posted on Oct, 30 2013 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Zaphod58
Not to get off topic . . . I think it's in the ballpark . . .
Hypothetically ponder . . .
What IF there are technologies . . .
that somehow . . . bridge the gap between the hard metal or other exotic substance technologies and the living . . . even the "spiritual."
. . . or . . . at least . . . the interdimensional.
Wouldn't such technologies, systems . . . make everything else horribly obsolete?
Yet, the oligarchy would likely feel compelled or addicted to spending billions on smoke screens . . . entertaining us serfs and slaves with exotic
toys that were several generations below, backwards of what was long operational . . . yet which SEEMED to be almost Star Wars level toys.
My relative asserted that we had surveillance 'craft' that could, under computer control, go . . . essentially . . . INSTANTANEOUSLY to any spot on
the globe. Ditto nuke carrying units.
I've never had serious occasion to doubt his knowledge or assertions on such scores.
However, given the SUPER-REDUNDANCE of intelligence gathering . . . doesn't it get more than a little absurd at some point?
When we can see through walls and at least 10 floors into the ground . . . listen in on virtually any conversation . . . exact death and destruction
via a hefty list of means . . .
at some point, doesn't it get to be layers upon layers of absurd?
It almost begins to make even THE MATRIX look tame by comparison.
Still . . . I enjoy looking at exotic technology and pondering its uses.