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America; A Coward Country

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posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:04 PM

reply to post by beezzer

Where's my Obama phone?

I heard a guy at work the other day say that he is beginning to feel stupid for working. He has several completely healthy relatives that haven't worked for decades. They live courtesy of the charity forced upon taxpayers. He has a strong work ethic, but after watching this for so many years, he is being worn down.

It certainly seems like it could be the goal of the government to have this effect on working people.

But when everyone is on the dole.... who pays for it?

By the time everyone is on the dole, money will be useless.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by NavyDoc

I am not saying its impossible but as fast as things can happen with good ideas ,they can become a train wreck so quickly . I guess timing and really good management are a premium in any new adventure into the crazy world of commerce . To get to the size you mention you have to involve the markets and its a dogie dog world in that place where its more of a riches to rags in a lot of cases .

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:05 PM

new app that Facebook wanted to buy for 3 billion

There is a giant step for mankind.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I think it's a bit harsh to consider so many people as cowardly. I feel that many simply have no idea of how much we are constantly manipulated. People are socialized to believe pretty well whatever the MSM tells them. That's the way "the system" works. After all, most MSM are in the business of making money and that means they need viewers or readers. So they push whatever line is probably most likely to keep their share of the market. Or "grow" it. News and all that goes with it is just a form of entertainment that lets them make money. And if there's a propoganda angle, no problem, as long it helps their bottom line.

However, I agree that this whole concept of "don't complain, we are only trying to help you" is a social issue, or at least a socio-political one. But I feel it's not only an issue within American society, but in other places as well. It's also not entirely new; the difference is that these days there are more ways to spread concepts faster and also to reinforce them.

The mass media and what they put out is controlled (and/or decided) by very few people, and it seems that even social media sites are being used more and more as ways to spread concepts and not just for people to tell others what they had for breakfast. True, they want to harvest our data, our likes and dislikes and so on -- so they can target market us better and make bucks selling our data to others, but the manipulative nature of the whole thing is very sinister.

So, in some respects it's becoming more difficult to voice opposing opinions that go against the (current) status quo without being shouted down. When the hounds of "public opinion" are unleashed they can make life very difficult indeed. Is it cowardice to not voice one's opinions, when stating them publicly can cost a person their job or worse? We can be cavalier and say that we should speak out, but when it comes down to the cold, hard facts, we are now in a world where any dissent we voice even via the www can be noted, recorded -- and shared around. And we don't even know who it might be shared with.

To me, that's scary, especially when I consider it's probably going to get a lot worse and a lot more intrusive and manipulative before it gets better -- if it ever does.

edit on 19/11/13 by JustMike because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:12 PM


reply to post by beezzer

Well Done Beezzer! I don't pop in much these days but I'm always watching...

I have thought the same for the last few years while watching people slowly losing their freedoms and doing nothing but shouting and ranting on the net.

So many are brave and proud when their Country invades another, destroys a Nation, Kills innocent people...all in the name of bringing Democracy, rights and freedoms(or at least their version of it) to a people that either don't want it or already have it.

But when it comes time to stand and deliver on their home front? Nada...Nothing. Just a "If I'm doing nothing wrong, I have nothing to fear". or my favorite..."What can I do about it"?

Anyways, you know me and I can go on for hours on this certain topic but...


edit on 19-11-2013 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

I'd like to think that I practice what I preach by living where I want, and doing what I want in order to live how I want.

The real scary thing is when I do get settled, I may end up getting involved in local politics.

Stay true and on'll get support from the like minded.


posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by JustMike

If someone is afraid to act, live, perform, function in a society outside of the perceived norm then I wouldn't call that brave, would you?

If you don't like cowardly, I would use the word "timid" if it sounds nicer. (See? Don't want to hurt feeling or anything!)

It is cowardly because we are afraid of societal repercussions brought about by a system that rewards the mediocre, rewards the timid, rewards the victim!

We can't have winners and losers anymore because that would upset the losers (see PC thread)

We can't be independent anymore because that would illustrate that people could function without government interference.

Government rewards cowardice.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:25 PM
Right on, OP. You're not alone in your thoughts at all, and I REFUSE to be one of the cowards.

This isn't a rant, it is a fact and a cry for help for America. I used to say that I can't wait until Obama is out of office, but now I'm not so sure that he will be replaced with anyone that will do anything to bring America back.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:30 PM
Beezz, I think you're right and I think you're right for one simple reason.

Criminals LOVE, just adore cowards. Criminals NEED cowards in order to be productive criminals. A criminal cannot be successful with a gun in their face (gun = independent thinker)

Now, replace the word "Criminals" in the three sentences above with "Government" and it still rings true. Our government is criminal, hence they love/need cowards to be productive in pushing their agenda.

What's genius is the plethora of ways our government creates cowards/victim mentality.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:31 PM

reply to post by beezzer

Where's my Obama phone?

I heard a guy at work the other day say that he is beginning to feel stupid for working. He has several completely healthy relatives that haven't worked for decades. They live courtesy of the charity forced upon taxpayers. He has a strong work ethic, but after watching this for so many years, he is being worn down.

It certainly seems like it could be the goal of the government to have this effect on working people.

But when everyone is on the dole.... who pays for it?

Don't you mean Bush phone? The program started under him.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:31 PM



reply to post by beezzer

Now that you mention it, I think you are right .... this administration LOVES victims.
It needs victims in order to pull off it's nefarious agenda.
And those Americans with the 'can do' spirit of the Pioneers are vilified.

Yeah buddy, it's nefarious agenda of getting health coverage for poor children.

People were ALWAYS getting healthcare coverage.

The issue now is Obama changed WHO PAYS FOR IT!

really????........not according to this guy, but, why let reality get in the way of your opinion.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:38 PM


reply to post by beezzer

Where's my Obama phone?

I heard a guy at work the other day say that he is beginning to feel stupid for working. He has several completely healthy relatives that haven't worked for decades. They live courtesy of the charity forced upon taxpayers. He has a strong work ethic, but after watching this for so many years, he is being worn down.

It certainly seems like it could be the goal of the government to have this effect on working people.

But when everyone is on the dole.... who pays for it?

Don't you mean Bush phone? The program started under him.

Nope, he means exactly what he said... obama phone. cuz it was a "thing" create by obamaphone lady. I dont think you get it. There is no right/left. I know I speak for others when I say, we are not affiliated with a political party, we don't have a seat at the table, we are trying to make people realize they dont have a seat either, and its time to realize the truth and fight for one (seat at the table). You cannot, will not shut us up!! We are the people.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I would like to know what are the positive things in your life. What do you see that is good in your country. Is there anything that you see is positive. Who are these heroes you speak of. Who is your positive influence.

With every negative there is a positive, the negative would like to not think so but it is fact. Your u simply cannot have one without the other.

It is kinda like someone denying there is a God but they can't deny there is evil. See what I mean.

So let's hear what you are thankful for and what you find good about your country. It was easy to rant, and I think that is OK and healthy, so I think it should be just as easy to tell us these things.

The Bot

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:41 PM
All that, just to willingly subject yourself to censorship. What is the message here?

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:45 PM
The people aren't coward they are complacent and overdosed 24/7 with manipulation tactics to keep them from looking at the real issue, and infighting among themselves.

As buster2010 suggested don't blame the gov't , they are no longer in control.

As far as I'm concerned regardless of who is in office (Rep or Dem) all I see is bigger gov't , more taxes, less personal freedoms, and more aggravation from the industries that coincidentally are among the top lobbying industries that have record profits while the consumer continues to suffer (Insurance,telecommunications, Oil,Healthcare,etc)

They are using Machiavellian tactics to make sure they don't get over thrown.
edit on 19-11-2013 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-11-2013 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:45 PM

reply to post by NavyDoc

I am not saying its impossible but as fast as things can happen with good ideas ,they can become a train wreck so quickly . I guess timing and really good management are a premium in any new adventure into the crazy world of commerce . To get to the size you mention you have to involve the markets and its a dogie dog world in that place where its more of a riches to rags in a lot of cases .

In the dog-eat-dog world, yes, there is risk of failure, but without risk, there is no success. If you want a world without risk, you get a world without success either. Some people are satisfied with safe mediocrity, which is exactly what Beezer was getting at.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:46 PM


new app that Facebook wanted to buy for 3 billion

There is a giant step for mankind.

The point was not that it was a great boon for mankind, but rather that innovative and imaginative people with work ethic can still be successful.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:52 PM

reply to post by JustMike

If someone is afraid to act, live, perform, function in a society outside of the perceived norm then I wouldn't call that brave, would you?

If you don't like cowardly, I would use the word "timid" if it sounds nicer. (See? Don't want to hurt feeling or anything!)

It is cowardly because we are afraid of societal repercussions brought about by a system that rewards the mediocre, rewards the timid, rewards the victim!

We can't have winners and losers anymore because that would upset the losers (see PC thread)

We can't be independent anymore because that would illustrate that people could function without government interference.

Government rewards cowardice.

Heh I'm what you would probably consider a 'loser' and I'm not upset about it and even if I were I'm pretty sure the 'winners' wouldn't even notice.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:55 PM

reply to post by beezzer

I would like to know what are the positive things in your life. What do you see that is good in your country. Is there anything that you see is positive. Who are these heroes you speak of. Who is your positive influence.

With every negative there is a positive, the negative would like to not think so but it is fact. Your u simply cannot have one without the other.

It is kinda like someone denying there is a God but they can't deny there is evil. See what I mean.

So let's hear what you are thankful for and what you find good about your country. It was easy to rant, and I think that is OK and healthy, so I think it should be just as easy to tell us these things.

The Bot

Without getting too personal, positive things don't just happen or exist, if you want positive things in your life, then you have to create them.

Or else, you can wait passively for government or corporations to create something positive for you.

The choice is yours.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:55 PM

Right on, OP. You're not alone in your thoughts at all, and I REFUSE to be one of the cowards.

This isn't a rant, it is a fact and a cry for help for America. I used to say that I can't wait until Obama is out of office, but now I'm not so sure that he will be replaced with anyone that will do anything to bring America back.

Welcome to ATS

And you're right, the precedent has been set and not just by Obama but his predecessors. The next destroyer, ahem, president, could be even worse. It's hard to imagine anyone more incompetent than Bush jr and Obama, but I suppose it's got to be expected.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:56 PM
more libertarian garbage
If you don't support the (corporate) tea party agenda, your a coward...sure, whatever.

Of course, if you don't follow the liberal agenda, your a moron, if you don't follow the conservative agenda your anti-American, if you don't follow the green party you hate fuzzys and trees, etc etc etc.

low brow nonsense. Shame on you Beez.

Ever thought maybe some people simply don't like the options? I note how you didn't mention OWS...guess if its a movement that you personally don't share the same philosophies with, then it doesn't count.

Be an independent, so long as your ultra conservative and a damn near anarchist...

Cool thread.

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