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Water Fluoridation will NOT kill you.

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posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 11:39 PM

Seems like this article says that fluoride in water at usual concentrations is linked to macrophage apoptosis which can lead to the buildup of arteriosclerosis.

If this is true, then carragenan also kills Macrophages. It could also cause a buildup in the arteries.

I got to get back to studying all this research to see if I can figure out how to combat it. It seems we did not need to eat high amounts of antioxidents before we started to boost fluoride consumption. Instead of fixing the problem they make a bunch of new recogmendations...What a bunch of crap. Another coverup of past mistakes made.

I'll probably be up for hours researching this site. Trying to figure out how to cancel out the negative effects of fluoride on the body and mind.

From another article I read, I summarize that caffeine or any chemical that speeds up metabolism might help neutralize the fluoride's effect on the endocrine system. This may be why coffee or tea don't bother us so much, the caffeine stimulates the kidneys to discharge the fluoride and coffee has over a hundred and fifty antioxidents in it....water has none.

I've been taking EDTA but you have to be careful as it leaches all the heavy metals out of your body, including calcium. They gave it to some kids with lead poisoning and it gave them a heart attack that killed them. Children use a lot more calcium than Adult's.
Some Doctors will do this for about 5 grand, they had rather cut you open and get the big check.
I take the pill but you have to supplement with full spectrum minerals. 300 pills cost me 8 buck's
You can tell if you over doing it at least I can, you just pee out the calcium, lead, mercury, what ever plus it will dissolve kidney stone's, so will classic Coke and some Hydrangea, or at least smooth off the spikes.
Don't do this unless you know what you are doing.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 11:48 PM

reply to post by Jaxsprat

Fluoride is a mineral so medicated is a misnomer. I replied to you in Chaotic's thread.

If you are worried about it, go to a dr and get a fluoride test done. Go talk to the water treatment plant operator and get the information you want. Talk to the environment agency. Find out what is in your water...that is the first step.

You should state that differently. fluoride is an ion, an element. Fluorite is a mineral containing the ions of flouride in a mineral complex. I'm just trying to correct your statement. It really isn't important but you should state the right terminology. Flouride is used in many medications as an active ion to help preform various desired functions. The fluorides used are usually organic based fluoride combinations.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Stop going on about doses or MACs that makes no difference what so ever.
We don't want TOXIC minerals ADDED to our water no matter the dosage , you speaking of doses, you sure it's not medicating??
The problem people have is the loss of choice about what we put into our own bodies.

It really makes no difference WHY each person would choose to not have it in the water. I don't need it.

And if it's ' in lots of cases already there' why the need to add more?

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Here's something for you to ponder, then.

Sodium Fluoride is added to the bottom of test tubes that pathologists use to transport whole blood for assay (It is that waxy substance in the bottom of the tube when you get a blood test). The fluoride prevents, or slows, the normal sugar metabolism by insulin in the blood, preventing it from changing over time and giving erroneous readings when the pathology lab tests it.

As western-european culture spreads and third-world societies begin to want better health care, fluoridation of water supplies is increasingly seen as a simple public health solution to dental issues.

While there are definite and measurable advantages in dental hygiene in communities drinking fluoridated water, there also seems to follow, several years later, epidemic numbers of "lifestyle" problems such as obesity and Diabetes Mellitus. The current epidemic issues among Pacific Islander groups would be a good case in point.

Diabetes Mellitus (or Type 2 Diabetes) is a strange condition where, initially, sufficient Insulin is produced by the body but for some reason its effectiveness is reduced and so serum sugar levels rise to unsafe levels.

This is exactly the same thing that is happening in those test tubes where Insulin's function is reduced!

There ARE studies that have tied fluoride to having significant effects upon diabetes medication efficiency but the effect is very subtle and may take years of exposure in only a specific set of people before it begins to show.

So far, no-one has equated a direct link between fluoridation of water and insulin resistance but I feel that there is enough circumstantial evidence to warrant investigation. I also feel that it may not be established yet as a prime factor, it IS likely a contributory factor and caution may be warranted.

Perhaps there is a lower dose where fluoride is 'safe' from an insulin resistance standpoint and also still effective in preventing dental caries.

Until we do the science, we should refrain from drawing conclusions about fluoride being benign.

edit on 5/12/2013 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by OOOOOO

I know a few other ways to do that. The system you are using is effective and cheap from what I read though. These heavy metals are locked into the bones by the design of the body so they don't bother us. You are right about that supplement taking out calcium though. I take molybdenum in a mineral complex and it can do the same thing. You can also soak your feet in Epsom salt and witch hazel in water, lots of these toxic metals are excreted through the bottom of the feet. I know a guy who had Titanium poisoning from a knee replacement, the recall was made on the knee replacement and he was having it done after he was healthy enough from the metal poisoning. They had a foot bath he had to go to to draw out the toxins from the feet. I spent ten hours studying the technology behind this. It is complicated. Even garlic can help to get rid of heavy metal poisoning, the sulfur compounds can bind it and it gets excreted. Eggs eaten with wild game binds the lead from the bbs, the albumin in the egg is the part that is important in the intestines. Eat eggs when you crave them.

Sulfur is an active ingredient in soaps to clean the body and magnesium helps to increase circulation. Witch hazel pulls the toxins out of the lymph excretion ducts on the bottom of the foot. These ducts are the reason that feet smell sometimes, they are all over the body in certain locations. The lymph nodes drain through these ducts. Some are under the arm pits. The lymph system is very complex, the skin is a big organ that can detox the body and has various kinds of pores, they are not all sweat ducts.
edit on 6-12-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 12:05 AM




reply to post by superman2012

I would say that since just about every drink of water you drink, and the fact that it's almost impossible to avoid no matter where you go (restaurants, pretty much anywhere with tap water etc) would classify it as "excessive".

So it doesn't kill us, just makes our bones fall apart? Good to know, I suppose.

No, that is not right. Salt is in everything and it doesn't kill us in small amounts. It does not do what you claim...but thanks for reading the whole thread... *eyeroll*

I do hate terrible analogies.

Salt = Floride? I'm sorry, but fluoride is unhealthy to exist in the body, while salt is ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE.

I'd like you to now address the thyroid in your post. The thyroid is essential to our bodies, like salt is, and the thyroid doesnt function as well with the presence of flouride in the human body, and if it isn't functioning well, can lead to multiple problems. You see, the thyroid has receptors that are able to receive, and need, iodine. When fluoride, or even its buddies; bromine, and chlorine are present in the body, they compete for receptor sites in the thyroid that are meant for iodine, because they have the same charge. When your thyroid starts to take in fluoride, bromine, and/or chlorine, your thyroid is no longer getting what it needs to function properly. Thus, you aren't as healthy.

Salt, like fluoride is deadly in large amounts. Just because you don't understand an analogy does not make it horrible.

How much does your thyroid have to take in of each of the chemicals you named in order to not function properly? How much does your body absorb or get rid of and how much does the thyroid absorb exactly?

You still didn't understand that salt is essential while fluoride is poison. Tomatos and water are deadly too, if you take in too much.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

So those foot pad things are not fake?
I know about the lymph system but never thought, that was possible.

So will it remove excess fluoride

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 04:36 AM
Yea the OP is probably correct , that Fluorine.
As I know for fact a small whiff of chlorine gas. it does not seem to have any bad effect upon a person.

It would most likely just be different as it might effect one person more than another,, or the other person body chemistry was such that, they worked in a positive manner.

Then there is also, The Christ was to of said, "Not Be concerned with worry of food, or of clothing, as flower".
But then to I'm not one ready to pick up Rattle snakes.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 05:11 AM
What right does government have to medicate the water supply with a substance history and a study of how the fluoride myth was fraudulently perpetrated as a way for industry to dispose of a toxic substance which used to cost them money to dispose so now they get paid for adding toxic fluoride to the water supply.

I once posted this in the past; it sums up the truth:

Yes fluoride is good for the aluminum industry, which used to have to dispose of it as a toxic waste, as it was fostered on the public as a cavity preventative while this was never proven. It is also good for the medical industry as the form used in drinking water is carcinogenic and can increase your risk of cancer bone disorders and other ailments. Used extensively in concentration camps as it is known to make humans docile. And don't forget its use in rat poison. Sodium fluoride is a wonder drug with no end to its potential.
Don't let those kill-joys in many European countries who have outlawed its use spoil your fun - insist upon fluoride in your drinking water, it will keep your children docile and make your dentist happy [notice dentists & manufacturers of false teeth are also doing better than ever in spite of fluoride] - why some nuts even think it is bad for your teeth [makes them too brittle].
Don't let any of this bother you flouride fans it works well with your dentist, who if you are not careful will put a
Mercury amalgam filling in your teeth and if you ask will tell you the mercury is inactive and won't harm you
- BUT when he has to dispose of it from a pulled tooth must dispose of it as a toxic waste!

For more information on teeth see: The Weston A. Price Foundation
Fluoride: Worse than We Thought
At this link:

Here is a quote from the above mentioned article:

So What's the Truth About Tooth Decay?

"The truth is that more and more evidence shows that fluorides and dental fluorosis are actually associated with increased tooth decay. The most comprehensive US review was carried out by the National Institute of Dental Research on 39,000 school children aged 5-17 years.18 It showed no significant differences in terms of DMF (decayed, missing and filled teeth). What it did show was that high decay cities (66.5-87.5 percent) have 9.34 percent more decay in the children who drink fluoridated water. Furthermore, a 5.4 percent increase in students with decay was observed when 1 ppm fluoride was added to the water supply. Nine fluoridated cities with high decay had 10 percent more decay than nine equivalent non-fluoridated cities.
The world's largest study on dental caries, which looked at 400,000 students, revealed that decay increased 27 percent with a 1ppm fluoride increase in drinking water.19 In Japan, fluoridation caused decay increases of 7 percent in 22,000 students,20 while in the US a decay increase of 43 percent occured in 29,000 students when 1ppm fluoride was added to drinking water."


PS: From a bottle of fluoride mouthwash:

WARNING: Keep out of reach of children. If more is swallowed than is used for rinsing seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately.
edit on 6-12-2013 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 07:04 AM
Fluoride in the drinking water - next - drink the koolaid - it won't killya.

Mountain streams might contain some naturally occurring fluoride - but not brought in and dumped as in aluminum by-product - known as spent potliner.

Try reading ... 'The Fluoride Deception' - Christopher Bryson

ch 15 - Buried Science, Buried Workers
"The implications of the Martin verdict were frightening. Like the Oregon farming family who had been poisoned by Reynolds fluoride,..."

fluoride - it's a gas

It's also - for you tree huggers - environmentally toxic.

Btw - sources puhleese

edit on 6-12-2013 by jibajaba because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 07:15 AM





reply to post by superman2012

I would say that since just about every drink of water you drink, and the fact that it's almost impossible to avoid no matter where you go (restaurants, pretty much anywhere with tap water etc) would classify it as "excessive".

So it doesn't kill us, just makes our bones fall apart? Good to know, I suppose.

No, that is not right. Salt is in everything and it doesn't kill us in small amounts. It does not do what you claim...but thanks for reading the whole thread... *eyeroll*

I do hate terrible analogies.

Salt = Floride? I'm sorry, but fluoride is unhealthy to exist in the body, while salt is ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE.

I'd like you to now address the thyroid in your post. The thyroid is essential to our bodies, like salt is, and the thyroid doesnt function as well with the presence of flouride in the human body, and if it isn't functioning well, can lead to multiple problems. You see, the thyroid has receptors that are able to receive, and need, iodine. When fluoride, or even its buddies; bromine, and chlorine are present in the body, they compete for receptor sites in the thyroid that are meant for iodine, because they have the same charge. When your thyroid starts to take in fluoride, bromine, and/or chlorine, your thyroid is no longer getting what it needs to function properly. Thus, you aren't as healthy.

Salt, like fluoride is deadly in large amounts. Just because you don't understand an analogy does not make it horrible.

How much does your thyroid have to take in of each of the chemicals you named in order to not function properly? How much does your body absorb or get rid of and how much does the thyroid absorb exactly?

You still didn't understand that salt is essential while fluoride is poison. Tomatos and water are deadly too, if you take in too much.

I do understand that...let's try something else so you can understand.
What goes into your water to disinfect it and keep it disinfected and you drink it?
Sodium Hypochlorite. Bleach.
Do you get it yet? Small doses of something may be beneficial while large doses can kill you. Look up warfarin. Lookup all its uses.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by chr0naut

Sodium Fluoride is added to the bottom of test tubes that pathologists use to transport whole blood for assay (It is that waxy substance in the bottom of the tube when you get a blood test). The fluoride prevents, or slows, the normal sugar metabolism by insulin in the blood, preventing it from changing over time and giving erroneous readings when the pathology lab tests it.

How many people do you know that inject water into their veins?
What purity/concentration is in the test tubes?
Is it close to what is in water fluoridation?
I'm surprised, you usually debunk things, not like you to buy into the fear.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 07:19 AM

reply to post by superman2012

Stop going on about doses or MACs that makes no difference what so ever.
We don't want TOXIC minerals ADDED to our water no matter the dosage , you speaking of doses, you sure it's not medicating??
The problem people have is the loss of choice about what we put into our own bodies.

It really makes no difference WHY each person would choose to not have it in the water. I don't need it.

And if it's ' in lots of cases already there' why the need to add more?

Dosages and MACs do matter and just because you say they don't, doesn't make it so.
This thread (AS STATED MANY TIMES) is not about the CHOICE to add a mineral to your bodies. It is about the untruths used by the fearful.
If you don't want it, that's your choice. I'm simply letting people know which one of the arguments are known lies/untruths. Trust me, there are a lot of people that would like to keep their head in the sand. I have no problem with them, just stay out of threads like these that challenge your beliefs.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by AlienView

Your studies that you quote from were about higher levels of fluoride in drinking water with lowered dietary calcium interactions. You might want to read them as a whole rather than cherry picking.

Mouth rinse and toothpaste have higher levels of fluoride in them than water fluoridation. It is more of a medicine. Would you let your child take their own cough syrup as well? No. Of course you watch children when they use something that could potentially hurt them. Flintstones vitamins would hurt you too if you ate more than recommended. Should we ban all vitamins as well?
edit on 6-12-2013 by superman2012 because: ate, not at

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 07:28 AM

Fluoride in the drinking water - next - drink the koolaid - it won't killya.

Mountain streams might contain some naturally occurring fluoride - but not brought in and dumped as in aluminum by-product - known as spent potliner.

Try reading ... 'The Fluoride Deception' - Christopher Bryson

ch 15 - Buried Science, Buried Workers
"The implications of the Martin verdict were frightening. Like the Oregon farming family who had been poisoned by Reynolds fluoride,..."

fluoride - it's a gas

It's also - for you tree huggers - environmentally toxic.

Btw - sources puhleese

edit on 6-12-2013 by jibajaba because: (no reason given)

I'm sorry, were you asking for sources? All listed in the first two posts of this thread. It may have a use in the aluminum industry, but do you think that they just take it out of there and then dump it in the water supply? Check into that. You may be surprised.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:24 AM

Yea the OP is probably correct , that Fluorine.
As I know for fact a small whiff of chlorine gas. it does not seem to have any bad effect upon a person.

It would most likely just be different as it might effect one person more than another,, or the other person body chemistry was such that, they worked in a positive manner.

Then there is also, The Christ was to of said, "Not Be concerned with worry of food, or of clothing, as flower".
But then to I'm not one ready to pick up Rattle snakes.

Chorine gas is deadly that is proven. What isn't proven are the claims that fluoride will harm anyone dosed properly in water fluoridation. That isn't the same thing.
I would pick up and eat a dead cooked rattlesnake. It's all about interpretation.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by OOOOOO

The foot pads and baths remove heavy metals. If you eat moderate garlic or onions it will help with this extraction. They have people who do ionized foot bath therapy, I don't know if that removes fluoride directly, the kidneys usually remove that. A guy I know had Ionized foot baths done three times a week for a month and it helped him. He goes about once every three months now. The trouble with getting the foot therapy in his case was that he got more active because he felt better and was hopping on and off the tractor a lot. He screwed up his kneecap somehow and had to go get it reattached.

It is important to mention that when you start feeling a lot better after detoxing that your joints are still weak. They need to be built up, but that is a different story.

Foods that contain a lot of natural fluoride in certain organic types can draw heavy metals out of the bones that has been tucked away there and it puts it into the blood where the kidneys and liver help to get rid of it. It works well if these two organs are working right. If not, the added fluoride can cause symptoms of lead poisoning or whatever heavy metal is there. A little of this can be helped by the foot bath, as the heavy metals tend to accumulate there. Cilantro is very good for taking these heavy metals out but before doing the cilantro detox, it is important to read up on this. Otherwise you can get bad side effects and get symptoms of heavy metal poisoning if your liver or kidneys are weak.

Silimaron in milk thistle can help with this. I take a milk thistle pill once in a while when I remember it. I actually go get one but it is automatic, I guess I get a feeling and I know to take it before it gets bad. Milk thistle stimulates these organs to repair and helps to protect them. This is listed in medicine all over the place.

Testing on yourself is complicated, we do not have direct mental contact with our subconscious that runs our immune system. Craving the antidote or companion food or supplement is automatic, I am trying to figure out why I eat certain things at certain times. I think knowing this may be beneficial so you can go straight to what you need instead of eating all sorts of things and still be hungry. As an example, a chocolate craving can be because you need magnesium.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 10:55 AM


reply to post by superman2012

You are wrong people are not against fluoride they are against it In our drinking water

Why? Can you answer that without running to a website?

Yes easy answer. Because fluoride is a proven poisin that builds up in the body. It has NOT been shown to be safe for human consumption in any amount.

Stop lying to people about fluorides safety.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 11:15 AM






reply to post by superman2012

I would say that since just about every drink of water you drink, and the fact that it's almost impossible to avoid no matter where you go (restaurants, pretty much anywhere with tap water etc) would classify it as "excessive".

So it doesn't kill us, just makes our bones fall apart? Good to know, I suppose.

No, that is not right. Salt is in everything and it doesn't kill us in small amounts. It does not do what you claim...but thanks for reading the whole thread... *eyeroll*

I do hate terrible analogies.

Salt = Floride? I'm sorry, but fluoride is unhealthy to exist in the body, while salt is ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE.

I'd like you to now address the thyroid in your post. The thyroid is essential to our bodies, like salt is, and the thyroid doesnt function as well with the presence of flouride in the human body, and if it isn't functioning well, can lead to multiple problems. You see, the thyroid has receptors that are able to receive, and need, iodine. When fluoride, or even its buddies; bromine, and chlorine are present in the body, they compete for receptor sites in the thyroid that are meant for iodine, because they have the same charge. When your thyroid starts to take in fluoride, bromine, and/or chlorine, your thyroid is no longer getting what it needs to function properly. Thus, you aren't as healthy.

Salt, like fluoride is deadly in large amounts. Just because you don't understand an analogy does not make it horrible.

How much does your thyroid have to take in of each of the chemicals you named in order to not function properly? How much does your body absorb or get rid of and how much does the thyroid absorb exactly?

You still didn't understand that salt is essential while fluoride is poison. Tomatos and water are deadly too, if you take in too much.

I do understand that...let's try something else so you can understand.
What goes into your water to disinfect it and keep it disinfected and you drink it?
Sodium Hypochlorite. Bleach.
Do you get it yet? Small doses of something may be beneficial while large doses can kill you. Look up warfarin. Lookup all its uses.

Your assuming I think I like bleach in my water but hate fluoride, why can't I hate both? Bleach is the lesser evil there, and is quite a replaceable substance, for the job it does.

Sodium hypochlorite is reactive in water and its concentration decreases over time, it is beneficial because it is a very cheap effective way to make water safe. Id much rather see ozone used, but the cost is higher and would require an overhaul on municipal water systems. I don't see comparing fluoride to bleach a good argument either, try making analogies to things that are analogus to eachother, you've failed with salt and yet again with bleach.

Fluoride on the other hand, does not decrease its concentration in the water, and does not offer any benefit to the water's saftey.

I already know fluoride doesn't 'kill' you, just like small amounts of mycotoxins in our foods don't kill you, but they are certainly not making your health any better, they do quite the opposite, just in small amounts. Exposure to anything not needed by the body even in small doses, should not be an accepted norm. Accepting small amounts of poison, means your accepting small amounts of side effects.

We should start dosing our water with everything in small amounts, just small enough to not kill us though. I mean its not going to kill us to add arsenic to our water at, lets say, 150 ppb, I mean china allows that much, and there's lots of people alive over there.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Rychwebo

I already know fluoride doesn't 'kill' you, just like small amounts of mycotoxins in our foods don't kill you, but they are certainly not making your health any better, they do quite the opposite, just in small amounts.

All available evidence points otherwise. You have studies done on water fluoridation that prove it to be harmful? I have not seen one. Fluoride is proven to aid in dental hygiene, what part of that are you disputing?

Edit: Just because you don't like my analogies, or don't understand them, does not make them a bad analogy. I tried to make it as simple as possible for you. Sorry that I can't think any more simply than that.

edit on 6-12-2013 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

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