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Yes It's a "RACE" Thread..what would you do!!

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posted on Dec, 23 2013 @ 08:29 PM

Why the hell do people get inspired and all soggy over videos of humans acting human? Are your expectations really that low? If so, move from where you are. Because I rarely see all the racist crap I hear about anywhere around me.

ETA: Spyder, there are likely lots of black folks on ATS. I think you are the only one that I can identify as being black. YOu certainly do make sure to advertise it. Taking pride in your race is just another form of racism. Just sayin'.
edit on 23-12-2013 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

Because if one go by views online or even sometimes here it's filled with meanness often accompanied by ignorance and lack of empathy for the other I made this thread to remind folks who spent a great deal of time on-line ,that out there in the real world folks may not be as hate filled as been shown by media.

Bigfurry..what if I let you in a lil secret??..I actually don't believe in "Race" but I do have a set of cultural/historical background and ascetics that I am willing to share,sometimes it gets me in trouble as some folks misunderstand my motive.
edit on 23-12-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2013 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Spider879

Well, my criticism has nothing to do with my opinion on you as a poster. You are intelligent and I tend to read your stuff.

posted on Dec, 23 2013 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

If I looked like spyder, I'd post a picture of myself! From a very ordinary looking white 50 year-old woman.

I think a lot of people have learned to get to know someone, before being an ignorant racist. There are so many different combinations of us, and it's quite rare if you don't work, or live next to someone of a different variety of "color". It's a very good thing.

I almost feel sorry for someone who is so "racist" they haven't learned anything of another one's culture - it's their loss.

posted on Dec, 23 2013 @ 09:50 PM


so it's black and white,

that is the problem?

not black and asian?
white and asian?

white +?
black +?

I tried to find a vid with the similar situation and set-up but to no avail,I can only go by personal antidote regarding Asian/Blacks Asian/ family is part Japanese/Jamaican American my wife is welcome in all areas even in the deepest part of Brooklyn she faced no problems other folks in the area would not face,and she is Japanese-Japanese a foreigner,we have had long relations with Chinese folks in the community but then again Jamaicans are used to Chinese folks as they are a part of the community in Jamaica for over 120yrs one would be surprised at the amount of visible Black folks with last name Chin ,Wong etc, yes some yrs back when newly arrived Koreans moved in and set up shops in my part of Brooklyn there was a lot of problems due to cultural misunderstandings since then we have acclimatized to each other but it took some work, of Whites and Asians relations are generally good,but keep in mind I am coming from a NYC perspective but it would be interesting to see a situation like the above set-up in China Town..btw I had noticed along time ago in China Town that Chinese and Africans (Nigerians) sharing the same space selling knock off goods CDs and DVDs before opening their own proper shops sharing the risk of getting pinched by the cops...I think most folks left to their own devices with-out politicians would get along just fine.

my wife is chinese, (don't remember if i mentioned it) i moved to hong kong to marry her.
i was totally accepted by her family.

i love them all.
my family would have loved her too. but they all passed.

as long as one is respectful and nice, they/people will cut you slack.

as to the nigerians, the filipino's have a problem with them, here.

i have many female filipino friends, that say they are aggressive, sexually, towards them. (just relaying).
never heard the chinese view on them, tho.

how many times have anyone heard about finding a nice jewish boy or girl on TV or in the movies, by the mother?

some people like to keep it in the "tribe" or religion. makes sense, in a way.

most are my friends here are in mixed marriages with mixed kids.

i see old ex-pats with younger hot chinese or filipino wives or girl friends, all the time.

traditional family might have problems with another race, when it hits close to home.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 10:59 AM



so it's black and white,

that is the problem?

not black and asian?
white and asian?

white +?
black +?

I tried to find a vid with the similar situation and set-up but to no avail,I can only go by personal antidote regarding Asian/Blacks Asian/ family is part Japanese/Jamaican American my wife is welcome in all areas even in the deepest part of Brooklyn she faced no problems other folks in the area would not face,and she is Japanese-Japanese a foreigner,we have had long relations with Chinese folks in the community but then again Jamaicans are used to Chinese folks as they are a part of the community in Jamaica for over 120yrs one would be surprised at the amount of visible Black folks with last name Chin ,Wong etc, yes some yrs back when newly arrived Koreans moved in and set up shops in my part of Brooklyn there was a lot of problems due to cultural misunderstandings since then we have acclimatized to each other but it took some work, of Whites and Asians relations are generally good,but keep in mind I am coming from a NYC perspective but it would be interesting to see a situation like the above set-up in China Town..btw I had noticed along time ago in China Town that Chinese and Africans (Nigerians) sharing the same space selling knock off goods CDs and DVDs before opening their own proper shops sharing the risk of getting pinched by the cops...I think most folks left to their own devices with-out politicians would get along just fine.

my wife is chinese, (don't remember if i mentioned it) i moved to hong kong to marry her.
i was totally accepted by her family.

i love them all.
my family would have loved her too. but they all passed.

as long as one is respectful and nice, they/people will cut you slack.

as to the nigerians, the filipino's have a problem with them, here.

i have many female filipino friends, that say they are aggressive, sexually, towards them. (just relaying).
never heard the chinese view on them, tho.

how many times have anyone heard about finding a nice jewish boy or girl on TV or in the movies, by the mother?

some people like to keep it in the "tribe" or religion. makes sense, in a way.

most are my friends here are in mixed marriages with mixed kids.

i see old ex-pats with younger hot chinese or filipino wives or girl friends, all the time.

traditional family might have problems with another race, when it hits close to home.

It is possible that Filipinos and Nigerians maybe at odds with each other because over in Hong Kong??.. they may very well view each other as competitors,that's how ethnic rivalries starts,as regards fellow Jamaicans/Jamaican Americans many of whom are passionately African centered,keep in mind that Jamaica is the land of Garvey,Rastafarians who views Ethiopia and Africa in general as the promised land but at the same time the national motto is OUT OF MANY ONE PEOPLE. which they usually try to live up to...note Jamaica or Jamaicans is NOT! some racial paradise they have their isisms too,but in comparison to the USA they do pretty good especially when it comes to national pride,The below is a Jamaican/Jamaican who is Chinese ancestry who did her fellow Jamaicans proud..the first vid is her doing a rendition of Bob Marley's Redemption Song,she then went on to win the Voice competition only a few days ago,the following vid is of Jamaicans turning out to celebrate her victory with the same energy and enthusiasm they gave to Hussein Bolt,a man of visible African decent...who happens to be a GOD! of the tracks.

Reaction ^ to the win..not to say that most Americans don't take pride in their athletes/singers etc of whatever hue but for most Jamaicans the fact that she is of Asian ancestry is lost on them without comment.

edit on 24-12-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Spider879

I work with a Nigerian man who moved to Jamaica, married, then came to the states. He is my cohort at work, and I value him above all other employees, for only 2 reasons:

- he knows how to treat people
- he has major stones, and the backbone to support them.

His wife will join our team next month. She will be my other cohort. They are a quality of people you just don't find in this area (i brought him in from Houston)

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 11:51 AM

reply to post by Spider879

I work with a Nigerian man who moved to Jamaica, married, then came to the states. He is my cohort at work, and I value him above all other employees, for only 2 reasons:

- he knows how to treat people
- he has major stones, and the backbone to support them.

His wife will join our team next month. She will be my other cohort. They are a quality of people you just don't find in this area (i brought him in from Houston)

Kool recognizing the worth of the individual the only way to go,through out my yrs I have employed Africans of all types,couple of French dudes,Japanese, African Americans,Asian Americans,Americans of European back ground fellow Caribbeans,the thing they all have in common is high spirits, enthusiasm and smarts the rest I can teach.

edit on 24-12-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Spider879

This guy....he is unlike others in this area. He grew up in a small village in NIgeria, and knows what real poverty is like.

I recognize the value in anyone who has value. My wife and I worked for this nursing director once. I absolutely hate this woman, and will not be int he same room with her. That said....i would make one exception: if i needed nursing care. She is the single best nurse I have ever met, with such a vast knowledge of procedure and process that I am kind of in awe of it. Despite our deep personal relationship issues, I can't help but acknowledge that she is truly something special in that one specific regard.

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