posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 11:48 AM
I'm rather skeptical of the "racism is dead" banner. It's really like saying "sexism is dead" or "the class divide is dead" or "xenophobia is dead"
etc, etc.
But then I remember where I'm posting. Looking from the outside in, the issue of "race" in the US is a unique and
highly contentious one. And
since many of the posters here seem to be US-born, I guess that's why allegations of everyday discrimination against minorities gets shut down so
Don't wanna get off-topic though. Interracial dating, marriage and families are topics that aren't really discussed much in the UK. It just seems to
matter less. It's probably since those against it usually admit to being racists anyway (tongue in cheek, but you feel the essence of sincerity behind
it), so the argument's kinda over after that.
That's why it's amusing to hear other people cry "racism is dead, get over it!" and then mutter "Look, we shouldn't mix. People are different and we
should keep it that way," in the same conversation. Then they'll pull up loads of psuedo-scientific statistics to confirm their bias. Not accusing
anyone of doing that here, of course (although there was one poster who blatantly called the White Race one of the great pillars of the nation on
another thread).
In any case, I'll be a little less reluctant to say "racism is dead" when I'm not accused of trying to steal all the "white wimminz", when I'm not
praised for being well-spoken "for a black fella" and not preached to about "being one of the good ones". Well, all of that and not being called
certain epithets by complete strangers in cars, pubs or fast food outlets.
Before anyone tries to jump down my throat, by the way, I know it happens the other way around. It's just as terrible, but let's not make this a
tit-for-tat deal.
edit on 12-12-2013 by ihavenoaccount because: (no reason given)