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Has anyone sold their soul to the devil? (some questions)

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posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Not sure at the meaning behind your words, my sentences come out right hemisphered due to chronic fatigue, it does a number on the structure or order part, but it enhances communication/contact and meditation for some reason. Not low frequency myself, but very much aware of the suffering that is going on on this planet, both humans and nature, dolphins and whales, and want it to end.

I was speaking of long sentences is all and hard to find the moment to interrupt your stream of thought or better said stream of consciousness. Terrible suffering here, there is a great struggle going on to keep this paradigm of strife active. I suppose one could call Bill Gates, Steven Jobs, Direct TV (HUGHES INVENTION) and Google Gods; irrespective for foistering or plowing/bludjeoning 3rd world nations the the 'communication' portals available now.

It takes awareness, empathy, compassion. And the best way I can even think of more awakening is for groups of like minded people sending the force of Love, to the situation, and surrounding all those caught up in this delusion of power seeking (though some, are probably merely fractured, compartmentalized by lifelong generational abuse and so are not as culpable as some of those doing this), to bathe them all in love energy and ask for intercession for them and all the innocents.

Empathy is so key. I want to send love, but am busy with the funnier aspects of getting rid of nasty regimes, dictatorships, religious icons (its my unique specialty). Unicef rules.

We're to grow up here, and the very first principal of doing so, akin to parenting, is Serve and Protect, and we have to do that. It's all a responsibility being born here. And talking about this is not lowering anyones frequency.

Service to Planet (environment). Talking about such is raising the frequency/vibration/awareness. ATS is a great Website (allowed to do so within). Someone said on another thread that ATS 'dwellers' (hand up here yes) are slaves to a web forum. NOPE all ideas written/spoken here become part of the Akashic Records and are forever recorded and preserved as are virtual in nature (not sure ATS knows this).
edit on 19-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Well some of us get handed awareness of whats going on, and that these recruiters are out after our kids, having been there as thesingle mom and 5 kids and have some really good friends. Some of us, are very aware that on a scale of suffering, skinning babies and humans alive and torturing to death children is right up there with the worst crimes in the cosmos and that burying your head in the sand doesnt make it go away, knowing and striving to get people to band up and stop it, is not lower frequency BUT ANGELIC FREQUENCY, MICHAEL's FREQUENCY.

Some of us have stood up and protected our children and friends children, especially from a recruiter who knew that we knew and his head went down, MR. code the matrix, rich military background, masonic background guy interested in hanging out with teens, gifted teens at that. AB- feline types.

We've stopped recruiters and crooked cops in their tracks, they've been outclassed, real women, mothers and grandmothers are on the job. In the real universe, mothers and grandmother outrank all generals.

I've been told whats going on since 17 in my area.

And, you can't seem to get people to open their eyes long enough to care, to stop horrendous things.

This means everything has to change, this is a major power problem, it comes from on high and all the leaders need replacing, all our police need replacing. So be it. Citizens should never let things slide.

You never let anyone go through that.

People who do are the ones who are LOW FREQUENCY.

And some of us are well hidden. Wisdom always looks up from the bottom of the well.
edit on 19-11-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 07:03 PM
In every area, think Judges, Police, Teachers, Counselors, Ministers and even Doctors. Church's. Look for things like, a doctor, wearing odd rings, driving the fancy red or orange car. And check out the liscence plates, they can be nicely coded too. Now in a good world, everyone would look and then in large groups with bullhorns, bear spray and the kitchen sink, go through all those Churches on a regular basis, especially feast nights, and through all the basements of all the elites and government buildings including, the retreats in the mystical woods. Proactive and the first level of government, counsels of citizens.

10/5 P Opening of Mundus Cereris World went through opening to hell portal, old Rome ritual date. And many others. Sick bunch.

Serve and Protect.

Balls of Steel - The Ultimate Nutshot
edit on 19-11-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

No, they were slaves, no matter how much revisionist historians would want you to think. They were guests only at the time of Joseph, which many scholars and archeologists are more and more convinced that he was Imhotep. I think that he was. And certainly some influence from Egypt was there, however Moses has a conversion later, when he was in Midian. So he went from polytheism to monotheism at that time. Pharaoh later says "I know not your god". And you have to remember that the Bible does say that many pharaohs had come and gone since Joseph and they had forgotten about Joseph.

It was much later that the Egyptians created a mythology around him. But the Bible says his mother was Rachel, who had died when Benjamin was born.

And you would really have to question this, if the Hebrew writers were telling us of a seven year drought dream of Pharaoh Djoser, and it was written on papyrus in his court, then how did the Hebrew know about the dream and interpretation and the drought, unless that writer had access to it. As they say, Moses wrote this, so Moses would have had access in the court of Pharaoh. So that kind of lends credence. One might say that Moses constructed a mythology around Joseph, but it comes from other sources as well.

As Joseph was called as the second in command guy, Imhotep is listed as vizier of Djoser. The Bible does say Joseph was given a wife by Pharaoh who was the daughter of a priest of On. And he was given a new name, Zaphathanea, which means "Savior of his people". So I am going to say I think it is so, Joseph was Imhotep, but the mythology about him came later. And what Egyptian pharoah would like to know one of his important people in history was carried out by the very people they enslaved?

There is a whole lot more on this, but revisionist history doesn't look at all the facts.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

As well...some just don't look too deeply when contemplating selling out to Satan...they don't realize the negative consequences of thinking "positive' or thinking "negative" when in fact...either can be achieved if one pursues it.

I have a long time, very angry and negative, prejudicial and bigoted friend...a guitar player that when I say "Ill pray for you my friend".....says "Yeah!? Well...when I die.... I WANT to go to HELL! That's where all the COOL people are!"

Flabbergasted and dumbfounded by that remark....I can only respond with..."Well? Its a good thing OUR God loves you anyway!"

Looking confused....he never responds to that.....

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

No, they were slaves, no matter how much revisionist historians would want you to think. They were guests only at the time of Joseph, which many scholars and archeologists are more and more convinced that he was Imhotep. I think that he was. And certainly some influence from Egypt was there, however Moses has a conversion later, when he was in Midian. So he went from polytheism to monotheism at that time. Pharaoh later says "I know not your god". And you have to remember that the Bible does say that many pharaohs had come and gone since Joseph and they had forgotten about Joseph.

This tribe were nomadic; and were welcomed as 'guests' and took advantage of their "good luck circumstances" as the Egyptians were a wealthy, resourceful, and generous people, needed no slave labor AT ALL; they could pay their constituants. If I have to I will give/say to you the truth. You will not like it as it will turn your scriptural world upside down. Id rather not do this to you but if you ask me I will give a full disclosure of what happened EXACTLY (but I dont think you are ready because you are so FULLY indoctrinated) and in so being may not be able to 'hear' the truth as spoken in reverence and a total justification (needs airing) by the Egyptians for once (from their point of view), forget the Hebreic sob stories as they are just that, lies with false tears.

edit on 19-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 09:42 PM


ooooo i thought this thread was about santa its satan the places you get to with dyslexia

Im am so tired of you snarkies; post two lines and abandon the thread, trying to egobased/balls derail; and these people are applauded with stars. They add no content whatsoever and are blatant distractions. OOOOO I thought the thread was about the Easter Friging Bunny, "innocently; how did I wind up here, I was looking for the fuzzy furry WAY off topic, toothfairy content". And that goes for you AlthonSavage as well.

mmm only trying to make light of a very dark and deep subject and bumping this for later . but then again bohoo bahaa

You just made my point, one line and one half promising better things to come from your mindspace. You have no idea the direness of such things spoken immediately do you? Bump or bounce (it can obviously wait as far as you are concerned--forgotten).
o do me a favour mr i am channeling a voice and writing it down in volumes go tell that to a shrink they have medication that will help with the voices the subject of this thread was have you sold your soul to the devil not what you think of snarkies is that even a word go blow of in the rant forum if that is your thing or go worship a volcano

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:02 PM
So we have heard from no-one who has 'sold thier soul to the devil'...and all the whispers under the scary blanket about what could be out there, has brought those that *love* the horror movie script with its invented villain into the fray to place the torch under thier chin to tell thier 'true stories' of horror and devilry...dungeons and dragons role-playing, dice-wielding urban legend crud...

So...who has?

ATS has a large enough fanbase to draw some 'real' story from...surely...or do we just make crap up about famous people, who probably (rightly or wrongly) acquired talent and wealth through thier own hard work...and the claim of soul-selling, is nothing more than infused and steeped invidia?!

...and maybe that mortal 'sin' can be side-stepped with a casual swish of 'knowing the truth'...



posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:07 PM



ooooo i thought this thread was about santa its satan the places you get to with dyslexia

Im am so tired of you snarkies; post two lines and abandon the thread, trying to egobased/balls derail; and these people are applauded with stars. They add no content whatsoever and are blatant distractions. OOOOO I thought the thread was about the Easter Friging Bunny, "innocently; how did I wind up here, I was looking for the fuzzy furry WAY off topic, toothfairy content". And that goes for you AlthonSavage as well.

mmm only trying to make light of a very dark and deep subject and bumping this for later . but then again bohoo bahaa

You just made my point, one line and one half promising better things to come from your mindspace. You have no idea the direness of such things spoken immediately do you? Bump or bounce (it can obviously wait as far as you are concerned--forgotten).
o do me a favour mr i am channeling a voice and writing it down in volumes go tell that to a shrink they have medication that will help with the voices the subject of this thread was have you sold your soul to the devil not what you think of snarkies is that even a word go blow of in the rant forum if that is your thing or go worship a volcano if we don't hear enough of the 'voice chanelling' from God (taken as gospel-without-questionable-substance)...I always thought 'personal friends' were available...whenever, to answer all the 'very dark and deep subject matter' questions without notice though...


posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by Consummatum666Est

Wow, that sounds pretty cool.

You said you didn't do a ritual but when you sold your soul it felt right. How did you sell your soul?

I also love free-Will. Do you meditate or anything?

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:55 AM

ATS has a large enough fanbase to draw some 'real' story from...surely...or do we just make crap up about famous people, who probably (rightly or wrongly) acquired talent and wealth through thier own hard work...and the claim of soul-selling, is nothing more than infused and steeped invidia?!

...and maybe that mortal 'sin' can be side-stepped with a casual swish of 'knowing the truth'...



I don't have any close encounter of the 3rd kind however I have a POV of an icon.I grew up in the Pasadena area of LA(Monrovia and Arcadia to be specific) and Van Halen was one of the local bands.I saw VH numerous times and even though I was not into that kind of R&R I heard Edward play(when I could hear him over the noise...they were LOUD!!)I'm sure Edward was accused of selling his soul for rock n roll but he played pretty much the same at 16 as at 22(their 1st album).I know lots of musicians and none of them sold their soul for rock n roll (now...they may have sold their mothers jewelry or wore it for rock n roll but.....).

What is disturbing is some( meaning...many) seemingly rational people believe religious fantasies like selling your soul for rock n roll in the name of their religion.That can only lead to more delusion upon delusion until "The Antichrist" is behind everything(the most bogus boogieman of them all).The end result is living in a false fear of something that is not there but is "called" upon and manifests itself....As a man thinks so he is.My suggestion is to leave it all alone.They are not mans business.It's just stirring a pot that is empty.

The Kingdom of God is not irrational behavior doused with mysticism.There is no cacophony of a dysfunctional God who seeks turmoil to practice voodoo magic and save the day.Yahoshua didn't do it the apostles didn't do it... for a very good reason. It isn't edifying.The sensationalism is all for the showbiz folks with fainting and falling backwards from meaningless incantation then blaming it on God.That's the last thing anyone needs.

There are going to be A LOT of folks very disappointed and surprised when they find out the normalcy of it all.Yahoshua ain't no song and dance man and won't ever be.When the coal colored glasses come off the world and life are much more beautiful just for what it is and will be.

edit on 20-11-2013 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-11-2013 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 03:25 AM


ATS has a large enough fanbase to draw some 'real' story from...surely...or do we just make crap up about famous people, who probably (rightly or wrongly) acquired talent and wealth through thier own hard work...and the claim of soul-selling, is nothing more than infused and steeped invidia?!

...and maybe that mortal 'sin' can be side-stepped with a casual swish of 'knowing the truth'...



I don't have any close encounter of the 3rd kind however I have a POV of an icon.I grew up in the Pasadena area of LA(Monrovia and Arcadia to be specific) and Van Halen was one of the local bands.I saw VH numerous times and even though I was not into that kind of R&R I heard Edward play(when I could hear him over the noise...they were LOUD!!)I'm sure Edward was accused of selling his soul for rock n roll but he played pretty much the same at 16 as at 22(their 1st album).I know lots of musicians and none of them sold their soul for rock n roll (now...they may have sold their mothers jewelry or wore it for rock n roll but.....).

What is disturbing is some( meaning...many) seemingly rational people believe religious fantasies like selling your soul for rock n roll in the name of their religion.That can only lead to more delusion upon delusion until "The Antichrist" is behind everything(the most bogus boogieman of them all).The end result is living in a false fear of something that is not there but is "called" upon and manifests itself....As a man thinks so he is.My suggestion is to leave it all alone.They are not mans business.It's just stirring a pot that is empty.

The Kingdom of God is not irrational behavior doused with mysticism.There is no cacophony of a dysfunctional God who seeks turmoil to practice voodoo magic and save the day.Yahoshua didn't do it the apostles didn't do it... for a very good reason. It isn't edifying.The sensationalism is all for the showbiz folks with fainting and falling backwards from meaningless incantation then blaming it on God.That's the last thing anyone needs.

There are going to be A LOT of folks very disappointed and surprised when they find out the normalcy of it all.Yahoshua ain't no song and dance man and won't ever be.When the coal colored glasses come off the world and life are much more beautiful just for what it is and will be.

edit on 20-11-2013 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-11-2013 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)

Hahaha...edifying!'re right, and Voodooan fire, chicken and cheap gin rituals (cos you gotta be tanked, obviously)...

Vai and JoeSat or more importantly the other way round, instantly came to mind for me (both high rotation favorites)...have they fame? Riches? Dunno...the skills of the devil riding down to Georgia?...what they got, they got from 5-6 hours of practice every day (even now)...neither short of money...I don't remember a story for JoeSat (of the soul-selling, saturday trunk sale variety)...Vai, at least weened himself off a horse (of course), perhaps unsold - or redeemed?!

Yep! No Kingdom doused in irrational (I'd say) mysticism and behaviour (whichever)...normalcy *thumbs up*...mechanics, I get told...this gets translated in real life to Ghost in Machine...abrogated responsibility for unwillingness to maintain proper flight patterns - relying too much on auto-pilot - glitches and all...

So no seller, no buyer, no barter, no trade...

Cheers Rex


posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by akushla99

@A99 and Rex

We have seen on this thread a theme. People who defend music as just being music when it comes to rock and roll, and then music actually being used to channel or connect people to a "higher frequency". All the while denying that rock music is intended by some artists to do this very thing.

But I only used one artist to make my point about, so I can only say this, that people will defend what they love, even if what they love is doing the very thing everyone else can see. That's the same way domestic abuse victims think, we hear it all the time about how a woman looooooooves this man show much, but he beats her half to death. She then makes excuses for him, saying "Oh it was a misunderstanding" or "You don't know him like I do" or "He is sorry because he always tells me he is" or "It was my fault" or "I just need to learn not to make him angry" or......"I don't want to press charges because I love him" while she is lying in the hospital bed with a broken face.

Now we have people "channeling" some energy force, receiving "messages". And yet how many times have we heard over and over and over about this. Aleister Crowley, Madame Blavatsky, Rasputin, the list goes on an on. But when I make the distinction that there are those who are indeed practicing the black arts, whether theatrics are involved or not, are still calling on an entity to come from the shadows.

And I believe I said that those real ones, are not going to be on a thread on ATS telling us about it. All you will hear from them are advertising talking heads who don't have a clue.

Dungeons and Dragons card playing, do people actually have faith in that? And that's the gateway drug to Satanism? No, that's pop culture, the same as what makes people dress up in Cosplay or Trekkism or fawn over Elvira, Mistress of the Dark at ComiCon. There are those who love theatrics and playing dress up.

But the Satanism that gets shoved under the bed, hid under the covers and whispered about is not advertised openly. It isn't The Craft, even though Fairuza Balk owns an occult store in L.A.

But we do know there is an occult, we know that people will buy books on spells and believe they can do those things. I know, because my brother wrote spells that he believed would make him fly and be invisible. Funny though, he forgot that he had left his notebook of spells with me and that was 12 years ago. Now recently he tells me he dreams of flying. But he can't achieve invisibility yet.

Is that subconscious? I don't know, maybe. But the Satanism he was involved in was not theatrical. It was a very dangerous group of individuals that had kidnapped children in Indiana. Then the media frenzy was "Bizarre Satanic Rituals" plastered over TV, magazines and newspapers almost daily. That's they way they work, make it seem so bizarre that it could not possibly be real.

I can only tell you the effect on my brother. Was rock music the gateway drug for him? Yes, it was. And it would be naive to think it doesn't happen to other people.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing


I would love for you to try to"turn my Biblical world" upside down. Do you think it's possible for you to even attempt it?

I always love a challenge, unfortunately you don't pose much of a challenge. Tell me what you know beyond your Wendy O. Williams Plasmatic "programming".

You're funny.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 11:22 AM

reply to post by akushla99

@A99 and Rex

We have seen on this thread a theme. People who defend music as just being music when it comes to rock and roll, and then music actually being used to channel or connect people to a "higher frequency". All the while denying that rock music is intended by some artists to do this very thing.

But I only used one artist to make my point about, so I can only say this, that people will defend what they love, even if what they love is doing the very thing everyone else can see. That's the same way domestic abuse victims think, we hear it all the time about how a woman looooooooves this man show much, but he beats her half to death. She then makes excuses for him, saying "Oh it was a misunderstanding" or "You don't know him like I do" or "He is sorry because he always tells me he is" or "It was my fault" or "I just need to learn not to make him angry" or......"I don't want to press charges because I love him" while she is lying in the hospital bed with a broken face.

Now we have people "channeling" some energy force, receiving "messages". And yet how many times have we heard over and over and over about this. Aleister Crowley, Madame Blavatsky, Rasputin, the list goes on an on. But when I make the distinction that there are those who are indeed practicing the black arts, whether theatrics are involved or not, are still calling on an entity to come from the shadows.

And I believe I said that those real ones, are not going to be on a thread on ATS telling us about it. All you will hear from them are advertising talking heads who don't have a clue.

Dungeons and Dragons card playing, do people actually have faith in that? And that's the gateway drug to Satanism? No, that's pop culture, the same as what makes people dress up in Cosplay or Trekkism or fawn over Elvira, Mistress of the Dark at ComiCon. There are those who love theatrics and playing dress up.

But the Satanism that gets shoved under the bed, hid under the covers and whispered about is not advertised openly. It isn't The Craft, even though Fairuza Balk owns an occult store in L.A.

But we do know there is an occult, we know that people will buy books on spells and believe they can do those things. I know, because my brother wrote spells that he believed would make him fly and be invisible. Funny though, he forgot that he had left his notebook of spells with me and that was 12 years ago. Now recently he tells me he dreams of flying. But he can't achieve invisibility yet.

Is that subconscious? I don't know, maybe. But the Satanism he was involved in was not theatrical. It was a very dangerous group of individuals that had kidnapped children in Indiana. Then the media frenzy was "Bizarre Satanic Rituals" plastered over TV, magazines and newspapers almost daily. That's they way they work, make it seem so bizarre that it could not possibly be real.

I can only tell you the effect on my brother. Was rock music the gateway drug for him? Yes, it was. And it would be naive to think it doesn't happen to other people.

WII...spare me! are NOT seriously going to tie the creative process to domestic abuse...NO! I'm gobsmacked...

'Black Arts'...Legitimise it in your head, and anything you think about it, is abuse of your own mind...passing that abuse onto other people as if it were true, is deplorable...

Kidnapping children is KIDNAP...

No would be naiive (like many) that you were not capable of creating tulpas that will follow you around...ignorance of this, and the wholesale labelling of it as (and I did spit my coffee everywhere) The implicating yourself in the cartoon a little too much.

...and I'll be frank...I did not expect this kind of childishness from you...


posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 11:57 AM
With a doctor in the house, many children are simply born without birth certificates and then abused.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by akushla99


I would think that you understood that when I mentioned domestic abuse, I was not equating it with the creative process. I might not make music, but I make films. That's the one area I do know about.

Now, as far as The Craft I know it is not real, but it's a pop culture definition of the occult that some believe is real. So, young girls want to do this, attempt the urban legends of Bloody Mary, you know, all that stuff kids tried.

So far I have not presented those newspaper or magazine headlines, because that's the media blowing up a pop culture idea of Satanism.

My brother, when I say he got into it through music, believe me, he did. But if you choose not to believe me, then why not hear from the artists themselves....

David Lee Roth

"Rock and roll is more than music, it's a lifestyle," he says. "I abandon my spirit to them. You work yourself up into that state and you fall in supplication of the demon gods . . Rape and pillage play important parts in rock and roll . . and . . yeah I'm toastmaster for the immoral majority" (Rock, April 1984)

Marc Storace of Krokus

"You can't describe it," he says, "except to say it's like a mysterious energy that comes from the metaphysical plane and into my body. It's like being a [spiritist] medium, contributing to the energy and using bits of it" (Circus, January 31, 1984).

And surprising, here is Alice Cooper telling you that in his music, he was saying choose God, not Satan

Dave Mustain of Megadeath

We could say either these musicians were making it up before or they are making it up now, but they are taking responsibility for it. Dave Mustain talking about blood pacts and Satanism. If you don't agree with me, at least listen to what the musicians are saying, please?

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:08 PM

reply to post by akushla99


I would think that you understood that when I mentioned domestic abuse, I was not equating it with the creative process. I might not make music, but I make films. That's the one area I do know about.

Now, as far as The Craft I know it is not real, but it's a pop culture definition of the occult that some believe is real. So, young girls want to do this, attempt the urban legends of Bloody Mary, you know, all that stuff kids tried.

So far I have not presented those newspaper or magazine headlines, because that's the media blowing up a pop culture idea of Satanism.

My brother, when I say he got into it through music, believe me, he did. But if you choose not to believe me, then why not hear from the artists themselves....

David Lee Roth

"Rock and roll is more than music, it's a lifestyle," he says. "I abandon my spirit to them. You work yourself up into that state and you fall in supplication of the demon gods . . Rape and pillage play important parts in rock and roll . . and . . yeah I'm toastmaster for the immoral majority" (Rock, April 1984)

Marc Storace of Krokus

"You can't describe it," he says, "except to say it's like a mysterious energy that comes from the metaphysical plane and into my body. It's like being a [spiritist] medium, contributing to the energy and using bits of it" (Circus, January 31, 1984).

And surprising, here is Alice Cooper telling you that in his music, he was saying choose God, not Satan

Dave Mustain of Megadeath

We could say either these musicians were making it up before or they are making it up now, but they are taking responsibility for it. Dave Mustain talking about blood pacts and Satanism. If you don't agree with me, at least listen to what the musicians are saying, please?

They can say whatever they like to justify thier fantasy, hard work or luck that translates in a circular fashion through pop culture, belief in devils etc. is a process that can be prognosticated upon, to justify most cases, artists in general, and the general public (in general) are probably the product of dysfunctional upbringing...'tortured artists'...throw in a little (or a lot) of booze and illicit substances and that circle of fantasy closes with a clunk...

I am personally uplifted that ANY panacea is employed to come to the realisation that we are creative beings, and brains and lives get 'turned around'. I've been in the 'art world' (including music) for the last 30 years, and I can tell you that 'in-built' rebellion (from a dysfunctional upbringing), illicit substances, booze and an active imagination, can combine in very interesting ways.

How people choose to rationalise the results is (as you say) quite evident...


posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by akushla99

I think that if we really did look into how music does affect the human being, that it does reach a spiritual level, as indicated by the posters, if one wants to tap into a dark energy, then they could.

And believe me, I am not against anything creative. I'm a filmmaker, I use music in film editing all the time. And I listen to a lot of music. But believe me, after listening to some music, I have to take a break myself, because my mind can be so flummoxed from it. I am currently writing a film script and already getting the music rights for it. I chose some songs that I know fit with it, because I'm pretty smart about how music in film works. So no, I have no problem with creativity. But I also know that whatever I would choose in the soundtrack makes all the difference, because the audience makes the connection, even they don't realize it.

I found this song for my script and love it, even though it is a cover of Metallica Nothing Else Matters

But the energy you connect to in this does not evoke one to chopping the heads off cats, it kind of gives you the feeling of romantic intimacy. I would hope that a guy would rather dance with his girlfriend listening to this music, and that would come from tapping into that spiritual realm. It's more than just what he thinks, as a man thinks so he is. But if this captured my attention, then how do I translate that onto the screen? What is the message I am presenting?

But when you have people that do chop heads off cats, while blaring I Wanna Rock, then we are going to have to recognize there is power in music. That power comes from somewhere.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 03:23 PM
I missed my chance to sell my soul. When I was told that selling my soul would make me Rich I declined the offer. What the hell, my name is already Rich....what would I gain. Either the devil thought I could not be tempted or he realized I was too dumb for him to be able to control. Either way he hasn't bothered me any more.

Satan is still testing me to see if I am worthy though. I guess that will be ongoing all my life.

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