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Khufu Cartouche in Great Pyramid 20,000 Years Old?

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posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by HumAnnunaki

The buildings in the picture don't need to be standing in 4500 years they are functional and serve a purpose. Their not just monuments commissioned to display the power of a king.

If you don't think technology today is better than the technology of the pyramid builders I don't think there is any hope of reasoning with Peter Pan trapped in Neverland.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Rosinitiate

This is a different thing to sculpt and build in 3 dimensions. Why were these ancient builders so technologically advanced but their drawings in 2 dimensional space still looked like stick figures??????

It took along time for people to attain the knowledge to render realistic art in 2D space. If these were technologically advanced beings aliens or whatever as many claim. Surely they would have understood basic art theory? The same things you can learn in highschool.

All we have is stick man paintings and hieroglyphs.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 10:59 AM

reply to post by HumAnnunaki

The buildings in the picture don't need to be standing in 4500 years they are functional and serve a purpose. Their not just monuments commissioned to display the power of a king.

If you don't think technology today is better than the technology of the pyramid builders I don't think there is any hope of reasoning with Peter Pan trapped in Neverland.

NO sir - the monuments were not built for a King.
Absolutely NO proof to the statement as a mummified remains
has NEVER been found to reside inside said monuments defeating
the claim!

Today we can NOT duplicate the pyramid of Giza!!!

As far as your "Peter Pan" statement is concerned -
Please, please - read my 'signature'!

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:19 AM


reply to post by HumAnnunaki

The buildings in the picture don't need to be standing in 4500 years they are functional and serve a purpose. Their not just monuments commissioned to display the power of a king.

If you don't think technology today is better than the technology of the pyramid builders I don't think there is any hope of reasoning with Peter Pan trapped in Neverland.

NO sir - the monuments were not built for a King.
Absolutely NO proof to the statement as a mummified remains
has NEVER been found to reside inside said monuments defeating
the claim!

Today we can NOT duplicate the pyramid of Giza!!!

As far as your "Peter Pan" statement is concerned -
Please, please - read my 'signature'!

Really??? I think we could duplicate The Great Pyramids... Look at that one you can get drunk in it play games and stay inside. This Pyramid is superior.

Designed by hotel architect Veldon Simpson and interior designer Charles Silverman,[33] the Luxor has received recognition as being among the most recognizable hotels on the Strip because of its unique design. The main portion of the hotel is a 365-foot (111 m)-high, 30-story pyramid encased in 11 acres of dark bronze glass.[5][34][12] The guest rooms are situated on the outer walls of the pyramid and are reached by riding in "inclinators" that travel along the inner surface of the pyramid at a 39-degree angle. The hotel also features a 29-million-cubic-foot (820,000 m3) atrium, which was the largest open atrium in the world when it was built in 1993.[5][9] The hotel is marked by a 140-foot (43 m)-high obelisk and a 110-foot (34 m)-tall re-creation of the Great Sphinx of Giza.[35] The tip of the pyramid contains a fixed-position spotlight that points directly upward and is claimed to be the brightest beam in the world at over 42.3 billion candle power.[36]

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:28 AM
@SasquatchHunter -

Yes, impressive feat of accomplishment that
steel and glass pyramid!

Millions of stones in excess of tons per stone with
lintels in excess of 80 tons quarried from miles away.

Stones built with a 'ball and socket' achievement, shaped
and fitted.. withstanding earthquakes.. and longevity.

No blueprints to be found, no founding explanation
of the accomplishment.

The Kings sarchofagus can NOT be reconstructed today
using modern methods let alone the methods attained 4,500 years ago.

The G.P. Of Giza is also built on a mound - another accomplishment
yet to be duplicated in todays standards, a feat not understood
by present days engineers.

..and so on.. and on, etc.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by SasquatchHunter

Again Sasquatch... do you believe that the Luxor Pyramid will be standing in 4500 years? Just because it is the same geometric shape as the Great Pyramid, does not mean you can compare the two.

Your ignorance shows with every statement you you post.

It is known that we cannot, with current technology, recreate the pyramids. This means exactly the way the Egyptians built them. Not some modern Pyramid shell, with a skeletal frame, that if left without maintenance will fall down within a few centuries.

We cannot cut the larger blocks, left them, and place them with the same kind of precision that the Egyptians did. A deviation of even 1/2 and inch would cause the whole project to fail.

I am not saying that the Egyptians did or did not build them. All I am saying is your argument is completely invalid.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:37 AM
Here is some footage of the two "adventurers" taking the fragments of paint from the Khufu Cartouche in Campbell's Chamber of the Great Pyramid. (Sorry, the video is in German).

Removing the Paint from the Khufu Cartouche of GP



posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:38 AM

reply to post by Rosinitiate

This is a different thing to sculpt and build in 3 dimensions. Why were these ancient builders so technologically advanced but their drawings in 2 dimensional space still looked like stick figures??????

All we have is stick man paintings and hieroglyphs.

This I think is a bit unfair on the Egyptians, they knew how to draw as well as anyone did at the time but the art shown in Pyramids such as this

could hardly be described as 'stick-man' , they are not completely without skill.

But I do get your gist why did they not draw more realistically this was more a 'style' thing a canon if you will that was developed during the Old Kingdom so that there would be 'continuity' the 'Ancient Egyptians' were such a successful society that their civilisation lasted thousands of years. Variations of this style can be found especially during the reign of Ahkenaten.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:39 AM

@SasquatchHunter -

Yes, impressive feat of accomplishment that
steel and glass pyramid!

Millions of stones in excess of tons per stone with
lintels in excess of 80 tons quarried from miles away.

Stones built with a 'ball and socket' achievement, shaped
and fitted.. withstanding earthquakes.. and longevity.

No blueprints to be found, no founding explanation
of the accomplishment.

The Kings sarchofagus can NOT be reconstructed today
using modern methods let alone the methods attained 4,500 years ago.

The G.P. Of Giza is also built on a mound - another accomplishment
yet to be duplicated in todays standards, a feat not understood
by present days engineers.

..and so on.. and on, etc.

This is just ridiculous nonsense! We could recreate the great pyramids of Giza a thousand different ways! The Hotel in Vegas is made of steel and glass because its practical and pretty, and serves a purpose!

There is no need to spend absurd amounts of money building pointless pyramids made of stone, just to prove something can be done we already know can be done.

What the ancient Egyptians did was amazing. It is a disgrace that so many people try to rob them of their glory accomplishments by spreading Bologna.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:48 AM

reply to post by SasquatchHunter

Again Sasquatch... do you believe that the Luxor Pyramid will be standing in 4500 years? Just because it is the same geometric shape as the Great Pyramid, does not mean you can compare the two.

Your ignorance shows with every statement you you post.

It is known that we cannot, with current technology, recreate the pyramids. This means exactly the way the Egyptians built them. Not some modern Pyramid shell, with a skeletal frame, that if left without maintenance will fall down within a few centuries.

We cannot cut the larger blocks, left them, and place them with the same kind of precision that the Egyptians did. A deviation of even 1/2 and inch would cause the whole project to fail.

I am not saying that the Egyptians did or did not build them. All I am saying is your argument is completely invalid.

Are you an engineer? I think you are not and it is you who is exceedingly ignorant and gullible. What sort of accuracy do you think modern bridges are made with?

Again if the Luxor pyramid wasn't a hotel and casino and it was just a stone monument serving no other purpose it could be built and last 4500 years. It is not a stone monument though is it?

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:51 AM

This is just ridiculous nonsense! We could recreate the great pyramids of Giza a thousand different ways! It is a disgrace that so many people try to rob them of their glory accomplishments by spreading Bologna.

Thank you for your input my friend.

Is it safe to say that we, you and I, shall
agree to disagree - rather than destroy Scott's thread
with needless banter.

Enjoy the day my friend!

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:57 AM

reply to post by SasquatchHunter

It is known that we cannot, with current technology, recreate the pyramids. This means exactly the way the Egyptians built them. Not some modern Pyramid shell, with a skeletal frame, that if left without maintenance will fall down within a few centuries.

It is known we could build them, it is known how they were built and why but also it is known some of them fell down like the Meidum Pyramid within a few centuries or some say while it was still under construction.

The Ancient Egyptians were not infallible they were most definitely human.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by HumAnnunaki

This is a forum for discussing topics. If you can no longer discuss topics and or expand upon them then it is about as useless as extravagant monuments in the middle of the deserts envisioned by wealthy kings and built by the blood and sweat of his subjects.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 12:06 PM

reply to post by HumAnnunaki

This is a forum for discussing topics. If you can no longer discuss topics and or expand upon them then it is about as useless as extravagant monuments in the middle of the deserts envisioned by wealthy kings and built by the blood and sweat of his subjects.

I have no problem 'discussing'..

It's when insults, snide remarks and petty arguments over-ride the discussion
that gives me the decision NOT to sell my soul as quickly as those whom
deem it necessary to equate their point.

WE can rise above...

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by snoopy11

Stick men was a little dramatic but I think you understood the point. While the art was stylized they had no actual understanding of general art theory in 2D space. There was no one alive that could render realistic paintings. It would be much later in history. Yet some people would have us believe that aliens hopping around the galaxy commissioned these things but somehow couldn't paint as well as Davinci.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by HumAnnunaki

Dont you understand it is insulting the people and history of Egyptians when you claim they didn't build what they did build. Don't you understand it is insulting everyone who has built exceedingly better structures since the pyramids.

You guys are insulting every architect engineer and persons with common sense that is alive when you say we can't build structures like the pyramid of Giza, because were not as advanced as its builders.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

it is a pity that the plumb line with a WOODEN handle that was recovered from a airshaft by dixon back in 18 oatcake vanished from the british museum as it would have been helpfull to give some date to the structure.

it has always bothered me what herodotus saw on the exterior of the great pyramid back antiquity that vanished science/arts and pictures of animals known and unknown he stated in his volumes of histories .

why those 2 muppets never used a non desrructive method [ndt] for viewing the make up of the paint shows their inexperience in the field but that seems to be the european way gunpowder is another favourate

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 12:25 PM

reply to post by snoopy11

Stick men was a little dramatic but I think you understood the point.

If you want to argue the validity of your silly Luxor and stick figure antics its best to stick to facts and not dramatics. You just discredit yourself from the start. Thanks for sharing though.

Your point was well received, you wish to derail the thread.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

The archeological sequence in the Nile is pretty well dug up. 20,000 year ago the only thing in the Nile valley were a group of microlithic stone tool cultures that had just discovered how to grind wild wheat and build the first permanent housing. No ceramics, metal, solid construction etc. No civillisation, hunter gatherers. Sebilian i think.

Egypt has been dug up all over, it's one of the most excavated places on the planet. No signs of a very ancient culture. Farming appears about 7000 years ago, metal working about the 4th millenium bc at the Maadi site. There's a nice smooth progression from hunter gatherers through early neolithic to bronze age. No anomalous artefacts in the sequence.

posted on Nov, 30 2013 @ 12:26 PM

reply to post by HumAnnunaki

Dont you understand it is insulting the people and history of Egyptians when you claim they didn't build what they did build. Don't you understand it is insulting everyone who has built exceedingly better structures since the pyramids.

You guys are insulting every architect engineer and persons with common sense that is alive when you say we can't build structures like the pyramid of Giza, because were not as advanced as its builders.


I think it is insulting to Egyptians past and present and while no one can concretely prove they were built by Egyptians
you really gotta give the Egyptians first dibs on them and the burden of impossibly illogical claims falls on those who must make better claims than logic or the possible allow.

To suspend my disbelief I must be stupiefied by some rather outstanding facts.

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