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The Indigo Children

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posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by riley
This is what I don't understand.. why 'indigo' childen exclusively? Years ago they were called 'crystal' children or 'natural witches'.. 'children of nature', 'fai', 'clairvoyant', 'secsond sight. etc. is their a difference?

Nope, Indigo is just another label, and I like the label
As long as you are more god-conscious, it doesn't matter what you call yourself, you could call your self the happy bunny brigade if you want.

All religions share this aspiring to be like deity.. [though christianity [for instance] discourages self empowerment] all I aspire to be is myself and to reach my own potential.

Yes, and that is what I also said, believe in yourself and self-actualize. You do not have to work towards being something you are not, rather believe in yourself, and you become something you are not today.

I don't think humanity needs to embrace a 'god-conciousness' to bring about a golden age though it might be needed in such a transition..

The "god-consciousness" maybe difficult for you to digest, because you do not believe in God. However, to say you do not need "god" is like saying you do not need air to breathe. God is a lifeforce, a force of supreme love, the supreme light, and we all need this light to actualise. He teaches us the universal values we need, that is he an embodiment of, and we imbibe them and and make them a part of us.

the thing with aspiring to be an 'indigo child'.. it seems to be not that different from things like buddhism.. it's a very similar philosophy [except I don't think buddhists have a 'god' really.. I think their beliefs are dependant on knowledge not assumptions].

Buddhists do believe in God, but their god is an impersonal life force. Further, is anyone born a buddhist? No they learn, and buddhism is only a stepping stone, in our development as souls, not the final destination.
Indigo children, are normal children, but with advanced souls, there purpose is like many spiritual-orientated people, to teach the true values and bring humanity into the light - much like angels - this is instinctive to us, not something we are told to do.

We are also like spiritual warriors for this time, fighting the evils of this world, fighting for change. When it comes down to it, it is difficult to explain what we are, but to say sweet and simple - we are here to change the world in every way, and we feel this deep down, we are compelled to do so. That's what you will always see me doing with all my NWO lectures

There are many spiritual groups and new age religions, that claim they are doing the same, but they do not, as you know what religions are like. In fact you do not need a religion to be a spiritual, because being spiritual, is about believing in yourself, the limitless and immutable you.

My point is we seem to be entering an era where the old relgions are getting traded in for the new.. which is a form of evolvement. Eventually we'll probably do away with all religions and we'll suddenly appreciate and respect our own existance.. though we will still retain our spirituality.. it will just be in a percepective thats not distructive.

I do not think the old religions are being traded away at all. I have learnt a lot from the old religions, and new religions, including the religion of science, but the whole concept of religion is against my being, so I learn, and then walk away. That's what life is about -- learning and experiencing.

In the end, whether you are an Indigo Child, is your belief, and your own knowing. You cannot justify it to anyone else, because it's our own gift.
There are many spiritual people in the world today, who have other labels, or have no labels at all, it's not the label that matters, it is the person. It's just that for people like us Indigos, having the label, is quite empowering and an answer to what we are and what we are here for. It's filling a vacuum so to speak. Better an "Indigo" than just a big X.

[edit on 20-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 11:32 AM

Catcus, there are many spiritual cults and new age groups, and I am not a part of any. The Indigo children are not a cult, it's just a label for a certain type of adults and children - like the "gifted label"

Definition of a cult: A particular system of religious belief

Like other new and old religious groups "Indigo children" try to spread the words of truth and wisdom. Seems to me that you are supporting the very system you so desperatly want to leave.

The creators of "The Indigo child" are the same people who has created "the Crystall children" namely Lee Carroll and Jan Tober and their friend entity Kryo. Off course Jan Tober and Lee Carrol are backed up by Doctors, educators, psychologists, and more, but so were the Aum Shinrikyo cult in Japan that released sarin nerve gas into Tokyos subways.

"Ten attributes that best describe this new kind of child, the Indigo Child"
Those attributes can also fit the description of a child who has been abused, or illtreated by adults or bullied in school.

If our world became a multidimensional paradise of love and light the world would look somewhat different than it does today, and most people would go totally insane crossing that line, the world wouldn�t be a very harmonic place with 90-95% of its population in a state of total madness.
That would make it rather hard for the 5-10% with an intact brain to survive, don�t you think?

I find it ironic that group leaders/cult leaders/sectarians or whatever you wish to call them still preaches about a divine golden age around the corner when the reality is pointing in the opposite direction. How about this "criticalmass" of Indigo children that will give the world a new golden age?, please Indigo child, I have to ask, how many christians, muslims, buddhists, jews, satanists, mormons, etc, do you have to convert to your belief system to achieve this "criticalmass" you are mentioning? and those groups of other religious belief systems will they simply dissapear in thin air even though they outnumber your belief system by thousands? millions? Will the conflicts of this world dissapear in thin air when you reach this "criticalmass"? When I say conflicts of this world, that also includes the problem with weapons of massdestruction, If Lee Carrol and Jan Tober or Kryo has a plan how to eliminate that perticular problem Im sure a lot of people would be interested to hear that plan

I think it is a reality escape in it�s most darkest form to not take notice what the reality of this world has become, does 9/11 ring a bell? or did 9/11 happen in a different dimension than the one you are living in, Indigo child?


posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 11:48 AM

Relax mate, we Indigo children are not the evil -planting nukes in the world - and kill everyone crew
Really, the world can't get any worse than it is today and where it is heading. So there is nothing really to lose, other than your fear of the unknown.

As far as I am aware, I am not converting anyone to my beliefs, nor did I actually know I've been "converted" to anything :lol If you knew me personally, you would be laughing with me at the mere suggestion.

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 01:35 PM
No, offcourse the "Indigo children" aren�t planting nukes, my point was- there are countries that do have nuke capacity, and I was wondering how your belief system has planned to solve that perticular problem along with other social/economical problems we are experiencing in these times, because you do have to solve them to achiveve a new and shiny golden age of Indigo children, right?

Secondly, what will happen to those people, in this golden age of yours, that doesn�t share your belief system? and how have you planned to survive in a world with 90-95% of it�s population in a state of total madness?

Im sorry you feel that there is nothing to loose when there are so many things in this world that are worth fighting for. The fear of the unknown, that you mention briefly, is usually what drives people into a cult with specific religious beliefs, because it gives the members a safeline against things to come, and the things to come are indeed unknown, depending on how much belief you put down in prophecies etc. But I don`t think you have to look any further than to an ordinary newspaper to realise that there is no Golden Age awaiting around the corner. Im sorry my friend, but you have been fooled beyond recognition.

My feeling is still that you are nurtuing the very system you want to leave.

I would still like you to answer the questions I have asked you, or is that to troublesome? atleast other beliefsystems do have answers for questions like that.

You say that If I knew you I would be laughing at the mere suggestion, that is a comforting thought, on the other hand I just have to look at the "Ten attributes" to get to know you, don�t I?

Don�t missunderstand me. I do respect you as a person, I however feel that this is an dead end coversation since you and I have so different perpectives when it comes to the world that we are living in.


posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 03:00 PM

No, offcourse the "Indigo children" aren�t planting nukes, my point was- there are countries that do have nuke capacity, and I was wondering how your belief system has planned to solve that perticular problem along with other social/economical problems we are experiencing in these times, because you do have to solve them to achiveve a new and shiny golden age of Indigo children, right?

What can we do for the nuclear weapons problems in the world, nothing, no one can. The nuclear weapons are controlled by the governments. What we can do however, is if we survive a nuclear war, is to help people rebuild and lead them, and heal them to rebuild civilization. That is, I believe, our mission in the times of today.

Secondly, what will happen to those people, in this golden age of yours, that doesn�t share your belief system? and how have you planned to survive in a world with 90-95% of it�s population in a state of total madness?

There is a field called the morphogentic field, which is the cause of evolution. When a characteristic reaches critical mass, it causes the same change to occur universally throughout the species. A few Indigo Children, relatively speaking of course, will bring that change. The world is nothing more than our collective consciousness, and all events in it, are it's manifestation. Have you ever not encountered, a certain magnetic and uplifting personality, who just extrudes positive energy, that just elevates your own mood in their vicinity?

There are many people like this, whoms mere presence in a group, can elevate everyones mood. What do you think will happen to the collective mood of society when there are many of these kinds of positive influences around the world. It will transform, and we all benefit. More after this:

Im sorry you feel that there is nothing to loose when there are so many things in this world that are worth fighting for. The fear of the unknown, that you mention briefly, is usually what drives people into a cult with specific religious beliefs, because it gives the members a safeline against things to come, and the things to come are indeed unknown, depending on how much belief you put down in prophecies etc. But I don`t think you have to look any further than to an ordinary newspaper to realise that there is no Golden Age awaiting around the corner. Im sorry my friend, but you have been fooled beyond recognition.

I said there is nothing more to lose, I did not say there is nothing to fight for. I also think you are being very presumptious, if you think I do not recognize the impending catacylsm our world is going to go through. I most definitely do. Yes, billions are going perish and there will be rivers of blood gushing in every direction. Hell will freeze over. We are going to face the worst times in our history.

However, every dark cloud has a silver lining. When this is over, the golden age of humanity will begin. It is only a beginning of an end. This is why the world needs Indigo childrens, or any other spiritually-orientated people. We are here to lead humanity into the light. Do you have any idea, how destroyed the human spirit will be, after this. We are here to heal the human spirit and motivate it to continue.
In a way, we need this apolcalypse, because without it, people will not wake up, and without it, we will not truly advance or we will destroy our Earth.

My feeling is still that you are nurtuing the very system you want to leave.

I only believe in love and peace, and in myself, and by beleving that, I believe in the universe and the infinite. Why do you think this is a bad thing?

[edit on 20-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 03:08 PM
The following is a partial quote from Savitri, by Sri Aurobindo

... the unfolding Image showed the things to come.

A giant dance of Shiva tore the past;
There was a thunder as of worlds that fall;
Earth was o'errun with fire and the roar of Death
Clamouring to slay a world his hunger had made;
There was a clangour of Destruction's wings:
The Titan's battle-cry was in my ears,
Alarm and rumour shook the armoured Night.

I saw the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers
Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life
Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth;
Forerunners of a divine multitude,
Out of the paths of the morning star they came
Into the little room of mortal life.

I saw them cross the twilight of an age,
The sun-eyed children of a marvellous dawn,
The great creators with wide brows of calm,
The massive barrier-breakers of the world
And wrestlers with destiny in her lists of will,
The labourers in the quarries of the gods,
The messengers of the Incommunicable,
The architects of immortality.

Into the fallen human sphere they came,
Faces that wore the Immortal's glory still,
Voices that communed still with the thoughts of God,
Bodies made beautiful by the spirit's light,
Carrying the magic word, the mystic fire,
Carrying the Dionysian cup of joy,
Approaching eyes of a diviner man,
Lips chanting an unknown anthem of the soul,
Feet echoing in the corridors of Time.

High priests of wisdom, sweetness, might and bliss,
Discoverers of beauty's sunlit ways
And swimmers of Love's laughing fiery floods
And dancers within rapture's golden doors,
Their tread one day shall change the suffering earth
And justify the light on Nature's face.

[edit on 20-11-2004 by Nairod]

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
The "god-consciousness" maybe difficult for you to digest, because you do not believe in God. However, to say you do not need "god" is like saying you do not need air to breathe. God is a lifeforce, a force of supreme love, the supreme light, and we all need this light to actualise. He teaches us the universal values we need, that is he an embodiment of, and we imbibe them and and make them a part of us.

I don't believe in a creator god or supreme deity.. and when the term 'god' is used it always suggests that. I am however very spirtitual.. when I was born I became part an of an energy [not unlike gravity or light].. when I die I will either disapate or just change. I don't believe in something so fanciful as a supreme being though.. just because humans have a hiarchical need to be led by others it doesn't neccesarily mean it applies to death as well. I guess it is buddhism but the term 'god' is used in a completely different context.. I guess it saves explaining the energy belief.

Indigo children, are normal children, but with advanced souls, there purpose is like many spiritual-orientated people, to teach the true values and bring humanity into the light - much like angels - this is instinctive to us, not something we are told to do.

Christiany for instance promises the same thing.. sounds like you are suggesting glory for indigos.. and indigos a going to save the world? From 'judgement day' I guess? Whether you are against end of days or for it.. to believe in it fuels the self forfilling profecy thing.. and in essence you are picking a side in anticipation of something that wouldn't happen if not for religion.

There are many spiritual groups and new age religions, that claim they are doing the same, but they do not, as you know what religions are like. In fact you do not need a religion to be a spiritual, because being spiritual, is about believing in yourself, the limitless and immutable you.

This is not a pyramid scheme..

In fact you do not need a religion to be a spiritual, because being spiritual, is about believing in yourself, the limitless and immutable you.

I agree spirituality is important.. however if we put it in the background and concentated on ourselves instead.. instead of making 'god' the centre of our world.. our priorities would change for the better.

I do not think the old religions are being traded away at all. I have learnt a lot from the old religions, and new religions, including the religion of science, but the whole concept of religion is against my being, so I learn, and then walk away. That's what life is about -- learning and experiencing.

Sience is not a religion.. it is reliant on cold hard facts.. religions caters to concepts mortal humans desire.

[edit on 21-11-2004 by riley]

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 08:28 AM

I don't believe in a creator god or supreme deity.. and when the term 'god' is used it always suggests that. I am however very spirtitual.. when I was born I became part an of an energy [not unlike gravity or light].. when I die I will either disapate or just change. I don't believe in something so fanciful as a supreme being though.. just because humans have a hiarchical need to be led by others it doesn't neccesarily mean it applies to death as well. I guess it is buddhism but the term 'god' is used in a completely different context.. I guess it saves explaining the energy belief.

It sounds like from how you are presenting yourself, that your self is "ego" and are defiant of anyone higher than you. Which is not spiritual in the sense that spirituality recognises the whole of the universe, the soul as our consciousness, and it as a microcosm of a whole. While you are attributing your consciousness to a system of biochemistry, and your ego. I think we've had this conversation before in another thread. So, I would rather not repeat it again.

The god consciousness, is not some supreme being that exists higher than us. The god consciousness is a part of us, and a personality we all can attain. We are all made of the same stuff, become the same stuff, and are animated by the same stuff. I think you will truly recognise your spirituality, when you believe in yourself, and that is not your ego, but the infinite you.
To put it simply; you are god; not an ego.

Indigo children, are normal children, but with advanced souls, there purpose is like many spiritual-orientated people, to teach the true values and bring humanity into the light - much like angels - this is instinctive to us, not something we are told to do.

Christiany for instance promises the same thing.. sounds like you are suggesting glory for indigos.. and indigos a going to save the world? From 'judgement day' I guess? Whether you are against end of days or for it.. to believe in it fuels the self forfilling profecy thing.. and in essence you are picking a side in anticipation of something that wouldn't happen if not for religion.

Yet, christianity is a religion. We are not a religion, a cult, a sect, or anything. We are just humans beings, with an innate knowing and direction in life. As I said, it is something personal to us. Just our presence here is influencing the world, and touching many people. All that we are are positive people, and closer to the god-consciousness.

By being positive and closer to god, does it mean you are in a religion?

This is not a pyramid scheme..

I don't understand what you are trying to say, but from the tone, it appears you have not understood what I was saying.

I agree spirituality is important.. however if we put it in the background and concentated on ourselves instead.. instead of making 'god' the centre of our world.. our priorities would change for the better.

Humanity is already self-centered, their priorities already self-orientated and spirituality is already in the background. It's been like this for a thousand years, and is now culminating into self-destruction. I think it is safe to say now, that it hasn't worked for us. And you are suggesting we turn up the heat?

Do you know why this is? Because people lack compassion and empathy for others. Because people lack the ability to love and be peaceful. This is god, the light, the force of love and peace, and what spirituality is, the belief in self, is the belief in the infinite and immutable you(Did I just repeat myself again?)

Sience is not a religion.. it is reliant on cold hard facts.. religions caters to concepts mortal humans desire.

Science is indeed a religion. Here, god is technology, the priests are the scientists, the bibles are the scientific journals, the indoctrination is through education, the dogmatism is through the scientific method, and creation is through evolution. The spiritualists, or basically anyone who differs with the system, are the heretics.

Talk to any hard scientist about something beyond science, such as faster than light travel, and he will tell you "it is impossible, because the theory of relativity says so" which sounds uncanningly like saying to a theist, "Man has evolved from apes" and he will say "impossible, because this paragraph in the bible says so"

As I said to you in another thread, there are no absolutes, there are only theories and belief systems, and science is one such belief system. Science can observe the observable universe, not the unobserable universe, and one such unobservable universe, is your mind and your soul, which is the basis to the observable universe.

[edit on 21-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 11:48 AM
Indigo child:

Ok, Now we are starting to level with each other, that�s progress. Thank you for being tolerarant

Let�s see if I have grasped this..

The Indigo children will heal the people who are still alive after an cataclysm/Armageddon and than they will bring a change in collective consciousness and you will be able to start rebuild civilisation.

Ok, let�s talk about collective thinking and the collective consciousness.
It is the collective thinking that has got us where we are today. What I read and see around me when it comes to the collective consciousness is about to give me a cerebral haemorrhage ( a big brain bleed to be honest). Again, the collective consciousness is not a strength, It is a genetic forced on reality killing idea who has been created by people for people ,who in general lives on Dopamin kicks, wich they transfer to lesser sharpminded individuals. Some people say that the fact that we use only 10% of our brain is a myth from the 30�s, but please realise that some people don�t even use the 10% they got, and that the difference is in how we use our brain.

Let�s say that you do survive a nuclearwar, that you are in a safe distance from the impact places, that you survive the fallout, the lack of clean food and water, and all people that has gone totally mad doesn�t choop you into little pieces of meatstew. What than? you ask me If I have understand how many people that will need healing?, well sweatheart, you will be one of them who will need that , for a very, very, long time.

The human race has always liked to look upon itself as the crownjewel of creation, without any thought that our race, wich includes people like you and me, will be followed by more advanced human races who will look back at our race, as an old step in evolution.

Im not a part of the collective consciousness, In fact I�d rather die than be a part of that disgusting grey lifeless matter. You can reasess your position in the life you are living, or you can just continue to overdose Dopamin wich is a sensitivity chemical in your brain along with Serotoni, and that is an aknowledged area within Neurobiology, so don�t even bother to question it, thank you for listening.


posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 12:08 PM
I understand you and wish you peace and fulfillment in your life Indigo child, above all I wish you happiness born of introspection and acceptance of your world and your place in it, for without this, you remain a seeker.
see my sig

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 02:32 PM
I agree with you. This place we call our home planet Earth is full of hate and misery. Society in it's essence is so arrogant and shameless (especially the American society). Look at the younger generation which I am also part of. From early age we are taught to step on each other in order to survive. Even in schools we are labeled by our grades which will eventually determine our career and status. We like to label everything and everyone. This guy is cool, this guy is nerd and this guy, oh this one is a looser. It seems everyone this days wants to be "cool" just like everyone wants to be loved. To be cool is to be cold and uncaring and that precisely what our society is - cold and uncaring with a big fake smile on it's face.

I just noticed mwm1331 signature:

God Bless America
If you're the smartest person you know you should set your sights higher when choosing friends.
I never let my schooling get in the way of my education - Samuel Clemens
Americans are Gods chosen people
It matters not whether you believe in God, He believes in you.
Freedom of speech means people have the right to be as*holes

That is just one of many sad examples of the vast majority people who live by those standards and unless we are going to change our ways of existence we will keep degenerating until we all perish in our own mad man creation.

I think many people misunderstand the meaning of "God". If you are religious personality then God to you is an external deity. Human nature tends to make idols for themselves. For thousands of years people were worshipping the many gods. God is not an external deity who's mission to punish or reward anybody. God is part of the whole and has infinity levels of awareness. You can think of God as a super multidimensional being where you (your soul and even your physical body) are just one segment of it's infinity. Each person, animal, insect, tree or even a rock is a segment of this super multidimensional being who is experiencing itself on many levels of existence with no begining and no ending. I think in our evolutionary awareness status search towards understanding God, does not obligate us to know God but to work towards the improvement of our personal relationship between ourselves as human beings.

Thank you.

[edit on 21-11-2004 by N0ONE]

[edit on 21-11-2004 by N0ONE]

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 02:35 PM

Let�s say that you do survive a nuclearwar, that you are in a safe distance from the impact places, that you survive the fallout, the lack of clean food and water, and all people that has gone totally mad doesn�t choop you into little pieces of meatstew. What than? you ask me If I have understand how many people that will need healing?, well sweatheart, you will be one of them who will need that , for a very, very, long time.

Who knows if I will survive or not, the odds against survival(see NWO Survival Planning in my sig) are pretty much against me. The odds of survival of Indigo Children in general, are against them. All I am saying to you, that in times like these, people like us, natural healers, empathic and intelligent people, with will power, and warrior like fervor, and our inner-power, will be very helpful.

Yes, I too will require healing, and I will heal myself. Only God knows if I will be capable of surviving, but I will try my best, and that is all I can do, the rest I leave to destiny.

The human race has always liked to look upon itself as the crownjewel of creation, without any thought that our race, wich includes people like you and me, will be followed by more advanced human races who will look back at our race, as an old step in evolution.

There does not need to be any "im better than you" or "we are better than them" we are only souls, infinitestimal points of light, with no name, no form, no gender, no species. All souls are interconnected and also united by god. There is no "them" there is no "seperation" we are all one.

Mate, I have a dog, who I deeply love, and love more than others(of course my mom takes equal position :lol
You know, I treat him like my son. I do not think I am better than him at all.

Yes, there will be more advanced races than us, like the extraterrestrials already are.

Yes, there are more advanced souls than me as well, such as the masters like Jesus and Krishna.

That does not make me feel inferior, it empowers me to grow and realise the infinite. At the same time, they do not look at themselves as superior. Like good parents do not look at themselves as better than their children. They are just more learned than us, and they too, are doing the same as we are, striving to attain the infinite, by learning.

So, the crowning glory, is not me, or you, or the aliens, or the asended masters, the crowning glory is god, and we are his children. We are like kids trying to be like our father. Ironically, we are our father.

Im not a part of the collective consciousness, In fact I�d rather die than be a part of that disgusting grey lifeless matter.

It's not really a choice. You are always going to be a part of it. What you can be, however, is a part of the positive collective, rather than the negative

You can reasess your position in the life you are living, or you can just continue to overdose Dopamin wich is a sensitivity chemical in your brain along with Serotoni, and that is an aknowledged area within Neurobiology, so don�t even bother to question it, thank you for listening.


I am not sure what you've just said. However, I'll say, I have reassesed my life many times, and I am doing it everyday, so I can grow. I am the type of person, who will never take anything for granted, not even myself. I have a whole infinite to attain, a whole ocean, and all I have is one drop of it. I have a long way to go. I recognise that and realize that, and while this should be common sense, it's not common at all. That is why the world needs Indigos.

I did not make a choice to be an Indigo, at least not that I know, I was directed here by creation, and obviously creation wants me to be an Indigo, and now I am beginning to understand why, after looking for it all my life. Believe me, I have thought of being "normal" much throughout my life, and it would have saved me a lot of heart ache, but the truth was, I was not "normal" Now I am finding my niche, and it's with the Indigos, and as I said, it's about knowing. Life does not end here for me, it's only the beginning for me. Everything is a stepping stone.

[edit on 21-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 03:14 PM
I didn't read all the posts, yet I agree with the origianl idea.

And, if by term "Indigo" we mean a child who is generaly wiser, who tend to think with his own head, feel that he don't belong in the "Matrix" - that normal people call their life - and keeps looking for something... then I could say that I'm also one of them.

For example,
School teacher - "this is bad!"
Normal kid - "this is bad..."
Indigo - "Why? We could look at it like that and that, then it would be good!"

Powers, I believe everybody has them, only they do not know about it. The "Matrix" told them that they do not have any, so they believe in it.
Yet indigos question that and are trying to reveal their powers.


Trying to explain who are this Indigos and what are we here for... let's try looking at how everything started.

I did not read the Bible, yet I remamber it went something like this - at first all people ( not necessary as phisical being ) lived in heaven ( could mean a very "heigh", happy and pure internal state ), there were tree with fruits of "knowledge of good and evil", as well as a tree with fuits of "life".

As we know they ate the fruit of "knowledge of good and evil" - from simply living and being happy they started thinking "this is good, yet that one is better. And this one is very bad, etc." and they fell ( could mean they have came to a phisical world, got phisical bodies ) and they - we - continue incarnateing in this world, learning, finding good and eveil, creation and destruction within ourselfs.

Now let's turn to an old Sufi book, that says...
First way - �IMITATION� ( supposedly it is the same as the way of learning good and eveil )

This way is the easiest and sweetest... in the beginning. But difficult and bitter in the end. Walking this way one does not have to work with his sole. He has to be as everybody, act as everybody, live as everybody. But in the old age - bitterness, repentance and regret...

On this way one does not have to think, all he's got to do is follow his basic wills and instincts.

This is the way of the "sleeping". This is learning the world by repeating the experience of others, by imitating the ones before you.

�Time will come when human would be able, by the use of an object, to lift another object to the stars and back , and further, through 18 thousand worlds to God.

Time will come when human would be able, by the use of an object, to lift himself to the stars and back , and further, through 18 thousand worlds to God, to face him in person.

But this will happen only when the time comes. This time might come in 30 breathes or in 30 thousand years. But this is when the time comes and your life might be not enough for waiting.

On this way you can receive, get, collect knowledge and pass it to other people. You can leave a trace in the history of mankind and your experience of going this way.�

Second way - �SOSTOYANIYE� ( not sure how to translate it - �state�, �self-knowledge� or "way of life". Supposeldy those, who ate the fruits of life and going this way )

The old book says �Remember! If you do not have time to wait thousands of years and you want to face the Creator during your lifetime and dissolve in his great and immense light, you must follow the path of self-knowledge.

Going the path of self-knowledge, revealing your hidden powers, you would be able, with the will of your spirit, to lift another object to the stars and back, and further, through 18 thousand worlds to God. Or you would be able, with the will of your spirit, to lift yourself to the stars and back, and further, through 18 thousand worlds to God.

On this way you will learn hate, passing into compassion to people.

Through compassion you will understand love.

After becoming rich, you will understand the essence of wealth and misery.

You will understand the essence of force and weakness.

You will learn and will understand validity.

You will learn the pain of being alone, remaining among many people.

You will understand happiness and pain simultaneously, by opening your true perception of this world and seeing people they way they really are.

Truth can not be transferred, truth can only be understood.
On the way of imitation, obtaining easy knowledge, your personality disappears, leaveing only the form, dissolved in the crowd. It is very hard to find, understand truth on this way.

The way of the state is the way to the perfect human.

Everybody going this way can understand truth.

Its deficiency consists in the fact that force, ability, love, might and all possibilities, achieved on the way to truth, can not be transmited, transfered to others.

In the transmitting, being reflected in the consciousness of another person, truth perishes.

Task of that going this way - to find, recognize, open the perfect person and to transmit relay race.�

The book also says that when the time comes, both this ways will blend togeather forming a way to the perfect human, the way of "truth".

Now back to Indigos. If we can assume that the time of the "perfect human" is comeing near, then we can also assume that either

1. Indigos are those, who were simple people, but already had made this next step in evolution and are ready and willing to learn on it, as well as to "pull up" others when they are ready to make this step.
2. Indigos are soles of those, who have already evolved heigh enough, maybe of those, who went the path of the "state", and have came back to earth to help others make this next step in evolution.

Good Luck!

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 04:29 PM
Thank you Indigo child, for answering my questions, I appreciate it.

Yes, you are partially right about the collective consiousness, but you are also partially wrong. A part of me will probably always be a part of the collective consiousness, but the larger part of my brain never will be, and I will explain why.

For an example I don�t put my time, energy, or life into the hands of man made religions. Yes, man made, not be a god or a divine entity, not by a light phenonomen who is crossing cosmos in a one gigantic socialistic dreamempire put togheter by loose threads traveling towards a bolt of white energy of complete purity. No, that is simply humanitys wish to be crownjewels. For this world to advance on any level these bedtime religious stories has to be erased from the collective consiousness for all future.

Offcourse it is good to share ones inner desires and hopes for the large collective in the long run, yet again, the problem is still the collective consiousness or should I say the collective deadsense dopamin overflow wich is essential for the large mass of indoctrinated and enslaved consiousness. So there is chaos, but why is it there? whats the point with it?

Well according to the people who study this chaos that you, me others, has created on this world (or perhaps it has been created on purpose to halt the individual intelect?) The chaos in our brains is the thing that makes us aware and makes it possible for us to only react ( consiuosly or subconsiously ) on only certain types of stimulus.

Because if we reacted fully on everything sorounding us we would not be able to survive--our brains would shread because of the infinite multitude according to the scientist. That is offcourse a contradiction,,
A brain does not shread or fall into pieces because it gets aware of a infinite multitude. On the contrary, people would stop killing each other and would have been able to visit other dimesions and galaxies a long time ago. But as I have said before most people would go kaka banana crazy since the world they knew would look somewhat different, and the world would not be a very lovefull place with 90-95% of its population in a total state of madness.

The few people that would survive the madness and reach a little insight would have a very troublesome time to survive this world. That is probably the reason why we don�t see any large extraterrestrial ships make their way across the sky or archangels throw themselves down to this little, little world of ours to tell us what the truth and consequence of this race has been driven to become.

�There are no unic snowflakes� Evidently there are a lot of those around this world, but they are all being opressed by this collection of Ecstasy bewinged Dopamin overheated serotin addicts who is showering this little group of survivers with false prophecies about worlds united in total love and coexistense without war or violence. Consiously or subconsiously, everything that is written around us has been interprented wrong so that the individual surviving will be nothing but a memory when the things that the scientists are disputing about will be here to seize our little stage of uncompletness.

Homo Futurus is in no way a superhuman who will crush the homosapien but will be the remains of what a lot of people in fact represent. A being who originally breaked itself out of the Cro Magnon state, but than halted and stagnated, the stagnation should have accured sometime during the beginning of todays still existing religious beliefs.

The road to the weel of uncompletness and the total karma is close at hand for all delegates and you should start to reasses the world sorounding you to your advatage, or as I said earlier, just continue to overdose the dopamin in your brain, but the concequences of that kind of action can only end with that wich has been known to some of us, that Dopamin is not the answer to serotoni or temporary human solutions as subjecting oneself to a universiell belief system who doesn�t exist in the form wich is presented a little here and there by those who live well on your soulfull Dopamin kicks wich in turn nurtures the very thing you so desperatly want to leave.


posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 03:54 AM
Indigo child, What I wrote was neither an attack on you nor on those who buy in to your indigo philosophy merly an observation that based on the list of attributes in the website you posted it would seem that indigo's are most likely to be unhappy in society and without rewarding careers. The fact that you interpeted it as an attack is IMHO very telling. As to my beng poorer than a beggar, I consider myself to be truly blessed, I have a loving wife, a fulfilling carreer, and the abllity to spend time doing the things I enjoy.
The simple fact is however that there are thousands of people who make thier living telling the disinfranschised that they are special. Giving them, an excuse for thier lack of success and a rationalisation for the emptyness of thier lives, you yourself wrote that you were on the verge of suicide untill you discovered you were indigo, did the fact that you discovered this not give meaning to your life? Did it not help to shield you from the traumas that led to your emotional despondancy?
Noone - what exactly to find to ne ignorant in my signature line? What part of it is indicative as you say of what is wrong with the world? I am curios.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
It sounds like from how you are presenting yourself, that your self is "ego" and are defiant of anyone higher than you.

I said I believe in an energy.. not god.. and as energy cannot be 'contained'.. I am connected to everything and vice verser. To suggest that my beliefs come from my 'ego' underminds all of my spiritual endevours.

Yet, christianity is a religion. We are not a religion, a cult, a sect, or anything.
The 'indigo' belief is almost excatly the same as buddhism [yet you don't get a checklist to see how enlightened you are].. it does indeed have the basics to turn into a religion.

Humanity is already self-centered, their priorities already self-orientated and spirituality is already in the background. It's been like this for a thousand years, and is now culminating into self-destruction. I think it is safe to say now, that it hasn't worked for us. And you are suggesting we turn up the heat?

So are you completely oblivious that the ones who pose the greatest threat of a neucleur holocaust is one man with a bible in his hand and another with a Koran?

Science is indeed a religion. Here, god is technology, the priests are the scientists, the bibles are the scientific journals, the indoctrination is through education, the dogmatism is through the scientific method, and creation is through evolution. The spiritualists, or basically anyone who differs with the system, are the heretics.

Technology is my god? [I could write something really filthy here but won't.
So when they found out the world was flat that was a belief but not a fact eh? Faith and fact are not the same thing.. and religion is primarily about faith.

Talk to any hard scientist about something beyond science, such as faster than light travel, and he will tell you "it is impossible, because the theory of relativity says so"

A decent scientist wouldn't give up and allow a theory to prevent him/her finding solutions to problems.. or answers.

[edit on 22-11-2004 by riley]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 06:43 AM
Catcus, I can sum up your post, you're basically saying "we are not on the anvil of a golden age" instead quite the opposite. Now, what I've already said to you that can be summed up as "every dark cloud has a silver lining" I am giving you hope for a better tomorrow. Sometimes, to understand our values of love and peace, we need war. We need that war to defeat the darker side of our kind. To bring light to darkness.

There so many ignorant, selfish, cold and mechanical people today, that are sucked in a blackhole of self-absorbtion, greed and hate. No one can save them. Some of them are beyond any hope of change. They are holding us back. So creation, has it's ways of harmonizing. Some may call this punishment for them. Or judgement day. Yeah, you could call it at that.

However, understand this; it is not god who is punishing them. God is an experience of divinity, of infinite love and peace. God only forgives. They are punishing themselves, they have chosen this for themselves. It is their manifestation. That, we positive Indigos, and other such positive and good hearted people are going to suffer for too.

The earth has not suddenly started to rumble, spew lava, destroy lands with floods and hurricances for no reason at all. This is our manifestation. The looming nuclear, chemical and biological wars, are not sudden events either. They are our manifestation.

We, as the children of this planet, have done nothing but harm her, and her other children, the animals. We as the people of this planet, have not taken the responsibility for our race. We are letting evil governments create more and more weapons that can destroy us and our planet. We are letting evil governments enslave us. We are letting evil governments deceive us and keeping us in the dark. We are letting evil governments molest our children in rituals, and slaughter men, women and children abroad. We are letting such cold blooded murderers that publically express their desire to destroy 90% take care of us. We are letting them suppress us and letting them destroy our minds.

So, who is really to blame for the danger that looms today? Is it God? No. Is it religion? No. Is it us Indigos? No. It is humans. You are to blame for your own actions.

So what is going to happen, as natures mechanisms for harmonizing, more than 80% of the population will be destroyed, either physically or emotionally. When we live in a world full of poison and discomfort, and endless wars, and the guilt of our follies, we will realise what the meaning of love and peace is. This is the silver lining of the dark cloud. This is when the golden age will dawn on us.

This is when Indigo children will be needed to rebuild civilization --- the RIGHT way. I also believe that this will not be the first time, we've started over again. I think we've gone through many cycles of creation and destruction. We are poised for a great tomorrow after the worst times of our history. I give you hope.

If you still are pessimestic, then at least consider this. Why don't you be positive and practice peace, and I assure you, your contribution will not go in vain. You are a part of the collective conscousness, always will be, as long as you can think and do karma.

[edit on 22-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 07:26 AM

I said I believe in an energy.. not god.. and as energy cannot be 'contained'.. I am connected to everything and vice verser. To suggest that my beliefs come from my 'ego' underminds all of my spiritual endevours.

There is a difference between spiritual and science. You are basing your consciousness on chemical reactions. You are basing your mind abilities abilities on unknown quantum dynamics. What you are not doing it is bridging the gap between quantum dynamics and metaphysics, which many quantum physicists are doing today. You are adamant that there is no "metaphysics" there is no "magic" about creation. Everything is just science.

In a world where everything is just science, empathy, love and peace do not matter. The value of life is nothing more than the value of a vacuum cleaner.

I am not sure how you can you are spiritual, without recognizing the spirit in spiritual. As I said, we've had this conversation before. In fact it sounds like a scientist worshiping science as his god. As I said to you, science is only a tool, an instrument for you. Your mind is not scientific and logical, it is imaginative and experiential. This is the basis for the universe too. If you try to apply logic to it, your find out it is illogical, which only means your logic is illogical.

Now, please, I do not want to go over this again. Twice is enough.

So are you completely oblivious that the ones who pose the greatest threat of a neucleur holocaust is one man with a bible in his hand and another with a Koran?

That is just propoganda to lobby support from people. This is not a religious war. This is a war motivated by power and greed. In the same way, it cannot be said this is an atheist or scientific war, as the weapons being used have been created by scientists. Religion and science are only instruments.

Can you explain to me, how any of Jesus's teachings, can be used to justify war? How does "love one another" justify war?

So when they found out the world was flat that was a belief but not a fact eh? Faith and fact are not the same thing.. and religion is primarily about faith.

Science is about faith in it's facts. We know for an actual fact, that science has been wrong over and over again. And for your kind information, the methodology of proponents of flat earth was similar, if not the same as the scientific methods.

Don't get me wrong, I have respect for honest science. Science is as valuable to me as religion. I use them all to learn. Science was my first stepping stone, and it took me to religion and from religion I went to spirituality and from here, I'm on my way to the infinite.

However, there are many scientists who treat it like a religion. For instance, you are convinced the origin of consciousness is from evolution from dust by blind chance. Is that a belief or fact? Surprise me.

A decent scientist wouldn't give up and allow a theory to prevent him/her finding solutions to problems.. or answers.

Yes, a decent scientist wouldn't give up. However, the reality is, most hard scientists you will meet, especially science students, will be of this disposition and profess to know-it-all. In other words for most it's a religion. In the same way a true religious person, would not end his quest at the bible, the koran or whatever, he will continue searching. Isn't that what scientists and skeptics are suppose to be doing?

[edit on 22-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
In a world where everything is just science, empathy, love and peace do not matter. The value of life is nothing more than the value of a vacuum cleaner.

Actually I have alot more appreciation for life because of my beliefs. I am unsure why you would think science diminshes the value of life.. it doesn't.. it just takes a closer look cos it's so bloody fascinating.

I am not sure how you can you are spiritual, without recognizing the spirit in spiritual.


As I said to you, science is only a tool, an instrument for you. Your mind is not scientific and logical, it is imaginative and experiential. This is the basis for the universe too. If you try to apply logic to it, your find out it is illogical, which only means your logic is illogical.

My mind is scientific, logical, experimental and imaginative.. I just don't centre my sprirituality around 'maybe' without substance.. I just accept that there are answers I don't know.. and answers no-one may ever know.. but I am certain they're there. [The questions on the other hand are a completely different story.]

That is just propoganda to lobby support from people. This is not a religious war. This is a war motivated by power and greed.

All holy wars have been fought for power and greed.. so how isn't it a holy war? Also.. using the debates in the religion section as a small example of how divisive it is.. and the kids who strap explosives to their bodies to kill people.. do you really think religion is all that healthy?

In the same way, it cannot be said this is an atheist or scientific war, as the weapons being used have been created by scientists. Religion and science are only instruments.

Science is a tool.. but religion provides a motive with power. If people didn't believe.. taht power would be gone.

Can you explain to me, how any of Jesus's teachings, can be used to justify war? How does "love one another" justify war?

Wow. I didn't know Christianity phased out the old testimant.

Don't get me wrong, I have respect for honest science. Science is as valuable to me as religion. I use them all to learn. Science was my first stepping stone, and it took me to religion and from religion I went to spirituality and from here, I'm on my way to the infinite.

You could always look at life on it's own without the god safety net. You might be surprised.. it may at first feel as though it makes life seem trivial or unimportant.. but you may get a better idea of what it actually is and have a renewed perspective of it.

However, there are many scientists who treat it like a religion. For instance, you are convinced the origin of consciousness is from evolution from dust by blind chance. Is that a belief or fact? Surprise me.

It's a theory. A primitive conciousness may have been developed to help with survival. A conciousness allows us to think and make basic decisons.

Yes, a decent scientist wouldn't give up. However, the reality is, most hard scientists you will meet, especially science students, will be of this disposition and profess to know-it-all.

I think thats true with all uni [or college] students.
These people who profess to know it all only do themselves a disservice as there are always more answers. It's like climbing a mountain and deciding you have reached the peak when you're only half way up because you're too tired to admit defeat.

[edit on 22-11-2004 by riley]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 10:04 AM

Catcus, I can sum up your post

*Sniff, sniff*..I smell some serious bull# I.C, and it�s coming from you, or should I just refer to you as Bob?

Bob, obviously your strong side isn�t to sum up anybodys post. Wether it is because you are to busy lying to yourself, or if it depends on the fact that you are a selfworshipping little prick, only the future will tell?

The only thing your posts contains are contradictions, and a will to dominate (yes dominate, not help) others. The problem with that perticular fact Bob seems to be that the only one in here open for manipulation is you, probably because of the large Dopamin coctail your brain is sucking up this very minute, or perhaps it is serotoni this time?

Bob, you seem to be a person wich is caught somewhere between hope and despair, that is not very healthy, in the long run, it can actually make you go insane, but something tells me you have been there once allready.
Maby you should try to print your posts, place yourself infront of a mirror and read your posts out loud to yourself, and while you are doing that, try to face yourself, try to look into your own eyes.

The main difference between you and me, is that I don�t need to lie to myself to be able to look myself in the mirror every morning when I wake up. I don�t need any man made religion telling me that Im special, to feel special, And maby that�s why you seem to have such a difficulty to read my posts, always skipping the 20 most important lines.

Cheers Bob!

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