An introvert is not an Indigo Child, because not every introvert has a god-centered consciousness and is a natural healer.
Skybluff, I am glad you are at least open to the possibility of Indigo Children. I cannot speak for others, because this is a personal knowing, I
cannot verify whether anyone else claiming they're an Indigo Child, is indeed one. But, I do know, that if they trully beleive they are, they will
become one. For an Indigo Child stands for something very beautiful, wise and progressive. Everyone is capable of walking in the light of god and to
become one with him, for that indeed is their ultimate destination.
Now, as for myself, I don't really feel comfortable saying this, because it can sound somewhat like bragging, but as you have asked for some
verification, I will give you some: I have had my aura checked by a professional psychic, but not for the purpose of knowing whether I was an Indigo
child, rather it was an exercise a group of us did to know each others auras. Now, out of the entire group, my Aura was very different, and in fact we
had another Indigo Child present in our class too.
Now it does not surprise me that my Auras was different, as I'm very different from other humans. It was large, powerful and had a lot of Indigo and
violet around my Aura, and my third eye charka was all Indigo, above this was white. Now, this does not mean the other Indigo Child was not an Indigo
Child because she did not have the violet or indigo ray, she was actually more advanced than me - she could talk to spirit and give psychic readings
and her aura had a very pleasent feel.
I've also had the verification of a very divine and powerful entity that stands behind me, he is very spiritually evolved, in fact he is a master,
and I sometimes think it is Jesus standing behind me. That is whenever I request to see my higher self I see Jesus standing before me in a majestic
light and telling me that I am also him. This has been verified from at least two psychics and a medium.
A further verification came rarther unexpectedly, when I met a mason for the first time, as soon as he shook my hands, he jerked back a little, he
said the energy within me was so powerful that it felt like a surge of electricity went through him. Incidentally, I was told by many others the same
thing. I also have natural healing ability and genuine healers I talk too, tell me this, and I have actually healed a few people, but the skills I
have, need a lot of development before I can use them for the good of others.
Having said all this, I don't think that I am particularly enlightened at this stage. I still have a lot of questions about life, about the universe,
and I still have not ventured beyond the physical realm and into astral and spiritual realms. At times, I am quite skeptical if they even exist. I got
an entire life to see and I believe my mission in life will unfold before me then. I am seriously considering just going on a moutain top and
meditating like the rishis and yogis, because material life is just not compatible with me and I honestly feel no material desires strong enough to
hold me here.
I recognise that, while I am this human body, I am also, like everyone else, on a spiritual journey, and his is my journey alone, and it about time I
quit faffing around, and take the first few steps towards uniting with god, because that is the destination of every soul. I took the first step
already by stepping out from the dark and into the light.
I also do not feel like I was meant to be on this planet, almost as I took a mission onboard from another universe to incarnate here. Maybe I did, but
I still don't know for sure what that mission is, but it probably has something to do with the changing times. Only time will tell I suppose.
No one has said that Indigo Children is a new-age phenomena, because it is not, ascended masters, higher beings have incarnated on our planet before
and walked amongst us. At one time there were so many of these spiritual masters and evolved souls living here. However, we then fell into spiritual
dark ages, where it was so dark, that people started to thirst for light, so desperate was their thirst, that they would flock around dim lights of
religion. Today, we are in an age of transition, where more and more evolved souls are reincarnating on this planet again, these are the children of
the 6th and 7th ray, and this marks a transformation event in the collective consciousness of human beings and darkness is slowly being dispelled.
This is happening right now, and I assure you of it. So many of us are becoming spiritual, science itself is bridging the gap between physics and
metaphysics, more and more people are getting access to the spiritual wisdom. This is an age of knowledge that is approaching us. Before, it was an
age of ignorance and blind faith. Yet, this age of ignorance and blind faith, this mass psychosis is at it's pinnacle today, and it will end in a
great cataclysm, but as soon as the clouds of darkness draw, there will come thereafter, an age of light.
Oh, and no I can't make lights flicker or blow out, but I know Gazrok said he can
[edit on 4-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]