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Major Stock Market Crash In January

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posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by inthewinterdark

For us there will however be three to six months of empty supermarket shelves during the reset so get ready for disruption. As long as you and your community can make it through then then next global monetary system will bring life back to the economy

I gotta say, after watching the mini-meltdown over the recent food stamp debacle (which was mere days) all I can see IS a Mad Max scenario if there's no food for 3 to 6 months. Many urban areas will be ransacked, looted or burnt to the ground if this actually happens. Can you imagine the large urban centers with populations in the millions finding there's no food coming?

The currency reset info is interesting and I'll take time to review it. That's an area I need to learn more about. As for the gold, most of that has been flooding to the eastern countries like China, Russia and India as well as the middle east. The west is running pretty low as far as I can determine. Some EU bullion repositories are practically empty and the have to borrow from each other to keep ahead of physical demand. Some won't even give customers their gold and only offer (fiat) cash instead.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by bbracken677

The recovery added stability and control to the system. The additional money supply seems to have been used in major part to cut down volatility.

Sure it could translate to another correction soon, commodities could shake things up a bit but all in all more money is more money.

The more I've learned about the system is the more cash that gets printed up the more balanced and elastically lenient it gets. It's an incredible system that checks itself. Not to mention we have a seemingly very responsible FED leading the way for the rest of the worlds fiat system.
edit on 8-12-2013 by On7a7higher7plane because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 09:31 AM
the general consensus is for a 2014 major correction

Dow Jones Industrial Average: 7 Warning Signs Of A Stock Market Crash
December 5th, 2013

David Zeiler: The warning signs of a stock market crash in 2014 are getting harder and harder to ignore…

Several prominent market watchers, including Ben Inker, head of the asset allocation group at GMO, and John Hussman of the Hussman Funds, say the markets are about 40% overvalued.

Last week, Yale Professor Robert Shiller, a Nobel-prize winning economist, expressed concern that stocks may have gotten ahead of themselves.

The cyclically adjusted price/earnings (CAPE) ratio, created by Robert Shiller, smoothes out the price/earnings (P/E) ratio by averaging it over 10 years. Now at 24.42, the CAPE is substantially above its long-term average of 16. And more ominously,

the CAPE has only been higher twice – at the end of the 1920s, just before the Stock Market Crash of 1929, and at the end of the 1990s, just before the dot-com stock market crash.

notice the PE warning..... more apparent Proof of a Crash & soon to Doom...ha ha


attention the linked page is fraught with pop-ups & banners... it is a PITA (pain in the arse)


The only wrinkle i see for a non-crash of the overpriced Equity markets is the need for the economy to get back into the credit expansion mode with employment picking up ---

So that the arm twisted population that's forced/mandated to buy into overpriced health policies have the ability to pay the new National Extortion Law aka: Øbamacare

that reason alone might put off or delay any market crash as the markets will continue to hyper-inflate the supposed real value of the equities... yeah like Google & perhaps even Facebook both going over $1,000 per share --- thats realistic huh
edit on 8-12-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 07:45 PM

reply to post by inthewinterdark

For us there will however be three to six months of empty supermarket shelves during the reset so get ready for disruption. As long as you and your community can make it through then then next global monetary system will bring life back to the economy

I gotta say, after watching the mini-meltdown over the recent food stamp debacle (which was mere days) all I can see IS a Mad Max scenario if there's no food for 3 to 6 months. Many urban areas will be ransacked, looted or burnt to the ground if this actually happens. Can you imagine the large urban centers with populations in the millions finding there's no food coming?

I acknowledge that a full on disorderly collapse is on the cards and people will riot when hungry. I still believe the elites have a preference that the general economy and workers don't get too badly damaged. Regardless of what the elites prefer a currency event means credit disruption and the 'warehouse on wheels' that our supermarkets rely on will not operate like today. There will still be food coming in but not at evenly or smoothly as we are used to and most but not all shelves will be empty.

The only thing we know for certain is that the global currency system has failed and is about to explode. I don't know the exact timing but I believe 90 days is likely at this point, 1 year is still possible and up to 3 years seems like a stretch. As entropy in a closed system increases it takes exponentially more energy to hold it together and we are seeing $2.8 billion dollars being printed every day (even weekends at that rate) as physical gold flows east. There will be a settlement of global debts, all economic trade at every level, individual to sovereign demands periodic settlement. It's been well over 40 years since we started hyper-accelerating trade imbalances and up to 90 years since the last true settlement (1922 Genoa Conference).

"Physical wealth is the only means of settlement, currency is simply for accounting imbalances in the meantime. The problem today is that we perpetually accumulate trade imbalances (on all scales, from the individual to the regional) and call them savings. This exposes the entire system to the obvious risks -- currency risk, default and the unknown."
"Special" Drawing Rights

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 08:23 PM
The Stock market will not crash in January.

Maybe a correction, but no crash will happen.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

Why are you sure it will not crash? Note, I'm not saying January but you're saying not at all. All it will take is a push.

While I'm sure the Fed and treasury would attempt to stop this I think that anyone reviewing most companies P&E would say that equities are (quite) overvalued.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 07:30 AM

reply to post by bbracken677

The recovery added stability and control to the system. The additional money supply seems to have been used in major part to cut down volatility.

Sure it could translate to another correction soon, commodities could shake things up a bit but all in all more money is more money.

The more I've learned about the system is the more cash that gets printed up the more balanced and elastically lenient it gets. It's an incredible system that checks itself. Not to mention we have a seemingly very responsible FED leading the way for the rest of the worlds fiat system.
edit on 8-12-2013 by On7a7higher7plane because: (no reason given)

You seem to be ignoring history and basic economic facts.

In EVERY instance of a country printing and increasing the monetary supply massive inflation was the result, and most often followed by economic meltdown of biblical proportions for the economies involved.
In this case you have a currency that is being supported because it is the international unit of trade. You could say our Fed is playing chicken with the world economy. Anyone blinks and the dollar crashes.

Keep that head in the sand...

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 08:34 AM
Why is the number 14 floating around all the doom predictions? I figure the OP didn't mean for the date to fall on a 14 and was just following the data, but it keep on coming up. Granted most of the 14 prediction have not come to pass and not that I believe any of them would come to pass. It's just interesting to see a pattern form out of what seems to be nothing.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 10:34 PM

Why is the number 14 floating around all the doom predictions?

LOL ... I've thought about that to. I chalk it up to the lower two digit numbers rolling around at a greater frequency. Think about it ... how many time do you see somebody predicting the doom to occur in association with 47. We may see it peak in the 2040s, and probably not see it after that for another hundred years.

Numbers 31 and below make the most 'flavorful' doom porn ingredients for the recipe.


posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by ObjectZero

Why is the number 14 floating around all the doom predictions?

After much diligent research (OK I went to Wikipedia) I've discovered the truth.

Fourteen is the sum of the first three squares, which makes it a square pyramidal number.

In mathematics, a pyramid number, or square pyramidal number, is a figurate number that represents the number of stacked spheres in a pyramid with a square base. The first few square pyramidal numbers are:
    1, 5, 14, 30, 55, 91, 140, 204, 285, 385, 506, 650, 819

How that relates to the stock market, I have no idea but since it involves pyramids it has to be part of the Illuminati conspiracy.

posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by Bassago

Or we could just go with it's the last to digits of the next year. 2011 was a lot of 12's, 2012 was a lot of 13's so I guess it would make since to have 14's this year. If we see a bunch of 15's next year we'll know.

posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 08:26 AM
I have been living very, very frugally since 2004 when my personal economy crashed. I learned to deal with the problems associated with having virtually no money, I got used to it, now I thrive on nothing.

I look forward to the time when those who have arrogantly considered themselves above me, and people in the same situation as me because of their fake wealth and worthless trinkets are forced to live like I have been living for so long, the way I have become accustomed to living.

I will ridicule them and spit in their faces the same way their artificial, fake selves have been doing to me and people like me for a long, long time, like since before my birth or even the birth of this country.

I abhor vindictiveness and meanness but there is no way not to become that way unless one is willing to be trampled by the masses of vindictive and mean people who inhabit this great big fake world.

I know I come across kinda mean, maybe even cruel....But it is a pretty mean and cruel world, no amount of wishing for a happy supposed "afterlife" makes having to tolerate this nasty place any easier, and I ain't gonna wait for death to try to make things better any way I can, I'm gonna try to make it better now, while I am still alive.

Temper kindness with cruelty, temper generosity with greed, temper light with dark, temper sobriety with drunkenness, temper happiness with grief, temper life with death, everything is just a great big circle, there is no eternity, don't be fooled.

The Old World Order is in full force, there is no such thing as a new world order, the New World Order is a big fake thing offered to you to distract you from the fact nothing ever changes but technology, advancements in methods to take your very life force from you in return for nothing while you thank them for the abuse and exploitation.

If so many of us didn't absolutely revel in the misery we tolerate day in and day out by seeking distraction from it, things might change.

Don't mistake what I say as being in any way religious or politically skewed "isms", I do not exist in the same world you do, the same rules do not apply to me here.

Just watch the carnage of nature, creative destruction in action, watch it first hand instead of on the history or nature channel, and it becomes apparent mankind isn't in dominion of anything but his ability to imitate nature.

Poorly imitate nature, Chameleons don't always get the color right, but they do a better job than we do.

posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by Bassago

And after the supermarket shelves are emptied, all of the waterways, lakes and forested areas will be virtually bare of any animals or vegetation within a very short time.

Then what?, some will begin to eat each other.

posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 01:43 PM
Here's an update for anyone who doesn't believe we are in a bubble.

Absent the "obvious" bubble in the late 90s, the US equity market is at its most expensive valuation since right before the '30s crash. The index posted a dramatic 7.5% rise in Q4 so far pressing it to near-record levels absent the euphoria of the late 90s. Source

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 04:31 AM

reply to post by Bassago

I don't know about how this last 20 years has been about individualism though. I've never felt more pressure to conform in my life. I've always been an outsider.

Never felt more pressure to conform in your life than now? Is that what you mean? That is really interesting if that is true, because I was just getting the impression that social groups are becoming nearly totalitarian in the U.S. - I mean you have to seriously think exactly the same, or else you are not accepted and could lose resources.

Have you noticed any of that?

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 08:02 AM
A lot of people have been talking about the possible stock market crash, but it can be said that what the future holds for us as far as economy is concerned, is anybody's wild guess. The situation doesn't look too grim for a catastrophe of that magnitude, but you never know if the history repeats itself.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 09:36 AM
I keep hearing people compare these financial times with our own history. Great depression and all. I think that is a big mistake. We are foolish to think that we are so different than any other country that has ever existed that we are refusing to look everyone's history. We are a young country, with a rising populace. In the past 50 years, our population has tripled. We are now the 3rd most populated country in the world. Roughly 90 people per square mile. We are split on how our country should move forward as far as the government goes. We have spread our military thin while taking away so many of their benefits that there is not much of a reason to join anymore. Our jobs have been moved overseas, which also means our exports have diminished. We have more people living off the governments make pretend money than people who have full time jobs. Rising population filling up space leaves less and less natural resources. Resources that are being destroyed by oil spills and radiation. It's to the point that they are trying to scientifically create food for us to eat.

No, the Great Depression is really not a good example at all anymore.

If you want something to compare this to, then take a gander at history, other countries before they fell. Cant really come up a time table of when it will happen, because looking at history, it should have already happened. Waiting for that last piece of straw that broke the camels back.

WWIII? Yep, too many people want it for it not to happen. If we fall we take China and India with us. Japan is radioactive toast, Canada pleas the 5th, Middle east is wrapped up in their own drama and seem intent on staying that way. That leaves Russia and Europe. It will be the shortest war in history.
edit on 12-12-2013 by mrsdudara because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-12-2013 by mrsdudara because: add a tidbit of info

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by mrsdudara

War is always the cure all for unsolvable issues between civilizations and cultures, it rallies the populace behind a common threat which is usually exposed to be contrived way too late, this "God and country" way of thinking is one of the most destructive attitudes anyone could adopt since both are unproveable and / or legal or other fictional, unreasonable and illogical faiths or beliefs.

Contrived!!.All of it, Everything!.

Awesome how a legal fiction gets together with a potentially non-existent omnipotent entity to enrich the liars that created them both by pulling them out of their collective arses while simultaneously coaxing the ignorant masses to kill maim and destroy each other with justification from the very God they worship which supposedly condemns such behavior.


Prophet / Profit, they can't even conceal the truth so well without dumbing down the masses to keep them from seeing the obvious truth, which is a lie....

WW2 cured the first depression, it was created by the Federal Reserve as was WW1.

When people realize that there is absolutely no excusing themselves for the way they act, via non-existent establishments, maybe they will stop behaving so badly.

History does repeat itself, only technology and the exploitation and abuse of it change.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 11:16 AM


Prophet / Profit, they can't even conceal the truth so well without dumbing down the masses to keep them from seeing the obvious truth, which is a lie....

ahhh and here enters Common Core, rephrased textbooks, and censorship of the internet.

I agree with all you said, but I found it interesting that when a country would fall it was during a time when the people were wise enough to say ENOUGH.

Perhaps WWIII will be led by people and against governments?

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by mrsdudara

Considering re-written text books and such. Blacks Law Dictionary, which determines what words actually legally / lawfully mean is revised every year, in order that anything you say can and will be used against you....Unless of course you have access to the latest "Newspeak Manual", and are even able to fathom how to punctuate what you say, which has a bearing on things even if you know the words....And which version of the bible should one follow?, if one were prone to follow such things, there are so many versions out there that it is no wonder people don't even agree with one another on how to worship / war-ship.

Socrates and his ilk were before most of the texts we as a civilization use for reference, and of course him and people like him in the past are not considered for that reason, they worshipped the wrong Gods.......We have new Gods now....

Whatever, I gave up trying to consider being correct according to what others think long ago.

In the land of 4x4 Fords and chevys, I drive a Toyota and don't have to figure clever ways to steal gas, and when the money runs low, I ride a bicycle and am considered by cage monkeys to be stupid and homeless, or a drunk who lost his license.

Sometimes this world gets to me, most times not.

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