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Yes It's a "RACE" Thread..what would you do!!

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posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 11:55 AM
LOL those videos are cheesetastic haha.. stereotypical and racist in themselves haha

I've dated a couple of black women among other races(what can I say I like variety), I never had anyone say anything about it lol,
IF they did I would say, what is this; 1989?

Personal insecurities seem to be the root of jealousy/hatred.

ooh think about it, forbidden love, makes it even better!

edit on 12-12-2013 by Lysergic because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 12:00 PM
Lets keep it real racism is not dead,saying that, one have to recognized we have come a long way and we have a long way yet to go it's an on going process, but as long as we recognized that the majority of our different communities are basically decent we can beat this..

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Spider879

Oh no I agree racism isn't dead and will never be dead, just saying personally I never had anyone run their giblet gobbler to me about being with a non-white woman.

Folks love to join a premade identity and hate on other ones.

He's different! KILL HIM!

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 12:05 PM

reply to post by Spider879

Oh no I agree racism isn't dead and will never be dead, just saying personally I never had anyone run their giblet gobbler to me about being with a non-white woman.

Folks love to join a premade identity and hate on other ones.

He's different! KILL HIM!

If you look anything like your avatar very few would try to punk you over your love ones..

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Lysergic

The things is..i don't know about others.. i think our mind are designed to like different feature than that of our parents and relatives and skin tones.. if i were to list top girls i would marry, trust me...the one on #1 is not the same race as me(because i know my skin coloured wife would be my default).

Tho people not say it directly(unless you got to some hardcore xenophbic town) but gossips do fly. I think mostly because either they are jealous that they didnt have a chance to fish and choose different coloured fishes or that they are too proud and want to repeat the same genetic pattern.

Remember, same skin is just as same as incest on a grand scale.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 12:13 PM

reply to post by Spider879

Oh no I agree racism isn't dead and will never be dead, just saying personally I never had anyone run their giblet gobbler to me about being with a non-white woman.

Folks love to join a premade identity and hate on other ones.

He's different! KILL HIM!

No.. racism isnt dead.

Dear Lys.. I have a funny story to tell you. I told it on here maybe a year..2.. ago. I was at one of the downtown festivals. We have great race tensions in my town. I married a white guy and have kids with him. Im full Blackfeet.. so Im brownish reddish whateverish. LOL! We were walking by a group of kids and one of the black kids called me a pinkie or whitey or something. I cant recall.. Id have to look up the post I made after it happened and I dont care to! Anyway, I turned around and said with a huge smile on my face... " AWESOME!!!! YOU THINK IM WHITE!! COOL!! "
he didnt get it.. but it sure as hell amused me!

Spider, this is no lie though.. the most racist BS Ive personally gotten was from blacks. Theyre the ones that have taken to a lower level... the only ones that have taken it physical. WHites.. they just typically say stupid things not even meaning to where you are left with your mouth hanging open speechless. LOL! The husband and I play the race war game. LIke if I buy something too expensive and he whines.. I say " Reparations.. whitey"... I was laying on the couch the other day and he offered me a blanket.. I say " NO!! HELL NO!! I know what happened last time we were offered blankets! " He zings me too, but mine are always cooler. HAH!

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Advantage

I was laying on the couch the other day and he offered me a blanket.. I say " NO!! HELL NO!! I know what happened last time we were offered blankets! "

That had me LOLing Thats pretty good zing hehe.

heres a classic :p

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 12:42 PM

reply to post by Advantage

I was laying on the couch the other day and he offered me a blanket.. I say " NO!! HELL NO!! I know what happened last time we were offered blankets! "

That had me LOLing Thats pretty good zing hehe.

heres a classic :p

LMAO!! Id never seen that before! In real life, thats just stuff you have to laugh about. Its not malicious or anything. The biggest laughs Ive gotten were over being mistaken or other races. Its usually Latina or Mexican. Im an ass and will play along with it.

My dad on the other hand.. was racist. I cant tell you how many times we had to pick up pieces of his skull from his head exploding over some racial slight. One I recall was in school. We had to pick INDIAN names for THANKSGIVING! I chose "red fox". I think that day was when they coined the term " off the reservation"...

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 12:47 PM

reply to post by Spider879

Thank you for this post OP. Just goes to show we are getting better, but a little more to go. It was emotionally touching, all of them. Gave me hope and a little more faith in humanity today.

There's hope yet.

S & F
edit on 12-12-2013 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)

If you don't count the 'knockout' game.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 01:31 PM


reply to post by Spider879

Thank you for this post OP. Just goes to show we are getting better, but a little more to go. It was emotionally touching, all of them. Gave me hope and a little more faith in humanity today.

There's hope yet.

S & F
edit on 12-12-2013 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)

If you don't count the 'knockout' game.

Yes that's unfortunate and racist,but it was carried out by cowardly punks with whom I have no sympathy for should they catch a bullet..btw yrs ago I came home right in the middle of a race riot in Crown Hts, a couple of Black kids got ran over by a motorcade for some important Rabbi on the way to a funeral one died or eventually died ..the rumor had it that an Hasidic Jewish community ambulance arrived at the scene and took care of the slightly injured Jews but leave the badly injured black kids on the scene one eventually died, but before that tensions were high as both communities eyed each other with suspicion culture had a lot to do with it as Hasidims do not mingle regularly or easily and they dressed funny while the mostly Caribbeans are extroverts who love their Carnival (sometimes clash with Jewish Sabbath and holy days) to make the story short a riot ensued with many Jews being targeted,but in all that craziness my mom and others opened their doors to Jews seeking protection for dear life, unfortunately one young man from Australia was stabbed to death.. in church the following Sunday a lot of soul searching went out as to what the hell was happening in our community, many felt a sense of shame,eventually there were out reach programs by both communities and we got along for awhile,my mom would visit her Hasidim neighbor's house to turn on the lights or something like that on sundown?? as it was forbidden by their religion to do so on a Friday night..not for nothing I passed on that because I thought it was a stupid practice God shouldn't care if you don't want to sit in the dark or light your stove.
edit on 12-12-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Spider879

To me, I can't understand the whole bigotry/racism thing. I am a Caucasion Irish Catholic married to a Jew and my son has been dating a lovely African-American lady for four years now . Some other people seem to have a problem. I love the fact that some friends said my mixed marriage would never last. Some of those same people who married within the same religion are now divorced and we're still married 24 years later.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 03:11 PM

reply to post by Lysergic

Remember, same skin is just as same as incest on a grand scale.

Oh, come on now.
Isn't that a tad overboard?

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Spider879

I think the videos prove more that...

A) People are not corrupt and have a good set of moral values.

B) People are programmed to subconsciously react to racist subconscious themes.

C)The psychopath elite could care less that the sheeple rob each other...just don't rob them.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Spider879

"What Would You Do?: Anti-Muslim Harassment"

awesome! majority rules...

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Spider879

I don't need a video presentation, than a what would you do scenario.... Stupid.

Like this is some kind of test, and this will pull at our moral fabric. Sorry, doesn't work.

I don't need to even think about it, I will always do the right thing and protect and defend the innocent, no matter what color,race, gender, anti-gender, it doesn't matter if it is in Harlem or a city in Iowa. I have been to both places and I'm not impressed.

Thats as easy as it gets,

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by Advantage

Thank you, I absolutely loved your story, it reminded me of how my parents would jab at each other in fun while they were out playing music, they had a country and western band for their entire lives together. While this couldn't officially be considered racist, my father was from the south and my mom from the north and every so often when someone fumbled or just to fill in the space between songs my dad would turn to my mom and call her "Damned Yankee" and she'd turn to him and holler back "Dumb Hillbilly!", and everyone would laugh.

Well most of their gigs were up here in Illinois after they gave up their road tours to raise us girls. This was back in the early 60's when people were still kinda stiff about things in some places. They were hired for a gig in my fathers old stompin' grounds and sometime during the night they started jabbing at each other and my dad hollered at my mom "Damn Yankee" and the crowd roared with laughter then my mom turned it back on him and hollered back "Dumb Hillbilly" and you could have heard a pin drop, the entire crowd just silently glared at her. They took a deep breath and played another country song to get the audience back, but she never forgot it.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 10:15 PM
As an African American I can honestly say that racism is not dead. It makes me mad that there are people who hate other people because of the color of their skin or because they want to date outside of their race. I love seeing interracial couples because it shows that not everyone in the world cares about skin color and that there people who can love each other for who they are.

posted on Dec, 23 2013 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Rocketgirl

ThePsychopathsThatSee use racism like any other "ism" to control the milk cow public and keep them under control.

Its because its so effective that they keep using it.

Its bernaysian level thought control in action.

posted on Dec, 23 2013 @ 07:27 PM
Why the hell do people get inspired and all soggy over videos of humans acting human? Are your expectations really that low? If so, move from where you are. Because I rarely see all the racist crap I hear about anywhere around me.

ETA: Spyder, there are likely lots of black folks on ATS. I think you are the only one that I can identify as being black. YOu certainly do make sure to advertise it. Taking pride in your race is just another form of racism. Just sayin'.
edit on 23-12-2013 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2013 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by PRS395

Except when you're calling them stupid?

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