those! Caveat emptor!

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:34 PM
Just look up 'tetanus' and you'll know whether or not you want to ever chance getting it.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:52 PM
Thanks for all your feedback, some excellent opinions!

Im on the fence, I don't think I will get too sick, or fatally die from this shot, but I will do my best to avoid vaccines except as a last resort from here on out

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 09:30 PM
I got a tetnus shot about five months ago. It was the dtap. I had a reaction to it, it made me develop a lot of mucus which was worse than the flu or a cold. I was not sick, it was an immune system reaction that lasted over a month...a very miserable month. I won't get a dtap ever again, I will get the dt if I need it though. The reaction I got was probably from the pertussis part from what I read. What happened to the plain old tetnus shots I used to get in the past.

Hopefully you do not get the reaction I got, it started about four days after the shot. I guess this is common, the doctor should be required to tell a person so they know that this will happen. I suppose most people will go to the doctor because they think they are sick....another hundred and fifty buck office call. No wonder our health insurance is getting so expensive.

For those who have had multiple tetnus shots like I have, I am going to tell you that the new shots are different than they used to be. Don't count on not getting side effects and don't tell others that they do not bother you without researching this. Dig deep when researching, the info is out there but you have to look in the info available to doctors.
edit on 19-12-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by freedom7

did cave men need tetniz shots?

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

Did cave men usually die before they were thirty?

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Montana

no they were tough as nails

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

That's why they didn't need to worry about stepping on one!

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 11:14 PM
I think anything injected is potentially dangerous, as it unnaturally bypasses your body's system to reject it.

At least if you take something orally, your body can throw it back up.
edit on 19/12/13 by NuclearPaul because: typo

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

The problem with your statement that non-immunized people is a risk to everyone around them is not only spouting what the propaganda has been using as their argument. " If you don't get your child inoculated you are going to get my kid sick." My question is if your child has been inoculated and inoculations work then what do you have to fear? If anything I should fear you and your kids cause you and they are now carriers of the diseases.
Inoculations went wrong when we left the laws of similar and went to the laws of exacts. Meaning Cowpox for smallpox There is now way a human can get sick from cowpox but you can from smallpox, Inoculations started on the pretense that you inject a person with a substance that acted like the disease to illicit a response by the immune system. However now we use laws of exacts now people are given the disease, of which human error can creep in.
In 1992 the US started outsourcing the inoculations to the UK and India, at that time Autism was 1- 500,000 now Autism is 1-7....Italian supreme court ruled in 2012 that there is a direct link between Autism and inoculations along with other side effects such as death, cerebral palsy, and Gillian Barre Syndrome, the FDA immediately came out with a statement that they get a different version of inoculations than here in the US. All inoculations are made now at the same place, so their statement does not hold water.
My problem with inoculations and children is they start inoculating before their immune system can handle it, and they overwhelm the system with multiple diseases at one time. Day one they are giving babies hepatitis before they get the first breast milk. Autism usually does not show up until after the third set of inoculations.
Further trace the money and who has a dog in the fight.......
If a child comes down with Autism or cerebral palsy they take medication the rest of their life. Guaranteed profit for drug companies. Who makes inoculations?????
This is condensed for time and is in laymans terms so most can understand...
Overseas means less regulations, more human error, and freedom from lawsuits.
Just think about it and do your own research....But when you do look to who is backing the studies, do not take research on face value.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

Children with compromised immune systems should not be vaccinated. To save time I did not get into attenuation of viruses or mixtures and human error. If you inoculated you just better hope everything is perfect when it was made.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 12:42 AM
While it's true that unvaccinated children can put immunocompromised people at risk, there is far more risk from being around RECENTLY VACCINATED people, they shed virii. And it's not like they go around with signs around their necks. Most of the recent outbreaks have been in vaccinated people, what's that tell you?

If I was immune compromised or my child was, I would limit their exposure to crowds as much as possible, it's really the only way because you can't force others to inject something into their body to protect you. A healthy diet will also obviously help. The 'you have to get it to protect me' is propaganda of the worse kind, especially in a free society. It's highly possible that all the 'immunocompromised people' are immunocompromised BECAUSE THEY'VE HAD SO MANY VACCINES AND IT'S DAMAGED THEIR SYSTEMS!

And Alice Bleach White, small pox was completely eradicated from the globe except a few carefully protected vials for 'research purposes'. If it ever gets out, yes, it will be a nightmare. But it hasn't recurred in the general population.

I don't trust the medical establishment anymore after working with them for 30 years; the doctors are not allowed to openly discuss, nor do most report side effects of vaccines; there is way too much denial and the research is done by people with an agenda, a very large monetary one. The vaccination schedule that is recommended now for children under six is a nightmare of multiple disease shots starting at birth. It's an obscenity:


vaccine info sheet

It's about damn time the medical profession started wondering where all the autistic and hyperactive and neurologically compromised kids who can't even read or hold still are coming from. The IQs in this country and Europe has been dropping since the 1960s even while the tests have become easier.

To answer the OP's question, you CAN DEMAND a straight tetanus shot without any other vectors in it and I wouldn't hesitate to have a booster after an injury like you had. Tetanus is a horrible way to die and it's a matter of risk benefit profiles. I refuse any other vaccinations, as I am also one of those 'immunocompromised persons', after a series of shots I had before nursing school, 1970. Go figure.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 01:26 AM

While it's true that unvaccinated children can put immunocompromised people at risk, there is far more risk from being around RECENTLY VACCINATED people, they shed virii. And it's not like they go around with signs around their necks. Most of the recent outbreaks have been in vaccinated people, what's that tell you?

If I was immune compromised or my child was, I would limit their exposure to crowds as much as possible, it's really the only way because you can't force others to inject something into their body to protect you. A healthy diet will also obviously help. The 'you have to get it to protect me' is propaganda of the worse kind, especially in a free society. It's highly possible that all the 'immunocompromised people' are immunocompromised BECAUSE THEY'VE HAD SO MANY VACCINES AND IT'S DAMAGED THEIR SYSTEMS!

And Alice Bleach White, small pox was completely eradicated from the globe except a few carefully protected vials for 'research purposes'. If it ever gets out, yes, it will be a nightmare. But it hasn't recurred in the general population.

I don't trust the medical establishment anymore after working with them for 30 years; the doctors are not allowed to openly discuss, nor do most report side effects of vaccines; there is way too much denial and the research is done by people with an agenda, a very large monetary one. The vaccination schedule that is recommended now for children under six is a nightmare of multiple disease shots starting at birth. It's an obscenity:


vaccine info sheet

It's about damn time the medical profession started wondering where all the autistic and hyperactive and neurologically compromised kids who can't even read or hold still are coming from. The IQs in this country and Europe has been dropping since the 1960s even while the tests have become easier.

To answer the OP's question, you CAN DEMAND a straight tetanus shot without any other vectors in it and I wouldn't hesitate to have a booster after an injury like you had. Tetanus is a horrible way to die and it's a matter of risk benefit profiles. I refuse any other vaccinations, as I am also one of those 'immunocompromised persons', after a series of shots I had before nursing school, 1970. Go figure.

If there was a vaccine which could prevent ignorance and reduce inherent levels of stupidity would you take it?

Or would you not see its benefit?

edit on 20/12/13 by Pardon? because: Spelling d'oh!

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 01:30 AM

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