posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to:
Silcone Synapse
No Man's Sky.... Yes. Please.
I can't wait to see what it's like. Ever since the DayZ mod came out, I've found a new appreciation for open-world games. I now love exploring.
Watching. Waiting. I re-tried Eve Online, and instead of the fighter I used to be, I immediately got straight in to exploration ships, scanning
probes, and stealth. There's just something amazing about being in an immersive world that actually has things worth looking at, and No Man's Sky
looks to be the perfect game in that respect.
I guess since I left Uni, and started working, I have very little free time now, and the time I do I have feels a little more precious these days. I
find myself totally throwing myself in to complicated, large, and ultimately more worthwhile games.
My recent favourite is Elite: Dangerous. There's not too much to it just now, but the tools to hijack players is just around the corner.
Anyway, back to Star Citizen. I bought it. I decided to just go for one of the lowest packages just now. If i decide to buy a ship with cash in the
next few weeks, it's either going to be a cutlass, or a freelancer.
Ever since boymonkey (or someone in this thread) mentioned deep exploration I can see the freelancer being top dog. If i fulfil my (natural)
pirating nature then I can't see myself in anything else than a Cutlass.
I've had about 30mins of play time trying to get used to the flight mechanic. Feels like slide madness compared to Elite. I'll get there