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The Indigo Children

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posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Dragonkurr
Has anyone ever had a conversation with the source of all creation before?
That's what indigo children are. We are more in tune with our "god" conciousness...Usually a negative force has tried to break us down in our lifetime..We all have to last through our tribulations, it's our test.

Welcome, Dragonkur. It's nice to meet another Indigo
Yes, I absolutely agree, we are more in tune with our god consciousness. I was recently told by a spiritual guru, that I should be ready to awaken the powers of God within me for these times. As someone earlier, it's these "end-times" that needs god-centered people.

[edit on 19-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
I am often asked what is an Indigo Child, or how do I know I am an Indigo Child. There seems to be a lot of confusion about who we are, and I feel obliged as an Indigo child myself, to answer this question for you.

The short answer is; Indigo Children are the next stage of human evolution, they are here to make a positive contribution to the world, and bring about a positive change in the global consciousness.

I haven't read all the posts so my apologies if I'm just repeating them.. from what I've learnt previously.. I always thought 'indigo child' reffered to prodogies etc., kids with ADD or autistics.. or more that they might be all indigo children and they have a label slapped on them because they may have behavioural difficulties.. kids who have higher intelligence get bored easily when there expected to slow down for others.. they're incredibly astute and their minds need to be stimulated.
I don't think it's the next stage in evolution though.. they've always been around.. all the master artists.. scientists etc. I'm sure leanardo di vinci would fit into this category nicely.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 12:15 PM
Hi there everyone

Im new here I will give you my two cents about this Indigo stuff.

I`ll try to say this as gently as I can...
There are probably thousands of "spiritual groups" on the internet and IRL, all of them offer the ultimate truth and the definitive answers to everything.
Please, truth or spiritual enlightment does not come from collective thinking, the most possible thing youll achieve from collective thinking is collective suicide, those two are in very close relation to eachother.
Most of the leaders of those enlighted groups often label themself as masters/enlighted ones/ or give themselves names that almost makes you swallow your tounge when you try to pronounce them. Their karmas are so complete and shiny that there is no use for you to even consider to continue your individual development... ,Again, collective thinking is not a strength.

And for the last time, there is no new race of supreme homosapiens,
homofuturus is simply the people who will still be alive after this earth has been wiped clean by mans own stupidity..

To Indigo child:

I don�t doubt that you are a fine person, I don�t doubt that you have speciall talents, but maby you should start to think with your own head before this Indigo stuff backfires in a direction you didn�t even knew existed.


posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 12:40 PM

I haven't read all the posts so my apologies if I'm just repeating them.. from what I've learnt previously.. I always thought 'indigo child' reffered to prodogies etc., kids with ADD or autistics.. or more that they might be all indigo children and they have a label slapped on them because they may have behavioural difficulties.. kids who have higher intelligence get bored easily when there expected to slow down for others.. they're incredibly astute and their minds need to be stimulated.
I don't think it's the next stage in evolution though.. they've always been around.. all the master artists.. scientists etc. I'm sure leanardo di vinci would fit into this category nicely.

The "Indigo child" itself is a label, whose origin that I explained earlier on, of a certain breed of psychic children having an Indigo aura. However there is a distinct difference between gifted children and Indigo Children, though the principles are still the same. Indigo children are born with active psychic abilities and as dragonfur said, a god-centered consciousness. They feel a sense of mission in life. They are the next stage of human evolution, because these children are born with more advanced minds than others. I do not mean in the sense of high IQ's; I mean in a holistic sense.

Catcus, there are many spiritual cults and new age groups, and I am not a part of any. The Indigo children are not a cult, it's just a label for a certain type of adults and children - like the "gifted label"

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 02:14 PM
Well, can�t say I didn�t try...


posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 10:19 PM
I just finished looking at the site listing qualities of Indigo Children and most of them apply to me. Above all, a strong sense of intuition. A few months after I became a psion, they came in floods. I had at least one vision a night in my dreams and one in the day during the summer.

For the past few months, I've realized I was something else. In fact, I learned it from a group at my own school of "indigo children," though we've been calling ourselves something different for months now. We've talked to higher powers through dreams and believe it was our fate to be brought together. It's is very weird, because we can't be seperated. If one of the eight of us were going to move to Australia, something would happen at the last second and we'd be stuck together. It's happened many times before.

On the topic of being balanced, I've been balanced for months now and it can be hell. It can limit how much you can think and it can block out almost every emotion, which is a horrible, horrible thing. Tomorrow, go through your day and think about your emotions. Did you laugh? Cry? Get angry? With pure balance, it'd be virtually impossible to doo any of this.

[edit on 19-11-2004 by Otto_States]

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 12:07 AM

I agree with you. This place we call our home planet Earth is full of hate and misery. Society in it's essence is so arrogant and shameless (especially the American society). Look at the younger generation which I am also part of. From early age we are taught to step on each other in order to survive. Even in schools we are labeled by our grades which will eventually determine our career and status. We like to label everything and everyone. This guy is cool, this guy is nerd and this guy, oh this one is a looser. It seems everyone this days wants to be "cool" just like everyone wants to be loved. To be cool is to be cold and uncaring and that precisely what our society is - cold and uncaring with a big fake smile on it's face.

I just noticed mwm1331 signature:

God Bless America
If you're the smartest person you know you should set your sights higher when choosing friends.
I never let my schooling get in the way of my education - Samuel Clemens
Americans are Gods chosen people
It matters not whether you believe in God, He believes in you.
Freedom of speech means people have the right to be as*holes

That is just one of many sad examples of the vast majority people who live by those standards and unless we are going to change our ways of existence we will keep degenerating until we all perish in our own mad man creation.

[edit on 20-11-2004 by N0ONE]

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 01:43 AM
This is very interesting, I myself am something above the rest, though I do not believe I am an "Indigo" I do however fit all the qualities to be one accept for the niceness compassion and spiritualness, I suppose I could be considered a split of this evolutionary chain, though I do not know what I am, and probably wont for a few hundred years, I beat death years ago by creating ways to stop it, though these ways are only 10% done.
If you would like to know how you can ask.
All of it is technology available now or within the next 40-50 years.

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 04:53 AM
Indigo Child,

My good friend, you have really outdone yourself yet again at such an eloquently worded description of our whackiness. Also I might add, again the Indigo in you is showing again with your deft of handling the blatantly inflammatory gerymandering of some parties on here.

I'm voting you Way Above


posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 06:03 AM
Of the development of mankind and its next step in evolution, I read the term 'neosapien' used by William James Sidis. I believe he used this to describe himself, Jesus Crist, Buddha and other gifted individuals.

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
Indigo children are born with active psychic abilities and as dragonfur said, a god-centered consciousness. They feel a sense of mission in life. They are the next stage of human evolution, because these children are born with more advanced minds than others. I do not mean in the sense of high IQ's; I mean in a holistic sense.

Accordinging to that list I'm also an indigo child.. I've had premintions and psychic stuff on and off all my life.. but I just use the term freak. I don't consider it any more 'evolved'.. just different. I doubt 'indigo children' are going to usher in some sort of golden age.. that was probably the idea when christainity first started. An 'advanced mind'.. Albert Eintein had three times the synapses than an average person.. that could have been a mutation towards a new kind of evolvement.. problem was it's been suggested he had dispraxia or apserurgs so there's good and bad with everything. People being 'spiritually enlightened' isn't new obviously.. how can it be something we're involveing into when 'indigos' have been around for thousands of years? If you are reffering to the amount of 'indigo children' that could be just natural abilities reaserting themselves after a millenia of ESP being repressed my religious organisations deeming it 'evil'.
Though I am trying to keep an open mind about this I'm getting the impression that if someone is an 'indigo child'- they must be special or blessed.. and treated or reverred as so.. I'm wondering how they'll be able to lead the rest of humanity if they baby talk the 'spitritually challenged'.. it would make people resent them and do the opposite of their 'teachings'.

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by ADHDsux4me
Indigo Child,

My good friend, you have really outdone yourself yet again at such an eloquently worded description of our whackiness. Also I might add, again the Indigo in you is showing again with your deft of handling the blatantly inflammatory gerymandering of some parties on here.

I'm voting you Way Above


Thanks a lot ADHD, yeah my Indigo seems to come out everytime I get angry. Deeeep breaths.....

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 08:35 AM
This mean you've stopped doubting yourself now IC?

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 08:50 AM

Accordinging to that list I'm also an indigo child.. I've had premintions and psychic stuff on and off all my life.. but I just use the term freak. I don't consider it any more 'evolved'.. just different.

You are not a freak, in the same way Einstein, Mozart and other such gifted people weren't. The whole problem with your outlook here is that you are using society as a frame of reference to decide your own state of mind, and you conforming to it's standards, by using the term "freak"

You already know your abilities are real, and society thinks they are not, in other words society is sharing a delusion. Do you want the acceptance of deluded people?

If you are reffering to the amount of 'indigo children' that could be just natural abilities reaserting themselves after a millenia of ESP being repressed my religious organisations deeming it 'evil'.

Exactly, and that is what I believe too, that our spiritual and psychic abilities were advanced many millenias ago. Now, we are beginning to recover our abilities, after a millenia, and that certainly is an evolution. We've always had these powers and abilities, as you rightly said, and the new influx of Indigo children today, are bringing them back. So are we not ushering in a new age for humanity?

Though I am trying to keep an open mind about this I'm getting the impression that if someone is an 'indigo child'- they must be special or blessed.. and treated or reverred as so.. I'm wondering how they'll be able to lead the rest of humanity if they baby talk the 'spitritually challenged'.. it would make people resent them and do the opposite of their 'teachings'.

I do not think I am anymore special than you. We all have our own purpose, goals and missions in life, and mine happens to be to change the world for the better. This does not mean I, or any Indigo Child is better than you, it just means we have different goals and purposes. All souls are equal, and when I talk to you, I am talking to you as an equal

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 08:58 AM
Not to get nasty or anything, but this whole Indigo Child bit sounds like people with fragile personalities and attention deficit disorders trying to justify their bad grades, depression, and inability to hold a job or get along with other people.

Society is completely deluded about them and so on and so on.


posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
You are not a freak, in the same way Einstein, Mozart and other such gifted people weren't. The whole problem with your outlook here is that you are using society as a frame of reference to decide your own state of mind, and you conforming to it's standards, by using the term "freak"

I don't mind being called 'freak'.. I don't think of it in the negative context.. it just means I'm very different.. I might be very excentric but I have qualities that make me a curiousity to the 'normals' and contrastly they seem to use me as a reference to where they fit into society.

You already know your abilities are real, and society thinks they are not, in other words society is sharing a delusion. Do you want the acceptance of deluded people?

It feels NA to me.. although the 'archtype' I am I am constantly having to buck what society expects.. it's second nature now though.

Exactly, and that is what I believe too, that our spiritual and psychic abilities were advanced many millenias ago. Now, we are beginning to recover our abilities, after a millenia, and that certainly is an evolution.

Revolution might be more accurate if we are just reawakening dorment abilities.

We've always had these powers and abilities, as you rightly said, and the new influx of Indigo children today, are bringing them back. So are we not ushering in a new age for humanity?

But wouldn't that really make all people indigo children? I think once oppressive religions are gone that will be what could usher a new age for humanity.. they'd be no distractions from the 'self'.

I do not think I am anymore special than you. We all have our own purpose, goals and missions in life, and mine happens to be to change the world for the better. This does not mean I, or any Indigo Child is better than you, it just means we have different goals and purposes. All souls are equal, and when I talk to you, I am talking to you as an equal


posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street

Society is completely deluded about them and so on and so on.


Which of the following do you believe in? God, the human soul, UFO's, psychics, angels, afterlife, atlantis, intelligent design, hand-on healing, FTL?

[edit on 20-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 09:42 AM

Revolution might be more accurate if we are just reawakening dorment abilities.

Yeah, if you want, we can use "revolution" but in many ways, when we evolve, all we doing are remembering who we were. The word does not matter, what matters is that there is a transformation.

But wouldn't that really make all people indigo children? I think once oppressive religions are gone that will be what could usher a new age for humanity.. they'd be no distractions from the 'self'.

Yes, we are all potential Indigo Children. Remember, it's about having a state of mind, about reawakening your god-consciousness. In the new age, we all will be born with that state of consciousness, and take it for granted.

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
Yes, we are all potential Indigo Children. Remember, it's about having a state of mind, about reawakening your god-consciousness. In the new age, we all will be born with that state of consciousness, and take it for granted.

This is what I don't understand.. why 'indigo' childen exclusively? Years ago they were called 'crystal' children or 'natural witches'.. 'children of nature', 'fai', 'clairvoyant', 'secsond sight. etc. is their a difference? It's kind of sounds similar to the hippy movement [without the drugs- maybe] .. or christians aspiring to be like christ.. or buddhists trying to reach enlightenment. The philosophy is nothing new.. however the amount of 'indigos' may make a difference. All religions share this aspiring to be like deity.. [though christianity [for instance] discourages self empowerment] all I aspire to be is myself and to reach my own potential. I don't think humanity needs to embrace a 'god-conciousness' to bring about a golden age though it might be needed in such a transition.. the thing with aspiring to be an 'indigo child'.. it seems to be not that different from things like buddhism.. it's a very similar philosophy [except I don't think buddhists have a 'god' really.. I think their beliefs are dependant on knowledge not assumptions]. My point is we seem to be entering an era where the old relgions are getting traded in for the new.. which is a form of evolvement. Eventually we'll probably do away with all religions and we'll suddenly appreciate and respect our own existance.. though we will still retain our spirituality.. it will just be in a percepective thats not distructive.

[edit on 20-11-2004 by riley]

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 10:37 AM
Well according to that list I�m an indigo child by no stretch. Whether indigo children are real or if that list just naturally targets a percentage of the population, I can�t say.

My question to you Indigo_Child is what makes you believe in indigo children? Have you been able to get first hand knowledge on the subject from spirits, or are you trusting in the information others have received?

And everytime it makes me laugh, because people who feel the need to put others down, are not doing it to put others down, but to hide their own inadequacies

Also you might want to read that quote and then read the post in which I took it from. You might learn something about yourself.

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